人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section A 1a—1c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:4038c).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 8 It must belong to Carla._Section A 1a—1c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:4038c)
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Learning aims (学习目标学习目标): 1.知识目标 1).能认读并正确使用下列单词。 whose, hair band, belong to, toy ,truck ,picnic, 2).理解并掌握情态动词 must,might,could,cant 表推测的用法。 A:Whose volleyball is this? B:It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball. A:Whose hair band is this? B:It could be Meis hair band. Or it might belong to Linda. They both have long hair. A:What did you see that night? B:Im not sure, but it cant be a dog. Learning processes Task 1 Pair work Do you know which teacher the things in the pictures belong to? Make a dialogue to talk about them.(两人一组讨论图中物品属于哪位老师的。) A: Whose is this? B: It must/cant be A: Whose is this? B: It must/cant belong to Task 2 Pair work Make a dialogue to talk about the things that you and your partners bring from home. (两人一组猜猜你从家里带来的物品都属于谁) A: How many people are there in your family? B:There are people in my family. They are must cant A:Whose is this? B:You can guess. A:It might /could be It might/could belong to Task 3 Group work Are you familiar with them? Four students a group, discuss and guess who they are.(四人辩论,猜猜他们是谁,尽量把 must,might/could,cant 全部用上) Examples: A:The student in picture 1 cant be Because B:He could be Because C:He might be Because D:He must be Exercises(达标检测达标检测) 1.This hook _ be Carlas. Her name is on the book. A.might B.could C.must D.cant 2.Jacks bike is blue, so this yellow one _ be his. A.mustnt B.cant C.couldnt D.mightnt 3.The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. A.could B.must C.cant D.can 4.- Whose pen is this? - It _ Liu Mei because I saw her to use it the other day. A.cant be B. might be C. must belong to 5.Mary _ be in Paris. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. A.mustnt B. shouldnt C. may not D. cant 6This backpack must be _. I saw her carry it yesterday. A.Lucys B.Lucy C.Lucys D.Lucys Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A Period 1 Learning aims: 1、Remember the words and expressions whose, hair band, belong to, toy ,truck , picnic, possibly, valuable worried, atten 2、理解情态动词对现在的情况进行推测。通过 自主学习、听力与口头练习,学生学会谈论 自己的推理 3、学会利用相关信息进行合理的推论 It cant be It might/could be It must be a lion. What kind of animal is it? 不可能 可能 It may be. It could/might be . It must be Who is the person? It cant be What is this? It could be_. It also might be_. a white vase two faces It could be _. It also might be _. Can you guess what it is? a dog two girls Whose skirt is this ? It must belong to Jane. (=It must be Janes.) Jane Mike Because she is a girl. (Because boys dont wear skirts.) 情态动词态动词 表示推测测的用法 情态动词态动词 must, might/could, cant后接 动词动词 原形, 可以表示对现对现 在情况的推测测。 情态动词态动词 汉语汉语 意思 “肯定、一定” “不可能” “可能、也许许” must could/might cant It must be yours,_? She must study hard,_ ? Must he finish his homework now?(答语) isnt it doesnt she Yes, he must. /No, he neednt. 1b Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason. PersonThingReason Janes little brother Mary Carla D eng Wen Grac e volleyball toy truck magazine book CD J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer. She loves volleyball. He was the only little kid at the picnic. She always listens to pop music. He loves rabbits. Make conversations with your partner. 2a2a hair bandhair band tennis ballstennis balls Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag. Things in the backpack. T-shirtT-shirt 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 1.The person must go to our school. 2.The person _ be a boy. 3.It _ be Meis hair band. 4.The hair band _ belong to Linda. 5.It _ be Lindas backpack. cant could might must 2b2b 1This hook _ be Carlas. Her name is on the book. Amight Bcould Cmust Dcant 2Jacks bike is blue, so this yellow one _ be his. Amustnt Bcant Ccouldnt Dmightnt 3The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. Acould Bmust Ccant Dcan c B B 4.- Whose pen is this? - It _ Liu Mei because I saw her to use it the other day. A. cant be B. might be C. must belong to 5.Mary _ be in Paris. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. may not D. cant 6This backpack must be _. I saw her carry it yesterday. ALucys BLucy CLucys DLucys c D D 1. - Whose book is this? - It must be Marys. It must belong to Mary. 2. - Whose guitar is this? - It could/might belong to Fred. 3.The T-shirt cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. (肯定; 一定) (可能) (不可能) Section A 重点句型 : too much too many 1.The notebook _ be Mings. It was on her desk. 2.The homework _ be Carols. She wasnt at school today. 3.The soccer ball _ be Johns or Tonys. They both play soccer, dont they? 4.The French book _ be Li Yings. Shes the only one whos studying French. cant might must must/ might/could 5.The I cant find my backpack. It _be still at school. 6.The photo _ be Lus. Those are his parents. 7.The red bicycle _ be Hus. She has a blue bicycle. 8.This ticket _ be my aunts or uncles. Theyre both going to the concert. might must must cant Read the conversation again and answer the questions: 1. Why is Linda worried? 2. What did Linda attend yesterday? 3. What are there in her schoolbag? 4. Did Linda go to a picnic after the concert? 5. Could her schoolbag still be at the park? Because she cant find her schoolbag. She attended a concert yesterday. Her books, her pink hair band and some tennis balls. 2d Pairwork Role-play the conversation in pairs. Yes, she did. Yes. Who is he/she? What is she? Whose skirt is this ? It must belong to Jane. (=It must be Janes.) Jane Mike Because she is a girl. (Because boys dont wear skirts.) Can this T-shirt be Johns? It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. John 1a Look at the picture.Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. ClothingFun things Kitchen things hatvolleyballplate T-shirt sweater book magazine CD toy car cup football hat dictionary glasses watch carearrings scarf 表示推测的情态动词 在英语中,表示对某事物的确定程度, 即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情态动词: must, might, could, may, cant, couldnt Presentation must cant could might 100% probably true 20%80% possibly true 0 almost not true must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一 定”。(100%) 例如: He must be working at home. must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完 成时。 例如:The road is wet. It must have rained last night. Learn to make inference(推理) 1b Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason. PersonThingReason Janes little brothervolleyball J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. Mary toy truckShe loves volleyball. Carla magazine He was the only little kid at the picnic. Deng Wenbook She always listens to pop music. Grace CDHe loves rabbits. 1c PAIRWORK Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations using the information in 1b. A: Whose book is this? B: It must be Marys. J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. 2a Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag. 1. 2. 3. T-shirt Hair band Tennis balls Things in the schoolbag 1. The person _ go to our school. 2.The person _ be a boy. 3.It _ be Meis hair band. 4.The hair band _ belong to Linda. 5.It _ be Lindas schoolbag. cant could must might 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks. must 学习 目标 1.能听懂,会读,会说下列单词。 whose, hair band, belong to(属于), toy ,truck ,picnic, 2.学会运用情态动词 must, might,could,cant 表示推测。 3.情感目标 通过本节课的学习,让学生学会在日 常生活中运用恰当的情态动词进行合 理推测。 重点 难点 1.根据具体语境选择不同的情态动 词表推测。 2.It must belong to me. It must be mine. 教材 分析 新目标英语教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调语言应用,培养创新, 实践能力,发展学习策略。它采用任务型语言教学模式。教材中每单元都设计一个或几 个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语 进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。在这个单元,学生要学会用表推测的情 态动词“must,might,could,cant”进行合理的推论,这样的主题对活跃学生的想像力和 提高学生的推测能力很有帮助。通过各部分的学习,要求学会如何进行推测,并了解、 学会基本句型的使用。本节课是第八单元的第一课时,是一节听说课,通过本节课的学 习要求学生初步了解和掌握表推测的情态动词的用法。 学情 分析 本节课是九年级第八单元的第一课时,主要内容是表推测的情态动词,而我讲课的对 象是八年级学生,这就要求我课前必须深入了解学生的学情。这几情态动词 “must,might,could,cant”学生在七八年级学习的过程中已经学习过,但对于其可以表 示推测这个知识点接触甚少。八年级英语老师说,在平时做练习的过程中,偶尔会碰到 这个知识点,虽没有详细讲解,但是也给学生简单提过,这就为我这节课打下了比较好 的基础,学生既认识这几个情态动词也简单了解过该知识点。根据我的了解,该班学生 思维敏捷,非常活跃,但是容易失控,这就要求我上课一定要把握好节奏,既要引起他 们的兴趣,调动他们的积极性,又要把他们的活跃度控制在适当的范围内。 教学过程设计 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图和活动目标 I.Warming-upT greet Ss T:This is our English class. It belongs to me. It belongs to you. It belongs to everybody in our class. So lets enjoy it. Today,we will learn Ss greet T. T read the title of Unit 8. 开门见山,利用三句 话直接导入本节课。 并且在导入的过程中 唤起学生对“belong to”这个词组。 II.Lead-in presentation. 1.T shares a photo of her family and introduce her family members to the Ss. 2.T shows some things that are brought from her family. Let Ss guess who do they belong to. And lead Ss to use “must”, “cant” to answer the questions. 1.Ss look at the photos and listen to the teachers introduce her family. 2.Ss answers the Ts questions with “must” and “cant”. 这个环节的主要目的 是让学生初步了表推 测的情态动词“must” “cant”的用法。 通过让学生猜测教师 从家里带来的物品归 属于哪个家庭成员来 教给学生此知识点, 能最大程度的引起学 生的兴趣,把学生的 注意力吸引过来,在 不知不觉中学到这两 个情态动词的用法。 III.Task 1T shows some pictures and let the Ss work in pairs to finish Task 1. Ss work in pairs and talk about which teacher the things in the pictures belong to.Then they should make a dialogue like this: A: Whose is this? B: It must/cant be A: Whose is this? B: It must/cant belong to 本活动的目标是让学 生通过练习进一步掌 握表推测情态动词 “must” “cant”用法。 本活动所展示的图片 都是与该班任课教师 有关的图片,贴近学 生的学习生活,能够 持续引起学生的兴趣, 让学生广泛参与活动。 IV.presentationT shows an interesting book of her daughter. Use the pictures in the books to teach Ss how to use “may, might, could” Ss look at the pictures of the book and learn to use “may, might, could” 本环节的设计的主要 目的是让学生初步了 解表推测的情态动词 “may,might,could” 的用法。 利用教师女儿的两本 非常有趣的书来教授 这个知识点,让这个 枯燥的知识点瞬间也 变得很有趣。 V.Task 2T let Ss bring some things from their family into the classroom. Then let them work in groups to guess who they belong to. Ss work in groups to talk about the things that they bring from their family. Then they should make a dialogue like this: A: How many people are there in your family? B:There are people in my family. They are A:Whose is this? B:You can guess. A:It might /could be It might/could belong to 本活动的目标是让学 生通过练习进一步掌 握 表推测情态动词 “may,might,could” 的用法。 让学生在家带一些常 见物品,这些物品最 大的特点是不能一眼 看出来属于哪个讲成 员的,让学生在组内 猜猜它们可能属于谁, 与学生家庭,生活紧 密相连,让每个学生 都有话题可谈。 VI.presentationT show a picture of a teacher, lead Ss to guess who it is. And T suggests Ss to use “must, may, might , could, cant” to guess. Ss try their best to guess the name of the teacher with “must, may, might , could, cant” 此环节的设计意图主 要是引导学生通过猜 人的游戏综合运用表 推测的这几个情态动 词。 VII.Task 3T show some pictures of the students in the class. Let Ss work in groups to guess who they are. According to the pictures, Ss use “must, may, might, could, cant” to guess who the students are 本活动的目的让学生 根据具体的语境选择 不同的情态动词表推 测。 照片是在该班学生中 采集,脸部遮起来, 根据其他身体信息让 学生推测是哪个学生, 让英语与学生身边的 人事相结合,更能引 起学生的兴趣。 VIII.Task 4T let Ss sum up the use of Modal Verbs. Ss work in groups to sum up the use of Modal Verbs. 这个环节的设计意图 是让学生根据这节课 的学习自己来总结表 推测的情态动词的用 法,加深记忆的同时 也培养了了学生观察 总结的能力。 IX.listen to tapesT plays the tapes and asked Ss listen to it to finish 1b. Ss listen to tapes and finish 1b. 利用表推测的情态动 词推测物品归属,这 个话题不仅要求学生 会说,而且要求学生 能听懂相关话题的谈 话,并能从中提取信 息和观点。 X.ExercisesT asks Ss to do the exercises. Ss do the exercises.这个环节主要意图是 检测学生对本节学习 内容是否掌握,掌握 多少,便于老师根据 反馈信息安排下部教 学活动。 Blackboard DesignUnit 8 It must belong to Carla. 1.Whose hat is this、 It must belong to my daughter. It must be my daughters. 2.It cant belong to me. It cant be mine. 3.It might/could be a candy HomeworkMake dialogues with “must,cant,might,could”.
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