广东版四年级上册Unit 7 Working or Playing -Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:45284).zip

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Can you sing? Magic eyes Magic eyes topic Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 1 thinkthinking 想、思考 shout workworking 工作 cut talktalking 谈话 Play a game shoutshouting 喊叫 color cutcutting 切割、剪 ex. colorcoloring 涂颜色 work Are you thinking? Are you thinking? Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Are you working? Are you working? No, Im not. No, Im not. Lets sing. Pairwork talking coloring cutting shouting A pairwork point act ask answer guess No, Im not. Yes, I am. working studying cutting painting Are you? No, Im not. Yes, I am. coloring shopping writing painting Are you? No, Im not. Yes, I am. eating thinking coloring running Are you? No, we arent.Yes, we are. shouting playing eating running Are you? read. Can you read? singing shouting running dancing talking working thinking sleeping Act & guess cutting a birthday cake cutting an apple playing a computer game playing basketball eating an ice cream cone eating a banana painting a dog coloring a cat 开启游戏之门 Act & guess Are you ? Yes / No. Ex. 1. - What are you doing? Im _. 2. Are you _? - Yes, _. 3. Are you singing? - No, _. Im _. 4. What is the girl doing? - Shes _. 5. - Is Yixiu _? - Yes, he is. Fill in the blanks. (填空) cutting working I am coloring shoutingIm not thinking HomeworkHomework 1.1.Draw and write. Draw and write. (画(画2 2幅图,用幅图,用” ”Are you?”Are you?”编编2 2个对个对 话话, ,一肯一否回答。)一肯一否回答。) 2.2.Copy the new words, each a line.(Copy the new words, each a line.(抄写新单词,每个抄写新单词,每个 一行。一行。) ) 3.3.Observe your friends or your relatives activities Observe your friends or your relatives activities and make dialogues with them. and make dialogues with them. (观察你的朋友或家(观察你的朋友或家 人的活动,用今天所学的相关知识和他们对话。)人的活动,用今天所学的相关知识和他们对话。) Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 2 exerciseexercise ing 锻炼 Read, act, patterns & sing dance 跳舞 Play a game dancinge 1. Is she exercising? Yes, she is. 2. Is she talking? No, she isnt. 1. Is she reading? No, she isnt. 2. Is she dancing? Yes, she is. 1. Are they talking? Yes, they are. 2. Are they shouting? No, they arent. Guess ! Is she? reading a book cutting an apple playing a computer playing the piano Guess !Is he? thinking smiling shouting running Guess !Is he? playing ping-pong coloring a picture talking with father playing basketball Guess ! Is she? shouting working eating exercising Guess ! Are they? playing a game watching TV singing a song touching their heads 1. Is Xiaoxin playing baseball? _. 2. Is the girl playing the piano? _. 看图完成对话 。 4. _? Yes, they are. 3. _? Yes, I am. Yes, he is No, she isnt Are you exercising Are they talking Susan 5. What is your sister doing? _. 6. Are they dancing? _. What are they doing? _. 7. _? She is shopping. What is Susan doing She is shouting No, they arent They are talking Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 3 Read the words(读下列单词): 1、直接在单词后面加-ing. shouting- shout working-work thinking-think sleeping-sleep painting-paint playing-play coloring-color studying-study 2、去掉单词后面的e再加-ing. dancing dance exercising-exercise writing- write smiling- smile having-have 3、双写后面的字母再加-ing. cutting-cut running-run 1.What are Tony and Jenny doing? 2.Is Dad playing computer games? 3.Is Gogo dancing? Answer the questions(回答下列问题) : They are playing. No, he isnt. He is working. No, he isnt. He is exercising. Unit 7 Working or Playing? 一内容分析: 1.vocabulary and target: 本单元学习现在进行时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答, 具体包含 8 个现在分词 thinking, shouting, coloring, working, cutting,talking, cutting 和 exercising 和句型“Are you v.-ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. / Is he / she v.-ing? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt.” 学生在 Unit2 已经学习了现在进行时,掌握了 read - reading, eat - eating, study studying, sleep sleeping, paint - painting, sing singing, run running, write writing, swim - swimming 等现在分析,和 What are you/they doing? Whats he/she doing?等句型, 并对现在分词的构成有过归纳。 因此,本课的教学重难点再 8 个现在分词的学习上,exercising 的读音、拼写都是学 生的难点,教师应通过拼读规则,引导孩子科学的记忆单词音和形。因为本课主要运用 现在分词,建议直接输入现在分词,主要可以减轻学生困难,同时现在分词印象会牢固 一些,8 个现在分词学完之后,可引导学生根据现在分词的构成规律,写成原形。 2. Story 在学生学完 vocabulary and target:后本部分的理解不难, 所以 story 的学习,重点在 训练学生的朗读和培养阅读的能力。 3.Sounds and words 本板块学习 th/, 能运用这个语言知识, 尝试拼读一下单词 three, think, thanks, math, month, mouth , 了解以上单词的含义。教学本板块可以从 three, math, mouth 这三个熟悉 的单词入手,找出/th/的发音,然后在新词中加以运用。 二教学目标 1. 知识目标知识目标 能听、说、读、写动词及其现在分词:think thinking, shout shouting, color coloring, work working, cut cutting, exercise exercising, talk talking, dance - dancing. 能听、说、读、写句子:Are you v.-ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is he / she v.-ing? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt. 掌握 th/, 并能灵活运用 2.能力目标能力目标 能够用所学谈论大家日常生活中的行为活动。 能够对别人正在进行的动作或活动进行提问并做出正确的反应。 3. 情感、策略和文化等有关目标情感、策略和文化等有关目标 通过学习本课的中心句型,鼓励学生敢于表达自己的想法和对别人的关心,提升善 于与人沟通的能力。 三课时安排三课时安排 第一课时:学习 8 个现在分词 thinking/shouting /coloring / working/cutting /exercising/dancing/talking, 和句型“Are you v.-ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.”with the new words above. 第二课时:学习 practicing, talking,和句型 “Is he / she v.-ing? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt.” Are they v-ing, Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 第三课时:归纳总结现在分词,学习 Story. 第四课时:巩固本课单词、句型, 学习 Sounds and words. 课题课题 Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 1个人个人 修改修改 教学教学 目目标标 By the end of this period, students will be able to 1. Read the words Learn 6 v.-ing. “thinking/shouting /coloring / working/cutting /talking” correctly 2. Use the patterns “Are you v.-ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.”with the new words above. 重点重点 1.Master the v.-ing: thinking/shouting /coloring /working/cutting/ /talking. 2.Patterns:Are you v.-ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 难难点点 To master the words: exercising. 教具教具Word and picture cards, objects, ppt, cd. 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Look and say to revise the present participles learnt( studying, painting, running, sleeping, shopping, eating, writing, singing, flying ) 2. In-put the topic Working or Playing? Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. T. does the action of “thinking” and asks the Ps. to guess what the T. is doing. Guide the Ps to ask with “Are you?”. T. tells the Ps “Im thinking.” Learn the new word “ thinking”. Pay more attention to the spelling rules :thi-ink-ing Show the pictures to help the Ps know it more clearly. 2. Repeat with the new words “ shouting /talking /coloring / working/ cutting /”. Read the words in this way: Shout: sh-ou-t-ing coloring: co-lor-ing working: wor-k-ing Cutting: cu-tt-ing talk: tal-k-ing 3. Practice reading. Play the game “1, 2, 3, bump!” to make the Ps be more careful and more active. 3. A group-work. Lead the Ps. to read the new words in groups of 4. 4. Change the words in the patterns with the help of the word cards and have the Ps. to practice reading. 5. Sing the song “ Are you sleeping?” 6. A pair work with the pictures on P51 7. A guessing game T. and an individual P. make a model. Step 3 Writing exercises Let the Ps try to finish the blanks. 布置布置 作作业业 a.Draw and write. b. Copy the new words. c.Talk about ones activities. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 7 Working or Playing? thinking 1. Are you coloring? working Yes, I am. talking 2. Are you thinking? coloring No, Im not. cutting shouting 教学教学 后后记记 课题课题 Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 2个人个人 修改修改 教学教学 目目标标 By the end of this period, students will be able to 1. grasp: exercising, dancing 2. use the patterns “Is he / she v.-ing? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt.” 重点重点 Patterns: Is he / she v.-ing? Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isnt. 难难点点 To master the use of the patterns. 教具教具 Word and picture cards, ppt and CD 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Revise v-ing. learnt last lesson (thinking/shouting /coloring / working/cutting /talking) with the word cards 3. A guessing game: act and guess T-S Model: let a student see a card, and do the action, then ask:re you? The student should answer. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Use the pictures on ppt to present the two new words: exercising, dancing Present the patterns: Is he/ she/ v-ing? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Are they v-ing? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Show the picture on ppt and ask: Is he exercising? Students may easily answer: Yes, he is. T goes on asking: Is he exercising?, S will answer: No, he isnt, hes dancing. Then elict the pattern on the Bb. 2. Use word cards to practice the pattern. 3. Pair work with the pictures on P51. 4. Play a guessing game 6. Chant activity. a. listen and chant b. look and write. Step 2. consolidation 1. Writing: Complete the dialogue on ppt. 2. P52 practice 1: listen and number. practice 2: Ask and answer. P53 Chant activities 布置布置 作作业业 1. Listen, repeat and recite. 2. Copy, draw and make sentences. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 7 Working or Playing? Is he exercising? exercising Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. dancing Is she drawing? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Are they? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 教学教学 后后记记 课题课题 Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 3个人个人 修改修改 教学教学 目目标标 By the end of this period, students will be able to 1. know the verb form from the v-ing. 2. Talk about ones activities or actions with the pattern freely. 3. Understand and read the conversation. 重点重点 Understand and read the story. 难难点点 The regulars of v-ing. 教具教具Ppt and cd 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sum up the rules: Read the v-ing, and guess their verb form shouting- shout dancing dance cutting-cut working-work exercising-exercise running-run thinking-think writing- writing sleeping-sleep smiling- smile painting-paint having-have playing-play coloring-color studying-study 3.Chant activities: listen, read and write. Step 2 Learn the story 1. listen, watch and answer: 1)What are Tony and Jenny doing? 2)Is Dad playing computer games? 3)Is Gogo dancing? 2. Listen and follow 3. Read in roles and presentation. 布置布置 作作业业 1. Read the conversation 2. Assessment book. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 7 Working or Playing? Watch and answer: 1)What are Tony and Jenny doing? 2)Is Dad playing computer games? 3)Is Gogo dancing? 教学教学 后后记记 课题课题 Unit 7 Working or Playing? Period 4个人修改个人修改 教学教学 目目 标标 By the end of this period, students will be able to 1. Know “th” pronounce the sound /, 2. Use the sound to read the words: three, think, thanks, math, month, mouth 3.Know the meaning of the words above. 重点重点 字母-th :辅音音素 / / 难难点点 The phonetics and the words. 教具教具 ppt CD 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Review the story. 3. Review the words with cards and have a dictation. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Write down the word: “three, math, mouth” on the blackboard and ask the Ps to read them loudly. Underline the letters “th” and get the Ps try to catch the sound of it. Present the sound / / and teach it. 2. Show think, thanks, month, let students try to read 3. Practice reading. 4. Listen and read the chant. 5. Get the Ps try to say the Chinese meaning of the words. Step 3 Assessment book 1. Ps check the exercise and correct the mistakes. Step 4 Homework Just as the following. 布置布置 作作业业 1. Listen P55 for 3 times and repeat. 2.Copy the words, each a line. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 7 Working or Playing? th / three think math thanks mouth month 教学教学 后后记记
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