辽宁师大版五年级上册Unit 8 Would you like some tea -ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:00dfe).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 8 Would you like some tea _ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级优课_(编号:00dfe)
    • Unit 8 Would you like some tea.mp3
    • unit 8 Would you like some tea.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案00dfe.doc--点击预览


- What would you like? - Id like _. Would you like some milk? Yes, please. Would you like some _? Yes, please. Back yogurt Would you like some_? Yes, please. juice Would you like some yogurt? No, thanks. Id like some coffee black teawhite tea green tea yellow tea A: Would you like some _? B: Yes, please. A: Green tea or black tea?. B: _, please. 可数名词复数 不可数名词 饮饮品类类的单词单词 都是不可数名词词。 tea milk juice yogurt coffee water Would you like some ? Please remember!Please remember! Would you like some_? Yes, _. Would you like some_? No, _. tea please yogurt thanks Would you like _? _. Would you like _? _. Would you _? _. Would you _? _. Would _? _. Would _? _. _? _. _? _. Listen and choose T T or F F (听音判断对错) 1.Its Saturday afternoon. ( ) 2.Linda and Billy are having coffee. ( ) 3.Billy likes some cookies and milk. ( ) F F T Read silently and underline the answer (默读课读课 文找出答案) 1. Where are Linda and Billy? 2. What would you like, Linda? In Li Mings yard. I would like orange juice. Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. Li Ming: Would you like some tea, Linda? Linda: No, thanks. Id like some juice. Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: Would you like some cookies, Billy? Billy: Yes, and some milk please. Mmm delicious! Listen and say Li Ming: _? Linda: _. _. Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: _? Billy: _. Mmm delicious! Would you like some tea, Linda No, thanks Id like some juice Would you like some cookies, Billy Yes, and some milk please Listen and say Back Listen and say Make up a new dialogue. A: Hi, _. B: Hi,_. Lets go shopping, OK? A: OK, lets go. B: What would you like? A:I would like_. B: Would you like some _? A: No, thanks. B: Would you like some _? A: Yes, please. What about you? B: I would like something to drink. A: _or _? B: _. A: OK. Anything else? B: Thats all. Lets go home. (Fruit:apple pear banana watermelon mango lemon grape coconut orange Vegetables: cabbage carrot onion potato tomato Meat: beef pork fish chicken lamb Drinks: milk tea juice coffee water yogurt Stationery: pen ruler pencil eraser pencil-box knife crayon) Homework: 1. Copy the new words and sentences. 2. Make a shopping list with your partners. Its Sunday afternoon. Linda and Billy are chatting in Li Mings yard. Li Ming: Linda: Li Ming: Orange juice or apple juice? Linda: Orange juice, please. Li Ming: Billy: Mmm delicious! Would you like some tea, Linda? No, thanks. Id like some juice. Would you like some cookies, Billy? Yes, and some milk please. Back Listen and say 1 Unit8 Would you like some tea? 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 【教材分析教材分析】 本节课是辽师大版英语五年级上册第八单元第一部分 Listen and say 的内容,本节课是在已经基本掌握了第七单元核 心语言 What would you like? I would like some fish.的基础 上,围绕饮品展开话题,继续学习一般疑问句 Would you like some?及其回答。本节课通过 Linda、Billy 和 LiMing 三个孩子 对饮品这一话题展开讨论来学习核心句型和词汇,依托此话题完成 课标中的二级目标。本节课通过引导学生了解中国的茶文化让孩子 们更加热爱自己的祖国。 【学情分析学情分析】 本节课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经有 2 年多的英语学 习经历,有一定的知识储备,且具备了一定的逻辑思维能力。因而 在本节课当中,我大胆的放手给孩子,通过情境创设、示范引领、 组内合作等多种方式相结合,让孩子们自己去摸索新知,感悟新知, 乃至运用新知,体会自主学习,小组合作学习的快乐。 【设计理念设计理念】 依据课标中学生要达到的二级目标进行本节课的设计,通过开 篇引入超市的真实情境既复习了第七单元的核心句型又自然过渡到 本课核心句型和单词的学习。通过呈现新知,教学新知,操练新知, 巩固新知,运用新知 5 个梯度的层层递进让学生在真实的情境中学 说,爱说,乃至会运用核心语言,最后过渡到能写,能输出运用核 心语言。 本节课的人文知识素养设计理念,是与学科知识素养设计理念 环环相扣的。没有脱离教学环节,突兀的说教,而是融于每一步的 课堂教学环节中,努力提升学生的核心素养。教学中通过对中国茶 2 文化的介绍来提升孩子们的家国情怀和民族自豪感。 【教学目标教学目标】 知识目标知识目标 1.能听、说、读、写并运用核心词汇 tea, juice, yogurt, milk, coffee, thanks, or 2.能听懂、会说、会写并运用核心语言 Would you like some tea? No, thanks./Yes, please.询问他人对饮品的需求,并能对 tea 用 其他词汇进行替换。 3.能听懂、会说 Listen and say 的小对话,并能迁移到类似的情 境中恰当的运用。 能力目标能力目标 1.通过听、说、读、写等教学活动的变换,让学生始终保持对英语 学习的兴趣。 2.能够询问他人对饮品的喜好和需求及如何回答。 情感目标情感目标 1. 让学生了解中国文化,增强爱国意识。 2. 让学生体会到学习英语的乐趣。 文化意识文化意识 通过了解中国的茶文化,培养学生的家国情怀。 【教学重点教学重点】 1. 能听、说、读、写并运用核心词汇及语言。 2. 能听懂、会说 Listen and say 的小对话,并能迁移到类似的情 3 境中恰当的运用。 【教学难点教学难点】 1. 理解 Orange juice or apple juice? 的含义并会做出恰当回答。 2. 了解饮品单词多是不可数名词,要用 some 修饰。 【教学准备教学准备】 多媒体课件,写作材料 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1: Warm up 1. Greeting and Free talk. A师生互致问候,开始本节课的教学。师生互致问候,开始本节课的教学。 B通过师生间的自由对话,引入到通过师生间的自由对话,引入到 Today lets learn Unit 8 Would you like some tea?板书课题板书课题 2.播放课件将学生引入到播放课件将学生引入到“逛超市逛超市”的情境中,复习句型:的情境中,复习句型:What would you like? I would like顺利过渡到核心语言的学习。顺利过渡到核心语言的学习。 设计意图:设计意图: 通过播放幻灯片创设“逛超市”的情境,在师生的互动中,既 复习了第七单元的核心语言又自然过渡到本单元的核心词汇和语言 的学习,既贴近学生的生活又为学生营造出轻松的学习氛围。 Step 2: Presentation 1. 从从“逛超市逛超市”的情境中引出本课的句型的情境中引出本课的句型 Would you like some _? 4 Yes, please. No, thanks. 教学预设:教学预设: 学生在真实的情境中学习句型应该比较容易理解和接受,但 由于不是自己的学生,在讲解句型时还需要关注每个学生的课堂 反应情况,适当的进行强调和辅助汉语解释。 2. 展示新授单词展示新授单词 yogurt, coffee 图片来进行单词教学图片来进行单词教学 教学预设:教学预设: 本课的五个新词中的 tea, juice, milk, yogurt 在三四年级 的教材中都出现过,学生应该都比较熟悉,但是 yogurt 的读音对 于学生可能有一定的难度需要重点强调。coffee 对于学生是新单 词但是比较贴近学生生活,讲解时应该比较容易,但要重点强调 读音。 3. Pairwork: to practice the sentences 4. Listen and answer. 1. Where are Linda and Billy? 2. What are they talking about? Lead the students try to answer. 5. Read silently and underline the answer 1. What would you like, Linda? 2. Would you like some cookies and milk, Billy? 6. Explain the sentence of “Orange juice or apple juice?” 7. Listen and imitate. 8.8.Read in groups 设计意图:设计意图: 引导学生带着问题通过静听,默读,模仿,小组合作不同层次 5 的感知课文,理解对话。 鼓励学生通过观察,引发思考,发散学生思维,锻炼学生自主 学习的能力。 Step 3:Practice 1.Fill1.Fill thethe blanks.blanks. 2.Try2.Try toto reciterecite thethe dialogue.dialogue. 设计意图:设计意图: 通过模仿读、小组读、角色扮演、文本留白等不同的形式,分层 次分梯度训练学生的语音、语调的准确性,并进一步深入了解及掌 握课文。 Step 4: Consolidation and extension. 1. Make up a new dialogue. A: Hi, _. B: Hi,_. Lets go shopping, OK? A: OK, lets go. B: What would you like? A:I would like_. B: Would you like some _? A: No, thanks. B: Would you like some _? A: Yes, please. What about you? B: I would like something to drink? A: _or _? B: _. A: OK. Anything else? B: Thats all. Lets go home. (Fruit:apple pear banana watermelon mango 6 lemon grape coconut orange Vegetables: cabbage carrot onion potato tomato Meat: beef pork fish chicken lamb Drinks: milk tea juice coffee water yogurt Stationery: pen ruler pencil eraser pencil-box knife crayon) 设计意图:设计意图: 努力创设和模拟真实情境,让学生进行语言运用,培养学生用 语言做事的能力,在真实情境中激发学生运用所学语言的热情与动 力,让学生有话可说,实现语言的输出。 Step5: Assessment Remember: China is the hometown of the tea. There are many kinds of tea in China. It has a long history. The customs of drinking tea was began in Han Dynasty and it became prevalent in Tang Dynasty. We should love our motherland. Step6: Homework 1. Copy the new words and sentences. 2. Make a shopping list with your partners. 设计意图:设计意图: 设计基础作业和开放性作业,供学生分层选做。尊重学生个体 差异和引导他们相互学习。 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 8 Would you like some tea? Would you like some milk? juice yogurt tea 7 coffee Yes, please. No, thanks.
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