广东版四年级上册Unit 7 Working or Playing -Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:95744).doc

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1、Unit 7 Working or Playing? (开心学英语四年级上册) 一、教学分析一、教学分析 (一)内容分析(一)内容分析 Friends with English 开心学英语 是根据 2001 年教育部颁发的 英语课程标准 (实 验稿) 中课程改革的新理念和教学目标要求编写出版的。强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活 经验和认知水平出发,让学生主动有效地参与学习过程.为了发展学生跨文化交际的意识 和能力,特意在每册书的后面增设两课文化课,帮助学生提高理解和恰当运用英语的能 力, 拓展文化视野。 本节课所选取的 开心学英语 第三册的 Unit 97: Working or Playing?

2、和后面增设两课文化课中的 Culture 1:Schools 是同一知识内容。通过这一单元内容的 学习以及结合 Culture1 的运用理解,以读促写,训练和提高学生的阅读和写作能力。 (二)学情分析(二)学情分析 本节课的教学对象是四年级的学生。他们从一年级起在英语实验班学习,长期接受 全英语信息的大量输入,积累了一定的词汇量,具备一定的听说能力,到了四年级教师 开始有意识地渗透读、写技能,让孩子口头描述事物的同时,学会以补充句子的形式写 简单的小作文。 (三)教学思路(三)教学思路 省编新教材遵循的要求,强调要激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,让学生 主动有效地参与学习过程.我班的学生从一年级开始

3、学英语,有一定的词汇积累,为拓展 教学内容,将学生指引向生活的舞台,我把教材解析成生活的点滴,促进真实交际,通过 创设情境去迪士尼游乐园游玩(确定游玩项目-选择游戏名称-采访报道游客正在玩 什么-思想教育),以体验式教学形式来引发学生的探究热情。我主要是按照“任务型 教学”的结构来设计课堂活动的,由于所设计的一系列活动始终围绕正在发生的,使学生 在学习的同时培养跨文化意识、实践体验能力和公民应有的良好素质。 二、二、 案例背景案例背景 题目: What are you doing? 所用教材: Friends with English (开心学英语)Book 3,Unit9 What are

4、you doing? 授课年级:四年级 (一)教学内容和目标:(一)教学内容和目标: 1知识知识:使学生认识常用行为动词类的单词,会谈论谁正在干什么,能依据对某 种行为动作/活动的喜好进行提问并回答。 (words:words:working, shouting, thinking, exercising, talking, coloring, cutting, dancing sentences:sentences: Are you sleeping? No, Im not.Im thinking. Is he playing soccer? No, he isnt. Hes playing

5、 basketball. What s she doing?Shes cutting. What are they doing? Theyre working.) 2 2能力:能力: 1通过谈论日常行为/活动,提高学生运用所学词汇的能力。 2通过调查兴趣爱好,学会对常用行为/活动进行分类,培养学生的发散性思维、 创新能力和社会实践能力。 3通过创设情境采访报道迪士尼游乐场的活动,培养学生用英语交际的能力。 3情感情感:通过对授课内容的学习,教育学生要热爱运动、安全第一和排队等候。 文化文化:让学生了解中西方礼仪文化和行为习惯的差异。 (二)教学重点:(二)教学重点: 能运用常用行为动词描述一个

6、场景里周围的人物正在进行的动作。 (三)教学难点(三)教学难点: 在创设娱乐场所的体验式教学中习得常用行为动词 。 (四)教学用具:(四)教学用具: Powerpoint 幻灯片多张 (包括有迪士尼游乐场的图片、 各种人物活动的图片等) 、 录音机。 教学过程教学过程: Step 1 Greetings and revision 1.T: Class begins. Good morning, class. S: Good morning, Miss Liang. T: Sit down, please. 2.T: Hello, boys and girls. Today Im very ha

7、ppy. Because of we will meet a lovely friend. Do you want to know who is he? S: Yes. T: Oh, hes Mickey. (带 Mickey 头)Do you like him? S: Yes. T: We often meet him in the Disneyland. Did you go to Disneyland? (Yes or No) S: Yes. T: (Disneyland 图) Today, lets go to the Disneyland with Mickey.OK? S: OK.

8、 Step 2Presentation 1.(sing a song 图)整个过程不要让学生坐下整个过程不要让学生坐下 T: Mickey likes singing. Lets sing and dance with him. (放歌“walking, walking”) Good job. Lets go to the Disneyland. “OK, go, go, go”(旗仔) (playing 图) Look! This is Disneyland. It is very beautiful. Children are playing. Do you like playing? (

9、做 playing 动作) S: Yes. T: Oh, boys and girls. Im very tire. Lets sit down and study, OK? 2.(操练 playing) T:“play, play, playing. Im playing.” (带读 read after me) T:“What are you doing?” S: Im playing. T: Spell the word “playing”. S: “p-l-a-y-i-n-g, playing” (开火车拼读,2 行) T: OK,what are you doing? S: Im p

10、laying. 3. (学习 running) T: Look! (小矮人巡游图) There is a parade!Do you like watching parade? (你喜欢看巡游表演吗?) S: Yes! T: OK!Lets run. “run, run, run” 4. (操练 running) (running 图) T:“run, run, running. Im running.” (带读 read after me) What are you doing? S: Im running. T: Spell the word “running”. S: “r-u-n-n-

11、i-n-g, running” (男女各读一次 Boys and girls) T: What are you doing? S: Im running. 5. (学习 dancing)(米妮 dancing) T: Well, Mini is dancing with her friends. Do you like dance? S: Yes. T: OK, lets dance! Im dancing. Im good at dance. Do you think so? S: Yes. (板书 dancing, 解释 take out of “e”) 6. (操练 dancing)(小

12、矮人 dancing) T: “dance, dance, dancing, Im dancing.” (带读 read after me) What are you doing? S:Im dancing. T:Spell the word“dancing” S: “d-a-n-c-i-n-g, dancing” (一对位拼读) T:What are you doing? (问多两对位同学) S: Im dancing. 7.(操练 What are you doing?Im. )(第一行问第二行,男问女) 8.T: (painting 图 1) Look at that handsome

13、boy. Hes painting in the parade. Well, its so nice. (操练 painting) (painting 图 2) T: “paint, paint, painting, Im painting.” (带读)(板书 painting) What are you doing? S:Im painting. (一个个提问 what are you doing) 9.(用 CAI 展示图片, 教 shopping) T: There are many shops in the Disneyland. You can buy some presents f

14、or your friends. Look!This is a big shop in the Disneyland.Its very cute.OK, lets go to buy some presents. “go, go, go”(shopping 图 2) (操练 shopping 及句子) T: “shop, shop, shopping, Im shopping.” (带读) (板书 shopping, 双写 p) What are you doing? S:Im shopping. T:Spell the word“shopping” S: “s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g,

15、shopping” (整组拼读) T:What are you doing? (问全班同学) S: Im shopping. 10. (用 CAI 展示图片, 教 eating) T:In the Disneyland, when you play, run and shop, maybe you will feel hungry.It doesnt matter.There are many restaurants in the Disneyland. You can eat in the restaurants. Look!What are they doing?Yes. Theyre e

16、ating. (操练 eating 及句子) T: “eat, eat, eating, Im eating.” (带读) (板书 eating) What are you doing? S:Im eating. T:Spell the word“eating” S: “e-a-t-i-n-g, eating” (学生自愿举手,who can try it) T: What are you doing? Step 3 Consolidation 1. (猜图游戏) Mickey likes playing games. Do you like playing games? OK, lets d

17、o a guessing game, now 2. OK, have a good job. Now, lets make a chant and say it with Mickey. OK? Doing, doing. What are you doing? Playing, playing, Im playing. Doing, doing. What are you doing? Eating, eating, Im eating. Doing, doing. What are you doing? Dancing, dancing. Im running. Doing, doing.

18、 What are you doing? Shopping, shopping. Im shopping. 3.Practice: 4. Writing: A Happy Day (用 CAI 展示) Step 4Conclusion 1. Today, Im very happy in Disneyland. Because of we met many friends in Disneyland. Are you happy? Oh, its very late. We must go home now. Say goodbye to Mickey. 2. Homework: Listen

19、 to the tape and follow the tape for five times. Do the exercises in the student book. Writing:AHappy Day 板书设计:板书设计: What are you doing?Im. work shout think exercise talk color cut- dance-sleep Play a game:一名学生从词卡中挑出一张出示给全班同学看,另一名学生背对这位同学。 全班学生问他:What are you doing? 该学生边做动作边用 Im -ing. 来回答。全班学生根 据所看到

20、的图片内容回答 Yes 或 No。 四、课后反思:四、课后反思: 1、为了孩子的将来,活化教材,把课本的学习内容和学生将来的实际场景、实际工作、 实际生活相结合,以采访报道的形式展示,极大地激发孩子的兴趣和参与的热情,这是 本节课的成功之处。 2、在完成任务之中能很好落实教学目标,笔者围绕话题创设多种的听说交流情境,但在 听说的基础上笔者有意识地不着痕迹地加强认读能力的培养,选单词卡张贴、利用单词 卡分类、结合主要句型交流操练。最后进行写作入门训练,在口头作文的帮助下,补充 完成句子,以完成简单的歌谣。各教学环节之间环环相扣,水到渠成。 3、笔者特别重视与学生的言语交流,抓住一切机会输入大量的

21、、真实的语言,培养学生 听的习惯。但是,输入的内容多,容易使语言目标不明显。 五、课后评析:五、课后评析: 1、新课标的理念能非常好地贯彻到课堂当中,鼓励学生通过体验、 实践、 讨论等方式, 发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。 2、课堂上的教学一环扣一环,非常的紧凑且自然,张弛有度。 3、教师的亲和力和活力能感染上课的每一位学生,让学生不由自主地跟随老师如歌如 潮。教师与孩子们的交流符合四年级学生的认知程度,恰如其分。 4、成功地采用任务型教学途径, 让人感觉不是在上课, 似乎真的在采访报道现场情境, 在这过程中更是大量地复习了已学过的动作名称。 但应注意隐性的素质教育,不要强调去游乐场是为了玩, 应向学生传达解除压力和发泄 情绪途径、培养亲情等信息,希望他们能享受玩乐,也珍惜幸福。


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