广东版四年级上册Unit 5 My Body-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:12008).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2013年6月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My Body_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:12008)
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Unit 5 My body More reading and writing. Head ,head. This is my head. Nose, nose. This is my nose. Mouth, mouth. This is my mouth. Face , face. This is my face. Eyes , eyes. These are my eyes. Ears ,ears. These are my ears. Hands , hands. These are my hands. Feet , feet. These are my feet. This is me. I have a big _, a _ body, Two small eyes, two _ ears. A big _, A small _. My _ are short, My _ are long.legs arms nose mout h headbig big Look at me. What can you see? I have a big head, a big body, Two small eyes, two big ears. A big nose, A small mouth, My arms are short, My legs are long. Ha! Ha! Ha! How funny! Hi, Im Winnie. I like Big Bear. Hes tall. This is his body. Its big. This is his nose . Its big, too. These are his arms. They are long. What about you? Big BearGuangtou QiangSmall Bear This is Maggie. She is tall. She has long hair. Its brown. Her eyes are big and green. Her nose is small. Her mouth is big. She looks cool. Write the words. 1.Maggie is _. 2.Her hair is long and _. 3.These are her eyes. 4. Theyre _. 5.4.She has a _ nose. 6.5. She looks _. tall brow n big small cool 1. Is he fat? 2. Are his eyes small ? 3. Does he have sunglasses? 4. How does he look? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. A. Yes, they are. B. No,they arent. A. He looks cool. B. He looks sad. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. This is Seth. He is fat. These are his eyes. They are big. He has small sunglasses. He has a big mouth. He has two ear rings. The are very big. He looks cool,too. Seth Who is he? Kungfu Panda Listen and guess Kungfu Panda Yes, Im Kungfu Panda . This is Kungfu Panda. Hes fat and strong. He has a big head, two big eyes and a big nose. He has two long arms and two big legs. Hes black and white. He can play Chinese Kungfu. Think and judge. (判断对错,对的写判断对错,对的写T,错的写,错的写F) ( ) 1. Kungfu Panda is fat and strong. ( ) 2. His eyes are big. ( ) 3. His nose is small. ( ) 4. He has two long arms. ( ) 5. He can play basketball. T T big F T F Chinese Kungfu The old cartoon The new cartoon Wow, sheep! Hello! How are you? Im fine, thank you. Are you a sheep? Yes, I am. No, your head is _. My mouth is _. No, your mouth is _. _. Youre not a sheep. Youre a wolf. Kill him. _. Oh Look. My head is small. wo lf sh ee p farm er This is my cartoon friend. He has two big eyes. He has a big mouth . He likes singing. He can fly. He is happy. This is my cartoon friend. He has a big head and a long body. He has two big ears and small eyes. He can fly. He is happy. In the future, you may make your cartoon film. Design cartoons Read cartoon books Watch cartoons 1. Read the words and the story. 2. Watch a cartoon at home tonight and write about the cartoon friend . 广东粤人版广东粤人版开心学英语开心学英语小学四年级小学四年级 BookBook 3 3 第第 5 5 课教学设计课教学设计 UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy BodyBody ReadingReading andand writing.writing. 一、教学目标 1 语言知识:学生能熟练运用所学的单词和句子 eyeeyes、earears、nose、mouth、armarms、leglegs、handhands、foo tfeet,This is my nose. These are my eyes. 2. 语言技能:熟练运用所学的单词和句子,进行简单的对话,听懂视频 内容,结合以前所学的知识,进行适当的阅读和写作训练。 3文化意识:通过歌曲、卡通片、短剧表演、画画、写作等活动,发展 学生的审美情趣。 4情感态度:通过多元化的阅读与写作训练教学活动,让学生增强自信, 敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流,并让学生在学习的过程中,培养他们合作学 习和勇于探究、乐学善学、具有艺术创意的核心素养。 5. 学习策略:学生通过小组讨论完成英语课堂交流和英语阅读训练,通过 小组合作完成编剧本、表演和写作等训练活动,学生大胆运用以前所学的英语 知识进行表演和写作,发展学生的多元思维能力。 二、教学内容分析 本节教材内容的设计是学习了第 5 课 My Body 的新单词和句型后,指导学 生进行写作和阅读方面的拓展训练,根据英语这门课本身的特点及四年级学生 的兴趣,从学生的兴趣着手,在课堂上开展多元化的教学活动,逐步培养低年 级学生的英语阅读和写作能力。 教学重点: 让学生掌握和运用表达各部位名称单词和句子。 教学难点: 能够听懂视频内容,熟练运用所学的知识进行阅读练习;能够 综合运用所学的英语知识进行编新剧本和表演,写简单的英语短文。 三、教学对象分析 1学生已有知识和经验:学生已经掌握表达身体各部位的单词和句子,结 合以前所学的 He/She has和 He/She can的句子,能听懂简单的英语 对话,能根据课文内容进行创造性的表演。 2学生学习方法和技巧:学生能够通过小组合作的形式,展开课堂上各种 情景教学活动,能够灵活运用所学的语言知识进行创造性的表演和写作。 3学生个性发展:学生积极参与课堂活动,充分发挥自己的才能;开展小 组合作学习、自主学习和探究学习,多渠道获取信息资源,激发学生核心素养 的信息意识。 四、教学策略 英语写作对小学生来说是件乏味而艰难的事,有些孩子甚至拒之千里。为 了激发学生积极参与阅读和写作的训练中,本课的设计是根据小学生好动、好 奇、注意力容易分散的心理特点,以卡通人物 Winnie Bear 为主线,通过有趣 的卡通视频、歌曲、画画、唱说、对话、讨论、表演、创作等教学活动,带领 同学们进入英语学习乐园,开始快乐的阅读和写作之旅。通过丰富多彩的教学 活动,分散教学难点,层层深入,使学生在多向交流中,进行多元化的阅读练 习与写作实践。运用多媒体与平板电脑技术相结合,对学生进行阅读练习,利 用智能化同步教学平台的云计算技术,对教师的教学结果和学生的学习行为进 行统计和分析,教师根据所得数据调整教学思路、着重讲评个别练习;运用小 组合作编剧本和表演、设计喜欢的卡通人物和制作卡通图书的教学活动,开展 写作训练。学习过程自然轻松,启智开思,发展学生大胆尝试、主动探究的核 心素养。 五、教学过程 StepStep RevisionRevision Lead in. The teacher talks about the classroom, because there are so many cartoon pictures in the classroom. Then she introduces her cartoon friend, Winnie Bear. Winnie says hello to the students and invites a student to make a short speech about himself. The students sing a song “My Body” to review the words and sentences. The students chant to review more words and sentences. ( (复习环节:首先教师说说课室墙上的卡通图片,引出 Winnie Bear 这个卡 通人物,让他带领我们开始阅读与写作的快乐旅程。学生用演讲、唱歌和唱说 的方式,既能有趣地复习所学的知识,还能使学生很快进入状态,在情景之中, 全方位地参与课堂活动,心情愉悦,同时,也激发了学生乐学善学的意识。) StepStep ReadingReading ExercisesExercises The students look at Joe and fill in the words. Joe is Winnies friend. He talks about his funny looks, while hes drawing himself on the blackboard. Then the students fill in the words. At last ,they chant together about his look. I have a big _, a _ body, Two small eyes, two _ ears. A big _, a small _. My _ are short. My _ are long. (通过 Joe 边画画边介绍自己,伴以填空、说唱的形式,锻炼学生听说的能 力,找到话题与阅读的契合点,开展阅读的活动就水到渠成了。) Watch a cartoon “Cool Way” and do some reading exercises. The students watch a cartoon to meet Winnies friends Maggie and Seth. a. Look at Maggie and talk about her new look. b. Read a passage about Seth and choose the right answers. The students watch a cartoon “Kungfu Panda” and do the reading exercises. a. The students listen and guess who the cartoon character is. b. The students watch the cartoon Kungfu Panda. c. The students read the passage and judge the sentences. (通过观看 2 个英语视频,引出可爱的卡通人物,学生很自然地融入到阅读 的情景中,积极参与,内容由浅入深,开展阅读活动,利用平板电脑云技术, 给学生发放阅读练习,利用智能化同步教学平台的云计算技术,教师根据所得 数据分析调整教学思路,着重讲评个别练习,加深理解阅读的内容,进一步巩 固本单元的知识和教学难点,进一步促进学生乐学与善学的学习素养,提高教 学效果。) StepStep WritingWriting TrainingTraining Watch a old movie and write a new movie. The students watch the cartoon “The Wolf and the Sheep”. Its very short. Its not so good. The students discuss in groups to write new scripts. Then they try to act out the new movies. (这个环节观看“狼与羊”的故事,内容太简单,不合情理,于是我指导学 生编写新的对话内容,使故事更加详细,合理。然后,以小组为单位表演。通 过增加故事的对话内容,让学生充分运用所学的语言知识,训练写作能力,还 能发挥学生的想象力,增强小组合作精神,发展学生大胆探究的科学精神素养。 ) The students design the new cartoon characters and make a cartoon book. The teacher makes a model of designing a new cartoon character. Then the students begin to draw their cartoon characters and write about them. (这节课,我们观看了几个卡通视频,这时候,让学生动笔设计画出自己喜 爱的卡通人物,并写一写。然后利用平板电脑云技术同步教学,在屏幕上展示 成果,然后收集学生作品,制作成一本卡通画册。这环节通过学生动手操作, 展示自己作品,既能调动起学生的积极性和好奇心,又能培养学生画画、设计、 写作等多种能力,形成一个积极参与、自信活泼的氛围,是提高写作能力的好 方法。同时,培养学生积极创作、勇于探究的综合素养。) StepStep SumSum upup T: Lets read our cartoon book after class. Reading and writing are good for us. We should read more and write more. We can read cartoon books and watch cartoons. We can design our cartoon friends. In the future, we can make our cartoon film. (小结:鼓励学生养成良好的阅读与写作的习惯,具有坚持不懈的探索精神。 ) StepStep V V HomeworkHomework Read the words and the story. Watch a cartoon at home tonight and write about the cartoon character .Then share it tomorrow. (通过作业,继续巩固所学的内容,将课内的学习延伸到课外,从而进一步 提高学生的阅读与写作能力,发展学生自主学习、终生学习的学习素养意识。 ) 板书设计板书设计 UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy BodyBody ReadingReading andand writingwriting Our cartoon friends. This is my cartoon friend. He has _. He has _. He can _. He can _. He is _.
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