闽教版三年级上册Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:000a0).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级上册(2013年6月第1版)_小学英语_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)__(编号:000a0)
    • Three little pigs.mp3
    • Three little pigs.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案000a0.docx--点击预览


Happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year to you all. We are singing. We are dancing. Happy new year to you all. Happy new year What do you think of pigs?你认为猪是什么样的? fat胖 dirty脏 lazy 懒 stupid笨 greedy贪吃 sleepy爱睡 ugly难看的 friends朋友 clean干净 elegant 优雅 diligent 勤劳 Story TimeStory Time 指导:漳平市厚德小学 陈静静 漳平市厚德小学 黄雄 执教:漳平市厚德小学 邱焱玲 Look and think Three little pigs Mother? Say Hi ? Say goodbye? What? Watch and answer Mother? Say Hi ? Say goodbye? What? Watch and answer Three little pigs mother? Say goodbye. Build their own houses Their mother. Say Hi ? Say goodbye? What? (建造 ) (自己的 ) Reading strategy 学会用 抓住文本的 主要信息。 关键词 three little pigs One morningOne morning Said goodbye to their mother. build their own houses. went out to Say go They 自己的建造 build 第图 孩子已经长大,要学会独立生活。 Because when they grow up, they must learn to live by themselves. How did the three little pigs do after saying goodbye to their mother?和猪妈妈辞行后,三只小猪怎么做? Watch and answer The first little pig built his house out of . How did the first little pig build his house? awaw tr tr s s A A B B C C B B strawstraw This was easy and quick. build 快的 The second little pig built his house out of . How did the second little pig build his house? ickick st st p p A A B B C C B B s s stickssticks This was easy and quick,too. build 快的 The third little pig built his house out of . How did the third little pig build his house? ickick brbr A A B B C C B B s s bricksbricks This was difficult and slow, but the house was strong. build (慢的 ) (艰难的) st st Fill in the blank. The little pig did not like to work. He built his house out of . This was and . first do strawstraw build is stickssticks easyquick The little pig built his house out of . This was and ,too. second build is easyquick The little pig built his house out of . This was and , but the house was . build is is thirdbricksbricks difficultslow strong Reading strategy 学会用 学习课文内容。 图片 和 关键词 Which pigs do you like ?你喜欢哪一只小猪? Truth(道理) 我们要向第三只小猪学习,努力工作,要勤奋不 要懒惰,才能在学习和生活中取得成功。 We need to learn from the third little pig, we need to work hard, to succeed in study and life. How will you build a strong house? 钢结构steel 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 如果你是小猪,你要怎样建一座坚固的房子? ? the straw house the stick house the brick house dangerous危险 unfriendly不友好的 crafty狡猾的 wolf One night One night came to broke in. ran to stick house. run come break the wolf He The first little pig his brothers the straw house. 破门而入 Then came to was not strong. were scared. the wolf the stick house. The house The two pigs 惊恐的 come is are were afraid. ran to The two little pigs Theybrick house. are run their brothers (害怕 ) Could the wolf break in ?狼可以破门而入? Look and think看、想 Can the straw housethe stick housethe brick house Then came to It was could not break in. 破门而入 the wolf the brick house. very strong. The wolf Can went built brokedid came ran was said wer e Round1:Sharp responseRound1:Sharp response Enjoy the whole story. Reading strategy阅读策略 Read loudly and clearly 大声清楚地朗读, 可以更好地培养英语语感。 自由读课文P70 said goodbye to built built built straw stick brick easy and quick easy and quick difficult and slow not strong Retell the whole story . broke in broke in not strong very strong could not break in Reading strategy 学会用 理清文章 脉络。 思维导图 Q1:Is it the end of the story? Think (结束) Yes it is. No it isnt. Q2:If the third little pig also built his house out of straw or sticks ?What would happen ? 如果第三只猪也建了茅草房或者木房子呢?会发生什么 ? 续写续写 改写改写 Anyone for ice cream ? Coming for a drive ? Anyone for a game? Its a lovely day for a swim. Anybody coming with me? Anybody home?Its Daddy! Come on in ,Daddy. Weve got lots to tell you. 010203 模仿跟读 用关键词 尝试复述 续写 或 改写故事 Homework 看绘本 故事书 1234 5 6 78 Said goodbye to One morning build their own houses did not like to work builtstraw easy and quick builtsticks easy and quick builtbricks difficult and slow Butstrong. one night came to broke in ran to Thencame to not strong Were scared were afraid ran to Thencame to very strong could not break in Retell the story Reading strategy 学会用 帮助 复述课文 图片 和 关键词 Thanks for listening! 闽教版英语五年级下册闽教版英语五年级下册 StoryStory TimeTime :ThreeThree L L ittleittle PigsPigs 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容与学情分析 1、教学内容分析 本课是学生们都非常熟悉的三只小猪的英文改编版。本课的故事情节简单易 懂,但生词较多,篇幅较长,要在三十分钟内学会有一定的挑战性。 2、学情分析 五年级的孩子,两年多的英语学习积累,已经掌握了一些英语基础知识, 对过去时有基本的了解,对三只小猪的故事非常熟悉。 二、教学目标 1、语言知识目标 (1)学习故事中的主要词汇:能听懂会说:build,straw,stick,brick,wolf 初步认识音和义:own,quick,slow,strong,came to, broke in, break in,。 (2)通过故事学习,巩固如何描述过去发生的事情。 2、语言技能目标: (1)能根据已知的语言故事内容,自读改编后的英文故事,猜测故事中出现的 生词的意思。 (2)能用简单的语言和动作复述故事。 3、情感态度: (1)做人做事都要踏踏实实,一步一个脚印,才能获得成功。 三、教学重、难点: 重点:掌握故事情节,过去时的表达。 难点:用英语复述故事。 四、教学准备 教师准备本课用词卡和图卡、课件,实物(稻草、木棍、砖头) 五、教学步骤 Step 1 Pre-reading(读前:激活学生思维,激发阅读兴趣) Greeting.师生互致问候 Sing a song: Happy New year 引入话题 pigs,谈谈对猪的认识。 T:We are in the year of the pig. What do you know about pigs?. Ss: 师小结。 5、揭示本课的 Story :Three Little Pigs 【设计意图:通过唱新年歌,由猪年自然过渡到对“猪”话题的讨论,在讨论 中发散了学生的思维,对故事中的人物有了更加深刻的认识,激发了学生学习 故事的兴趣。 】 Step 2 While-reading(读中:理解故事内容,掌握阅读方法) Show the first picture .学习第一幅图。 Look and say Q1:What can you see in the picture? Q2: Is the woman in the picture their mother ? Q3: Do they say Hi or say goodbye ? Q4: what did pigs want to do ? Watch and answer. 学习第一幅图内容。 【设计意图:以问促思,以问促疑,再让学生带着问题去观看视频,利用关键 词获取文中的主要信息,学习了文本,渗透了过去式的学习,交代了背景,为 后续故事情节的发展做了铺垫,加之情感渗透:长大的孩子要学会自己独立生 活。 】 To learn 2-4 paragraph (1) watch and answer Q: How did the three little pigs do after saying goodbye to their mother? (2)To check the answer, to teach the words “straw, stick, brick, 初 步认识单词 easy, quick, difficult, slow, strong” (3)Read the text.(学习 2-4 幅图内容) (4)如果你是其中之一的小猪,你会怎样建房子? T:How will you build a strong house? 【设计意图:让学生带着问题看视频,并带图回答问题,在一定程度上降低了 问题的难度,又助学生抓住了三个重要的单词 stick,brick,straw. 】 3、 learn5-9 paragraph (1)通过介绍狼的特征,猜一猜,引入 wolf 。 T:Three little pigs have finished their houses, they are very happy. But someone came, He is unfriendly, he is dangerousCan you guess who he is ? (2)再分段呈现,分段逐一学习,通过关键词和图片的提示,帮助抓住文中的主 要信息,期间渗透了过去式的学习。重点教授 came to, broke in . 【设计意图:教授 5-9 段,通过开始的猜测活动引入狼的学习,调动了学生的 学习积极性,通过图片和关键词的呈现,学习并复述段落内容,让学生感知关 键词对学习带来的帮助,加大了学生的语言输入量。为了让学生进入到故事中 去,在学习完 5-7 段,设置了问题:CouldCould thethe wolfwolf breakbreak inin ? 推动了故事 情节的发展。也揭示了只有砖头房子最坚固。 】 (3)对文中所有出现的过去时态进行总结复习。 1、复习 Game: Quick response Step3 Post-reading(读后:巩固拓展应用提升,形成学习策略) Enjoy the whole story. 2、自由读课文。 3、Try to retell the whole story. 呈现阅读策略:学会用 思维导图 帮助复述课文。 5、开放性问题:Which pigs do you like? 揭示道理:we need to work hard, to succeed in study and life. 6、Think. Q1:Is it the end of the story? Q2: If the third little pig also built his house out of the straw house or the stick house? What would happen? 7. Enjoy another story. 【设计意图:Post-reading 部分,就是巩固再拓展,由于本课的故事篇幅较长, 内容较多,通过先听故事自由读再通过思维导图整体 retell the story,梯度完成巩固的任务,拓展部分通过开放问答 Which pigs do you like ?将 视角拉回学生这个主体上,并解释了道理。在此基础上,呈现两外一个狼和三 只小猪的故事,扩展学生的知识面。 】 Step 4 Summary 1、通过板书总结。 Step5 Homework. 1、模仿跟读用关键词尝试复述故事。 2、续写 或 改写故事 3、看其他的绘本故事书。 【通过板书上的人物和图片对故事做一个回顾,并抛出两个问题,发人深省, 为后续的续改写故事埋下了伏笔。作业的设计是课堂的延伸,让学生学以致用。 】 六、教学设计 straw stickbrick 执教教师简介: 邱焱玲,小学英语二级教师。热爱教育事业,努力钻研教材,注重专业水平的 提高,注重培养学生英语学习的兴趣,曾获市级论文二等奖,三等奖, 2017.11.17 获漳平市英语评优课二等奖,2018.1.14 获漳平市第四届小学教师教 学技能大赛一等奖。
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