广东版六年级上册Unit 5 A Circus in the Park-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b0646).zip

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Exercises for Unit 5,Grade 7 珠海高栏港经济区金洲小学珠海高栏港经济区金洲小学 曾月嫦曾月嫦 Task 1: Listen to the passages. (任务一:听短文。 ) Task 2: Underline the key words. Ask and answer in groups. (任务二:根据问题在文中划出关键词,小组内互相提问回答。 ) 1. What was the date? 2. Where was Xiaoming? 3. What was the weather like? 4. What did Xiaoming eat? 5. What was the food like? 6. How did he feel? Task 3: Fill in the form. (任务三:阅读归纳与信息整理。 ) whenwhereweatherfood feeling Xiaoming Jane 1. What was the date? 2. Where was Jane? 3. What was the weather like? 4. What did Jane eat? 5. What was the food like? 6. How did she feel? Task 4: Read and judge, “T” or “F”. (任务四:判断正误。 ) ( ) 1. Turkey(火鸡) is the main food(主食) in a Christmas dinner(圣诞大餐). ( ) 2. There is always a big familydinner(家庭聚餐) in the Spring Festival. ( ) 3. It is always(总是) cold in Christmas and the Spring Festival. Task 5: Pair workAsk and fill in the form. (任务五:两人活动填表。 ) My Unforgettable Festival (难忘的节日难忘的节日) whenwhereweatherwhat to dofoodfeeling Last Mid- autumn DayHong Kongsunny visited the Ocean Park(海洋 公园) noodles / yummyexcited 1. When did you go? Last Mid-autumn Day. 2. Where were you? I was in Hong Kong. 3. What was the weather like? It was sunny. 4. What did you do? I visited the Ocean Park. 5. What did you eat? The noodles. 6. What was the food like? It was yummy. 7. How did you feel? I was excited. Task 6: Make a report“My Unforgettable Festival”.(任务六:作文。) Model: My UnforgettableFestival (难忘的节日难忘的节日) Hello! My name is Lisa. Last Mid-autumnDay, I was in Hong Kong. The weather was sunny. I visited the Ocean Park with my family. We played games in the Ocean Park. I ate some noodles there. It was yummy. I had a good time there. I was excited. My Unforgettable Festival Model: Model: (复习阅读课复习阅读课) “ “粤人版粤人版” ”六年级上册六年级上册 Sharp Eyes (火眼金睛)火眼金睛) Gogo LetsLets listenlisten toto thethe story!story! Thailandspicyyuckybad Canadasnowytastygood Hello! Im Gogo. Last Sunday,I was in . It was . The food was . I didnt like it. Mm It was . It was a day. Thailand spicy yuckybad sunny and hot Thailandspicyyuckybad LetsLets retellretell thethe story!story! Now I am in . It is . The food is . I like it very much. It is a day. Canadasnowy tasty good Canadasnowytastygood Xiaoming XiaomingJane Unforgettable(难忘的难忘的) Festival A. Xiaomings first Christmas dinner B. Janes Spring Festival C. Both A and B The text is about_. C Task 1: Listen to the passages. (任务一:听短文听短文。) Task2:Underline the key words. Ask and answer in groups. (任务二:根据问题在文中划出关键词,小组内互相提问回答。) 1. What was the date? 2. Where was Xiaoming? 3. What was the weather like? 4. What did Xiaoming eat? 5. What was the food like? 6. How did he feel? 12 1. What was the date? 2. Where was Xiaoming? 3. What was the weather like? December 24th. At a friends house. Answer the questions. (回答问题。) It was snowy. 3 4. What did Xiaoming eat? 5. What was the food like? 4 5 A big turkey. It was tasty. Answer the questions. (回答问题。) turkey 火火 鸡鸡 (1) (2) hen(母鸡母鸡) 6. How did he feel? 6 He was happy. / He was excited. Answer the questions. (回答问题。) 12 3 4 5 whenwhereweatherfoodfeeling Xiaoming December 24th at a friends house snowy a big turkey / happy / excited Task 3: Fill in the form. (任务三:阅读归纳与信息整理。) tasty whenwhereweatherfoodfeeling XiaoMing Jane December 24th at a friends house fun How about Jane? snowy happy /excited / a big turkey / tasty whenwhereweatherfeelingfood Jane January 28th 1 the Spring Festival Eve whenwhereweatherfoodfeeling Jane January 28th 12 at a friends house happy 5 4 dumpings / cold 3 sweater tasty Jane Is Jane in this picture? Yes, she is. Sorry, I am not in this picture. I was behind the camera! Is Xiaoming in this picture? Xiaoming No, he isnt. He was behind the camera. A B ( ) 1. Turkey(火鸡) is the main food in a Christmas dinner(圣诞大餐). ( ) 2. There is always a big family dinner (家庭聚餐) in the Spring Festival. ( ) 3. It is always(总是) cold in Christmas and the Spring Festival. T T Task 4: Read and judge, “T” or “F”. (任务四:判断正误。) (主食) All the members of my friends family were at the dinner. = every one of the family ( ) 3. It is always(总是) cold in Christmas and the Spring Festival. F It was a snowy night. Australia Task 4: Read and judge, “T” or “F”. (任务四:判断正误。) Sometimes it is cold. Sometimes it is hot. Christmas is unforgettable(难忘的难忘的) for Xiaoming. XiaomingJane The Spring Festival is unforgettable for Jane. National Day Halloween Spring Festival Mothers DayFathers DayTeachers Day Childrens Day ? Christmas ? whenwhereweather what to do food feeling My Unforgettable(难忘的难忘的) Festival Task 5: Pair workAsk and fill in the form. (任务五:两人活动填表。) 1 . W h a t w a s t h e d a t e ? 2 . W h e r e w e r e y o u ? 3 . W h a t d i d y o u d o ? 4 . W h a t d i d y o u e a t ? 5 . H o w d i d y o u f e e l ? 1. When did you go? 2. Where were you? 3. What was the weather like? 4. What did you do? 5. What did you eat? 6. What was the food like? 7. How did you feel? Last Mid-autumn Day. I was in Hong Kong. I visited the Ocean Park. The noodles. I was excited. Last Mid- autumn Day Hong Kong visited the Ocean Park (海洋公园)(海洋公园) noodles excited It was sunny. sunny It was yummy. yummy My Unforgettable(难忘的难忘的) Festival Task 6: Make a report. (任务六:作文。)whenwhere weather what to do food feeling Hong Kong visited the Ocean Park (海洋公园)(海洋公园) noodles excited sunny Hello! My name is Lisa. Last Mid-autumn Day, I was in Hong Kong. The weather was sunny. I visited the Ocean Park with my family. We played games in the Ocean Park. I ate some noodles there. It was yummy. I had a good time there. I was excited. Last Mid- autumn Day My Unforgettable(难忘的难忘的) Festival Model: yummy Lets know more festivals! 1、When is Dragon Boat Day ? A. Its in May. B. Its in June. C. Its in May or in June. 2. What do we do on Dragon Boat Day? A. We watch the boating. B. We go fishing. 3. What do we eat on Dragon Boat Day? A. We eat dumplings. B. We eat Zongzi. C. We eat turkey. Dragon Boat Day 端午节端午节 1、When is Mid-autumn Day ? A. Its in September. B. Its in October. C. Its in September or in October. 2. What do we do on Mid-autumn Day ? A. We watch the moon. B. We watch the movie. 3. What do we eat on Mid-autumn Day ? A. We eat moon cake. B. We eat Zongzi. C. We eat turkey. Lets know more festivals! Mid-autumn Day 中秋节中秋节 Love the world, love the life! ( 热爱世界热爱世界, ,热爱生活热爱生活! ! ) The whole world is so big, Id like to visit it. (世界如此大世界如此大, ,我想去看看我想去看看 。)。) Enjoy travelling! (享受旅行吧享受旅行吧! !) Ask your parents the unforgettable festival and fill in the form. whenwhere weather what to do food feeling ThankThank you!you! A Teaching Plan for Unit 5 Teaching materials: Book 7,Unit 5 A Circus in the Park. Its the revision and reading lesson. Teacher: Zeng Yuechang, from Jinzhou Primary School .Teaching Aims: (1) Knowledge Aims: 1.Students are able to speak, read and use the words of Unit 5. 2.Students are able to read, comprehend and use the target language of Unit 5. 3.Students are able to read the passages and finish the exercises. 4.Students are able to understand the passages mentioned in this period. (2) Ability Aims: 1. Students are able to retell a story. 2. Students are able to improve their communication abilities. 3. Students are able to improve abilities of English thinking. 4. Students are able to train their team-work abilities. (3) Emotion Aims: Students are able to enjoy the unforgettable festivals and enjoy travelling. (4) Learning strategy aims: 1. Students are able to take part in the activities in class. 2. Students are good at communication with the others. 3. Students are able to widen their vision after studying. (5) Culture Aims: Students are able to know more about the festivals. . Teaching Key Points: 1. Students are able to finish activities. 2. Students are able to understand the passages mentioned in the period. 3. Students are able to get the information from the passages. .Teaching Difficult Points: Students are able to understand the passages and get the information from them. .Teaching Aids: Exercise sheets, computer, PPT, learning materials. .Approaches: Situational teaching method, Task-based activities, Collaborative learning approach, Cooperation study methods. . Teaching procedures: Step 1. Greeting Greet with students. 设计意图:师生问好,拉近师生间的距离。 Step 2. Revision 1Play the game “Sharp Eyes”. Who can read out the words faster, that he or she has the sharp eyes. The game is aim to have students say out the words of Unit 5 as quickly as they can. 设计意图:本环节目的在于让学生复习六年级上册 Unit 5 的重点词汇,为下面 完成各项任务打好基础。 2. Introduce a friend Gogo and have students listen to the story of Gogo that the teacher tells. 设计意图:本环节是通过老师讲述关于 Gogo 的故事来帮助学生回顾学过的六年 级上册 Unit 5 的重点词汇和句型,做到温故而知新。 3. Have students listen to the story of Gogo by computer. 设计意图:本环节是通过听电脑讲述关于 Gogo 的故事帮助学生再次回顾学过的 六年级上册 Unit 5 的重点词汇和句型,让学生注重听出关键词,为下面完成各 项任务打好基础。 4. Have students retell the story of Gogo. 设计意图:本环节是通过学生复述关于 Gogo 的故事来检验学生是否完全掌握六 年级上册 Unit 5 的重点词汇和句型,并同时锻炼学生开口说的能力。 Step 3. Presentation 1. Introduce other friends, theyre Xiaoming and Jane. Talk about their unforgettable festivals. Fast reading, read the passages fast and choose the answer about the question “What is the test about?” 设计意图:本环节是训练学生快速阅读的能力。 2. Have students finish task 1, listen to the passages by computer. 设计意图:本环节是训练学生听的能力。 3. Have students read the passage “My First Christmas Dinner” and finish task 2, underline the key words and answer the questions. 设计意图:本环节是训练学生在文中找出关键词和回答问题的能力。 4. Have students finish task 3, fill in the form according to the key words of the passages. 设计意图:本环节是训练学生阅读归纳和信息整理的能力。 5. Have students finish task 4, read the passages and judge true or false. 设计意图:本环节是训练学生判断能力和检验学生对篇章的理解程度。 6. Have students review the festivals. 设计意图:本环节是复习各种节日,为下一个任务完成对话与写作文做铺垫。 Step 4. Practice 1. Have students finish task 5, pair work, two students in pairs, ask and fill in the form. 设计意图:根据任务型教学法,让学生“有事可做” ,提高学生的学习积极性。 2. Finish Task 5: Ask and answer in pairs. 3. Check the answers in the whole class. 4. Finish Task 6: Make a report “My Unforgettable Festival”. 设计意图:本环节是训练学生的写作能力。 5. Have students introduce their unforgettable festivals in front. 设计意图:为学生提供说英语的平台,锻炼学生英语表达能力。 Step 5. Extension Have students know more festivals. Choose the correct answers. 设计意图:以选择题的方式拓展更多节日。为学生提供更多的开口说的机会, 特别是对于学困生,让这批学生也有展示的机会。 Step 6. Consolidation Go over the blackboard writing. Step 7. Emotional teaching Enjoy the unforgettable festival and enjoy travelling. Step 8. Homework Ask your parents the unforgettable festival and fill in the form. whenwhereweatherwhat to dofoodfeeling VII. Blackboard Writing:
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