(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第三册UNIT 2 Period 4 课时作业.doc

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1、UNIT 2Period Four 题组 A基础练 (建议用时:10 分钟) .单句语法填空 1The bell _(ring), all students rushed into the classroom. 2Sometimes, we should deal with a problem _(flexible) 3My English teacher always assists me _my English study. 4He fell down ,but he picked _ up quickly and went on. 5Please stop advertising you

2、r product in such a way that may be _(harm) to our kids. 6Agreat deal of water _(waste) every year, which is not a good thing. 【答案】1.ringing2.flexibly3.with4.himself 5harmful6.is wasted .短语填空 in memory of,in despair,pass away,in tear,crash into,trip over,a great deal of 1She cried loudly _because sh

3、e lost a sum of money. 2The two cars windows broke into pieces when they _each other. 3The old man _a stone in the middle of the road and got injured. 4I spend_time thinking about how to do the work well. 5Four months after my wedding, my father _. 6They have raised a monument _ the great writer. 7O

4、ther nights I didnt dream of anyone, but I woke up _. 【答案】1.in despair2.crashed into3.tripped over4.a great deal of5.passed away 6.in memory of7.in tears .语段填空 1A serious (1)_(事故) happened to the (2)_(董事长) of a big company.He was driving alone at (3)_(午夜)Luckily, he was able to recover after a serie

5、s of (4)_(手术) 【答案】(1)accident(2)chairman(3)midnight(4)operations 2 In summer vocation we can do a part time job, which can bring us both (1)_( 收 入 ) and working experience, (2)_( 因 此 ), we should make (3)_(灵活的) plan for summer vocation.However, we should spare some time to study (4)_(每一) day. 【答案】(1

6、)income(2)therefore(3)flexible (4)per 3In a small (1)_(咖啡馆), a woman who was (2)_(怀孕的) felt uncomfortable suddenly.Everyone present (3)_( 帮 助 ) her and especially, a (4)_(女服务员), who knew some basic knowledge about first (5)_(救治) 【答案】(1)cafe(2)pregnant(3)assisted (4)waitress(5)aid 题组 B提升练 (建议用时:30 分钟

7、) .七选五 What will you do if you cant eat everything bought in the canteen? _1_ According to a survey, what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people. _2_ According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year, which could feed

8、 200 million people. Food waste, which has become a global issue, serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries.In the West, for instance, consumerism, the belief that its a good thing to use a lot of goods and services, is often to blame for food waste.

9、_3_ Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous.Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.On campus, a generation of single children is less aware of the food waste issue.Students nowadays are well protected by their families and hardly have any c

10、oncept of how much toil (辛劳) others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat. _4_ There are over 925 million hungry people in the world, most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas.They dont have enough food to eat.Many children die for lack of nutrition each year in so

11、me African countries.And farmers work very hard to grow the crops._5_ Its also important that everyone should think about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste. AMost of us would simply throw away any leftover food. BStudents waste is extremely serious. CChina features its own eating cultur

12、e. DCompared with them, some live in a different world. EBut canteen waste is merely the tip of the iceberg. FSo theres no excuse that we should waste our food. GStudents can never realize the serious food crisis. 【语篇解读】这是一篇新闻报道。短文报道了学生往往会把吃剩下的饭菜倒掉,学校食 堂的浪费现象只是冰山一角, 中国每年浪费的粮食有大约两千万吨, 浪费食物的现象很严重。 作者呼

13、吁从每个人做起,避免浪费。 1A由上文可知,如果你不能吃完在食堂里所买的食物,你会怎么办。学生们会把 吃不完的饭菜倒掉,由此造成的浪费能够养活一千多万人。空格处既要回答上一句的问题, 又要承接下文。故 A 项指出,我们大多数人会把剩下的食物扔掉符合题意。故选 A 项。 2E由下文可知,据新华社报道,中国人每年浪费的粮食约 5000 万吨,可养活 2 亿 人。所以空格处既要与上一段为转折关系,又要说食堂的浪费只是冰山一角,然后再具体说 浪费严重的现象。E 项指出浪费只是冰山一角切题。故选 E 项。 3C由下文可知,中国人以热情大方而闻名。空格处与后一句一同说明中国有自己 的饮食文化与待客的态度,

14、以此来对比西方的饮食文化。故 C 项指出中国有自己的饮食文 化切题。故选 C 项。 4D由下文可知,世界上有超过 9.25 亿饥饿人口,其中大多数生活在不发达国家和 地区。所以本段主要在阐述:与过度浪费相比,一些人正过着饥饿的生活。也就是本段的标 题所要表达的内容。故 D 项指出与他们相比,有些人生活在一个不同的世界里切题。故选 D 项。 5F由上文可知,在一些非洲国家,每年都有许多儿童死于营养不良。农民们非常 努力地种植庄稼。所以空格要与前一句为因果关系。故 F 项指出,我们没有理由浪费食物 切题。故选 F 项。 .完形填空 It is 7 oclock on a winters night

15、 on the street just outside my house.There has been a _1_ fall of snow and street lights cast long shadows across a newly white world. My son is leaving to _2_ west through the night over a mountain pass._3_ to get going, he is seated at the wheel and I _4_ in from the open passengers side door and

16、give him a long hug.He has muscular shoulders beneath a winter jacket and I am surprised at myself for _5_ that my little kid with tiny arms would never grow strong. I am standing at the curb(路边) as his car pulled away.As he goes by, I slowly turn to wave at this oneman parade.I am _6_ saying goodby

17、e.“See you soon.Safe journeys.”The street light overhead fortunately doesnt reveal the tears in my eyes, nor can it possibly display the less tangible(莫名的) gap where _7_ is now in permanent residence. His signal light winks, the little red car _8_ the corner down at the end of the block and is _9_ j

18、ust like that. Time passes so very slowly.I am shocked at how _10_ I feel.I stand rooted to the spot, energy draining away, and then turn and see my wife, a lone _11_, standing at the window.She too has silently saluted the little parade.Unwilling to accept the cruel separation that has just _12_, I

19、 just stand there, feeling not much _13_ to move anywhere. I look into the far _14_ as if I saw a little red car there on the long dark ribbon of highway, its headlights bravely _15_ the way west. Safe journeys, young man.Safe journeys! ()1AfrequentBfresh CpreviousDdisastrous ()2AmigrateBdrive CflyD

20、move ()3AAnxiousBAfraid CUnwillingDNervous ()4ArushBcrowd CbreakDreach ()5ArealizingBwondering CworryingDsupposing ()6AcalmlyBsilently CeagerlyDhurriedly ()7AreliefBanxiety ClonelinessDpeace ()8AknocksBturns CcoversDovertakes ()9AavailableBbroken CgoneDvisible ()10AemptyBgrateful CproudDpeaceful ()1

21、1AsculptureBsupporter CgestureDfigure ()12Ataken placeBtaken part Ctaken careDtaken turns ()13AfreedomBpressure CstruggleDeagerness ()14AspaceBdistance CstationDlandscape ()15AfocusingBapproaching ClightingDtravelling 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一对夫妻雪夜送别儿子的故事。看着儿 子驾车远去,父亲内心五味杂陈,充满了不舍、忧心和祝福。 1B结合空格所在句中的 “a

22、newly white world”可知,此处应填 fresh(新鲜的,新出 现的),也就是初雪。 2B结合下文的 “I am standing at the curb as his car”可知,儿子要开车(drive)离 开。 3A结合语境可看出,此处指的是作者的儿子急于出发,故选 A 项。be anxious to do (sth)意为“急于做某事”,这里省去了 be 动词是形容词短语作状语的用法。 4D此处指作者把手伸入车内给了他一个拥抱。reach in 意为“伸手进去”。 5C结合 “muscular shoulders”和 surprised 可知,此处指的是作者为当初怎么就担心

23、 儿子不会茁壮成长而感到吃惊(wonder)。 6B结合语境,特别是下文的 “She too has silently”可知,此处指作者默默地 (silently)跟儿子说再见。 7 C结合语境和常识不难得知, 此处指的是作者心中滋生了莫名的孤独落寞(loneliness) 之感。 8B此处表示的是作者儿子的车转弯了, turn the corner 意为“在拐角转弯”。 9C此处指的是儿子的车消失不见了的。gone 意为“离去的”。 10A结合语境可知,小孩走了,此处表示作者感觉到十分空虚(empty)。 11D此处指作者回头看到窗边妻子孤独的身影(figure),故选 D 项。 12A此处

24、指刚刚发生的离别,故选 A 项。take place 发生。take part 参加,参与;take care 小心,当心;take turns 轮流。 13D此处表示作者就站在那里,没有任何要离开的想法,eagerness 意为“渴望,想 法”。 14B结合下文的 “as if I saw a little red car there on the long dark ribbon of highway”可 知,此处表示的应该是作者望着远方(distance)。 15C此处表示车的前灯照亮了(light)西行的路。 .应用文写作 假设你是李华,上周你校为高三学生隆重地举行了 “成人礼”。你以

25、前的外教 Kate 得 知这消息后很感兴趣。请你给她写封信,描述这一盛事。 要点包括: 1活动时间:上周五上午 9:0011:30; 2活动地点:学校大礼堂; 3活动内容:齐唱国歌,父母期望; 4活动意义:感恩,奉献。 注意: 1词数 100 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:成人礼 comingofage ceremony Dear Kate, Im so glad to learn that you show great interest in the comingofage ceremony held by ourschool

26、recently._ _ _ Yours, Li Hua 【答案】 One possible version: Dear Kate, Im so glad to learn that you show great interest in the comingofage ceremony held by our school recently.Now let me tell you about it in detail. It was carried out in the great hall of our school between 9: 00 and 11: 30 a. m. last F

27、riday.At the beginning of the activity, all the students present sang the national song together. Then followed the blessings and wishes from the elders. Meanwhile, the parents also expressed their high expectations of their children. Afterwards, the student representative delivered a speech on the

28、stage. Finally, the school headmaster concluded the whole event. The comingofage ceremony is significant and meaningful. Through this activity, the students, being adults, have a stronger sense of responsibility and gratitude. They have realized they should learn to serve the people and make contributions to the society in the near future. Yours, Li_Hua


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