(2021新人教版)高中英语选择性必修第一册UNIT1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT SectionⅡ导学讲义.docx

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1、Section Learning About Language 1.Did you come to any conclusions?(教材 P4) 你得出什么结论了吗? Paraphrase:Did you draw/reach any conclusions? 语言点 1 conclusion n.结论;推论 情境探究 It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty.陪审团花了一些时间才 得出她有罪的结论。 In conclusion, I find mutual understanding pla

2、ys a key role in building a friendly relationship. 总之,我发现相互理解对建立友好关系至关重要。 (鲜活例句)So far we have not been able to conclude the origin of COVID-19. 迄今为止我们还不能断定 COVID-19 的来源。 归纳拓展 (1)reach/come to/draw a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 总之;最后 (2)conclude sth. with sb.与某人达成 conclude sth. with sth.以结束 conclu

3、de sth. from.从中推断出 学以致用 (1)单句填空 He concluded his speech with a famous saying. What can you conclude from these observations? (2)单句写作 总之,我有信心能胜任这个职位。 In conclusion, I have the confidence that I am qualified for the position. 2.Afterwards, Einstein had to flee Germany. Hitler was in power there. (教材 P

4、5) 后来,爱因斯坦不得不逃离德国。希特勒在那里掌权。 语言点 2 flee (fled, fled) vi. 逃跑 情境探究 He fled to London after an argument with his family. 他与家人争吵以后离开家去了伦敦。 Hearing the dog barking fiercely, the thief fled away. 听到这只狗凶猛地叫,小偷逃走了。 归纳拓展 flee from 从逃跑 flee to/into逃到 flee away 逃离 易混辨析flee 与 escape “逃跑”之辨 flee作及物动词和不及物动词,指因害怕会有

5、危险而逃离某地,重在动作本身 escape不及物动词,指从监禁、不愉快或危险处境中逃脱,重在结果 The man escaped into the mountain to avoid the war. 那人逃进山里躲避战争。 The enemy were fleeing in all directions,but few of them could escape. 敌军四处逃窜,但很少能逃走。 学以致用 (1)单句填空 To avoid being caught, the slave fled into the forest. They all fled from the burning bu

6、ilding. After the hunter shot at the birds, they fled (flee) in all directions. (2)句型升级 请把【情境探究】中的句升级为倒装句。 Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away fled the thief. 3.There is nothing we can do to help Linda. Her circumstances are beyond our control. (教材 P5) 我们帮不了琳达。她的情况我们无法控制。 语言点 3 circumstance n.usu

7、ally pl.条件;环境;状况 情境探究 I know I can trust her in any circumstance. 我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。 Under no circumstances should you lend Paul money. 你无论如何都不应借钱给保罗。 (鲜活例句)Based on Chinas circumstances, he proposes building an unmanned lunar research station in about 10 years. 基于中国的情况,他提议在大约 10年内建立一个无人月球研究站。 归纳拓展 (1

8、)in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下;既然如此 in/under no circumstances 决不;无论如何都不(置于句首时,句子要部分倒装)。 in any circumstance 在任何情况下 (2)抽象地点名词 circumstance 作先行词时,定语从句用 where 引导。 头脑风暴 除 circumstance 外,请尽可能多地总结还有哪些抽象名词作先行词时,用关系副词 where 引导定语从句呢? 答案 抽象地点名词,如 point、stage、case、situation、condition、position、scene、occasio

9、n、 environment 等作先行词时,其定语从句用 where 引导。 学以致用 (1)单句填空 He was forced by the circumstances(circumstance) to do this. I wish we had met under/in happier circumstances. (2)句型转换 A soldier must leave his post under no circumstances. Under no circumstances must a soldier leave his post. A soldier must never

10、leave his post. 4.I was asked to explain the project with the help of a flow chart. (教材 P5) 我被要求借助流程图来解释这个项目。 语言点 4 flow n.流;流动;流畅;供应 vi.流;流动 情境探究 She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound. 她试图止住伤口流血。 Its here that the river flows down into the ocean. 这条河就在这里汇入海洋。 Blood flowed from a cut on

11、 her head. 血从她头上的伤口处流出来。 归纳拓展 (1)flow of.的流动 go with the flow随大溜 (2)flow into/through 流进/过 flow from sth.来自;由引起 flow down 流下 学以致用 (1)单句填空 Rivers in our village flow into the sea. A stream flows (flow) gently down into the valley. (2)完成句子 溪水从山上流下来。 The stream flows down from the mountain. 士兵受伤了,血正从伤口

12、流出。 The soldier was wounded, so blood was flowing from the wound. .语境填词 1.The exhibition charts(记录) the history of the palace. 2.She lost control and the tears began to flow(流动). 3.Fleming noted the behaviour of penicillin(青霉素)on human infections. 4.Ive come to the conclusion(结论) that hes not the ri

13、ght person for the job. 5.The customers fled(逃走)from the bank when the alarm sounded. 6.My husband and I have a happy home in any circumstance(情况). 7.Students interests are mostly(主要地)limited to the academic realm. 8.Ill boil(烧开)the kettle and make some tea. 9.The President is committed(承诺)to reform

14、ing health care. 10.We find him a novelist(小说家). .语境选词 in power, beyond ones control, under construction, with the help of, share(.)with, commit oneself to (doing)., wear and tear, come to a conclusion 1.I quickly came to a conclusionthat I liked making other people happy. 2.In a word, I think I wou

15、ld rather not commit myself to going with you. 3.They seem to make better proposals when they are out of office than when they are in power. 4.I am making progress with the help of my teachers. 5.The sofa has wear and tear and it needs to be replaced. 6.Payments will be delayed due to circumstances

16、beyond our/peoples control. 7.John had no brothers or sisters and wasnt used to sharing with others. 8.The new international airport is still under construction, which will be used next year. .语法专练 If you come across an 85-year-old woman 1.whois walking slowly with a walker in the Childrens Hospital

17、 of Soochow University, dont take her as a patient. Instead, she is a doctor, who still insists on 2.working (work) in the hospital. Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935, a renowned expert in pediatric asthma, 3.has treated (treat) about 30,000 children suffering asthma till now. She is known 4.as“the most be

18、autiful grandma doctor”. 5.Currently (current), she still sees 40 patients every day. She has always stuck to her post despite suffering two fractures. A month ago, she began limping because of 6.a fall. So now she can only walk with the help of a walker. “Others dont understand me. In their eyes, I

19、m supposed to live a 7.peaceful (peace) life in this old age. But as long as Im clear-minded, I can prescribe (开处方) well and make no mistake. I want to cure more children,” said Sheng. Though 8.awarded (award) the “lifelong achievement physician in pediatrics” at the 24th Congress of Chinese Pediatr

20、ic Society in October,2019, Sheng seems not proud at all, “Its only a piece of paper to me.” When asked what she would like to do next, the doctor said the most urgent thing was 9.to pass (pass) on her experience. She plans to write a book, 10.which is about the case reports over the decades. .单句填空

21、1.We can safely draw some conclusions(conclude) from our discussion. 2.The three thieves fled(flee) the town desperately, each carrying a bag. 3.Although theres injustice, its the circumstance where we live. 4.The water flows from mountain streams into the river. 5.Shes a successful novelist (novel)

22、 and biographer. 6.She has committed herself (her) to helping me when necessary. 7.I find it difficult to be objective (object) where hes concerned. 8.Since he was inpower, the company has grown better and better. 9.The child is so naughty that I think he is beyond my control. 10.The building under

23、construction is a public library. .单句写作 1.它事实上也给刹车造成了磨损。(wear and tear) It actually also gives the brakes wear and tear. 2.如果你对北京不熟,会很容易迷路的。(be familiar with;its+adj.+to do.) If you arent familiar with Beijing, its easy to lose your way. 3.她在无关紧要的事情上花费精力太多。(spend.on.) She spends too much energy on t

24、hings that dont matter. 4.在我的同学和老师的帮助下,我已赶上其他同学了。(with the help of) With the help of my classmates and teachers, I have caught up with the others. 5.作为一个男孩,他喜欢做一些东西,大多数都是电子的。(most of which) As a boy, he loved making some things, most of which were electric. .阅读理解 (2020 江西抚州期末) All eyes were on Jack

25、Ma. The chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd stepped down on Teachers Day from leading the e-commerce giant he founded 20 years ago. “I still have lots of dreams to go after,” Ma wrote in an open letter last year to announce his parting. “The world is big, and I am still young, so I want to try new

26、 things.” The 55-year-old businessman showed that he was ready for new things by arriving at his farewell party(欢送 会)where he dressed up like a rock star. In fact, his rags-to-riches(白手起家的)story is a good example of doing something different. Visiting the United States in 1995, Ma saw the internet a

27、nd had the idea of setting up his own trading website. In 1999, he founded Alibaba with a group of friends in a shared apartment, struggling for years to get it off the ground. With all the challenges, the company slowly brought e-commerce to China. Although his success has inspired a number of Chin

28、ese tech businessmen. Ma pointed out that the key is having a dream. “Its the dreams that keep us never afraid of setbacks(挫折),”Ma said in a video posted on Sept. 9. Now the experienced businessman is looking to focus on education. What can he offer? “Im not going to teach English; Im not going to t

29、each business. But Im going to teach young people how to face challenges,” he told Bloomberg News. Skilled sailors were never made on calm waters. As Ma said, “Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueler. But the day after tomorrow is beautiful.” 1.What did Jack Ma announce on Teachers Day? A.His retirement

30、 from Alibaba. B.His plan to return to teaching. C.His dream of becoming a rock star. D.His plan to enlarge his online business. 2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? A.The important role of Alibaba. B.How Ma got the idea for his business. C.Difficulties Ma went through to found Alibaba. D.How Ma insp

31、ires others to do something different. 3.What does Ma think dreams mean to us? A.Dreams can lead us to offer more to society. B.Dreams can give us confidence and courage. C.Dreams can guide us to our further education. D.Dreams can push us to set up new businesses. 4.What can be inferred from the la

32、st paragraph? A.Practice can help people succeed. B.Confidence is the key to success. C.Challenges allow us to develop new abilities. D.Good conditions cant help people grow and learn. 答案 语篇解读本文为说明文,介绍了马云在教师节这天辞去阿里巴巴集团董事长一职,但辞职 以后,他仍然坚持追求梦想。梦想能使我们不畏惧挫折,梦想能给予我们信心和勇气。 1.A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The chairman of

33、 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd stepped down on Teachers Day from leading the e-commerce giant he founded 20 years ago.”可知,阿里 巴巴集团控股有限公司董事长在教师节当天辞去了 20年前创建的电子商务巨头阿里巴巴 的领导职务。所以马云在教师节宣布的是从阿里巴巴退休。故选 A。 2.B主旨大意题。根据第三段第二句“Visiting the United States in 1995, Ma saw the internet and had the idea of setting up h

34、is own trading website.”可知,1995年游览美国时,马云看到了互 联网,有了建立自己的贸易网站的想法,再结合第三段总体内容可知 B 选项符合题意。 3.B细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中的“Its the dreams that keep us never afraid of setbacks,”可知,马云认为梦想让我们不害怕挫折,给我们信心和勇气。故选 B。 4.C推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Skilled sailors were never made on calm waters.”可 知熟练的水手从来不是在平静的水面上培养出来的。因此,要使自己更加强大,就要

35、去面对 挑战,挑战能使我们形成新的能力。故选 C。 .七选五 (2020 安徽宿州联考) How to Find Something You Like to Do Finding something you enjoy doing can improve the quality of your life and reduce your stress level.1It can also help you make friends or even provide a purpose in your life. Then how can you find something you like to

36、 do? 2Some hobbies, such as stamp collecting and gardening, can take up a lot of time. Other hobbies, such as video games and reading, can be done at your own pace and do not require any extra time. Research the hobby or activity you would like to get involved in. Find out how much time and money yo

37、u will need to devote to starting and continuing the activity. For example, some sports-related interests might require special equipment.3Your local library or e-book should also have information on hobbies and activities in your area. Talk with other people who are involved in some of the activiti

38、es you are interested in.4 Ask if you could follow them to a meeting or spend some time with this person while he is involved in his hobby to see if it is something you would enjoy. 5Challenge yourself to try a new activity you are interested in for a week or so. Allow yourself to learn about the ho

39、bby and determine whether you will enjoy the activity or not. A.Think about how a hobby benefits you. B.A hobby can connect you with other people. C.Take a chance on a hobby and see if you enjoy it. D.Think about how much free time you can devote to a hobby. E.You can find information about hobbies

40、and interests on the Internet. F.You can get first-hand knowledge by interviewing someone about a particular hobby. G.It is easy to decide whether a particular hobby is right for you. 答案 语篇解读本文为说明文,介绍了如何才能找到自己喜欢做的事情。 1.B空后的“It can also help you make friends.”中的 it 指代 a hobby;选项 B 意为“一个爱好

41、可以让你和其他人产生联系”,空后的 also 表示递进关系,connect you with other people 和 make friends 语义顺承。故选 B。 2.D根据空后的“Some hobbies.take up a lot of time.”和此段最后一句“Other hobbies.do not require any extra time.”可知,此段主题是关于爱好和时间的关系的,D项“想想你能把多少 空闲时间投入到一个爱好上”符合语境。故选 D。 3.E根据本段第一句“Research the hobby or activity.in.”并结合选项 E中信息“find

42、 information about hobbies and interests”可知,此处是在讲对你选择的爱好进行研究。所以 E 项“你可以在网上寻找关于爱好和兴趣的信息”符合语境。故选 E。 4.F根据本段第一句中的“Talk with other people”并结合选项 F中的关键词“interviewing”可 知,此处建议和那些与你有着相同兴趣爱好的人进行交流,与别人交流得到的信息是最直观 且及时的。F 项“通过采访某一个人关于某一特定爱好你能获得第一手的知识”符合语境。 故选 F。 5.C根据本段最后一句中的“whether you will enjoy the activity

43、 or not”以及选项 C中信息 “see if you enjoy it”可知,此段主题是挑战自我,看看有什么爱好使你感兴趣。C 项“冒险尝试 一个兴趣爱好,看你是否喜欢它”符合语境。故选 C。 .完形填空 (2019 黑龙江哈尔滨三中期末) Stephen was to register when I first met him on campus. One summer day1I was heading for the administration building, I heard someone call my name. I2around and saw Philip. As

44、Philip introduced me to the young man named Stephen, he reminded me that he would be taking one of my3. Stephen asked if my class was going to be “hard”. I4he was concerned about failing before the opening day of classes. We talked about what the class would5and I saw Stephens eyes getting big with6

45、. Then I remembered a bit of classical dialogue: Question:“How do you eat an elephant?” Answer:“One bite at a time.” I told him to7his work that way. Do his assignments, all of them, and get them done on time. I8that most successful students I knew made a timetable of all the assignments so they cou

46、ld9their workload in advance. As time went on, I learned more of Stephens stories. He had10in middle school. Family members, including his mother, kept reminding him that he was a11. Then, in the face of their negative words he had been admitted into college. He told me that before coming to our cam

47、pus no one had believed he had much12. Stephen didnt become an “A” student.13, he managed to pass most of his courses by being in class every day, and14his studying into bite-sized digestible parts. By passing course after course he began to gain a measure of self-respect. He was a great singer and

48、he was 15the schools cross-country team. 1.A.sinceB.when C.onceD.until 2.A.turnedB.satC.movedD.went 3.A.jobsB.tests C.classesD.projects 4.A.sensedB.imagined C.heardD.admitted 5.A.changeB.adjust C.coverD.produce 6.A.satisfactionB.anger C.fearD.relaxation 7.A.avoidB.continue C.presentD.approach 8.A.wa

49、rnedB.announced C.arguedD.added 9.A.planB.increaseC.easeD.share 10.A.fittedB.hesitatedC.struggledD.progressed 11.A.cheatB.failureC.winnerD.leader 12.A.experienceB.information C.potentialD.honor 13.A.StillB.Otherwise C.ThereforeD.Besides 14.A.taking upB.breaking down C.going overD.getting through 15.

50、A.forB.onC.atD.of 答案 语篇解读本文为记叙文,叙述了作者如何让一个对课程恐惧的学生一步一步取得成功的 故事。 1.B根据内容可知,某个夏天的一天,当“我”正要去行政大楼时,听到有人叫“我”的名字。 since 既然,自从以来; when 当的时候; once 一旦; until直到为止。故选 B。 2.A根据上句中的“I heard someone call my name”可知,有人叫“我”的名字,所以“转过”身来。 turn around 转身。故选 A。 3.C根据下文的“the opening day of classes”可知,此处指“课程”。 job 工作; te


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