外研版(一起)五上Module 4-Unit 2 I'm going to be eleven.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:20054).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版一年级起点_五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4_Unit 2 Im going to be eleven._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:20054)
    • Amys birthday invitation.mp4
    • Matts invitation.mp4
    • Song.mp4
    • 外研社一年级起点五年级上M4U2.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案20054.docx--点击预览


New Standard English ( Book 9) LuLu NaNa Zhoushuizi Primary School Sing & Think: How old is Fangfang going to be? She is going to be 11. LetsLets review!review! ModuleModule 4 4 UnitUnit 1 1 Watch & Think: Whats in the envelope? B.B.A.A. I I reallyreally lovelove toto thethe party.party. ButBut I I cantcant. . Who What Task-Presentation 2nd Write a birthday invitation to a good friend. 1st Learn how to write an invitation. Listen and answer! She wants Lingling to her birthday party. Please come to my birthday party. Repeat & Answer! 1.Where is Amy going to have a party? 2.When is Amy going to have the party? 1.Where is Amy going to have a party? At: 15 Marling Street, London Where is our school? At: 130 Xiangzhou Road, Dalian At: Dalian, Xiangzhou Road 130A. At: 130 Xiangzhou Road, DalianB. B. Where is your home? At: _ 2.When is Amy going to have the party? On: Sunday, 2nd November From: 11:00 AM To: 2:00 PM date time It will last 3 hours. BrainBrain StormStorm Week Months Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesda y Tuesday Monday Sunday January February March April May June July Augus t September October November December Days 2nd1st3rd 4th, 5th, 6th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, My birthday is on_. Monday, 25th November Listen & Imitate! Pronunciation Intonation Read Retell B. This is an invitation from Amy to Lingling. Read & Choose 1. A. This is an invitation from Lingling to Amy. 2. A. Amy is 10 years old now. B. Amy is 11 years old now. 3. A. The party is going to start at 11AM and finish at 2PM . B. The party is going to start at 2AM and finish at 2PM. Saturday Sunday8:00Am-10:00Am Look and think Thank you for your invitation. I can come to your birthday party and “Happy Birthday!” Im very happy you can come. See you then! Whats Lingling going to do at the weekend? On _, Im going to . Make dialogue in pairs Hi! Amy. Thank you for your invitation. . 7:00Pm-10:00Pm On _, Im going to . Hi, Tom. ( ) 1. Who is the invitation from? A. Sam B. Amy C. Lingling ( ) 2. What are they going to do? A. They are going to have a birthday party. B. They are going to have a Halloween party. C. They are going to have an Easter party. ( ) 3. When is it? A. On Thursday, 31st November B. On Saturday, 31st October C. On Thursday, 31st October Listen & Choose A A B B C C Ask & Answer in pairs A: Whats this? B: Its a _ invitation from _ to _. B: What are they going to do? A: They are going to _. B: Where is it? A: _. B: When is it? A: _. Dear Amy The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Its a Chinese traditional festival. Welcome to China. Lets eat zongzi and watch the dragon boat race together. At: 130 Xiangzhou Road, Dalian On: Friday, 7th June From: 1:00PM To: 4:00PM R.S.V.P. Zhou Xiaole Special Days Each day is a gift. On special days, we get together with our family and friends.Special days bring us the rich cultures. Easter Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas The Spring Festival The Dragon Boat Festival The Mid- Autumn Day Tomb- Sweeping Day 乐学教育浸润孩子一生乐学教育浸润孩子一生 Parents gave us life and brought us into the world. Birthday Life is a warm experience. be nice to your friends, be happy with your family, Every day will be a special day. be good to yourself. Enjoy life! 1. 1. WriteWrite birthdaybirthday invitationsinvitations 2. 2. ReadRead andand reciterecite thethe texttext Homework 1 内容分析 本模块的话题是生日,本课的功能是发出庆祝生日活动的邀请函。课 文的情境是 Amy 发给 Lingling 的生日邀请函。Amy 在邀请中说她要过 11 岁生日了,11 月 2 日星期日上午 11 点到下午 2 点将在伦敦马林街 15 号(Amy 家的地址)举行生日聚会,邀请 Lingling 参加,并希望 Lingling 答复。通过本课学习,学生能够了解邀请函基本格式并写出个 人生日邀请函,邀请亲友参加自己的生日聚会;能在语境中能运用 be going to 句型谈论个人计划并恰当回复邀请人。教学中融入情感教育和 跨文化教育,发展学生思维品质和文化意识。 学生分析 学生在三年级时初步学习了一般将来时的表达,通过 M4U1 的学习, 再次复习巩固了 be going to 句型在口语表达中的准确运用。本课 M4U2 课文是一张邀请函,学生具备从邀请函中获取信息的能力,但对邀请函的 书写格式并不熟悉。书面表达中已经学习过星期和具体时间的表达,但地 址和日期的表达中英存在文化差异,正确书写有难度。此外,还需培养学 生在具体语境下运用 be going to 句型谈论个人计划并恰当回复邀请人 的语言表达能力。教学中,应采用实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和 任务型的教学途径,着重从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发, 来培养学生运用英语的能力。 知识 与技能 1. 语言技能 (1)听:全体学生能在图片帮助下听懂课文主要内容和相关话题 (2)说:全体学生能通过小组合作问答形式谈论邀请函内容 (3)读:能读懂邀请函具体内容并准确朗读,能读懂相关短文。 (4)写:全体学生能拼写 from, to, 能书写个人生日邀请函。 2. 语言知识 (1)功能:发出庆祝生日活动的邀请函 (2)语法:全体学生能运用:Im going to be 11. (3)词汇:全体学生能理解:November,reply; 全体学生能运用:from , to (4)语音:学生能够正确朗读邀请函,发音清楚,语调达意。 教学目标 过程 与方法 能通过自主质疑、同伴互助、小组合作的学习方式完成学习 任务;能通过倾听、思考、交流提升深层阅读能力和综合语用能 力。 2 情感态 度与价 值观 能在生活中积极尝试用邀请函正式邀请朋友参加特别庆祝活 动,能在学习和交际中关注到中英文化表达的差异,发展思维 品质,增强跨文化意识。 教学重点 单词:from,to 句型:Im going to be 11. 教学难点 地址和日期的书面表达; 语境下运用 be going to 句型谈论个人计划并恰当回复邀请人。 课堂环境 资源要件 1.学生移动终端 2.交互式教学平台(泛东互动课堂平台) 3.交互式电子白板(SMART 或鸿合 HV-I280) 4.锐捷云课堂计算机教室 5.现代中庆录播系统 信息化应用 整体思路 本节课属于巩固课,旨在让学生多练习、多输出,教师通过大量的媒 体资源的辅助来设计教学,创建贴合学生生活实际的、真实的语言交际环 境,这些都可以通过信息化手段来完成。高效、简洁的交流和反馈将提高 课堂教学效率;直观性、互动性将激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂参与度, 丰富学生的学习体验。 教学 过程 教师活动学生活动 教学活动 设计意图 信息化资源 应用设计意图 一、 Warm-up and lead in 1. Greeting T:Hello, children.How are you? 2. Sing and think T:How old is she going to be?”And “How old are you going to be? Ss say “Hello!”to teacher. Ss:Sing the song together, Then answer “She is going to be 11.” 歌曲导入激发兴 趣、活跃氛围; 在对话交际中理 解、运用“Im going to be 3 3. Lets review. Amy is going to have a party. She is inviting her friend Lingling. Lets act! 4. Ax-1 Watch and think: T:“Whats in the envelope?” T:If you are Matt, can you come to the party? Why? T:Dont be careless. Ss act M4U1 Ss:Its an invitation. Ss:No, I cant. S1: Where is the party? S2: Why the sheep invite me?. 11.” 通过角色扮演, 有效利用课文信 息锻炼学生的语 言组织能力,为 继续谈论话题做 好铺垫。 通过开放性的问 题启发学生对话 题进行自主思考, 对邀请函缺失的 关键信息质疑, 激活学生已有背 景知识。 德育教育:做事 要认真细致。 通过希沃白板呈 现音乐、图片、 视频的话题情境。 为学生搭建语言 交际平台,激发 学习兴趣,发展 自主思考的思维 能力。 4 二、 Task- Presenta tion 1. Learn to write an invitation; 2. Write an invitation to a friend. Ss: OK! 明确本课学习任 务,带着目标主 动学习。 三、 Text- Learning 1. Listen and answer Q:What does Amy want Lingling to do? T:How do you know? 2.Repeat and answer. Q1:Where is Amy going to have the party? T:Where is our school? T:Where is your Listen and answer Ss: She wants Lingling to her party. Ss:Please come to my birthday party. Ss: Can you come? Please replyreply! Learn new word reply. Watch and repeat, then read and answer. Q1: At: 15 Marling Street, London. Ss:(iPad)Read and choose Ss: ask and 通过主线问题任 务,培养学生听 音获取关键信息 的能力。 通过细节理解性 问题任务,培养 学生通过视听、 默读获取信息的 能力,学习 November, from, to。在交 流和追问中引导 学生对邀请函内 容深入思考,并 与学生生活实际 建立关联,了解 中西语言表达的 差异,培养学生 跨文化意识。 通过希沃白板创 设视听语境,在 图文信息和问题 串引导下不断深 入探究、理解课 文。同时,借助 泛东教育平台, 及时了解学生学 习状态并反馈学 生对新知的掌握 情况。 5 home? Q2: When is Amy going to have the party? (Date? Time?) T: How many hours will the party last? T:What time does the party start and finish? “from” “to” T: When is your birthday? 3.Listen and imitate. Then practise to read or retell in groups. answer in pairs Q2: On: Sunday, 2nd NovemberNovember FromFrom:11:00AM ToTo: 2:00PM Ss: It will last 3 hours. Its from 11AM to 2 PM. “fromto” Brain Storm about week, days and months. Ss: My birthday is on _. Ss: listen by themselves. Ss: Read or retell in groups. 通过头脑风暴活 动激活旧知,突 破邀请函日期书 写的难点。 通过听音模仿和 互助学习,培养 学生良好语音技 能和口语表达能 力。 借助泛东展示平 台弹幕功能,实 现资源共享和高 效的同伴互助学 习。 通过移动终端实 现学生的独立听 读,规范发音, 扫清语音障碍。 四、 Practice 1. Read and choose 2. Look and say T:“What is Lingling going to do at the Ss: Read and choose on Ipad Ss:On Saturday, Im going to .On Sunday, 通过希沃白板展 示图片情境,指 导学生在语境中 运用 be going to 句型谈论个 借助泛东教育平 台,及时了解、 反馈学生对课内 语篇的阅读理解 情况。借助希沃 6 weekend?”Can she come toAmys T:Tom also got an invitation from Amy. Look and make dialogue in pairs. 3.Reading for pleasure. T: Here comes a bird. There is an invitation to one of you. T: Here comes another bird. It is an invitation to all of you. 4. Let know more about Special Daysin the UK, in China and in our school. Im going to . Its from . to . Ss:Yes, she can. / No, she cant. Because . Ss: Act in pairs. LuckyDog reads the invitation from Sam.Other students listen and choose. Ss read the invitation together. Then ask and answer in pairs. Ss: Enjoy the video. The special day for every one is birthday. 人计划并恰当回 复邀请人。在描 述和对话中锻炼 学生语言组织能 力和理解判断能 力,提升学生高 阶思维。 通过创设神秘的 两封邀请函情境, 在生生互动中夯 实基础的同时, 满足孩子的好奇 心;开拓跨文化 视野的同时,启 迪思维、发展能 力。 通过视频,将情 感教育和跨文化 教育巧妙地融入 教学之中,有效 发展学生的思维 品质和文化意识。 白板创设交际情 境,鼓励学生用 所学语言主动交 际。 通过泛东教育互 动平台的随机提 问功能,选择 Lucky dog 为神 秘邀请函的被邀 请人,为全班朗 读,激发了学生 们对听力文本的 极大好奇心,教 师也通过平台及 时解和反馈学生 对课外语篇的阅 读理解情况。 7 五、 Task- Completi on Write a birthday invitation to a friend. Ss write,read and share the invitations. 英语学习的最终 目的是用英语做 事情。用所学英 语完成个人生日 邀请函的书写, 锻炼书写能力。 六、 Summary and homework T: What have we learnt today? Ss:Summary Homework A.Write birthday invitations. B.Read and recite the text. Ss: OK! 通过板书思维导 图总结所学。布 置分层作业,鼓 励孩子在生活中 积极应用英语。 8 板书 设计
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