人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 2Ways to go to school-A-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:43451).zip

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人教人教PEP 六年级上册六年级上册 Ways to go to school Lets talk 人教人教PEP 六年级上册六年级上册 Mon. Tu e. We n. Th u. Fr i. usuallyusually oftenoften sometimessometimes Little Conductor PlayPlay a a gamegame Mrs Smith AmyAmy usuallyusually comecomes s SometimesSometimes Amy comecomes s MikeMike oftenoften comecomes s SometimesSometimes Mrs Smith comecomes s Mrs Smith usuallyusually comecomes s ListenListen andand choosechoose pictures:pictures: RoleRole play:play: Read “Talk” in groups of three. Talk about how to come to school Make a new dialogue Summary: Homework: 1、Recite “ talk ”. 2、Make a new dialogue. Unit2 Ways to go to school A Lets talk 教学设计教学设计 学校设计者 授课 日期 章节 六年级上册 Unit2 第一课时 年级六年级学科英语 课题Unit2 Ways to go to school A Lets talk课型新授课 教学 目标 1、能够理解对话大意; 2、能按意群及正确的语音、语调朗读对话; 3、能够在情景中运用句型 How do you come to school? I usually/often/sometimes come提问及作答。 重点 难点 1、 重点:能够在情景中运 用句型 How do you come to school? I usually/often/sometimes come询问及回答出行 方式。 2、难点:Mrs 的发音 教材 分析 本节课是 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 的第一课 时,本单元是以询问对方如何去某地为主题的。第一课时要求学生掌握如何询问 对方怎样去某地及回答,为后面的教学打下基础。本部分的核心句型是:How do you come to school? I usually/often/sometimes come Lets talk 为交际对 话,通过 Mrs Smith, Amy, Mike 早晨到校后谈话的情景,让学生感知核心句型 的语义及语用情景。 学情 分析 六年级的孩子已经初步养成了整体接受文本的习惯,掌握了获取基本信息的 技能。学生已经在五年级下册 Unit1 接触过频率副词 usually, often, sometimes, 也 知道部分交通工具 foot, bus, car, bike 的表达。 教学 资源 PPT,图片等 教学 媒体 班班通白板 教学过程设计 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图活动目标 1Warming-upT greets Ss. Ss greet T. 使学生的注意力尽 快回归课堂。 2Leading-inT shows some pictures. “Today, I bring some pictures for you. Look! Whats this? ” In this way, review the words: bus, bike , car. Ss look at the pictures and answer: “ Its a bus /bike/car.” 引导学生复习本课 有关交通工具的单 词,为下一个环节 学习 by bus,by bike, by car 做好铺 垫。 3Prepare the task Task 1: Learn the ways of transportation. T shows a map. “My home is here. Our school is here. How do I come to school? Do you know?” T shows PPT. “Look! I have a bike. I come to school by bike.” “How do you come to school?” T guides the Ss to learn the means of transportation using the pictures. Ss look at the pictures and answer: “I come to school by bus/bike/car.” “I come to school on foot.” Then, practice one by one. 借助 PPT 和图片, 引导学生直观的学 习核心句型。 机械操练,巩固核 心句型。 Task2: Understand the meaning of “often、usuall y 、sometimes”. T shows a chart. T guides the Ss to understand the meaning of “often、usually 、sometimes”. Ss can understand the meaning of “often、usually 、sometimes” using the chart. 借助表格,能理解 often、usually 、sometimes 的意 思及用法。 Task 3: Game: Little Conductor T guides the Ss to play the game. Some students play the game. 既增加了学习的趣 味性,活跃了气氛, 也让学生随机两人 对话,复习了核心 句型。 Task 4: Talk about Amys, Mikes, Mrs Smiths ways of transportation “We have many ways to come to school. But how do they come to school? ” T shows PPT and plays the video. Ss listen and choose pictures. 通过看动画,感知 课文情景并提取关 键信息。 Task 5: Listening T plays the video.Ss listen and follow the text. 跟读对话,强化语 音语调,加强听力 训练。 Task 6: Role play T asks Ss to do the role reading. Practice in groups of three. Ss try to do the role reading. 通过角色朗读,增 强学生对话意识。 Task 7: Fulfill the task. T asks Ss to make a new dialogue to fulfill the task. Practice in groups of three. Ss try to make a new dialogue to fulfill the task . 实现学生从模仿课 文到创生的转变, 实现语言功能的真 实运用。 Task 8: Summary. T asks Ss to make a summary. Ss try to make a summary. 通过对知识的小结, 帮助学生将本课时 的信息进行加工、 储存,从而明确学 习目标、重点和难 点;体现以学生为 主题,引导学生积 极思维,进行深入 探究。 4、Homework. T shows homework on the PPT. Ss know the homework.分层布置作业。 板书设计 Unit2 Ways to go to school How do you come to school? I usually come to school by bike. often by bus sometimes by car on foot
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