(2021新人教版)高中英语选择性必修第二册单元综合检测5 .doc

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1、单元综合检测单元综合检测(五五) .阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) A Falls are common in young children and older people.Although most result in mild bumps and bruises,some falls can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention. What to do: Do not move the person and call for emergency help if t

2、he person: may have seriously injured the head,neck,back,hip bones or thighs is unconscious or was briefly unconscious is having difficulty breathing isnt breathing (starts CPR) has a seizure(癫痫突然发作) has clear fluid or blood coming from the nose,ears or mouth Call a doctor or seek medical attention

3、if the person: becomes very sleepy and is very difficult to wake up brings up more than two or three times complains of neck or back pains complains of increasing pain anywhere on the body isnt walking normally doesnt seem to be focusing his or her eyes normally has any behavior or symptoms that wor

4、ry you If you think its safe to move the person: place a cold compress(敷布) or ice pack on any bumps or bruises give acetaminophen(解热镇痛药) for pain let the person rest,as needed,for the next few hours watch the person closely for the next 24 hours for any unusual symptoms or behavior Never leave young

5、 children on any bed or other furniture unsupervised(未监 督)Always strap(用带捆住) children into high chairs,changing tables,shopping carts,and strollers.Always buckle(扣住) kids into ageappropriate safety seats when riding in motor vehicles,and make sure they always wear helmets when biking or skating or w

6、hen using skateboards or scooters(踏板车) 【语篇解读】本文介绍了如何处理“跌倒”。 1What is the text mainly about? AFalls cant cause serious injuries. BWays to deal with falls. CWays to prevent falls. DFalls happen to kids. B主旨大意题。根据文中的 What to do 以及下面的内容,可以看出本文 是一篇介绍如何处理“跌倒”的文章,故答案为 B。 2You mustnt move the person if he A

7、isnt walking normally Bbecomes very sleepy Cisnt breathing Dbrings up more than twice C细节理解题。根据第一个标题中的第四条的“isnt breathing”可知,在伤 者不呼吸的情况下不能移动他。 3If a person bleeds from his mouth after the accident,what should you do? AShake him forth and back. BMove him to another place. CGive him some medicine to h

8、ave. DLet him stay where he is. D细节理解题。 根据第一个标题中的最后一条可知, 如果嘴里流血就不能 动他,而是打急救电话。 4Which of the following will be the best title for the last paragraph? APrevent Your Kids BPlace Furniture Well CWear Helmets DPrevent Falls D段落大意题。 根据最后一段的描述可知, 该段是告知父母应如何预防孩 子摔倒。 B Two hero housemates have told how they

9、 pulled their neighbor from a smokefilled kitchen. Rhys Lomax,29,and Chris Clark,25,of South Street,charged into the 41 yearold mans home after they heard his smoke alarm at around 1:55 am. on Sunday. Prison officer Mr. Lomax said, “I had just picked Chris up from the airport and we were arriving ba

10、ck at our house.” “Then I heard this beeping and at first I thought it was the car because wed left the headlights on.” “ But then I realized it was my neighbors house and we could see smoke everywhere.” “We charged into the house and found him lying on the oven with black smoke coming from it.” “We

11、 dragged him out and put him on the main road and then called the fire department and ambulance.” Firefighters put out the fire , which left the kitchen damaged and the oven completely destroyed. People attempted to take the 41yearold man to hospital but he refused medical attention. Mr. Lomax added

12、, “If it had been another couple of minutes,I think he would have gone up in flames.He was a very lucky man.” “ He was very lucky.I was bringing Chris back from the airport because otherwise I dont think we would have heard the alarm.” Afterwards,fire officers praised the pair,saying they had potent

13、ially(可能地) saved the mans life. But Mr. Lomax played it down and added, “I am a prison officer so I have dealt with things like that before.” And Mr. Clark, a shop manager, said, “If there had been flames, we might have thought twice but we just covered our mouths and went in.” 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了两个人勇敢地把

14、邻居从冒烟的厨房里救出来 的故事。 5What is the main idea of this passage? ATwo people were praised by the fire officials for their brave deed. BAman refused to be taken to hospital after being saved from his house. CTwo people bravely saved their neighbor from a kitchen full of smoke. DAlucky man was rescued by the

15、 firefighters with the help of his neighbors. C主旨大意题。由本文主旨句即文章首句“Two hero housemates have told how they pulled their neighbor from a smokefilled kitchen.”可知, 本文讲述了两个 人将邻居从冒烟的厨房内救出的故事。 6What can we learn from the passage? AThere was some food in the oven. BThe man in the house went to the hospital at

16、 last. CMr. Lomax thought what they did was not particularly important. DThe man in the house was drunk and did not know anything. C推理判断题。 由倒数第二段可知里斯罗马克斯之前就做过类似的事情, 所以他并没有把抢救邻居这件事看得特别了不起。 7Why did the neighbors go into the kitchen without hesitation? ABecause the man in the kitchen was in great dang

17、er. BBecause the man in the kitchen was asking for help. CBecause though the kitchen was full of smoke there was no fire. DBecause they thought it was not very dangerous and they could put out the fire. C推理判断题。由最后一段可知他们只看到了厨房里有烟,但没有火。这 说明危险不是很大,所以就毫不犹豫地进去了。 C We are surrounded by mixed messages abou

18、t mistakes:were told we earn by making them,but we work hard to avoid them.So the result is that most of us know that we are going to make mistakes,but deep down,we feel we shouldnt. Experiments with schoolchildren who did well on a given test showed that those who were praised for being smart and t

19、hen offered a more challenging or less challenging task afterward usually chose the easier one.On the other hand,children praised for trying hardrather than being smartfar more often selected the more difficult task. If we try hard to avoid mistakes,we arent open to getting the information we need i

20、n order to do better.In a writing study,experiments showed that those who were so scared to make mistakes performed worse in writing tasks than those who werent worried about being perfect.They feared receiving any kind of negative feedback,so they didnt learn where they went wrong and how to get be

21、tter. We dont just learn more when were open to mistakes;we learn deeper.Research tells us that if were only concerned about getting the right answer,we dont always learn the underlying concepts that help us truly understand whatever were trying to figure out.Mistakes need to be seen not as a failur

22、e to learn, but as a guide to what still needs to be learned.As Thomas Edison said, “I am not discouraged,because every abandoned wrong attempt is another step forward.” Furthermore,we often make mistakes because we try new thingswe wander away from accepted paths.Teflon,penicillinthese are examples

23、 of great discoveries made by mistake.Take a page from Albert Einstein, who said,“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” 【语篇解读】本文告诉我们应该用一种正确的态度对待错误。 8What will happen to students praised for being smart in face of choosing tasks compared to students praised for working ha

24、rd? AHe will choose a less challenging task. BHe will hide his mistakes from his teachers. CHe will work harder to avoid mistakes. DHe will ask his teachers for advice. A细节理解题。 根据第二段第一句可知, 这样的学生会选择更容易的任务。 故选 A。 9 Which of the following statements is NOT acceptable according to the passage? AThe more

25、 mistakes we make,the more we will learn. BMistakes can be used as a positive factor for success. CBeing open to mistakes helps you understand the truth. DAstep forward may come from mistakes youve made. A推理判断题。根据第四段第一句可知,当我们愿意接受错误时,我们不 仅能学到更多,还能学得更深入。而不是说我们犯的错误越多,学到的就越多, 故 A 项错误。 10What does the la

26、st paragraph want to tell us? AOne must follow a correct path to avoid mistakes. BTo become an Einstein,you should make mistakes. CYou cant make mistakes unless you try new things. DMaking mistakes is not a disadvantage in a way. D推理判断题。根据最后一段特别是该段第二句可知,在某种程度上,犯 错误并不是一个劣势。故选 D。 11Whats the main idea

27、 of the passage? AWe can never avoid making mistakes when we work. BSuccess cant be achieved without making mistakes. CMistakes should be treated with a correct attitude. DTry every means to avoid mistakes in our daily life. C主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据第四段最后一句“I am not discouraged, because every abandoned wrong

28、 attempt is another step forward.” (我没 有丧失信心,因为每个被抛弃的错误的尝试都是向前的又一步)以及第五段最后 一句“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”可知,我 们应该用正确的态度对待错误。故选 C。 D History tells us that footwear was one of the first things ancient people learned to make.Footwear helped them across rocky paths

29、 or hot sands without injuring themselves.The earliest footwear we know of was simply a piece of plaited(编织的) grass or leather tied to the feet. The ancient Egyptians seem to have invented the first footwear with a firm sole(鞋底)sandals.Egyptian royalty usually wore sandals that had a different style

30、 from those with lesser status(身份),while slaves were not allowed to wear anything on their feet.The sandal is still the basic form of footwear in many countries , particularly those with a hot climate,whereas in cold climates,an entirely different type of shoe appearedthe moccasina slippershaped sho

31、e made of soft but strong leather. The Greeks were the first to develop shoes with heels(鞋跟) Then, in the Middle Ages,shoes with long points at the toe became very chic for the nobility.These shoes were often very difficult to wear.Other trends followed, with squaretoed shoes, wide shoes , and even

32、shoes that could make a woman stand two feet taller.Not surprisingly, these sometimes led to accidents.Even today, fashion rather than comfort often leads to the kind of shoes women wear. Mechanical shoemaking appeared in the 1800s in North America.Until then, shoes had been made with the same kinds

33、 of hand tools used by the ancient Egyptians.And in 1858,a machine was invented that could stitch(缝合) the sole of a shoe to the upper part.Now it was possible to make shoes that were shaped to fit either the left or right foot.Toward the end of the 1800s came a new type of shoe that was specifically

34、 designed for sportsthe sneakerand it soon become an alltime favorite. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了鞋的演变过程。 12What did shoes often show in ancient times? AThe rich resources. BPeoples different beliefs. CPeoples status in society. DThe changeable climates. C细节理解题。 由第二段第二句“Egyptian royalty usually wore sandals

35、that had a different style from those with lesser status(身份),while slaves were not allowed to wear anything on their feet.”可知,在古埃及,鞋是身份地位的象征。 13What does the underlined word “chic” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? AValuable.BConvenient. CFashionable.DComfortable. C词义猜测题。由画线词后的“These shoes were often ve

36、ry difficult to wear.fashion rather than comfort often leads to.”可知,此处指中世纪尖头鞋在贵 族中成为一种时尚。 14Before mechanical shoemaking appeared, Ashoes were often very difficult for people to wear Ball the shoe patterns made by the Greeks were the same Cthe only function of footwear was to protect peoples feet Dp

37、eople wore the sameshaped shoes on their two feet D细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Mechanical shoemaking appeared in the 1800s.it was possible to make shoes that were shaped to fit either the left or right foot.”可知,十九世纪机械制鞋之前由手工制作的鞋左右脚形状相同。 15How does the text mainly develop? ABy providing examples. BBy making compar

38、isons. CBy following the order of time. DBy following the order of importance. C写作手法题。 本文按照时间顺序介绍了鞋的演变过程从早期人类穿 编织的草鞋,到古埃及人最早发明鞋底,再到制鞋工业的出现。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) Camping without a campfire is not camping at all.Latenight conversations and games around the campfire are essential for a pl

39、easant camping experience.However, you ought to be aware of the fact that camping with a campfire is not all about fun. 16If you are planning to set up a campfire,or if you are planning to cook during camping,you should remember some fire safety tips. Choose a campsite which has a campfire pit(深坑)17

40、If there is no fire pit, set up your own.However,you should be careful not to place the fire pit near your camping tent.When you set up a campfire,make sure that you put the campfire materials in the right order.This can help you make sure that there will be no flying debris(碎片) once you light your

41、fire.Put the light materials first such as paper or dry leaves.18Finally,make sure that you place stones around the campfire pit.Never burn plastics or other poisonous materials , which will disturb your neighboring campground guests.It will also significantly pollute the air and promote the risk of

42、 fire spreads.19Use it only when all the other firemaking options fail. 20Before you leave your campfire or before you go to bed,make sure that it is completely out.Leaving fire unattended runs high risks of forest fires and the like. AThen,put the wood. BCamping can give you a lot of freedom. CIt n

43、eeds a certain degree of responsibility. DOne traditional camp activity is making the campfire. EThis will ensure that you will be able to control your campfire. FOnce your campfire is set up,do not leave the flame unattended. GDo not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire. 【语篇解读】本

44、文就露营时如何选取篝火的位置、添加使用篝火材料以及 防护措施提出了建议。 16C根据上句“然而,你应该意识到用篝火露营不全是为了好玩儿”, 再根据空格下句“如果你打算支起篝火,或者如果你想在露营时做饭,你应该记 住一些消防安全提示”可知,支篝火需要一定的责任感。故选 C。 17E根据上句“选择一个有篝火坑的营地”可知,E 项“这将确保你能 够控制你的篝火”符合语境。故选 E。 18A根据上句“先放轻材料,如纸或干树叶”,再根据空格后的 Finally 可知,A 项“Then,put the wood.”是本空的最佳选择。 19 G根据空格下句“只有当所有其他的生火选择都失败时才使用它”可 知,

45、 G 项“Do not use petrol every time you attempt to light your campfire.”符合题意。 it 指的就是 petrol。 20F根据下句“在你离开你的篝火或者去睡觉以前,确保你的篝火完全 熄灭”以及最后一句可推知,前一句应为“一旦你的篝火支起来了,不要让火焰 无人看管”。故选 F。 .完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) My father was killed in a road accident and21my mother,my two younger brothers and IAt that time

46、,I was in senior high school.As the22 son,I had no choice but to23of school and work in a factory.Life went on without any wonder.I dared not ask for more and just thought about24my two brothers.However,it wasnt easy,for I couldnt25their tuition even if I worked day and night without rest.I also had

47、 to look after my sick mother.I wanted to go back to school, but it seemed to be an impracticalidea, since I needed to work to support my family. A thread of26appeared during those gloomy days.It was a rainy dusk when I went outside into the rain and walked in the street.27the rain stopped! I raised

48、 my head,and found that “the sky” was in fact a dark blue umbrella.Then I heard a deep voice say, “Why not28without an umbrella?” It was a onelegged man, “If you run,you wont get so wet.” His words29me deeply.Without my fathers protection,was I only a slave tofate? While walking together in the rain

49、,I knew that his dream was once30 by an accident.He was glad that he didnt lose31and still “ran” on the road of life.Facing this guy,I had no pity,but admiration. Inspired by his32,I went to a city in the south and became an assurance representative.After two years “running” ,I got somewhere and my

50、family situation became better33I went back to school and eventually succeeded in being 34to a university. Everything is so simple:to run without an umbrella!When you run out of the 35season of your life,there will be a bright sky ahead of you. 【语篇解读】作者遭遇了种种挫折,后来被陌生人的一席话鼓舞,通过自 身努力渡过了难关。如果没有伞就努力奔跑,当你


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