广东版四年级上册Unit 2 School Activities-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a07c1).docx

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1、教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识目标:To review the v-ing words and target sentences in Unit 2. 2. 语 言 技 能 目 标 : To command the ing sound in words, and understand how to ask and answer about actions. 3. 情 感 态度 目 标 :To inspire students to cherish time and enjoy something fun at school and at home. 4. 学习策略目标:To review t

2、he words and sentences by task based teaching, whole language teaching, TPR and various activities. 5. 文化意识目标:To increase students knowledge and culture about school activities. 学情分析学情分析学生刚从三年级升上四年级,年龄约 10-11 岁,他们大多数活 泼开朗,乐于开口,能积极参与课堂活动。复习本单元之前,他们 已经掌握了动词原形,了解其相对应的 ing 形式以及不同人称使用 的句子,但由于学习时间尚短,内容又容易

3、混淆,故设计本课着重 复习动词 ing 形式并在活动中操练相应句型,同时拓展个别 ing 动 词,帮助学生加深巩固所学知识。 教学重点教学重点To review the ing words and target sentences. 教学难点教学难点To distinguish different ing rules in words and properly use in sentences. 教学准备教学准备PPT, videos, picture cards, sentence cards, writing paper, evaluation cards. 教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意

4、图 I. Leading in 1. Warming up: a song Walking Walking. 2. Watch a video about Minions(小黄人). They are having a party. 3. Introduce the rule : If we want to go to the party, we should finish 4 tasks and get the party tickets. II. Presentation 1. Task 1: Do with actions. To action and speak loudly the

5、ing words according to the dancing machine, while the first line means dance to the left, the second line means dance up, the third line means dance down, and the fourth line means dance to the right. party-ing 通过一首简单动听的 ing歌谣引入今天学习 的主题,唤醒旧知; 通过小黄人有趣的小 视频勾起学生学习的 兴趣。 通过跳舞机游戏复习 单词,学中玩,玩中 学。 2. Task 2:

6、 Lets chant together. Chant follow the teacher then chant together with a rap. 3. Task 3: Find friends with ing. To divide the ing words into 3 types: +ing, -e+ing, double write+ing. First, let students discuss with partners for 2mins, and ask some of the students to say out their answer. Im paintin

7、 ing painting Im ing reading Theyre ing studying Theyre ing playing He is ing writing He is ing running She is ing sleeping She is ing singing 通过配上朗朗上口的 rap 来练习 chant,激 发了 学生 学习 的 兴 趣,同时也复习了相 应句型。 通过分类,使学生在 讨论

8、中、操作中清楚 的了解 ing 动词的三 种变化形式。 Then read together the different type words. At last, ask some of them to put the pictures on the right place. 4. Task 4: Guess with sentences. Use the sentences : Im.Theyre. He is.She is. To watch and guess the answer of the pictures. Then ask them to do actions and gues

9、s with their classmates. III. Practice 1. Weve got the four party tickets, now we can go to the party together. Lets play together and act out with your group members(6 people makes a group). Watch a party video first and practice for 5 mins, later show to the whole class. 通过 图片 及真 人 展 示,复习练习相对应 人称的

10、句型,恰当的 运用句型。 通过小组成员生日视 频的展现,合理运用 本节课的 ing 动词及 2. After showing to the class, then ask some questions to check if they watch carefully. IV. Production 1. Lets watch some pictures about familys after dinner activities. What are they doing? They are all playing phones. 2. Take a look at Miss Wangs fami

11、ly. Look!Whats dad doing? Hes. Whats mom doing? Shes. Ask them to read the writing once. 句型,学以致用。 通过提问,提高学生 观看小组演出的专注 度并检测学习的有效 度。 通过图片展示,引发 学生的思考,并在作 文模板后自行创作, 在写写画画的动笔过 程中加深学习内容的 印象。 3. Now its your turn to draw and write about your familys after dinner activities. You can pick some of the words f

12、rom the word bank.After 5mins, you will show to the whole class. V. Summary 1. After this writing, we know that we should cherish time and spend more time with family. 2. Today weve learned about the ing words, their classify and the target sentences. 3. Conclude the winner group, and they can get more prizes from me. VI. Homework Share your writing with your partners. VII. Board design 通过写作,引出本节 课的情感教育:珍惜 与家人相处的时间, 合理利用时间,做有 意义的事情。


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