广东版三年级上册Unit 5 Happy Birthday!-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:1040c).doc

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1、1 中山市小学英语学科精品课程中山市小学英语学科精品课程 广东省教育厅编写开心学英语三年级上册广东省教育厅编写开心学英语三年级上册 Book1 Unit5 Happy Birthday! 第三课时第三课时 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容一、教学内容: : 1、Book1Grade 3Unit5 P37 Activity1,P38 Activity2 二、教学流程图二、教学流程图: : 三、教学目标三、教学目标: : 1、知识目标 复习、导入 唱歌、玩游戏 小组交流 读故事完成任务 通过回顾上节课的内容并创设情境:Today is Gogos birthday. Lets take part i

2、n the party.引 起学生的学习兴趣。 通过和 Gogo 他们一起唱歌玩游戏,复习 本单元所学习的数字和单词。 通过读与本单元主题相关的故事,激发学 生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们的阅读能力 并了解外国小朋友生日会做什么。 总结本节课的学习情况,布置作业。 总结 通过小组交流让学生练习本单元的重点 句型:How old are you? Im _.How old is he / she? Hes / Shes _. 2 (1)Students are able to use the sentences and words of Unit 5 correctly. (2)Students a

3、re able to comprehend the story:Georges birthday. (3) Students are able to do the exercises well. 2.技能目标 (1)Students are able to ask about and answer their age correctly. (2)Students are able to comprehend the story. 3、策略目标: (1)Students are able to take part in the activities in class. (2)Students a

4、re good at communicating with others. 4.情感目标 (1) Inspire the students to tackle the vocabulary and use what they learnt to communicate with others. (2) To develop students interests of English reading. (3) To strengthen the students consciousness of cooperation. 四、教学重点:四、教学重点: (1)Students are able t

5、o comprehend the story. (2)Students are able to talk about their age with others. 五、教学难点:五、教学难点: (1) Students are able to talk about their age correctly. (2) Students are able to master the skills of reading. 六、教学策略:六、教学策略: 1、教学方法:本节课采用情景教学法、活动教学法和任务教学法。在教学中 运用情景教学法,能让学生融入语言得情景中去学习语言和运用语言,既激发孩 子们的学习

6、兴趣, 突破本节课的重点, 也教会孩子基本的集中注意力的学习策略; 同时,也运用了活动教学法增强孩子的自信心,使孩子获得成就感。采用任务教 学法, 使孩子在任务的履行过程中, 达到学以致用的目的, 突破了本节课的难点。 2、辅助手段:多媒体课件 3、准备材料:图片。 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: Step1Step1 WarmWarm upup andand leadlead inin 1.T:Tony, Jenny and their friends prepared the birthday party for Gogo. HerecomesGogo.Itshisbirthdaytoday

7、.Letssay“Happy birthday!”to Gogo. 【设计意图】通过回忆上节课设计的情境,使学生回忆起学过的有关知识,并调 动学生的情绪,引起他们的学习兴趣,使学生更好地进入学习状态,更快投入 到本节课的学习内容。 3 2. Lets think. Tony, Jenny, Gogo and their friends are having a birthday. What do they do at the party? 【设计意图】 通过问题:在生日会上 Tony, Jenny, Gogo 和他们的朋友会做什 么?引起学生思考,并为后面的学习作铺垫。 StepStep2 2

8、 PracticePractice 1.Lead in. T: Tony, Jenny, Gogo are having a birthday.Lets join them. 2.Sing the songs. 【设计意图】通过和 Tony, Jenny, Gogo 一起唱歌,既复习了本单元的重点句型, 又活跃了课堂气氛。 3.Play games. (1)Look and guess the number. (2)Look and read the words loudly. 【设计意图】通过和 Tony, Jenny, Gogo 一起玩游戏,既复习了本单元的重点单 词,又增强学生的学习兴趣

9、。 4.Lets talk. (1)Talk in pairs: Count and say. (2)Talk in group: How old are you? Im _. (3)Memory game. 【设计意图】 在这一环节,让学生通过和同桌交谈和在小组内交流,从而更好 地掌握本单元的句型:How old are you? Im _. How old is he / she? Hes / Shes _. StepStep3 3 Reading.Reading. 1. Lead in. T: Tony, Jenny and their friends give a birthday p

10、resent to Gogo. Gogo wants to open it. Oh, its a book. 【设计意图】通过情境的创设,引出拓展的绘本故事:Georges birthday. 2. Have students listen and read the story. Answer the question: Whose birthday is it? 【设计意图】这次听绘本,让学生整体感知绘本的大意。 2. Have Ss read the story in groups of four and do the exercise: (1) How old is George? (2

11、) Where do they go? 【设计意图】通过在小组内读故事,找出 George 的岁数和他们一家去哪里庆祝。 在检测答案的时候,教会学生阅读的技巧。 4 3. Have Ss read the story in groups of four again and find out: What presents does George get? 【设计意图】通过在小组内再读故事,让学生进一步了解故事的细节内容。 StepStep4 4 SummSumma aryry andand homework(homework( 2 2 minutes)minutes) 1. Summary: L

12、ead the students to summarize what they learnt in this class. 【设计意图】通过让学生总结,既能再一次全面巩固所学的知识,又培养学生的 总结能力。 2. Homework: Try to introduce your friends by using the following sentences: ThisThis isis mymy friend.friend. HeHes s Gogo.Gogo. HeHes s five.five. 八、教学检测:八、教学检测: 在学完 Unit 8 以后,我们就会对本单元进行针对性的小测,学完整个大单元 Unit 5Unit 8 以后,我们将进行单元综合检测。 九、板书设计九、板书设计 Unit 5 Happy Birthday! (Period 3) How old are you? Im. How old is he / she? Hes / Shes .


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