外研版(三起)四上Module 8-Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f046e).doc

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外研版(三起)四上Module 8-Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f046e).doc_第1页
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1、M8u2 Sam is going to ride a horse. Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1.学生学习四会单词”fish”,了解 “hooray”. 2. 学生学习 be going to 句型,并会用 be going to 句型描述将要发生 的事。 Ability aims: 1. 通过 chant 调动学生积极性,让学生在动作中感受,通过问题,让 学生有目的的学习。 2. 通过小组协作,提高团队合作能力。 3. 利用有效的 listen and say 和 listen and answer 等活动, 培养学生自 主学习能力。 Emotion a

2、ims: 1.通过答题以及小组合作的学习方式培养学生与人合作,共同进步的 良好氛围。 2.通过制定计划,培养学生养成学会计划的好习惯。 【教学重、难点】 1. 教学重点:教学重点: 学会并运用:第三人称+is going to.;以及句型 We are going to 介绍。 2. 教学难点:教学难点: 在实际生活中描述将要做的事。 I.Preparation: 1. Warming-up 1.Greeting and introduction. T: Hello, everyone. How are you today? 2.Chant 设计意图:让生动起来,活跃气氛并引出 fish. 2

3、. Lead-in 1. Look at my picture. There are lots of fish. I am going to fish. GUESS whats meaning of fish? Ss: 鱼,钓鱼。T: Bingo. Teach fish. F, /f/. i/i/ sh/ T: Lets write on your paper. Who is going to fish? 通过问题让学生有目的的看短片,学生更加认真。 S: The cats are going to fish. Its going to fish. Its going to fish too.

4、 II. Presentation: 1. 学生学会四会单词 fish 2. 学生学习 be going to do 句型并运用 be going to do 句型描述将要发生的事情。 3. 学生用 be going to do 句型为明天做计划。 III.Text Learning: 1.Boys and girls, please l Listen and answer the question: We are going to play _ tomorrow. 2. Listen again and answer my questions. S1:Lingling is going to

5、 row a boat. S2:Amy is going fly a kite. S3:Sam is going to ride a horse. S4:Daming is going to take some pictures. 设计意图:通过学生回答问题,调动学生的积极性,并让学生带着问 题去找答案,学生的专注度更高,学习的目的性更强。 3.Listen read and imitate. Task: Who is the king of imitation? 设计意图:学生跟读并模仿语音语调,提升口语,让学生英语说得更 地道,通过 good,very good 的评分标准让学生注重语音语

6、调并让更 好的学习。 3. Listen and retell the story. Lets retell together. Then retell group by group. IV. Practice: 1. Lets choose T or F. If its right, choose T. If its wrong, choose F. ()1. Theyre going to play in the park tomorrow. ()2.Amy is going to fish. ()3. Daming is going to ride a horse. ()4. Sam i

7、s going to take some pictures. ()5. Lingling is going to row a boat. 3. Lets play a guessing game. What is S going to do? Each group can guess once. 设计意图:“幸运猜猜猜”的游戏,让学生做到“词不离句、句不离篇”, 对本课内容进行了拓展,让学生能熟练运用 be going to,从而达到教 学目标。 V.Task completion. Lets make a survey. 调查要求:四人一个小组,讨论本周末的计划,并推选一位代表汇报 结果。

8、First, talk with your partners, then you can show in the front. Activities Name do the homework Lucy 设计意图:通过小组合作锻炼学生的团队合作能力,提升学生的参与 度,培养学生的兴趣,满足了不同层次学生的学习需求,评价时注重 学生的语音语调,更引起学生对语音语调的重视程度。 T: Well done. You are excellent! I am proud of you. VI. Sum up and Homework T: Everybody, what have we learnt to

9、day? S: fish. Amy is going to fly a kite. Daming is going to take some pictures. Sam is going to ride a horse. Here is your homework. 1. Make a weekend plan. 2.Recite the text. 3. Write the word: fish 结束语: T:Class is over. Who is the winner? Lets clap for them. 教学反思: 学反思:本节课围绕 be going to do 句型展开学习,学生大量练习 了 be going to do 句型,最后能熟练的运用,教学成效达成,chant 环节运用动作调动学生的学习积极性,让学生注意力回归课堂,接着 通过问题听课文,让学生有目的的感知课文 i 有效的理解文意,同时 注重语音语调的练习,学生知道了好和更好的标准,为之后的学习指 明了方向。练习环节既有做题练习,也有幸运猜猜猜环节,强化了 be going to do 句型,任务生成环节让学生做调查,大量运用句型, 检验了教学成果。不足的是语速偏快,步伐过于频繁,下次要提前设 计好动作路径。


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