广东版四年级上册Unit 8 Helping at Home-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:41459).doc

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1、Book4Unit 8 Helping at homeStory I. Teaching objects 1. Language knowledge 1)To know the new words: help, busy, wait, at home. To review the phrases: sweep the floor, clean the windows, wash the dishes, fold the clothes, clean the desk, wash the clothes. 2) To use the sentence pattern: What are you

2、doing? Im Is he doing Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. can/ cant do sth. 2. Language abilities 1) To develop studentsabilities of listening and speaking. 2) To improve studentsabilities of communications. 3) To train studentsabilities of working in groups. 3. Sentiment 1)To lead students to be helpful at

3、home. 2)To cultivate studentsteam spirit. 4. Learning strategy: Team work and various games. III. Key points of teaching: The new words and the sentence pattern in the story. IV. Teaching difficulty 1) To enable students role play and retell the story. 2) To enable students use the knowledge in spea

4、king and writing. V. Teaching aids: Power Point, picture cards and worksheet. . Teaching procedures ObjectivesSteps To arouse Ss interest in the lesson and get ready for the new content. Lead-in Sing a song. Lets Guess. (Review the phrases) Use the video to attract the students. Pre-reading T: What

5、should Gogo do? Lets tell Gogo. Watch the video and find out the answer. Answer the question. Teach the story page by page,teachthenew points in it. Help Ss to use the knowledge in communication. While-reading Learn the new words. Read the story. Role play. To enable students use the knowledge and d

6、eveloptheircreative thinking. Say and write. Post-reading Lets watch: What does the teacher at the weekend? Lets Say. ( Say “what do you usually do at the weekend in groups.) Lets write. To lead students to be helpful at home. Homework Do some housework for parents and then write about it. 附教学反思:附教学

7、反思: 本节课以阅读活动为载体,通过现代化电教手段辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过 程,增加了直观性和趣味性,加大了课堂密度,提高了教学效果。根据本节课的 教学目标,创设了实际化的情景,让学生在实际情景中运用所学知识。课堂上设 计各种小游戏,小组活动,让学生在轻松愉悦的气氛中习得语言。 一、面向全体,以趣激学。在本课时中,我努力面向全体学生,为其全面发 展听说读写能力奠定基础。 通过两个难度较低, 为学生提供积极参与交流的机会; 通过带着问题观看课文动画,创设条件让学生在小组中能够体验、实践、合作、 探究等方式,解决一些阅读中的问题,发展合作学习能力。为了更好地激发学生 参与的积极性, 在教学中充分利

8、用竞赛形式, 让学生在欢快紧张气氛中集中注 意力,既培养他们合作精神、集体荣誉感,又激发他们学习英语的兴趣。在教学 中教师放手让学生结合所学尽量多说多练,全面促进学生运用语言能力的提高。 二、 关注情感, 德育渗透。 学生只有对自己, 对英语及其文化有积极的情态, 才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩, 刻板的情态, 不仅会影响英语的学习效果, 还会影响其他发展, 情态是学好英语的重要因素, 因此, 我努力创设宽松、 民主、 和谐的教学空间,围绕 Helping at home 这个主题,在学习过程中渗透德育教育, 对学生进行感恩教育。在轻松的课堂氛围中,在板书关键词的指引下,用自身语 言复述课文,培养学生的创新能力。通过“放眼看世界”让孩子们了解西方国家 的孩子在家是怎样做家务的。 让孩子们把自己在家是怎样做的说出来, 先说后写, 通过填写所学的短语, 从而进一步巩固本节所学内容。 通过改变教师“满堂灌”, 学生被动接受的单一的教学信息传递方式,有讲有练,使课堂充满生机和挑战。


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