人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 4 Shopping Day-Let’s Check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:d0478).zip

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1 Look and share. ? 点击添加相关标题文字 知识技能 Shang Qing Spring and Autumn Ming Qin SongTang Han Jiaozi, the earliest paper money in the world. credit cardAlipayWechat Wang keping 100 yuan The first online payment March 18th in 1998 credits couponsmoney Listen and mark. Where?What?How much? 点击添加相关标题文字 My nieces birthday is on the weekend. I want to buy a present for her. So I go to Longemont Shopping Mall. First I go to Nome. I see some coloured pens. I want to buy some, but my niece has plenty of them. Then I see some water bottles. I like them very much. I want to buy one for myself. I see a gray bottle. Its 15 yuan. I buy it. Then I go to Miniso. I see some toys and dolls there. But I want to buy a bag for my niece. I see a small yellow bag. Its 29.9 yuan. But my niece doesnt like yellow.Then I see another bag. There are three colours, yellow, blue and pink. Its 39.9 yuan. My niece likes pink. So I buy a pink one for her. This is a happy day. I like to go shopping. My Shopping Day Look and answer. 1. How do I pay in Nome? 2. What do I buy for me? 3. What do I buy for my niece? Look and answer. Look and guess. Look and answer. refugees Q: Childrens Day is coming, what do you want to buy for refugees ? Q: What do they need? Lets go shopping! COUPON 10 P et S h op Pe t S ho p Stationery Look and say. 点击添加相关标题文字 My Shopping DayMy Shopping Day present toy shop bookshop stationery plush toys Judy Minnie comic books storybooks childrens novels notebooks glue sticks crayons refugees Share your shopping day with your family and friends. COUPON 1010COUPON 1010 10 COUPONCOUPONCOUPON 课题:人教课题:人教 20112011 课标版(一年级起点)五年级上课标版(一年级起点)五年级上 UnitUnit 4 4 ShoppingShopping DayDay LetsLets CheckCheck 课时:第一课时课时:第一课时 教材分析教材分析 本课选自小学英语五年级上册,本书有六个单元,本课为第四单元,是一个检 测和评价的版块。通过听、说、读、写的活动来检测学生对本单元基本词汇和 功能句的掌握情况,这四项活动是相互关联的。 学情分析学情分析 1. 五年级的学生有一定的英语语言基础,对待一些问题有自己的看法,并且具 备了一定的逻辑思维能力、小组合作能力和写作能力。但是年龄的增长,心理 状态发生变化,不太愿意主动表达自己的看法表达,这就要求老师尽可能多创 造学生表达的机会,激励他们积极参与课堂。 2. 经过前面语汇、功能句和语篇的学习,学生对购物要使用的基本用语和相关 语汇基本掌握,能够从语篇中提取关键信息,课上为了营造真实的语言情境并 让学生有真实的购物体验,教室内布置了三个实体商店,激发学生的学习兴趣。 教学目标教学目标 . Language Knowledge To know the vocabulary and sentences about shopping. . Language Skills To make conversations and write a diary about shopping. . Emotion and Attitudes To cherish present life and show love to the refugees. . Learning Strategies To get the important information from the text with different marks. . Cultural Awareness To know about the history of Chinese money and barter. 重点重点&难点难点 . Key Points 1. Understand the main idea of the text. 2. Know how to talk about shopping. . Difficult Points 1. Get the important information from the text. 2. Write about shopping day. 教学工具教学工具 PPT, video, radio, photogram, interactive software 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 . Preparation 热身导入 1. Greetings. 2. Use a video on douyin app about teachers shopping day to lead out the title “Shopping Day” and talk about shopping experience. 3. Brainstorming: How The teacher and the students greet each other. Watch the video and guess what the video is about and talk about their shopping 通过最近流行的视 频软件抖音中的视 频,向学生展示教 师的购物经历,引 导学生说出视频主 题即本单元课题, 并在问题辅助下引 导学生说一说自己 的购物经历。 can people get things if there is no money? And then learn about bartering. 4. Fun to know value of a sheep. 5. History of money experience. Think how people get things if there is no money. Learn about the history of money. 通过一系列图片介 绍物物交换和钱币 的发展史,以及中 国的第一笔线上交 易,拓充学生的知 识储备。 .Presentation 新知呈现 1. Listen and mark. Listen to the radio of my shopping day and mark the answers of “Where do I go?” “What do I see?” “How much are the things?”. 2. Look and answer. Look at the picture and answer the questions about the details of my shopping day. 1) How do I pay in Nome? 2) What do I buy for me? 3) What do I buy for my niece? Mark the answers on the worksheet and some students mark on the screen. Students answer the questions with the help of pictures and teachers description. 从视频到音频到简 单问题,一步步循 序渐进易于学生回 答,通过不同标识 辅助学生阅读,提 取关键信息。 以图片这一直观的 方式,加以教师的 讲解,生动地再现 教师的购物日,并 通过问题引导学生 深入思考,将已有 的知识与实际情境 相结合,为后面的 学习做铺垫。 3. Look and guess. Look at the picture in Miniso, guess the what the teacher an saleswoman are talking about. . Practice 巩固练习 1. Free Talk Do you live a happy life? 1 Look and think. 1) Do refugees live a happy life? Why? Why not? 2) What do they need? 3) Childrens Day is coming, what do you want to buy for them? 2 Look and say. Look around the Students answer the question and think about the life of refugees. Look around the classroom and guess what shops they are. Go shopping by themselves with coupons they get. 以一个问题开展自 由讨论,有利于培 养学生的思维能力, 引发学生深度思考, 难民需要什么,如 果可以会给难民买 些什么,通过对比, 让学生知道要更加 珍惜现在的生活和 拥有的一切。 用优惠券进行实地 购物,使购物体验 更加真实。 classroom, and say what the shops are. 3 Lets go shopping! Go shopping with the coupons they get. 4 Lets write. Write about shopping day and present on the photogram. According to the writings, make some questions and answer them. Write about their shopping day with the help of word box. And then ask and answer the questions. 结合已有知识和本 节课的购物经历写 一写自己的购物日, 生成完整的语篇, 并借助实物投影进 行展示,针对学生 的写作进行问答, 巩固所学知识,加 深理解。 .Homework 作业 Share your shopping day with your friends and family. After class, students can share their diaries about shopping day with their friends and family. 与朋友和家人分享 自己的购物经历, 在分享过程中收获 学习的成就感,并 对购物有更深的理 解,并能就购物这 一话题与身边朋友 家人进行讨论。 板书设计板书设计 五年级上册五年级上册 Unit4 Shopping Day Lets Check My nieces birthday is on the weekend. I want to buy a present for her. So I go to Longemont Shopping Mall. First I go to Nome. I see some coloured pens. I want to buy some, but my niece has plenty of them. Then I see some water bottles. I like them very much. I want to buy one for myself. I see a gray bottle. Its 15 yuan. I buy it. Then I go to Miniso. I see some toys and dolls there. But I want to buy a bag for my niece. I see a small yellow bag. Its 29.9 yuan. But my niece doesnt like yellow.Then I see another bag. There are three colours, yellow, blue and pink. Its 39.9 yuan. My niece likes pink. So I buy a pink one for her. This is a happy day. I like to go shopping. 一、读短文,回答下列问题。 1. Where do I go in Longemont Shopping Mall? 2. What do I see there? 3. How much is the small yellow bag? 4. What do I buy for me? 5. What do I buy for my niece? 二、判断对错(T/F) 1. ( ) I buy a birthday present for my niece. 2. ( ) I go to three places in Longemont Shopping Mall. 3. ( ) I want to buy some dolls for my niece. 4. ( ) My niece likes pink.
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