- Unit6 How do you feel Part C.mp4
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PartPart C C StoryStory timetime Enjoy a video Lets guess M ,favourite TV show popcorn Ill go and make some. Lets guess What does Zip think? I cant wait. I love popcorn. Im so happy! He must be making lots of popcorn. Yum Tips: 借助图片,体 会人物情感, 丰富语言表达 。 wWhereWhere is is Zoom?Zoom? Is Is hehe inin thethe ? ?living room Is Is hehe inin thethe ? ?bedroom Is Is hehe inin thethe ? ?kitchen Is Is hehe inin thethe ? ?bathroom Where is he? worriedworried Im a little worried now. happy Ill go and check. InIn thethe gardengarden Im making popcorn. What?! angry Dont be angry!Count to ten and take a deep breath But they take a long time to grow. Im still waiting. Well, I planted the popcorn seeds. Lets retell Zip is happyZip is worriedZip is angry Choose one scene to retell Retell the whole story Lets think 1.How do you think of Zoom? He is kindwarm hearted 2.How can Zoom help Zip better? He should 1 1、自制思维导图总结故事,加深理解,并且、自制思维导图总结故事,加深理解,并且 运用思维导图复述小故事。运用思维导图复述小故事。 2 2、MakeMake somesome popcornpopcorn toto shareshare withwith youryour classmates.classmates. Think and guess What happened? WhatWhat doesdoes ZipZip thinkthink ? ? Lets guess 1.How does Zip feel now? 2.What will Zoom say? Think and Guess is angry. What?!What?! If someone is angry, what will you say? Read and Circle When Zip is angry, what does Zoom say? Dont be angry! Count to ten Take a deep breath ReadRead andand circlecircle WhyWhy is is ZipZip happy?happy? I cant wait. I love popcorn. Im so happy! 课课 题:题:Unit6Unit6 HowHow dodo youyou feel?feel? PartPart C C StoryStory timetime 学学 校:校: 执教教师:执教教师:高玲玲 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 本节课内容选自小学英语人教版 PEP(三年级起点)六年级上册,是本册 书第六单元的第五课时,这是一节故事阅读课。 二、学生情况分析:二、学生情况分析: 六年级的孩子在英语学习方面有了一定的积累,具备了一定的英语学习基 础和英语学习能力,且有一定的观察和表达能力。但对于好动活泼的六年级学 生而言,纯文本阅读可能会较为枯燥,较难激发学生的学习积极性。因此,我 尝试使用倒推法,通过最后一幅图片中 Zip 的表情,提出问题:How does he feel? Why does he feel that?旨在培养学生的发散性思维能力和预测能力。 从而大大得提高他们的学习兴趣和求知欲,让学生从被动接受转化为主动求知 的角色。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: (一)学习能力目标: 1、能够借助 Zip 的情绪变化这一主线,掌握故事情节,培养文本意识。 2、能够感受角色的情绪,能够使用本单元的核心句型“How does Zip feel?”, “Zip is”来讨论情绪,并给出建议。 3、学生能够自制思维导图,并使用思维导图来讲述故事。 (二)知识目标: 1、学生能够正确朗读单词:favourite, popcorn, plant, grow. 2、学生能够正确朗读句型:“Im so happy”,“Im a little worried”, “Ill go and make some”,“Dont be angry!”. (三)思维品质目标: 能够联系实际,寻找合理有效地办法去解决问题。 (四)情感态度目标: 1、要关注别人的感受,关心他人。 2、乐于助人,并使用正确的方法去帮助他人。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: (一)教学重点: 1、掌握并运用本文的重点单词及重点句型。 2、读懂并理解故事大意。 (二)教学难点: 1、看图预测故事以及创编故事,发展阅读技能。 2、利用思维导图来复述故事。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: PPT, videos, music,pictures 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step1:Step1: GreetingGreeting andand Warm-upWarm-up 1、 Greet to the students as usual. 2、 Warm-up: 1Watch a video: A girl made many expressions to express her feelings. 2Act and guess I will say the sentence“How do I feel?”with different moods, and let the students guess my feelings. (设计意图:观看影片和游戏都通过 free talk 的形式进行自由交谈,目的是自 然地引出主题,不仅体现了教学的无痕性,而且也拉进了师生之间的距离。 ) Step2:Step2: Pre-readingPre-reading 1、 Present Zips picture in the end of the story, and ask Ss to guess:“How does Zip feel?”and“Why does Zip feel that?” 2、 Prediction: Present the first picture of this story. Ask Ss to find out the characters, place of the story. Q: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? (设计意图:采用倒推法,并将第一幅图和最后一幅图对比,提出问题,目的在 于培养学生们的发散性思维能力和预测能力。在猜测最后一幅图时,我有意不 给出答案,目的在于提高孩子们的学习兴趣和求知欲,让他们从被动接受转化 为主动求知的角色。) Step3:Step3: While-readingWhile-reading 1. The first scene: happy Present the first picture and let the students listen to the radio to fill the blanks. (2)I ask the Ss “Whats your favourite TV show” (3)Practice of “Ill go and make some” I help the Ss to understand this sentence better by body language. (4) Lets guess: When Zip went to make popcorn, what does Zip think? (设计意图:1.学生通过听录音,找出图片中缺失的部分,练习单词 favourite.并且引导学生们思考自己最喜爱的节目,目的不仅是为了突破重点 单词的应用,也为了带领孩子们体会故事中主人公的心情。2.教授单词 popcorn 时,我带领孩子们运用手势进行自然拼读,加深理解,并且我还在 PPT 上呈现了爆米花的图片,目的通过图片的直观形象加深孩子们的单词记忆。3. 通过丰富的肢体语言,加深孩子们对“Ill go and make some”这句话的理 解 4.Lets guess 部分让孩子们进行猜想,目的在于发散孩子们的思维能力 的培养,并且我有意加上时间滴滴答答走动的声音,主要是让孩子们有种身临 其境地感觉,从而能更好地体会到人物情绪) 2.The second scene-worried 再次响起时间滴滴答答走动地声音,并且有感情地描述着场景,Zip waits for a long time ,but Zoom isnt back. At this time, Zip goes to look for Zoom.通过 PPT 呈现出家里的不同房间,运用句型“Is he in the?” (设计意图:通过时间走动的声音和运用句型“Is he in the?”都是为了来 营造一种氛围,让孩子们身临其境地寻找 Zoom,并且在寻找的过程中,感受 Zip 担心的情绪,从而更好地帮助孩子们融入故事中。) 3.The third scene-angry 让孩子们生气的语气去读“What”,意图是体会人物的心情 (2)Think and discuss: If your friend is angry, what will you do? (设计意图:通过讨论的形式进行思考和讨论,让孩子们学会管理自己的情绪) Step4:Step4: PostPost readingreading 1. Help the Ss to review the story and retell the whole story. 2. Let Ss to retell the story, they can choose one scene or the whole story. (设计意图:通过黑板上的思维导图方式来复述故事,让学生们能够更有逻辑性 地感知文本) 3Lets think: How do you think of Zoom? How can Zoom help Zip better? (设计意图:对学生进行情感教育,我们要助人为乐,但是也要注意方式方法。 ) 4. Watch a video about a science experiment(制作爆米花的科学小实验) Step5:Step5: HomeworkHomework 1. 自制思维导图,加深对故事的理解,并且根据思维导图复述故事。 2. 自制爆米花与同学一起分享。