冀教版(三起)五上Unit 3 A Travel Plan-Lesson 18 Billy Bee-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:10e48).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 A Travel Plan_Lesson 18 Billy Bee_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:10e48)
    • Lesson 18 Billy Bee.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案10e48.docx--点击预览


Hands up, hands down ! Please order and number the pictures. (请给图片排序并标号哦!) Please order and number the pictures. (请给图片排序并标号哦!) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) What does this story say? (这个故事主要讲了什么?) Lets think. One day, the queen bee is very sick. She needs special honey to save her. But its in Honey Flower City. Its far from here. Who can help her? Learning tips 1. 图文对照,自读第一部分。 2. 理解红色标识的单词、词组, 或向同桌请教。 This is Billy Bee. He is very kind. He wants to get the honey. He invites Benny Bee to go with him. Lets help the queen. Okay ! They need to bring the honey back before 2:00 in the afternoon, or the queen will die. How far is it? Its about 20 kilometres. 1. Who helps the queen bee ? 2. How far is it from here to Honey Flower City ? Learning tips 1. 图文对照,大声朗读 ,理解 第2、3幅图内容。 2. 回答下列问题。 They fly for fifteen minutes. Billy Bee is very fast, but Benny Bee is slow. Benny Bee feels tired. Its too far! May we take a bus? No, the bus is slow. They fly very, very high in the sky. They fly fast. Benny Bee feels very cold and tired. May we go there by train? No! There is no train. Billy Bee flies in front of Benny Bee. He flies very hard. Finally they arrive in Honey flower City. Come on, Benny. You can do it ! Look! There it is! Hooray! Read the dialogue.(两人一组,有感情的朗读对话。 ) Its too far! May we take a bus? No, the bus is slow. May we go there by train? No! There is no train. Come on, Benny. You can do it ! Look! There it is! Hooray! They get the special honey and fly back home. They arrive at 1:55- just in time! The queen eats the honey and feels better . Billy Bee and Benny Bee are very happy. Thank you,kids! Youre welcome. Fill in the blanks. A. The queen bee is very . B. Honey Flower City is here. The bus is . So they cant take the bus. C. There is no to Honey Flower City. Benny bee feels very and . D. The queen bee feels better. Billy bee and Benny bee are very . sick far from slow train cold tired happy Group work: 1. 对照图文,大声朗读,进一步 理解故事; 2. 组内分角色进行对话表演。 3. 动作大方得体,语言有表现 力。 Come on ! You can do it ! Lets discuss. Which bee do you like? Why? kind lovely friendly . hardworking kind helpful friendly . What have you learned from the story? (你从这个故事中学到了什么?) Lets be a good child to help others! 让我们做一个助人为乐的好孩子! The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 Dont give up! Come on ! 不轻言放弃!加油! Retell the story to your friends or family. Homework:Homework: Thank you! Lesson 18 Billy Bee 教学设计 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 能初步听懂、会读小故事。. 2. 能理解并有感情地朗读故事、表演故事。 3. 激发学生阅读的兴趣, 懂得不能轻易放弃,学会坚 持、乐于助人。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 1. 能初步听懂、会读小故事。. 2. 能理解并有感情地朗读故事。 三、教学难点:三、教学难点: Retell the story or act out the story. 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: StepStep 1 1 : : Greeting.Greeting. T: Good morning , boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you,too. T: How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you ? T: Im fine too, thank you! . Lets sing and song , ok? Ss: Ok ! ( Play the video “Hands up, hands down!” The Ss sing and dance. T: Are you happy ? Ss: Yes, we are happy ! StepStep 2 2 : : Leading-inLeading-in T: Do you like animals ? Ss: Yes ! T: What animals do you like ? Ss: I like Ss: I like T: I like animals ,too. Today ,we will talk about the story about an animal. Do you want to watch the story? Ok, lets talk about the story : Lesson 18 Billy Bee StepStep 3 3 : : PresentationPresentation 1.1. WatchWatch thethe story.story. 2.2. OrderOrder andand numbernumber thethe pictures.pictures. T: Who wants to show? (学生上台展示) T: Ok, now lets check it. 及时评价。 T:Ok, Lets watch the story again.(播放) T:What does the story say ? Ss: 自由发言。 T:What animals in this story? Ss: Bee, Billy bee, Benny bee, queen bee. ( Billy bee 的图片贴到黑板上,教学单词 bee, 并介 绍 Billy bee。) T:What happened to the bees? OK, now lets go to the story together. 3.3. ReadRead thethe story.story. ShowShow thethe picturepicture 1:1: T:Learn the part 1 by yourself. (1) 出示自学要求,学生自学. (师在黑板上张贴 picture 1 ) (2) Check and read. (学习 sick,honey,出示图片,帮助理解。) (3) Read this part together. T: One day, the queen bee is sick .Who can help her? ShowShow thethe picturepicture 2 2、3:3: (1)T: Please Learn the picture 2、3 in pairs. ( 出示对学要求,同桌学习。 师在黑板上张贴 picture 2、3 ) (2) Ask and answer: 1. Who helps the queen bee ? 2. How far is it from here to Honey Flower City ? (及时张贴对话帖,并评价与鼓励。 ) (3) Read this part. ShowShow thethe picturepicture 4 4、5 5、6:6: T: Its very far. How can they go there ? (1) Play the tape, listen and read. (2) Read the dialogue.(两人一组,有感情的朗读对 话。 ) BennyBenny bee:bee: Its too far! May we take a bus? BillyBilly bee:bee: No, the bus is slow. BennyBenny bee:bee: May we go there by train? BillyBilly beebee: No! There is no train. BennyBenny bee:bee: Come on, Benny. You can do it ! BillyBilly bee:bee: Look! There it is! Hooray! (3) Check and read. (指名分角色朗读,注意引导 Billy bee and Benny bee 说话时不同的语气。) 学生分角色朗读时,教师随机在黑板上张贴对话条。 T: Finally they arrive in Honey Flower City. ShowShow thethe picturepicture 7 7 : : (1) Listen and read. Read together: The queen eats the honey and feels better. Billy bee and Benny bee are very happy. (2) Fill in the blanks. WatchWatch thethe storystory again.again. 4.4. ActAct outout thethe story.story. (1)小组合作,出示活动要求: Group work: 1. 对照图文,大声朗读,进一步理解故事; 2. 组内分角色进行对话表演。 3. 动作大方得体,语言有表现力。 (2) Act out the story.(根据学生表现,及时鼓励与 评价。 ) T: Do you like this story? Ss: Yes. T: This is a good story,I like it very much. I want to share with you, happy? StepStep 4 4 : : SummarySummary 1. Look at the pictures and words,Retell the story together. 2. 情感提升。 T: Which bee do you like? Why? Ss: kind, lovely, friendly, hardworking. T: What have you learned from the story? Ss: 自由发言,(可用汉语说) Play the video “助人为乐”. 幻灯出示: 1. Dont give up! Come on ! 不轻言放弃!加油!2. The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 Step5:Step5: HomeworkHomework Retell the story to your friends or family.
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