广东版五上Unit 1 Season and Weather-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:803f5).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Season and Weather_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:803f5)
    • seasons and weather 教学课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案803f5.doc--点击预览
    • 课件开头部分视频.flv
    • 课件结束部分视频.flv
    • 课后练习题.doc--点击预览


Unit 1 Seasons and Weather Watch a funny cartoon about the seasons. spring winter summer fall Le Yangyang is going to spring. sing 唱歌唱歌 A He is going to summer. A Xiang is going to fall. ball 球球 A Yi and A Ru are going to winter. spring summer fall winter springsummer fallwinter How many seasons(季节季节)are there in a year? There are _. four What season do you like? I like_. Whats your favorite(最喜欢的最喜欢的)season? Its _ summer summer 1.Whats your favorite color? My favorite color is_. Its _ 2.Whats your favorite fruit?My favorite fruit is_. 3. Whats your favorite food?My favorite food is_. 4. Whats your favorite drink?My favorite drink is_. 5. Whats your favorite toy?My favorite toy is_. 6. Whats your favorite animal?My favorite animal is_. How many seasons(季节季节)are there in a year? There are four. What season do you like? I like _ Whats your favorite(最喜欢的最喜欢的)season? Its_. summer Hello, _. Now, its _. _ is near(将近)(将近). _ is coming here. Changing(变换)(变换) seasons, Four seasons make a year. spring summer Winter Fall A: Whats the weather like? B: Its hot. 天气 询问天气询问天气: A: Whats the weather like in summer? B: Its sunny and hot. sunsunny A: Whats the weather like in spring? B: Its rainy in spring. rainrainy windy windi A: Whats the weather like? B: Its windy. windwindy A:Whats the weather like? B:Its cloudy. cloud cloudy sun (太阳太阳) rain (雨)雨) wind (风风) cloud (云云) sunny (晴朗的晴朗的) rainy (下雨的下雨的) windy (有风的有风的) cloudy (多云的多云的 名词名词形容词形容词 Rainy, rainy, Is it rainy in spring? Its rainy. Hot, hot, Is it hot in summer? Its hot. Windy, windy, Is it windy in fall? Its windy. Cold, cold, Is it cold in winter? Its cold. Whats the weather like in _? Its _. spring sunny summer rainy fall windy winter cloudy 12 3 4 567 8 /i/ /i/ /i/i/ /i/ /i/i/ / / / / /:/ /au/ /ei/ I like spring. Its rainy.I can see flowers. I like summer. Its hot.I can swim. I like fall. Its windy. I can fly kites. I like winter. Its cold. I can go ice skating. Read and think (读读,想想): Seasons (季节)(季节) Weather (天气)(天气) What color (颜色)(颜色) Do what ?(做什么)(做什么) spring summer fall winter white rainy sunny windy cloudy green blue yellow . plant trees eat ice-cream fly kites go ice-skating London NewYork Beijing Paris Hongkong NewYork London hot Hongkong cold Hongkong Beijing Paris coat scarf sweater boots shirt jeans T-shirt shorts skirt jacket pants swimsuit Lets talk about clothes: I wear(穿穿) jacket and pants.What do you wear(穿) in spring? What do you wear in summer? What do you wear in fall? What do you wear in winter? I wear T-shirt and shorts. I wear shirt and jeans. I wear coat, scarf and boots. I can_ Activities: play basketball plant trees What can you do in spring / summer/ fall / winter? go swimming play ping-pongride a bike fly a kite go hikingmake a snowman eat ice creamgo ice-skating Watch a carton of the seasons, then repeat after it. (看然后跟读看然后跟读) (a cartoon of the seasons) Homework: Watch the weather forecast and try to write down the weather in more than four cities and tell your family in English.(记录5个以上的城市天气并用英语形 式给家人作汇报。) Book 5 Unit 1 Seasons and weather 教学设计教学设计 一、一、 学科:英语学科:英语 二、二、 课例名称:课例名称:Unit 1 Seasons and weather 三、三、 指导老师:指导老师: 四、四、 课型:新授课课型:新授课 五、五、 年级:五年级年级:五年级 六、六、 教材版本:教材版本: 七、七、 教学设计:教学设计: 1 教学目标: 1) Language Knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: (1)Vocabulary 词汇: spring, summer, autumn, winter, snowman, make a snowman (2) Sentences 句型:Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is spring. Whats the weather like in spring? Its rainy. (3) Grammar 语法:1) Able to know the weather in every season 2) How to describe the four seasons. 2). Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: (1) 能准确听说认读本课的重点单词; (2) 能正确理解、并朗读句子。 (3) 能灵活运用本课的句型:如对季节的描述,掌握四季的天气, 与人交流自己对季节的喜好等。 拓展目标:能运用学习到的知识,进行各种教学活动,并能用简单的 句子表述图画的意思。 3). Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 在学习中感受到英语学习的快乐,体验到成功的愉悦。 4). Learning Strategies 学习策略:学习策略: (1)学会小组合作学习; (2)学会倾听,并能从中提取相关的信息; (3)学会用英语进行简单的表述; (4)学生综合运用语言能力培养(季节与天气描述) 。 2 学生和内容分析: 这一课要求学生掌握有关季节的单词和使用天气的单词、短语或句 子描述季节特点,能用英语表达对季节的喜好等。本课时是 Unit 1 的第一 课时,主要是学习季节的名称及描述四个季节里的天气状况。由于学生已 经学习了有关天气的话题及知识,对于天气的表达与描述已有一定的基础, 所以本节课老师可以引导学生从旧知识入手,温故而知新,学习新的知识 内容季节的描述。如何以旧带新引导学生学习到一个全新的话题,培 养学生学会综合运用语言对事物或景象进行描述是本课的教学难点所在。 3课时安排:本单元共 4 个课时,本课为第 1 课时 4教学方法:直观教学法、游戏教学法、互动交际法 5教学手段:多媒体、图画描述、肢体语言 6板书设计: 7 课后作业:Describe the seasons you like. 九教学过程:九教学过程: Step1. Warm-up A. Greeting. B. Watch and answer. (Enjoy a cartoon, and then the pupils answer the questions.) Step2. Presentation A. Present the new words: spring, summer, autumn, winter, snowman, make a snowman 1) Teacher shows the pictures of the four seasons, and then introduces them. 2) Teacher encourages the pupils to describe the four seasons, spring(rainy, warm, cool) summer (hot) autumn (cool, warm, windy) winter (cold) snowman make a snowman Seasons and weather Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is spring. Whats the weather like in spring? Its rainy. 屏幕,展示 CAI 课件。 3) Read the new words. B. Present the new sentence patterns: Whats your favourite season? My favourite season is spring. Whats the weather like in spring? Its rainy. 1) Teacher introduces her favourite season first, and then the pupils introduce their favourite seasons. 2) P do pairs work. 3) T guides the pupils to say out the weather of the four seasons. Step3. Practice. A. Practice in class. B. Read a rhyme: Seasons. C. Guessing Game. (Teacher shows the pictures with shadow, then the pupils guess together) Step4. Consolidation A. Ask and answer. ( Teacher shows two pictures, and talk about the weather、the season and the clothes the people need for the season) B. Free talk. (The pupils draw their favourite seasons, and then have a free talk) Step5. Homework. ( Describe the seasons you like) 十、课后反思:十、课后反思: 本课的教学设计主要遵循“真实任务性教学”的理念,将学习与学生 的实际生活结合起来。在活动设计方面,主要讲求活动的实用性,真实性 和有效性。让学生既能参加有意义的活动,更重要的是又能在活动中真正 提高学生的交际能力。在教的方面,我通过创设生动、逼真的交际情景, 组织学生开展游戏和小组活动,给学生提供摸仿体验,实践和创造性运用 语言的机会,并在教学活动中适时地鼓励和表扬学生,积极评价,提高学 生的自信心和学习的积极性。在本节课的教学设计上我采用分解难点,分 步呈现,逐步扩展,层层深入的方式。教学能充分体现由易到难、由浅入 深的教学规律;能体现“教师为主导,学生为主体”的教学原则和激励、 指导、反馈等的评价功能注重学生的思维和创新能力的培养,帮助和引导 学生在语境中理解语言的结构和意义,并运用所学语言进行模拟交际,促 进了知识向能力的转化,从而达到培养学生的语言交际能力的目的。在学 的方面,学生在评价的作用下踊跃发言、大胆表演、较快地掌握新句型, 以至于在知识活用时句型运用自如。 本课有两个高潮:一个是教师出示 充满诗意的四季图时,学生充满了赞美的目光,并一边欣赏美丽的图画一 边大胆畅言,积极地用英语交流;第二个高潮是在最后一个活动,通过画 出自己喜爱的季节并用英语与他人交流,学生在活动中学,在学习中交际, 在交际中创造,大大提高了学生综合运用语言的能力。 以“为了每一个学生的发展”的宗旨,在教学中借助网络教学,运用 了 TRP 教学法、情景教学法、快乐教学法、任务型教学法等,强调语言运 用,注重能力培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流,重视知识的灵活拓展, 通过说一说、读一读、做一做、画一画等形式将英语教学与美术、信息技 术有机地整合,从而引导学生探究式、自主式、合作式地参与整个教学活 动,让学生在活动感知,在情景中体验,在运用中实践,充分发挥学生的 自主性、创造性,使学生主动参与到求知的行列中来。 十一、课例点评:十一、课例点评: 梁老师能够贯彻新课标的要求,以任务型教学为策略,使课堂的成为 学生轻松愉快学习的乐园,学生在听、说、读、模仿、演当中学习和巩固 知识。本节课的各个教学环节既有他们独特的特色但又能很好地结合在一 起,并且每个环节之间是层层深入的,语言的学习是呈阶梯式的。另外, 在教学的过程中,以学生为主体, 营造了良好的学习氛围,教师的引导、 组织和示范是做得比较到位的,很好地体现了教师主导和学生主体的教学 思想。这节课教师有意识地让学生扮演小老师,给学生足够的空间来展示 自己的学习成果,和同学分享自己的学习经验,交流各人的学习策略。本 课导入形式新颖,充分利用了课件本身的画面。学生很快能将注意力投入 学习中,教学环节有点有面,层层递进。更重要的是在教学中,教师首先 做到的一点就是“用我的热情感染你的热情”,在和谐的教学氛围下,同 学们在能够吸引他们的教学设计与活动中体会着学习的信心和成功的喜悦, 当他们在循序渐进的教学设计中不断体会进取,学习兴趣就会不断增强, 完成任务的信心与决心就会不断坚定。教师做到了充分激发学生们的主动 意识,用热情感染他们,用活动吸引他们,用贴近生活的任务调动他们, 全面提高学生的英语能力及综合素养。 Book 5 Unit 1 Seasons and weather 课后练习课后练习 一、填空: 1、What _ do you like? I like _. 2、_ you like spring? Yes, I _. 3、_ she like fall? No, she _. 4、What season _ your father like? He _summer. 5、Whats the _ like in summer in Doumen? Its _. 二、回答问题: 1、What seasons do you like? _ 2、Whats your favourite season? _ 3、What season does your friend like? _ 4、What season do they like? _
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