广东版四年级上册Unit 2 School Activities-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:90802).zip

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广州版小学英语四年级上册 The Country Mouse and The City Mouse Module 1- Module 2 Revision 一、教学目标: (一)知识性目标: 1、帮助学生复习 There be的句型,让学生能用英语描述房间中的摆 设。 2、让学生运用 I like to的句型,让学生描述在某房间里做某事。 3、通过本节课的学习,训练学生看图说英语的能力,提高学生的听力 水平,让学生初步掌握阅读的技巧,让学生初步掌握看词读音的能力, 并且培养学生初步拥有阅读短文通过上下文理解新单词意义的能力。 4、通过 There be , I like to的学习,总结出:There be+名词,I like to+动词。 5、培养学生连贯说话的能力。 (二)情感态度目标: 1. 通过小组合作,加强学生的团队合作能力,增强学生的集体荣誉感。 2. 通过本节的英语学习,提高学习英语的兴趣,增强学生的英语学习 自信心。 3. 通过了解城市老鼠和乡村老鼠各有难处和优势,让学生知道珍惜自 己拥有的东西,不必羡慕他人。 二、教学策略 1、通过看图让学生描述,提高学生的英语描述能力。 2、听短文,指导学生通过听,捕捉听力中的重点信息。 3、阅读教学指导学生初步掌握阅读的技巧,让学生初步掌握看词读音 的能力,并且培养学生初步拥有阅读短文通过上下文找出新单词意义 的能力。 三、教学过程 Step 1: 请学生用 a picture of 描述图片。老师出示可视图片,让学生练习 短语 a picture of T: I have a picture. What picture is it? P: Its a picture of (以上部分为机械操练,让学生复习短语 a picture of) T: I have a new picture. What picture is it? P: Its a picture of (学生纷纷在是什么图片,猜几个学生。) T: Its a picture of a house. Whose house is it? P: Its city mouses house. T: Do want to go to this house? P: Yes, I do. Step 2: 本环节主要复习句型: There be I like to T: Lets go to the city mouses house. What is in the house? Lets see. One group stands up and talk about the pictures. (这里操练是以大组为单位操练。) 这个环节操练了 There be 句型,让孩子们快速看图做出反应。 具体操作如下: T: What room is it? P: Its a living room/ bedroom/ study/ kitchen. T: What is in the living room? Ps: There is / are 以下操练为两组问两组回答。 What do you like to do in the living room? I like to watch TV in the living room. Step 3: 本环节进行意义操练,让学生描述出图片中出现的东西。 T: Big eyes. Big eyes. Look, look, look. What can you see in the house? P: I can see Step 4: 听力练习环节,让学生听短文,做练习。 T: We go to the city mouses house. Do you want to go the country mouses house? P: Yes, we do. T: OK. Lets go to the country mouses house. Listen and find out the answers. 老师总结出,农村老鼠没有足够的食物、足够的衣服、它还需要我们 的帮助,但是乡村里没有人驱赶它,它生活得很快乐。城市里的老鼠, 有很大的房子,有足够的食物,但是,城里的人总是要驱赶老鼠,城 里的老鼠生活很富裕,但总是担惊受怕。 The country mouse has a very small house. He has no food and no clothes. He needs our help. But is happy. The city mouse has foods and big house. But he is unhappy. Step 5: 本环节是阅读环节,让学生初步掌握阅读的技巧,让学生初步掌握看 词读音的能力,并且培养学生初步拥有阅读短文通过上下文找出新单 词意义的能力。 T: Do you want to know more about country mouses house? P: Yes, we do. T: Read the passage, please. We found some new words. Lets read the new words. Now, children underline these sentence: There is/are I like to Now, the boys stand up to read the sentences: There is/ are The girls stand up to read the sentences: I like to 总结:There is/ are后面跟名词。 I like to 后面跟动词原形。 现在进行第二级别的练习,请您阅读短文,找出这个房子里,每一层 分别有什么房间。请把您找到的房间名称写在房子上面。可以四人小 组为单位,共同完成,如果有需要,请举手,老师会帮助您的。 Step 6: Lets write. Lets write down our dream house and show your dream house to the class. MODULE 1-2 REVISION Whats in the house? What can you see in the house? I can see 您在房子里看到了什么呢? Lets go in the mouses house. There is a TV beside the sofa. What is beside the sofa? What is under the table? There are 3 balls under the table. There is a picture next to the window. What is next to the window? What is near the bed? There is a bag near the bed. There is a chair in front of the desk. What is in front of the desk? What is on the desk? There is a computer on the desk. There are two chairs in the kitchen. What is in the kitchen? What is between the two chairs? There is a table between two chairs. What do you like to do in your house? What do you like to do in the living room? What do you like to do in the study? What do you like to do in the garden? What do you like to do in the kitchen? What do you like to do in the bathroom? What do you like to do in the bedroom? What do you like to do in the garden? Now talk about your room. ( )1.Where is Jimmys house? A: In the city B: In the country. ( ) 2. The house is _ A: big and dirty B: big and clean C: small and messy ( ) 3. How many windows are there in the house? A: One B: Two C: Three. ( ) 4. Where is the bed? A: In front of the window B; Beside the door C: near the window ( )5. Whats beside the window? A: A small table and three chairs B: Three small tables and a chair ( ) 6.Are there any TVS, computers and foods in the house? A; Yes, there are . B: No, there arent. I need the food. I need the clothes. I need your help. Tommys house!Tommys house! Big? Small?Big? Small?Big? Small?Big? Small? Whats in the house?Whats in the house?Whats in the house?Whats in the house? What can Tommy do in the house? What can Tommy do in the house? What can Tommy do in the house? What can Tommy do in the house? My names Tommy. I live in a modern city. My house is big and beautiful with three floors. On the first(第一) floor, there is a bathroom and a large playroom. And there is a nice living room with the yellow walls, two yellow sofas and a big TV. I like to watch cartoons there. On the second (第二) floor, there is a study. I like to read books but sometimes I like to listen to the CDs. There is a bathroom and a kitchen, too. On the third(第三) floor, there is two beautiful bedrooms. There are thirteen toy black cars on my bed. I like to play boxing game with them. There are four big wardrobes(衣柜) in my bedroom, and a bathroom . Try to read.modern 现代的 boxing 拳击 second 第二 playroom 游戏室 first 第一 cartoon 卡通片 third 第三 modern 现代的 first 第一 cartoon 卡通片 modern 现代的 first 第一 playroom 游戏室 cartoon 卡通片 modern 现代的 first 第一 second 第二 playroom 游戏室 cartoon 卡通片 modern 现代的 first 第一 third 第三 second 第二 playroom 游戏室 cartoon 卡通片 modern 现代的 first 第一 boxing 拳击 third 第三 second 第二 playroom 游戏室 cartoon 卡通片 modern 现代的 first 第一 Now, read the story quickly and underline these sentences: There is /are. I like to . 请小朋友们快速读文章,划出此类型的句子。 On the first(第一) floor, there is a bathroom and a large playroom. And there is a nice living room with the yellow walls, two yellow sofas and a big TV. On the second(第二) floor, there is a study. There is a bathroom and a kitchen, too. On the third(第三) floor, there is two beautiful bedrooms. There arethirteen toy black cars on my bed. There are four big wardrobes(衣柜) in my bedroom, and a bathroom . I like to watch cartoons there. I like to read books but sometimes I like to listen to the CDs. I like to play boxing game with them. There is/ are It has I like to Its Sometimes This is my dream house. I love my house very much! 1.Retell the story about Jimmy and Tommy to your parents 2.Draw your dream house and write about it. (A4)
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