(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 2 Making a difference Developing ideas ppt课件.zip

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  • 外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 2 Making a difference Developing ideas
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学英语报社 http:/ 全新课标理念,优质课程资 源 While-reading Task 1: Answer the question. Read the passage carefully and find out what Nicholas Winton might have done. Task 2: Match the events to the years in which they happened. (P22 3) Task 3: True or False. 1. In December 1938, a friend asked Winton to come to Britain to aid people who were escaping from the Nazis. 2. Winton established an office to keep records of the children, and then returned to Prague to find temporary homes for them. 3. During World War II, Winton served as a businessman in Britain. 4. In 1988, Winton became a respected figure around the world. Task 4: Think and share your answers. 1. Why did the parents fear that they would never see their children again? 2. Why do you think it took such a long time for Wintons actions to become known? After reading Fill in the blanks to finish the summary of the biography The power of good and then retell it. 学英语报社 http:/ 全新课标理念,优质课程资 源 Work in groups. (P58 4) Give a talk in honor of Nicholas Winton. 1. Use the table to help plan your talk. 2. Organise your talk following the steps below. Say who you are going to talk about. Talk about his key actions. Talk about his personal qualities. End with the main reasons why he inspires you. 3. Give your talks to the class. Think and Share 1. Which three words would you use to describe Wintons personal qualities? 2. Do you know of any Chinese who have acted in a similar way to Winton? Share their stories with the class. 学英语报社 http:/ 全新课标理念,优质课程资 源 I. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the phrases given. at one point pass away at the age of rise to ones feet keep records of 1.Mary _ in her sleep last night 2. A businessman must _ the money he takes in and spends. 3. That bus is too crowded _. 4. _, someone in the crowd started cheering and, after that, everyone joined in. 5. At the end of the game, the whole crowd _ cheering crazily. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 他们卖的每一本书都要做好记录。(keep records of ) _ 2. 最近,学生学习的问题已经引起了大众的关注。(bring . to public attention) _ 3. 我的祖母十七岁就结婚了。(at the age of) _ 教学辅助课件教学辅助课件 外研 必修 第三册 Unit 2Unit 2 Making a differenceMaking a difference P4 Language points 2P4 Language points 2 http:/http:/ 1. ItisAugust1939,andagroupof frightenedchildrenareboardingatrainat PraguesWilsonStation.(P1) 这是1939年8月,一群担惊受怕的孩子们正登 上布拉格威尔逊车站的一列火车。 Passengersarewaitingtoboard. 乘客们正在候机。 Theshipwasboardedbycustoms officials. 海关官员登上了这艘船。 boardv. 上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等) 2.Onleavingschool,Wintonworkedinbanks inGermanyandFrance.(P2) 一离开学校,温顿就在德国和法国的银行里工 作了。 OnarrivinghomeIdiscoveredtheyhadgone. =AssoonasIarrivedhome,Idiscoveredthey hadgone. 我一到家就发现他们已经离开了。 Ongoingoutoftheroom,Jackheardhis cellphoneringing. =Assoonashewentoutoftheroom,Jackheard hiscellphoneringing. 杰克一出门就听到他的手机响了。 ondoingsth一就,相当于assoon as引导的状语从句 3.Heestablishedanofficetokeeprecordsofthe children,andthenreturnedtoBritaintofind temporaryhomesforthem.(P3) 他成立了一个办公室记录下孩子们的信息,然后 就返回英国为他们寻找临时住所。 Doesyourfactorykeeprecordsofallvisitors? 工厂是否会对所有访客留下记录? Myideaisthattheyshouldkeeprecordsof whattheyhavedone. 我的想法是他们应把所做的事记载下来。 tokeepinformationabout sththathashappened 把记录下来 keeprecordsof 翻译句子。 1.一到飞机场,我们所有人就受到热烈 欢迎。 Onarrivingattheairport,weallwere welcomedwarmly. 2.请记录下所有与事故相关的费用。 Pleasekeeprecordsofallaccident expenses. practice practice 4.Atonepoint,thehostaskedpeopleinthe audiencetostandupifNicholasWintonhad savedtheirlives.(P5) 主持人一度要求那些尼古拉斯温顿救过的观众 起立。 Atonepoint,hemadeuphismindtobecome apainter. 他曾一度下决心要当个画家。 Atonepoint,wequarrelledoversomething silly. 我们一度为一件愚蠢的小事吵了起来。 atonemoment一度;在某一 时刻 atonepoint 5.AshockedWintonwatchedasthe majorityofpeoplerosetotheirfeet.(P5) 温顿震惊地看着大多数人站了起来。 Nowheisintrouble,butIbelievehe willrisetohisownfeetagain. 他现在是有点麻烦,但我相信他一定会重 新站起来的。 Whenhehadfinishedhismeal,herose tohisfeetandlefttherestaurant. 当他吃完饭的时候,他站起身离开餐厅。 risetoonesfeet tostandup站起身来 Translation: 2.来宾进来时请大家站起来。 1.一度我以为她要拒绝,但最后她却同意了 。 Pleaserisetoyourfeetwhenthevisitor comesin. AtonepointIthoughtshewasgoingto refuse,butintheendsheagreed. practice practice 6.Theprogrammebroughthisactionstopublic attention,andWintonbecamearespected figurearoundtheworld.(P5) 这个节目让他的行为引起了公众的注意,温顿 成为了世界上受人尊敬的人物。 Nowitisthetimetobringthisoptionto publicattention. 现在是将这个选择公之于众的时候了。 Theorganizationhasdonemoretobring thesediscoveriestopublicattention. 这个机构为了将这些发现公之于众做了很多工 作。 bring.topublicattention 把公之于众,引起大众关注 7.NicholasWintonpassedawayon1July 2015,attheageof106.(P7) 尼古拉斯温顿于2015年7月1日去世,享 年106岁。 Heunfortunatelypassedawaylast year. 他去年不幸逝世。 Thecoldweatherwillpassawaywithin afewdays. 寒冷的天气在近几天之内就会过去。 passaway gooutofexistence去世,消失,度过 Hediedinanursinghomeattheageof 87. 他在一家养老院去世,享年87岁。 Attheageof18,shewonfirstprizeina contest. 18岁那年,她在一次竞赛中获得一等奖 。 attheageof 在岁 Translation: 2.儿童在七岁入学。 1.当祖父去世时小孩子哭的很伤心。 Childrenstartschoolattheageofseven. Alittlekidcriedsadlywhenhis grandfatherpassedaway. practice practice 1.board 2.ondoingsth 3.keeprecordsof 4.atonepoint 5.risetoonesfeet 6.bring.to publicattention 7.passaway 8.attheageof ReviewReview 上船(或火车、飞机、公共 汽车等) 一就 把记录下来 一度;在某一时刻 站起身来 把公之于众 引起大众关注 去世 在岁 Self-evaluation Doyouknowthemeaningsofthefollowing wordsandexpressions?Canyouusethem correctly? 各个击破 ondoingsthkeeprecordsof atonepointrisetoonesfeet bring.topublicattention passawayattheageof 注: 另附 word 文档。 点击此处链接 Individual activity atonepointpassawayattheageof risetoonesfeetkeeprecordsof 1.Mary_inhersleeplastnight 2.Abusinessmanmust_the moneyhetakesinandspends. 3.Thatbusistoocrowded_. 4._,someoneinthecrowd startedcheeringand,afterthat,everyone joinedin. 5.Attheendofthegame,thewholecrowd _cheeringcrazily. keeprecordsof passedaway Atonepoint rosetotheirfeet I.Fillintheblankswiththerightformsof thephrasesgiven. toboard II.Translatethefollowingsentencesinto English. 1.他们卖的每一本书都要做好记录。(keep recordsof) 2.最近,学生学习的问题已经引起了大众的关 注。(bring.topublicattention) 3.我的祖母十七岁就结婚了。(attheageof) Theykeptrecordsofeverybooktheyhadsold. Mygrandmothergotmarriedattheageof seventeen. Recentlytheissueofstudentsstudyhasbeen broughttopublicattention. Trytomemorizetheseusefulexpressions. HomeworkHomework 外研 必修 第三册 Words and expressions Nazi Jewish aid temporary military rise to ones feet achievement knighthood n. 纳粹党员,纳粹分子纳粹党员,纳粹分子 n. 犹太人的,犹太教的犹太人的,犹太教的 v. 帮助,援助帮助,援助 adj. 短期的,短暂的短期的,短暂的 n. 军队军队 站起身站起身 n. 成就,成绩成就,成绩 n. ( (英国的英国的) )爵士封号或头爵士封号或头 衔衔 Read and speak out the Chinese immediately. Words and expressions chief major treatment obtain drug certificate ministry further adj. 最高级别的最高级别的 adj. 重要的,主要的重要的,主要的 n. 治疗;疗法治疗;疗法 v. 获得,得到获得,得到 n. 药物,药材药物,药材 n. 证明书,证书证明书,证书 n. ( (政府的政府的) )部部 adj. 更多的,附加的更多的,附加的 Before reading Look at the Look at the word cloud word cloud and and predictpredict what the man in the pictures might what the man in the pictures might have done.have done. frightened children saved Nazis public attention during World War II business Britain Jewish heartbroken parents various honors forgotten journal Now read the biography of Now read the biography of Nicholas Winton and checkNicholas Winton and check your predictionyour prediction. While reading Read and finish the tasks as quickly as possible. Read the passage carefully and find out what Nicholas Winton might have done. Task 1Answer the question. Nicholas Winton saved the 669 children from death at the hands of the Nazis. He come to Prague to aid people who were escaping from the Nazis. He established an office to keep records of the children, and then returned to Britain to find temporary homes for them. 1931 1938 1954 1988 2014 Winton left the military. He was awarded the Order of the White Lion. He went to Prague to help refugees escape from the Nazis. He was invited onto the British televison programme Thats Life. He became a businessman. Task 2Match the events to the years in which they happened. e c a d 3 P22 b 1. In December 1938, a friend asked Winton to come to Britain to aid people who were escaping from the Nazis. 2. Winton established an office to keep records of the children, and then returned to Prague to find temporary homes for them. 3. During World War II, Winton served as a businessman in Britain. 4. In 1988, Winton became a respected figure around the world. Task 3True or False. Prague F F F T Britain an officer 1. Why did the parents fear that they would never see their children again? 2. Why do you think it took such a long time for Wintons actions to become known? Task 4 Think and share your answers. Because the parents might die at the hands of the Nazis. For the most part, he did not mentioned the children he saved, and his actions soon disappeared from peoples memories until Winton was seen on the TV programme many years later. After reading analyzing, mindmap, summary, retelling Introduction Main body Conclusion Most biographies are organised the in time order in which events happened. The name of the person and his biggest achievement Learn to analyze a biography. 1 The authors opinion These are among 669 children, most of them Jewish, that Nicholas Winton will go on to save from death at the hands of the Nazis. at the hands of. 在在手中;出自手中;出自之手之手 The kid suffered a lot at the hands of his stepfather. 这孩子备受继父虐待。这孩子备受继父虐待。 The prisoners got good treatment at the hands of his captors(捕获者捕获者). 这些俘虏这些俘虏在在捕获者捕获者手里手里受到良好的待遇。受到良好的待遇。 这些是这些是669669名儿童中的一部分名儿童中的一部分( (其中大部分其中大部分 是犹太人是犹太人),),尼古拉斯尼古拉斯温顿将继续拯救温顿将继续拯救这这 些孩子些孩子免免遭遭纳粹纳粹毒毒手。手。 同位语同位语 非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 Sentence analyzing for better understanding. 2 2. In Prague, Winton saw people living in terrible conditions and whose lives were in danger. 定语从句定语从句 现在分词短语作定语现在分词短语作定语 condition: Working under such a condition is terrible. 在这样的环境下在这样的环境下工作太可怕了。工作太可怕了。 His body is in healthy condition. 他的身体他的身体健康状况良好健康状况良好。 1 1)环境,条件)环境,条件 2 2)状况)状况eg. Is this the boy whose father is a famous scientist? 这就是这就是他爸爸是著名科学家的那个男孩吗他爸爸是著名科学家的那个男孩吗? ? The house whose window faces south is very expensive. 窗户朝南的那幢房子很贵。窗户朝南的那幢房子很贵。 在布拉格,温顿看到了生活在恐怖环境下的在布拉格,温顿看到了生活在恐怖环境下的 人们,他们的生命处于危险之中。人们,他们的生命处于危险之中。 翻译句子翻译句子。 1. 那那个个人丧生人丧生在在一个一个士兵士兵手手里里。 The man died at the hands of a soldier. 2. 刘老师要跟那些没交家庭作业的学生谈话。刘老师要跟那些没交家庭作业的学生谈话。 Mr Liu wants to talk to the students whose homework hasnt been handed in. 19 May,1909 On leaving school In 1931 1938-1939 During World War II From 1954 In 1988 born in _ worked in banks in _ and _ returned to _ and worked in _ 1. came to Prague to _ people escaping from Nazis 2. helped to _ children to safety in _ 3. established an office to_ the children 4. found _for them in Britain 5. _ 50 pounds per child to British government served as _ in Britains Royal Air Force _ the military and _international charities without _what he did for the children a forgotten _ was found and sent to _ 1988-2014 1 July 2015 his actions were brought to _ and he received various honours for his_ London GermanyFrance Britainbusiness aid transportBritain keep records of temporary homes paid an officer left worked for mentioning journala newspaper public attention achievement _ at the age of 106 passed away 3 Fill in the blanks to finish the summary of the biography The power of good and then retell it. Work in groups. Give a talk in honor of Nicholas Winton. P22 4 Use the table to help plan your talk. Organise your talk following the steps below. Say who you are going to talk about. Talk about his key actions. Talk about his personal qualities. End with the main reasons why he inspires you. Give your talks to the class. Think and Share 1. Which three words would you use to describe Wintons personal qualities? 2. Do you know of any Chinese who have acted in a similar way to Winton? Share their stories with the class. Developing ideas writing Read Tu Youyous CV and fill in the boxes with the corresponding information. Possible answers Tu Youyou extracted qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which is very effective in fighting malaria. From 1951 to 1955, She studied in Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Health Science Centre) . Later she has been working in China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences as the tenured & chief researcher till now. In 1969, she worked as the leader of a research team aiming to discover a treatment for malaria. In 1972, she managed to extract qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which is very effective in fighting malaria. In 1986, she obtained a New drug Certificate for qinghaosu, issued by the Ministry of Health of China. In 2015, she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering a novel therapy against malaria. In 2019, she was nominated for “The Greatest Person of the 20th Century”. Tu is the pride in the Chinese science community. She made a great contribution to human health, so she should be remembered forever. Now write a biography of Tu Youyou. Use the expressions in the box to help you. Do further research if necessary. Tu Youyou, female, Han nationality, was born on December 30, 1930 in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. Tu is a heavily honored scientist known for her isolation and study of the antimalarial substance qinghaosu, later known as artemisinin, one of the worlds most-effective malaria-fighting drugs. Share your biography with the class. One possible answer Introduction She studied in Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Health Science Centre) from 1951 to 1955. Later she has been working in China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences as the tenured & chief researcher till now. In 1969, she worked as the leader of a research team aiming to discover a treatment for malaria. In 1972, she managed to extract qinghaosu from a Chinese herb, which is very effective in fighting malaria. At her age of 56, she obtained a New drug Certificate for qinghaosu, issued by the Ministry of Health of China. In 2015, she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering a novel therapy against malaria. Finally, in 2019 she was nominated for “The Greatest Person of the 20th Century”. Tu is the pride in the Chinese science community. She made a great contribution to human health, so she should be remembered forever. Conclusion Main body Now 2 mins to test our spelling. 1. English-Chinese temporary military achievement chief obtain further 2. Chinese- English 短期的,短暂的短期的,短暂的 军队军队 成就,成绩成就,成绩 最高级别的最高级别的 获得,得到获得,得到 更多的,附加的更多的,附加的 When finishing, exchange to see who does the best. board a train go on to do on leaving school return to . aid sb. escape form the Nazis live in terrible conditions in danger keep records of 登上火车登上火车 继续做继续做 一离开学校一离开学校 回到某地回到某地 帮助某人帮助某人 从纳粹手中逃脱从纳粹手中逃脱 生活在恐怖的环生活在恐怖的环 境中境中 处于危险中处于危险中 把把记录下来记录下来 课时重点回顾课时重点回顾 serve as disappear from take sb. in at one point bring sth. to public attention pass away at the age of as the Chinese saying goes 10. 10. 担任担任 11. 11. 从从中消失中消失 12. 12. 收留某人收留某人 13. 13. 一度,曾经一度,曾经 14. 14. 把把公之于众公之于众 15. 15. 去世去世 16. 16. 在在岁岁 17. 17. 正如中国谚语所正如中国谚语所 说说 课时重点回顾课时重点回顾 1. What is the biggest achievement in Nicholas Wintons life? 2. Can you match the events to the years in which they happened? 3. Can you write a biography for a person inspired you? Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation 各个击破各个击破 Find a person i
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