人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 6How do you feel -C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:b0635).zip

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PEP英语三起 Unit6 How do you feel? C Story time Enjoy the song Sharp eyes sad angry happy ill sorry hungry angry warm worried bad afraid Chose a word and talk. A: Im going to see a film. B: How do you feel? A: Im happy.(做出表 情) Lets talk Dont be sad. Lets watch TV. What food do you want to eat? popcorn Watch and answer Whats this story about? Look and answer What does Zip want to do? Look and answer How does Zip feel? Look and think Why is Zip from happy to angry? Look and discuss Where is Zoom from 7:10 to 7:35? Look and discuss What did Zoom plant? Listen and repeat Task1:Read and order 346 512 Task2:Act out the story Task3:Discuss and choose What do you think Zoom? Task4:Discuss and say Zip is angry, What do you suggest? Look and learn Task5:Choose a picture and make a story Excellent people can control their emotions. Homework 1. Act out the story with your partner. 2. Create the story with your partner. PEP 英语三起六年级上 Unit6 How do you feel? C Story Time 教学设计 一、学情分析: 六年级学生经过四年的学习,具备了一定的学习能力,能听懂老师简单的 课堂用语,能够根据教师的指令完成布置的教学任务。具备一定的英语知识, 能够联系以前学过的知识,解决目前学习中的问题。但是由于年龄的增长,大 部分学生不再和三、四年级的学生那样,勇于表现自己,积极回答问题。但是 学生能够进行深度思索,有了自己的观点和看法。 教材分析 二、教材分析: 本单元内容学习的主题是表达情绪、心理状态和对情绪疏导提出建议。本 节课讲述的是 Zip 等待 Zoom 做爆米花的故事。除了复习巩固表达感情的句 型should,Dont还介绍了植物生长的知识。 三、教学目标: 1.能够在情景中理解并运用 popcorn, show, must, a little, check, seeds, grow 等单词。 2.能够巩固并综合运用:Im so happy. Im a little worried now.表达情绪和心 理状态。能够运用 Dont be angry. Count to ten and take a deep breathe.等语句对 情绪疏导提出合理化的建议。 3.通过跟读录音感受单词间失去爆破的现象。会正确朗读 I cant wait. Oh, dont be angry. Count to ten.等单词失去爆破的句型。 4.能够理解故事,并尝试表演故事。能够运用所学知识解决生活中遇到的 情绪问题。 四、教学内容: 1.教材:C Story time 2.词汇:popcorn, show, must, a little, check, seeds, grow 3.句型:Im so happy. He must be making lots of popcorn. Im worried now. Dont be angry. Count to ten and take a deep breathe. 五、教学重点: 理解故事内容,了解 Zip 情绪变化的原因,并尝试表演故事。 六、教学准备: 爆米花,Zip 和 Zoom 的头饰,单词、句型、头饰卡片,PPT 和白板课件。 七、教学步骤: Step I Pre-story: 1. Enjoy the song If you are happy and you know it. Sing and do actions. 【设计意图:通过播放歌曲激趣,并自然引出本单元的重点单词和重点会 话。 】 2. Sharp eyes: Review some feeling words. T: Happy and angry are both feeling words. Lets look at more feeling words. Please read together. sad, angry, worried, afraid, happy, sorry, bad ,warm, bad hungry, warm, hot, cold, cool, thirsty, sorry. 【设计意图:呈现情绪单词,既复习巩固新知,又能为学习故事做铺垫。 】 3. Pair work: Choose a feeling word, act and make a dialogue. S1: I failed my math test. T: How do you feel? S1: Im sad.(做出动作及表情) T: Dont be sad. You should do more exercises and need to be more careful. Ss do more exercises. T: Dont be angry. Lets watch TV. What food do you want to eat? Ss: Popcorn. T: I love popcorn. Its my favourite food. Look, My friend Zip and Zoom will watch TV, too. Lets watch it. 【设计意图:巩固单元重点会话,导语铺垫 favourite 和 Lets watch it.为 学习故事提供语言支架。 】 Step II: While-story 1. Watch the video and answer: Ask: Whats the story about? Its about popcorn.(Put the word popcorn and picture on the blackboard) 【设计意图:通过观看故事,了解故事大意,抓住核心词汇。 】 2. Look and answer: (1)Look at the first picture to the second picture. T: What does Zip want to do? Ss: Zip wants to eat some popcorn. Look at the second picture: T: Zip wants to eat popcorn, So Zoom says: _. How does Zip feel? Ss: Im so happy. I love popcorn. (Put the sentences on the blackboard.) 【设计意图:观看图画,梳理故事线索,了解故事起因,找出核心词 汇和会话。 】 (2)Look at the third picture and the fourth picture. 【设计意图:进一步通过 Zip 的情绪变化理清故事线索。 】 Ask: What time is it? 7:10 to 7:35. Its _. T: How does Zip feel? (Put a little worried and Ill go and check on the blackboard on the blackboard.) Where is Zoom from 7:10 to 7:35? T: Is he in the kitchen? Ss: No, he isnt. T: Is he in the living room? Ss: N【设计意图:通过对时间的解读,引出 Zip 的情绪变化原因帮助学 生理解 Zip 从 happy 转变为 a little worried 的原因。 】 (3)Look at the fifth picture and sixth picture: Ask: What did Zoom plant? How does Zip feel now? He planted popcorn seeds. But they take a long time to grow. (Put the sentences on the blackboard.) 【设计意图:通过解读故事文本,进一步让学生体会 Zip 的心情转变 为 angry 的原因,感受 Zoom 的性格特征。 】 3. Listen and repeat. 【设计意图:整体感知故事,模仿语音语调。 】 Step III: Post-story 1. Read and order. 【设计意图:对文本内容进行重构,检测学生对文本的理解能力和小组合 作学习的能力。 】 2. Act out the story. 【设计意图:检测学生对故事文本的理解以及对故事趣味的表现力。 】 3. Discuss and say. (1)What do you think about Zoom? (2)Zip is angry, what do you suggest to him? 【设计意图:测查学生分析问题和理解问题的能力,训练学生的口语表达 能力。 】 4. Choose a picture then make a new story. 【设计意图:走出文本培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,进一步训练 学生的口语交际和表演故事的能力。 】 Step IV: Summary: In our life, there are many good things, but also there are many bad things .What should you do when you experience bad things? Excellent people can control their emotions. 【设计意图:帮助学生整合知识,培养学生的发散思维,对学生渗透控制情 感的教育。 】 Step V Homework: 1. Read and act out the story with your partner. 2. Create the story with your partner. 【设计意图:创设开放性的作业,激励学生根据目标设定挑战自己的表现 力。 】 Blackboard working-design Unit 6 How do you feel? C Story Time 【设计意图:以故事核心词 popcorn 为中心,发散出一条主线:I love popcorn. I ll go and check.I planted popcorn seeds.They take a long time to grow.副线索为 Zip 的情绪变化 happya little worriedangry,从而逐步帮助学生理解故事起 伏,并自然生成故事脉络。 】
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