(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking导学案.doc

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1、Section Reading and Thinking 课前预习自检课前预习自检 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTEACT1, SCENE 3 百万英镑第一幕场景三 Narrator: Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet. 叙述者:两个富有的兄弟,罗德里克和奥利弗打了一个赌。 Oliver believes that with a millionpound bank note a man could live a month in London. 奥利弗相信一个人有了百万英磅的支票就可以在伦敦生存

2、一个月。 His brother Roderick doubts it. 他的弟弟罗德里克对此表示怀疑。 They see a poor young man walking outside their house. It is Henry Adams. 他们看到一个贫穷的年轻人在他们的房子外面走着,那是亨利亚当斯。 scene/sin/n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;现场;场面 narrator/nreIt(r)/n. (书、戏剧或电影中的)叙述者;讲述者;(电视节目中 的)幕后解说员 bet/bet/n. 打赌;赌注 (bet, bet)vi. NAmE knslt/n. 领事馆 And it w

3、as the ship that brought you to England.是强调句型,基本结构是 it was . that。 seek help 求助 dare/de(r)/vi. thatput a bet on 2About a month ago, I was sailing,and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(教材 P52) 大约一个月以前,我在海上航行,傍晚时分我发现自己被一股强劲的海 风刮到了海上。 剖析 句中 found myself carried out . 是“f

4、ind宾语宾补”结构。find oneself .“发现自己处于”,而且含有“在不知不觉中”的意 思。反身代词 myself 作 found 的宾语;过去分词 carried 作宾语补足语。 归纳 拓展 When day broke, we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain. 天亮时,我们发现我们在山脚下的一个小村庄里。 When he came to himself, he found himself lying in hospital. 当他醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。 I found myself

5、 surrounded by a group of children. 我发现自己被一群孩子围住了。 He tried the door and found it unlocked. 他推了推门,发现门没有锁。 At my age, I would find it hard to get another job. 到了我这个年纪我发现很难再找到一份工作了。 (1)单句语法填空 I found the fields _ (cover) with snow. What would you feel if you find _ (you) in a house filled with animals

6、? Some students find it not easy _ (understand) English grammar. When we arrived, we found all the desks and chairs _ (float) in the floods. 答案:coveredyourselfto understandfloating (2)单句写作 他发现这地方有了巨大的变化。 He found the place _. 大约半小时后,玛丽发现自己在读同一页。 After about half an hour, Mary _ the same page. 我发现与她相

7、处很难。 I found _get along with her. 他们发现乡下生活很舒适很轻松。 They found life in the countryside _. 答 案 : much changedfound herself readingit hard/difficult to comfortable and relaxing 3spot vt. 看见;注意到;发现n. 地点;处所;斑点;污迹(教材 P52) 归 纳 拓 展 I spotted the girls dancing under the tree. 我发现姑娘们正在树下跳舞。 We lay on the grass

8、, staring at the night sky which was spotted with twinkling stars. 我们躺在草地上,凝视着星光闪烁的夜空。 In addition, there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot. 此外,一些著名艺术家现场表演如何剪纸。 (1)单句语法填空 I was waiting for my friend when I suddenly spotted a man not far from me _ (stare) at me. When th

9、e man was trying to break into the bank, he was caught by the police _ the spot. Just as the car reached the spot _ she was standing, I pulled her to safety. 答案:staringonwhere (2)单句写作 他们承认当时在场。 They admitted that they were then _. 答案:on the spot 4 And it was the ship that brought you to England.(教材

10、P52) 是那条船把你带到了英国。 剖析 这是一个强调句型。 强调句型的基本结构是: It is/was被强调部分that 其他。 归纳 拓展 It is Jim rather than his parents who/that is going to SouthAfrica. 是吉姆而不是他父母将要去南非。 Was it a new book that John might have bought for Mary yesterday? 昨天约翰给玛丽买的是新书吗? When is it that they will leave for Beijing? 他们什么时候动身去北京? It wa

11、s not until she spoke that I realized she was Mary. 直到她开口说话我才认出她是玛丽。 She did wish to live alone by the seaside. 她的确希望自己一个人在海边生活。 (1)单句语法填空 It was last year _ you taught me how to use the machine. Were all three people in the car injured in the accident? No, it was only the two passengers _ got hurt.

12、 It _ (be) Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago. They said they _ (do) spot a boat swinging among the waves. 答案:thatwho/thatwasdid (2)单句写作 直到 1936 年棒球才成为奥林匹克运动会的常规项目。 It was _ baseball became a regular part of Olympic Games. 直到妻子回来他才上床睡觉。 _ his wife came back that he went to bed. 答案

13、:not until 1936 thatIt was not until 5patience n. 耐心;忍耐力;毅力(教材 P52) 归纳 拓展 I have no patience with people who like to smoke in public places. 我对喜欢在公共场所吸烟的人没耐心。 Visitors will not have the patience to wait for such a long time. 游客们不会有耐心等这么久。 I was out of patience with his carelessness. 我对他的粗枝大叶再也无法容忍了。

14、 His rudeness was beyond my patience. 他的粗鲁使我无法忍受。 It would be wise to solve this problem with patience. 冷静耐心地处理这个问题是明智的。 Shes very patient with young children. 她对幼儿特别有耐心。 (1)单句语法填空 He doesnt have the patience _ (wait) I have no patience _ Toms laziness. Be _ (patience) and everything will go on well

15、 for you. Out _ patience, he pushed his way rudely to the front. 答案:to waitwithpatientof (2)单句写作 我可没有耐心整天坐着缝缝补补。 I dont_ sit sewing all day. 教师对学生要有耐心。 Teachers ought to be _ students. 答案:have the patience topatient with 6indicate vt. that 5说唱音乐于 20 世纪 80 年代初流行起来。 Rap music _ in the early 1980s. 答案:

16、came/appeared on the scene 课后课时作业课后课时作业(一) 语言运用 A Tale of Two Cities is a novel _1_ by the English author Charles Dickens. It tells us of a tale of action of adventure that _2_ in London and Paris at the time of French Revolution. So the cities in the title _3_ London and Paris. The story dealt with

17、 the fate of small groups of _4_ who were drawn into the events of the Revolution. One of the main characters was Dr Manette, _5_ was a French doctor. After having been in prison for eighteen years, he was _6_. Then he settled in London with his beautiful daughter Lucie. She fell in love with Charle

18、s Darnay, a _7_ heir (后裔) of the bad Evremonde family of French. Then she got married to him. Several years _8_, when Darnay returned to Paris, he was _9_ by the revolutionaries. At this time there was _10_ young man named Sydney Carton, _11_ English lawyer who loved Lucie _12_ that he _13_ be sente

19、nced to death instead of Darnay, who was very much like Darnay. Only _14_ could Darnay escape death shortly before his execution. _15_ this central plot was the exciting life of revolutionary Paris. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章简述了双城记中一位英国青年律师 为救自己所爱的人的丈夫而甘愿顶替受死刑的故事。 1A.foundBwritten CdiscoveredDgiven 答案:B句意: 双城

20、记这部小说是英国作家 Charles Dickens (查尔斯狄 更斯)写的。此处用过去分词作后置定语。故选 B。 2A.happenedBbroke out Cwas happenedDwas appeared 答案:Ahappen 不能用于被动语态。appear “出现”,是不及物动词,也 不能用于被动语态。break out 指“(战争、火灾等)突然爆发”。故选 A。 3A.pointed toBreferred to Cdealt withDdid with 答案:Bpoint to “指向”;refer to “指的是”;deal with “对付,处理”; do with “利用,

21、处理”。句意:所以标题中的双城指的是伦敦和巴黎。故选 B。 4A.personsBcharacters CgentlemenDofficers 答案: B根据下文中的 characters 可知, 此处指小说中的人物。 character “(故 事或文章中的)人物”。故选 B。 5A.whatBwhich CwhoDthat 答案:Cwhat 不能引导定语从句;当定语从句的先行词表示人时,引导词 不能用 which;这是一个非限制性定语从句,不能用 that;只有 who 为正确答案。 故选 C。 6A.set upBset free Cset outDset off 答案:Bset up

22、“设立,建立”;set free “释放”;set out “出发,开始”; set off “出发,使爆炸”。句意:Dr Manette (马内特医生)在监狱中待了 18 年后 被释放出来。故选 B。 7A.commonBgeneral CnormalDnoble 答案: D根据下文可知, Charles Darnay (查尔斯达尔奈)是法国贵族的后裔。 noble “贵族的”。故选 D。 8A.afterBlater CagoDbefore 答案:Bafter 表示“以后”时,多用在表示一段时间的名词之前。而 ago 和 before 表示“在之前”,多用在表示一段时间的名词之后。由句意可

23、 知,数年后,Darnay 回到巴黎。later “以后”。故选 B。 9A.caughtBtook CheldDbrought 答案:Acatch “抓住”;take “带走”;hold “握住,手持”;bring “带 来”。句意:Darnay 回到巴黎后,被革命者抓住了。故选 A。 10A.otherBthe other CanotherDothers 答案:Cother 应修饰名词的复数形式;the other 修饰名词的单复数形式均 可,但表示两者或两部分中的另一个或另一部分;another “另一个”,修饰名词 单数,用于泛指三个以上中的另一个;others 后不能再接名词。故选

24、C。 11A.anBa CtheD/ 答案:A此处 lawyer 为可数名词单数,意为“一位英国律师”,且 English 的发音是以元音音素开头,所以应用不定冠词 an。故选 A。 12A.too muchBso much Csuch muchDmuch too 答案:Bso much that “非常以至于”。故选 B。 13A.readyBready to Cwas ready toDwas ready for 答案:Cbe ready to “准备做”,后接动词原形;be ready for “为 做好准备”,后接名词或代词。故选 C。 14A.for this wayBby this

25、 mean Cwith this wayDin this way 答案: D表示“用这种方法”, 可以用 in this way,也可以用 by this means, 故选 D。 15A.AroundBFor CAboutDWith 答案: A句意: 围绕这一主要情节展开的便是法国大革命的刺激生活。 around “围绕”。故选 A。 阅读 Thomas Hardy, probably the most searching and knowledgeable novelist of his time, was born on June 2, 1840, in Dorsetshire, Eng

26、land. He died on January 11, 1928. In his youth, Hardy read much and dreamt of becoming a poet, but he studied and practiced architecture as an assistant to a London architect, winning a prize for design. The fine descriptionsW1 of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due toPhis architectu

27、ral training. For five years Hardy worked hard to practice writing poetry, but when he was twentyseven, he turned to fiction. His first novel finished by 1867, but according to the advice of George Meredith he decided not to publish it. After he abandoned his first novel, his another novel Desperate

28、 Remedies, appeared in 1871. During the next twentyfive years he published ten more novels and two collections of short stories. Under the Greenwood Tree (1872) was never surpassed (超越) in happy and delicateW2 perfection of art. This and his next novel, A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873), began to show deep

29、 irony (讽刺) which is so obvious throughout Hardys writings. Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) was his first popular success. It shows Hardys amazing power of describing nature as symbolic background for his characters, an organic part of the action of his story. This was the earliest of what he call

30、ed his novels of character and environment, which included The Return of the Native, Tess of the dUrbervilles, his masterpieceW3, and Jude the Obscure. Not until he was fiftyeight years old was his first collection of poems published, and he was sixtyfour when the first part of his drama The Dynasts

31、 surprised the literary world. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作家 Thomas Hardy (托马 斯哈代)和他的一些作品。 1How did Thomas Hardy benefit from his architectural career? AHe could practice writing while working. BHe made a lot of money to support his writing. CHe found material for his novels and poems. DHe applied archite

32、ctural knowledge in his novels. 答案: D细节理解题。 根据第一段最后一句“The fine descriptions of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due to his architectural training.”可知,他小说 中细腻的结构描写可能得益于他在建筑方面的学习训练,即他把建筑知识应用到 了他的小说中,故选 D。 2What is Thomas Hardys Under the Greenwood Tree considered to be? AOne of his maste

33、rworks. BHis first popular success. CHis best novel in perfection of art. DOne of his best collections of poems. 答案: C细节理解题。 根据第三段第一句“Under the Greenwood Tree (1872) was never surpassed (超越) in happy and delicate perfection of art.”可知, 绿荫下 在艺术的恰当和熟练方面从未被超越。故选 C。 3Which of the following is one of his

34、 novels of character and environment? ADesperate Remedies. BA Pair of Blue Eyes. CTess of the dUrbervilles. DThe Dynasts. 答案:C细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environment, which included The Return of the Native, Tess of the dUrbervilles, his masterp

35、iece, and Jude the Obscure.”可知,Tess of the dUrbervilles 德伯家的苔丝是有关性格和环境小说,故选 C。 4What type of writing is this text? AAnovel.BAbiography. CAbook review.DAnews report. 答案:B推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了作家 Thomas Hardy 和他的一些作品,属于人物传记,故选 B。 W 重点单词 1description n. 描述;说明 2delicate adj. 精致的;微妙的 3masterpiece n. 杰作;名著;

36、代表作 P 重点短语 due to 由于 语法填空 I feel like Im always running around. Life, in its gentle way, _1_ (try) to slow me down to stop, look at, and listen to the beauty which surrounds us every day. Several days ago, as I rushed down the street, I found myself behind a woman in a wheelchair. Not _2_ (intend) t

37、o rush past her on a crowded street, I slowed down and stayed behind her. When we stopped at the traffic lights, I noticed _3_ on the other side of the crosswalk _4_ (be) another woman around the same agealso in a wheelchair. Something simple yet _5_ (beauty) happened as they crossed each other. The

38、 woman coming towards us was wearing a broad smile. Then I stared _6_ the woman who was next to me. They both locked eyes for a minute _7_ smiled widely. Just in that brief moment of passing each other, they exchanged so much. Deeply moved, I thought of the scene where _8_ (mother) held small babies

39、 in recognition of one another. If either of them had looked up, they would have noticed a third woman smiling broadly on _9_ (see) their communication. This _10_ (entire) made my day witnessing this small beautiful gesture of truly “seeing” each other. 1_2._3._4._ 5_6._7._8._ 9_10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文

40、。作者通过几天前遇到的一件小事说明了 一个人生道理:生活的美无处不在,我们要有一双发现美的眼睛。 1tries/is trying考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此句可以理解为对客观事实 的描述,所以用一般现在时;或者理解为现在正在发生的事,用现在进行时。Life 是主语,后面的谓语动词用单数形式。故填 tries/is trying。 2intending考查非谓语动词。I 与 intend 之间是主动关系,所以用现在分 词作状语。故填 intending。 3that考查宾语从句的连接词。noticed 为谓语,其后的内容作宾语,句子 结构完整,设空处应用 that 引导宾语从句,that 不作

41、成分,无意义,只起连接作 用。故填 that。 4was考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处为倒装句,主语为“another woman”,是单数。另外,这是几天前的事情,所以用一般过去时。故填 was。 5beautiful考查词性转换。simple 和 beautiful 修饰不定代词 something。故 填 beautiful。 6at考查介词。stare at 是固定搭配,意为“凝视”。故填 at。 7and考查连词。locked 与 smiled 是并列谓语。故填 and。 8mothers考查名词。设空前没有冠词修饰,后面又提到“babies”,应用名 词复数。故填 mothers。

42、 9seeing考查非谓语动词。on 为介词,介词后面接动名词(短语)作宾语。 故填 seeing。 10entirely考查词性转换。应用副词修饰动词 made。故填 entirely。 应用文写作 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友 Steve 来信说他计划收藏一些有代表性的关于 中国传统文化的读物,请你给他写一封回信,推荐两本经典中文启蒙读物千字 文和三字经 。内容包括: 1篇幅特点; 2参考价格; 3文化价值。 注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右; 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:儿童启蒙读本 childrens primer

43、; 千字文 Thousand Character Classic; 三字经 Three Character Classic Dear Steve, Im so pleased to learn that you are collecting some traditional Chinese books. _ _ _ Please let me know if you want me to buy these books for you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 精彩范文 Dear Steve, Im so pleased to learn that you are co

44、llecting some traditional Chinese books. Id like to recommend the following two popular childrens primers. The first is called Thousand Character Classic, which has a great influence in China and is really a good primer for beginners. It has 250 sentences and 994 Chinese characters. As each sentence

45、 is made up of 4 characters, its easy to memorize and recite. The other is Three Character Classic and it has a collection of 1,422 characters. The content of this book covers a wide range of topics. By reading it, you can have a good knowledge of what has happened in the history of China. Of the tw

46、o, the Three Character Classic is a little more expensive, costing 18 yuan, while the Thousand Character Classic costs 12 yuan. Please let me know if you want me to buy these books for you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 课后课时作业课后课时作业(二) 阅读 Father Comes Home from the Wars (Parts 1, 2 & 3) These three short

47、plays by Suzan LoriParks are the start of an ambitious attemptP1 to retell the story of the American civil war. The focus is on a slaveW1 promised his freedom by his master if he joins in the fight against the Union. Steve Toussaint and JimmyAkingbola head the castP2, and Jo Bonney is in charge. 15

48、September to 4 October, Royal Court, London. Box office: 0207565 5000. APacifists Guide to the War on Cancer Bryony Kimmings and Brian Lobel consider our attitudes to cancer and the language we employW2 to deal with it through the stories of five people. This is an all singing, all dancing affair wi

49、th music by Tom Parkinson, wiping offP3 the pink charity ribbons to look at the realities of diagnosis (诊断) and what it means for the wider family. 2024 September, Home, Manchester. Box office: 0161200 1500. The Nest Every parent wants the best for their baby. Kurt and Martha are prepared to work ha

50、rd to ensure theirs has everything he needs, even if that means Kurt taking on extra work. Franz Xaver Kroetzs wonderful play about the damage that the industrial society causes to people and the environment gets a new translation from Conor McPherson. 1522 October, Lyric, Belfast. Box office: 02890


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