- 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2013年6月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My Body_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:f0e6c)
- unit 5 My body 作业设计.docx--点击预览
- unit 5 My body 片断.mp4
- unit 5 My body.ppt--点击预览
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开心英语四年级上英语作业设计 题目: unit 5 My Body 第三课时 This is These are 1.利用课余时间,同学之间相互介绍对方的五官,并用句子 :This is These are 2.肢体表演作业: A:全班共同演唱 Body Song,并对照视频表演动作。B:根据老师指令进 行 Open your Close your Touch your .的游戏 3.自己独立完成课本 39,40 页录音并模仿磁带发音。 4.看图并完成空格处所缺单词。 5.家庭作业,利用各种道具制作一个木偶,并向他人用英语介绍木偶的五官。 设计意图: 1.贯彻课程要求, “用中学,学中用”,增加英语学习的实用性。 2.通过肢体表演,实现课堂上师生间的互动,体会英语学习的乐趣。 3.朗读作业促使学生有意识地去聆听和模仿纯正的英语发音。而录音又使学生听到自己的 发音,通过对比,有助于学生纠正自己的发音。 4.当然,课堂上的小游戏也包含着人文教育,即让学生学会爱护自己的身体,健康快乐每 一天。 实施策略 口头作业以家长监督和检查为主,学生完成作业后,家长签上意见,然后第二天由老师抽查 查看反馈信息。 评价建议:四年级英语的每个单元的学习内容不多,但是对学生的口语和书写能力都有新的 要求。因此,作业设计上,比三年级的内容要多一些。对于学生的口头作业,缺少有效地评价 机制,所以,课堂上随机抽查比较重要,而且应该对孩子的表现及时做出评价。 。同时,家长的 信息反馈也很重要,只有家校配合,才能达到教学目标。 Friends with English Book 3 Hi, I am Mr. Puppet. Nice to meet you. head eyes nose mouth ears arms hands legs feet This is her mouth. These are her eyes. These are his hands. These are his ears. These are his legs. These are his arms. These are his feet. This is his nose. Open your arms Close your eye Close your mouth Open your leg 保护眼睛 我们身体的每一个部位,我们身体的每一个部位, 对我们来说都是非常重要对我们来说都是非常重要 的,所以我们应该爱惜我的,所以我们应该爱惜我 们的身体,保护好身体的们的身体,保护好身体的 每个部位,健康快乐每一每个部位,健康快乐每一 天!天! Yes or no? The watermelon is his head.The pear is his body. The lemons are his arms.The apples are his eyes. The bananas are his ears. The watermelon is his _. The strawberries are his _. The _ is his head. The cherries are his _. The _ _ his mouth. The lemon is his _. The _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _. body eyes pear hands banana is nose The paper is his head. The pencil sharpeners are his eyes. The glue is his nose. The protractor is his mouth. The book is his body. The reading glasses are his arms and hands. The rulers are his legs. The erasers are his feet. Class is over. Bye -bye! 单元标题:单元标题:My Body 分析:分析:学习身体部位。 基本思路:基本思路: 1. 借助活动复习已经学过的名词,如 eye, leg, foot/feet 等,并引出句 型 this is , these are。开展分组活动,巩固名词,为后面的学习做好铺垫; 2. 借助游戏引出上节课所学,学习句型,开展分组练习; 3. 引入文本,阅读理解,模仿巩固 4. 走出文本,联系家人、朋友、自己的玩具、喜欢的电视剧人物或动画片 角色,初步运用。 讲课亮点:讲课亮点: 体现人本思想,将生活经历融入语言学习中(如游戏失误就会惩罚身体的 某一部位,从而引发学生小心谨慎,爱惜自己的身体)。 出现的主要问题:出现的主要问题: 1.语言呈现部分太凌乱,层次不清,操练重点不明确,分组操练不及时, 效果差; 2. 时间安排不合理:动笔操练时间太少,不能很少地反映学生当堂知识的 掌握情况。语言呈现用时太多,文本处理时间过少、过浅,缺少引导学生理解 的过程,没能充分利用文本培养学生的阅读理解能力。 3. 单词卡运用太多(主要用于语境词或重点词的操练环节),不能借助核 心词的板书引导学生拼读、认读; 4.在游戏环节出现学生不理解而导致冷场的情况,而作为老师没有及时调 整教学思路,导致游戏进行不畅。 Unit 5 My Body Teaching contents: The second period of Unit 5: My Body Teaching aims: a. Students can listen, read and understand the new words: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, arms, legs and feet. b. Students can understand orders and do the actions. c. Students can use This is and These are to introduce their bodies. d. Emotion: 1. Take care of our bodies. 2. Care for others. Key points and difficulties: Students can use the new words to introduce their bodies. Distinguish the singular and plural forms. Aids: PPT, cards Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warm up a. Greeting. b. Sing a song. Head, shoulder, knees and toes. Step 2 Presentation a. Lead in. Talk about Pinocchio and describe his body parts. Then lead in the new words. b. What is/are missing? c. I say, you do. d. The use of our body parts. What can you do with your mouth/eyes/hands? e. Introduce your body parts in groups. f. Reading: (1)Read the story by yourselves. (2)Finish the exercise with partners.(3)Read the story. (4) Retell the story. Step 3 Extension a. A video Youve Got Eyes b. We should take care of bodies. Care for others. Step 4 Homework Copy the words and introduce yourself or your friends.