广东版四年级上册Unit 6 Toys-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b03a7).zip

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T oy s Unit 6 Toys T oy s a guitar park T oy s guitar pearcake a toy planea toy cara toy bear Group work:How to read these words? 小组讨论如何读这些单词,最快组可以得到两个玩具, 其它组得一个。 T oy s adrum T oy s a puzzle drum T oy s adoll T oy s a computer game T oy s Start Go Magic toy box Read the words from the box quickly! 快速读出魔法盒中的单词!a doll a toy car a toy plane a toy bear a guitar a puzzle a computer game a drum Game2:drum game击鼓传花 A:Its a B:Do you want a? A:yes, please./No,I dont. B.What do you want? A.I want a Pass the box to each group. And take out a picture when the drum stops. 传递盒子,鼓声停止时取出玩具。 T oy s T oy s Rule: Choose a box,use the sentences below and share things with your groups. 组长组长选择一个箱子,选择一个箱子,运用运用以下句型跟同组同学分享箱子里的物品以下句型跟同组同学分享箱子里的物品 。 A: Do you want_? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: Do you want_? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: What do you want ? B: I want _. T oy s Exercise Time 快速完成练习,最快组可以得到一个玩具快速完成练习,最快组可以得到一个玩具 T oy s Homework Do a survey with your friends about what they want and dont want. 跟你的朋友做一个问卷调查,了解他们想要和不想跟你的朋友做一个问卷调查,了解他们想要和不想 要的东西。要的东西。 Homework 一、根据图片,将正确的单词的字母编号填在横线上。一、根据图片,将正确的单词的字母编号填在横线上。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. a toy plane B. a toy car A. a bear B. a toy bear A. a toy bear B. a drum A. a guitar B. a toy car A. a computer game B. a doll A. a puzzle B. a drum 二、选择正确的句子和编号填在横线上。二、选择正确的句子和编号填在横线上。 1. -What do you want? -( ) A. I like playing computer games B. I want a guitar. 2.- ( ) - Yes, I do. A. What do you want? B. Do you want a drum? 3.-Do you want a toy plane? - ( ) A. Yes, she does. B. No, I dont. Unit6 Toys 一、教学内容与教材分析一、教学内容与教材分析 本节课的内容是开心学英语 四年级上册第六单元 Toys 的第一课时 vocabulary and target 部分,内容是表示玩具的单词及询问别人需求的句型,紧 贴学生实际生活。教材第一单元已经出现过“Do you?”的句型及其肯定回 答“Yes, I do.”和否定回答“No, I dont.” 二、学生分析二、学生分析 本节课教授的对象是四年级的学生,他们经过了一年多的英语学习,已经 具有一定的英语学习能力,他们掌握了一定的词汇量和英语日常口语对话,对 英语学习有着较为浓厚的兴趣,但学习的持久性仍然不足。因此,针对他们的 认知水平和特点,注重设计有效的教学方法,让学生对英语保持高度的热情。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 1知识目标 (1)掌握八个四会短语:a doll, a toy bear, a toy plane, a toy car, a computer game, a puzzle, a drum, a guitar (2)听懂、会说 What do you want? I;Do you want ?Yes, I please. / No, I dont. 并能在实际情境中运用。 2能力目标 (1)能使用 phonics 拼读单词 (2)能熟练询问别人想要什么东西、是否要什么东西及其回答。 3情感目标 感恩生活,学会分享。 四、四、 重点与难点重点与难点 1. 重点: (1)正确拼写八个表示玩具的短语。 (2)两个句型 What do you want? I want ;Do you want ? Yes, I please. / No, I dont. 2. 难点:单词 guitar、puzzle、drum、computer 的拼读及两个句型的使用。 五、教学流程图五、教学流程图 . Warm up speech Greetings. Lead-in speech See a movie and lead in the topic toys and share the toys. Presentation speech Present the eight new words in different ways. 1) Learn by playing the guitar. 2) Learn by group work. 3) Learn by playing the drum. 4) Learn by doing a puzzle. Practice Practice the words and sentences by playing the toys today. Game1: Play a computer game. Game2: Drum games. Game3: Share games. Summary Sum-up. Do a survey with the sentences theyve learnt. Homework Consolidation Do some exercises. 具体教学过程: 教学环节教师活动/方法学生活动活动目的 1. Warm upGreetings. Greetings. 2.Lead-in 1. Show a movie. 2.Lead the students to learn the word “toy” by “boy”. 3.Lead in the situation. 1.See a movie. 2.Learn the word “toy”by themselves. Let the students be interested in this class and learn the word “toy”. 3. Presentation 1.Ask the students a question then lead the word “toys” 2.Present the sentences: “Do you want?”and “What do you want ? ”and the answers by leading in the situation. 2. Take out the guitar from a toy box, play it and teach the new word “ guitar”. 3. Let the students try to read three new phrases in groups. 4. Lead the students to learn “a drum”by hearing the sounds. 5.Lead the students to learn”a puzzle”and “a doll”by doing a puzzle. 6. Lead the students to learn“a computer game”by showing it. Learn the vocabularies and targets. The students master the vocabularies and targets with different ways. 4. Practice 1. Since the students have many toys, play with the toys with the students. Game1: A computer game. Game2:A drum game Game3: A share game. 2. Moral education. We should cherish what we have. 1. Say the words as quickly as possible. 2. Ask and answer with the target questions. 3.Share in groups by using the sentences they Consolidate the vocabularies and the targets. learnt today . 5.Consolidation Let the students finish an exercise paper Do some exercise. 6. Summary Do a survey. To summarize the content they have learnt. 六、板书设计六、板书设计
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