人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 4I have a pen pal-B-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:820db).zip

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Goal ! Goal ! Goal ! What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club ! See you on the playground ! John pep. com. Cn Questions: 1. Whats the title of the poster ? 2. What do they do in the club ? 3. When do they go to the club ? 4. Where do they play football ? 5. How do they contact each other ? clubtitle Things to do timeplace Contact information football Shall we dance ? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. I like dancing ,and I need a partner . Call Amy:3345567 Lets read together ! Whats your hobby? Do you like reading ? I have great books . We can share ! Call Mike : 4435678 Science Club , YOUR Club . Do you want to learn about robots ? Come to the science room ! Meet Robin . He teaches you to make robots. Robin pep. Com. cn clubstitle Things to do timeplace Conta- ct inform ation Dance 1 Dance 2. Call Amy: 33455 67 footballGoal ! Goal ! Goal ! Play foot- ball on Sun- days Play- groun d John pep. com. cn Readin g Lets read togeth er! 34. . 5 ScienceScien ce Club , YOU R Club 6. scienc e room robin pep. Com. cn Lets read together ! Whats your hobby? Do you like reading ? I have great books . We can share ! Call Mike : 4435678 Science Club , YOUR Club . Do you want to learn about robots ? Come to the science room ! Meet Robin . He teaches you to make robots. Robin pep. Com. cn Title(题目)题目) 1.Welcome to 2.Goal ! Goal ! Goal ! 3. Do you want to be a? 4. Lets .(自己想象自己想象) Things to do (做的事情做的事情) 1.Whats your favorite .? 2. Do you like / want? Join us . 3.Boys and girls, do you like? Come on! 4. Let s go and play . Youll be a basketball star . 5. (发挥想象,创造更多的句子)(发挥想象,创造更多的句子) Tips: 4-6ss a group, choose less than 4 sentences and advise your club with your partners . 1.Talk about your favorite club with your friends . 2.Make a poster to advise your favorite club. Read and fill in the form: clubstitleThings to do timeplaceContact information Dance1Dance2.Call Amy: 3345567 Football Goa! Goal ! Goal !Play foot- ball on Sun- days PlaygroundJohn pep. com. cn Reading Lets read together!34.5 Science Science Club , YOUR Club 6.science room Robin pep. Com. cn Sentence bank: Title(题目)题目) 1.Welcome to 2.Goal ! Goal ! Goal ! 3. Do you want to be a? 4. Lets .(自己想象自己想象) Things to do (做的事情做的事情) 1.Whats your favorite .? 2. Do you like / want? Join us . 3.Boys and girls, do you like? Come on! 4. Let s go and play . Youll be a basketball star . 5. (发挥想象,创造更多的句子)(发挥想象,创造更多的句子) Unit4 I havehave a a penpen pal.pal. PartPart B B 教学设计与反思教学设计与反思 课题 Unit4 I havehave a a penpen pal.pal. PartPart B B 课型 : 阅读课阅读课 执教: 邢素丽邢素丽 授课年级六年六年级级单位 教材分析 This lesson from the PEP published in Anhui province, the primary school English teaching material of Book 6 unit 4, is a reading lesson, the main content is built around the theme “Notice Board”, students are required to properly understand the key information about poster to ask and answer. This reading materials are interesting and challenging. I pay attention to cultivate students listening 、 speaking、reading and writing skills in the teaching process, and advocates experience, practice, participation, cooperation and the exchange of learning way and the task-based teaching approach. After studying at the completion of this lesson, students can use the goal of this course patterns for making a poster and advice their club . 本课选人教版 Pep 小学英语教材六年级上册第四单元,是一节阅读教学 课,主要内容是围绕“Notice Board”这一主题展开教学活动,要求学生 能够理解海报的内容,处理海报里的关键信息,积极与同伴合作, 合理分配任务,共同完成海报的制作本篇阅读材料具有趣味性和挑战性, 教学过程中通过阅读培养一定的阅读技巧:skimming(略读), detailed reading(细节阅读) ,guessing(在语境中猜词),倡导体验、 实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径。在完成本课 学习后,学生能够运用本课的关键信息小组合作制作一张关于 club 的海报并用英语宣传自己的 club 。 Knowledge reserves: Ss have already learned about English, will simply describe about hobbies. Ability reserves: Ss preliminarily have the ability of using English to do, such as puzzles, cooperation to complete the task; At the same time, preliminary master certain dialogue method and skills. The ability of learning difficulties: Ss need to be improved to get the details from the text and make a poster in groups. 学情分析 知识储备:六年级学生有一定的英语基础,学生通过前 4 课时的 学习,已掌握了有关 hobby 话题的内容。 能力储备:初步具有运用英语“做事”的能力,学生能运用海报所 需要的五个重点要素通过小组合作制作一份关于 club 的 poster,学 习内容与学生生活贴近,是学生比较感兴趣的学习内容. 学习难点:从课文中获取细节的能力、对生词、较为复杂句式的 理 解能力有待提高,合作做一张 poster 有一定难度,需要学生小 组合作共同完成。 教学目标 Knowledge and skills: Ss will learn to use key words to make dialogues, describe, and cooperate to complete the task. Teach students how to understand the text by extracting information to complete the task goal. Process and methods: Ss will use sentence patterns to describe the location of the food. Through the task-based teaching approach to teach students to extract key information from the text. Feelings, attitudes and values: Ss will experience that food brings us pleasure and enjoyment through setting the situation of simulated food shopping , at the same time improve the students interest in English. 知识与技能:知识与技能:学生能理解海报的内容,处理海报里的关键信息: title 、things to do 、 time 、Place 、 contact information 过程与方法:过程与方法:学生能运用海报所需要的五个重点要素,小组合作制 作一份海报。 情感、态度与价值观:情感、态度与价值观:学生能积极与同伴合作,合理分配任务,共 同完成海报的制作 教学重点 Learn how to use the reading skills to understand and detail the key information about the four posters. Learn how to extract key information to read the text. 能阅读理解海报内容,学会处理海报里的关键信息:title 、things to do 、 time 、Place 、 contact information.学习如何提取关键信 息来读懂文本的能力 教学难点 How to integrate the key information, and develop the ability to grasp the main ideas ,Encourage ss to make a poster in groups . How to find out the key information needed to complete the task goal in the article . 如何整合获得的关键信息,并培养从文本中找到所需要的关键信 息的能力,组织语言通过学习海报内容,小组合作共同完成一份 海报的制作并宣传 club 完成任务型目标 教法设计 Use to try teaching, cooperation, inquiry teaching, give full play to the students by the task-based teaching method, learning enthusiasm and initiative, guiding students to explore, cooperative , learning fully establishment situation through information technology means, the teachers appropriate guidance, inspiration and necessary induction, summary and explanation. Asked the students around the core patterns dialogue, on the basis of independent thinking, let Ss in study practice, learn to think independently, learn to cooperate, learn to express, learn to co-oprate creatively. 利用尝试教学法、合作探究教学法、任务型教学法充分发挥学生、 学习的积极性和主动性,引导学生进行探究、合作学习,充分通 过 信息技术手段创设情境,教师适当引导、点拨及必要的归纳、 小结和讲解。要求学生在围绕核心信息的基础上,自主思考,让 学生在学习 的实践中,学会独立思考,学会合作与分享。 学法设计 Self-study and team cooperation through the methods of listening, speaking, reading and writing to do, understand the text content and can improve the comprehensive language using ability.小组合作自学 探究,通过听说读写做等方法,理解文本内容并提高语言综合运 用能力。 信息技术 资源 Multimedia courseware: PPT; Teaching resources: the text animationvideo, scene reading, video editing, web resources links, digital display, etc. 多媒体课件:Smart notebook; 教学资源:课文 原声朗读、情景朗读、视频剪辑、网络资源,电子书包等。 Use information technology media to create learning situation, guide the students to read since the enlightenment, team cooperation, explore the teachers point, pull communication sharing, realize the interaction 师生互动 between teachers and students.教师利用信息技术媒体创设学习情境, 引导学生自读 自悟,小组合作、探究,教师点拔,交流共享,实 现师生互动 板书设计: Unit4 I have a pen pal Period5 Read & write title time things to do place contact information We dont have information about 师生互动过程 教师活动学生活动信息技术应用整合意图 Pre-task 1.Free talk : Whats your hobby ?.播放自 制微视频,引 出学校的不同 类型的 clubs. 提出总任务 makea poster for your club 2.观看优秀的海 报照片,学习 poster Ss use the key words to answer and catch the main information . 通过话题导入和微 视频观看,激发学 习兴趣,迅速导 入课程,开放性 问题的设置激活 学生的旧知,让 他们有话可说。 Using information technology to make micro lesson video. 采用绘声绘影制作微微 课视频课视频 The use of information technology to create learning situation, stimulate students interest in learning.利用信息 技术手段创设学 习情景,激发学 生 学习兴趣 Whiletask 1. 学习文本内 容,处理文 本信息 a. 快速浏览 4 份海报,圈 出每份海报 中的 club b. 学生思考问 题,阅读第 二张 poster , 回答问题 1.第一遍阅读 学生快速浏览全文, 把握文章大意,并 circle 出每份海 报中的 club 2.第二遍阅读 学生精读第二个 board(footbal l club) ,利用 圈划技巧找出段 落中的关键词, 师总结 poster 1.Read and choose (此处运用白板的拖拽此处运用白板的拖拽 功能功能) 2.Show the questions and Check the answers, 出示提问 要求与温馨提示。 (在阅读前,教师利(在阅读前,教师利 用电子白板魔术笔放用电子白板魔术笔放 大、圈划、拖拽功能大、圈划、拖拽功能 演示,此处体现了电演示,此处体现了电 子白板交互性功能)子白板交互性功能) Use the screen to display specific problems, and help students find the question breakthrough point. 用屏幕具体 展示 问题,并用提示 帮助学生寻找 质 疑切入点。鼓励 学生在阅读中寻 找关键信息,提 高阅读效率。 c.默读第一、三、 四份海报,根 据表格内容在 海报中勾划答 案。 d.Crazy English:朗读 4 份海报,选择自 己最喜欢的一份 朗读展示。 的 5 要点; 3.第三遍阅读 (1) 学生仔细阅 读文本其它 3 个 posters (一、三、四) ,完成整个 表格; Ss repeat and imitate 学生观看整篇文 章的动画视频 小组合作讨论海 报里的语言激发 学生脑力风暴, 补充缺失信息, 丰富海报内容, 为学生制作海报 时输入语言。 a. 学生再次小 组合作梳理 海报语言, (此处体现了电子白此处体现了电子白 板的拖拽,隐藏功能,板的拖拽,隐藏功能, 运用了电子书包的抢运用了电子书包的抢 答功能)答功能) Play the video . 播放课文视频(有 声和无声(原版动画(原版动画 视频的运用为学生提视频的运用为学生提 供了一个生动、真实、供了一个生动、真实、 地道的语言环境)地道的语言环境) 播放自制广告视频剪 Auxiliary means for information technology, have the students feel pronunciation, intonation, make its have the expressive language in a certain situation. 以 信息技术为辅 助 手段,让学生 感知语音语调, 使其语言在一定 的情境下具有表 现力,为学生完 成读后任务提供 充足的语言环境 和语言支架。 2.补充海报缺 失的信息,将 准备好的 posters 展示给 学生,引导学 生思考海报里 缺少哪些信息, 小组合作, 3.观看视频,为 学生示范如何为 海报做广告,为 各小组呈现海报 方式提供示范。 完成自己的 poster . b. 讨论为自己 的 club 做 广告的形式. 辑;(此处运用了会(此处运用了会 声会影、格式工厂等声会影、格式工厂等 剪辑软件,剪辑一段剪辑软件,剪辑一段 footballfootball clubclub 招募招募 人员的广告视频,拓人员的广告视频,拓 展学生的思维,丰富展学生的思维,丰富 他们的语言环境)他们的语言环境) Posttask 1. 小组合作以 自己的方式 为自己的 club 做广告 2. 张贴并宣传 club,邀请更 多的学生加 入自己的 club Ss finish the new poster and advise their club according to the group ideas . 学生根据自己制 作的海报联系生 活实际做宣传, (此处运用电子书包(此处运用电子书包 的拍照功能分的拍照功能分 别别 展展 示示 图图 片片 和和 相相 应应 的的 语言描述)语言描述) Through the written exercises, and with the help of information technology to test students if understand the dialogue.通过小 组合作,任务分配, 并借助信息 技术手 段来检验学生对本 篇文本课文内容是 否理解并灵活运用。 培养小组合作意识, 为写作及展示积累 语言素材。 Homework The use of network resources. 家庭作业家庭作业 网络资源的运用。 Ss will do their homework through audio library story and the homework together network related practice after class consolidate and expand. 学生通过学生通过 “有声有声 图书馆图书馆”的绘的绘 本本 故事以及故事以及“一起一起 作业网作业网”的相关操的相关操 练进行课后的巩练进行课后的巩 固与拓展。固与拓展。 The rational use of network resources, have the students can choose suitable reading materials, and reading on line, listening to the tape, share, and upload the homework, to achieve the goal of layered homework. 合理使用网络资 源,让学生可以 选 择适合自己的 阅 读材料,并能 在线 听读、录音、 分享 和上传作业, 以达 到分层作业 的目 的。 且教且思且教且思 This lesson links are complete, the teaching process is fluent, students grasp very well. I use the whiteboard technology in this lesson, it reflects the interactive characteristics,such as: layer, drag and drop, video introduction, pull tabs, interaction detection, double sign, double page display, digital display double page display function mixing, presenting, it makes convenient for the interaction between teacher and students, can fully arouse the enthusiasm of students. In addition, I use the Internet platform after class assignment, students can choose suitable reading materials and exercises, and share it to online reading, listening to the tape, and upload assignments, to achieve the goal of layered homework. 本节课环节完整,教学过程较流畅,学生的掌握情况较好。我借助白板技术上 了本节课,白板课件体现出交互性特点:如:图层、拖拽、视频导入、拉标签, 互动检测、翻牌子、双页显 示、数字展台双页显示混合使用等功能,既方便老 师演示,又利于学生互动,可 以充分调动学生的积极性。在完成表格的环节, ppt 制作的表格更加一目了然,简单快捷。但 PPT 也有不足之处,比如字体只 能设置字号,无法现场放大,在呈现表格时,字迹不够大,关键信息容易漏看。 而利用电子白板上课时,更加体现了交互性的特点。比如在阅读中,须要回到 原文中画圈,画下划线找出关键信息,既可以老师演示,也可以让学生上台利 用电子白板笔的功能进行演示;在呈现表格环节时,遇到关键信息,可以利用 电子白板的魔术笔进行探照、放大;电子白板更是完美的完成了拖拽信息的过 程。除此之外,我利用网络平台布置课后作业,学生可以 选择适合自己的阅读 材料和练习题,并能在线听读、录音、分享和上传作业,以达到分层作业的目 的。
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