人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4b-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:c0025).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry._Section A Grammar focus 4a—4b_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:c0025)
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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry! Section A GF4b Learning Objectives: 1.To know and use the patterns “make sb./sth. +adj.”&“make sb. do sth.” 2.To be able to express ones emotions and describe ones reactions. 3.To enrich more words about emotions. To start with sth. special lemon I I mademade a a cupcup ofof drink.drink. Rule 1 make+sb./sth.+adj. ItIt makesmakes meme happyhappy. . ItIt makesmakes her/himher/him uncomfortableuncomfortable . . ItIt makesmakes youyou puzzled/confusedpuzzled/confused . . Task1: A game emotions SA SB SC SD YouYou fourfour studentsstudents writewrite asas manymany wordswords asas youyou can,youcan,you shouldshould writewrite atat thethe samesame time.time. Positive & negative: happy comfortable relaxed sad uncomfortable angry positive negative Task 2: Match soft music happy/delighted rock music crazy/nervous/angry pop music calm/relaxed musicmusic SoftSoft musicmusic makesmakes peoplepeople calm.calm. Task 3: Describe red,red,l lovelyovelygreen,green,a activectiveo orangerange andand yellowyellow, , C Co ol lo ou ur r RedRed makesmakes thethe babybaby lovely.lovely. GreenGreen makesmakes thethe boyboy active.active. O Orangerange andand yellowyellow makesmakes thethe girlgirl Task 4: News 今年今年6 6月初,群众举报范冰月初,群众举报范冰 冰冰“阴阳合同阴阳合同”涉税问题涉税问题 调查核实:范冰冰共计需调查核实:范冰冰共计需 补交税款补交税款8.848.84亿元。亿元。 1212月月1515日,日,20182018年国际泳联短池游泳年国际泳联短池游泳 世锦赛进入第五个比赛日,中国队在世锦赛进入第五个比赛日,中国队在 当晚的女子当晚的女子42004200米自由泳接力比赛米自由泳接力比赛 中,力压美国队和澳大利亚队夺金,中,力压美国队和澳大利亚队夺金, 同时也刷新了亚洲纪录。同时也刷新了亚洲纪录。 WhenWhen I I heardheard thethe newsnews t thathat FanFan BingbingBingbing evadedevaded tax,ittax,it mademade meme B Becauseecause freestylfreestyl e e relayrelay I It t mademade herher crycry. . ItIt mademade p peopleeople feelfeel veryvery angry.angry. OurOur governmentgovernment mademade herher paypay anan overdueoverdue tax.tax. RuleRule 2 2: make+sb.+make+sb.+d do o sthsth. SunshineSunshine onon mymy shouldersshoulders By John Denver Sunshine on my shoulders makes me_ Sunshine in my eyes can make me_ Sunshine on the water looks so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me_ Task 5:A song happy cry high Task 6:A diary: Dear Diary, June 29th I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was cloudy and grey, and cloudy days make me _ . And this was the day we would get our exam results back, but I didnt answer the exam questions very well last week. That made me _ . upset anxious happy glad feel sad nervous Question:Question: WhatWhat affectedaffected herher feelings?feelings? feelfeel sadsad anxious . I walked to school with my best friend Holly. She didnt say much to me. That made me a little _ . In class, the teacher handed back our exams. That made me _ . But I found out that I didnt do too badly. That made me very _ . Then things got even better. Holly bought me my favorite lemon juice and turkey sandwich for lunch, and we talked a lot. That made me _ . Answer:Answer: weatherweather upset nervous glad happy friendshipfriendship schoolschool resultsresultsfoodfood Question:Question: WhatWhat affectedaffected herher feelings?feelings? Emotion line horizonhorizon feelfeel sadsad anxiousanxious upsetupset nervousnervous gladglad happyhappy Task 7:A survey What makes you ? You Stude nt 1 Stude nt 2 happy want to cry uncomfortable angry nervous feel like dancing CompleteComplete thethe survey.survey. ThenThen askask twotwo otherother students.students. Report A: What makes you angry? B: When people throw rubbish on the streets, it makes me angry. C: Me, too. It makes me want to tell them to clean up the streets. GoodGood schoolschool resultresult makesmakes meme happy.Whenhappy.When peoplepeople throwthrow rubbishrubbish onon thethe streets,streets, itit makesmakes B B angry.angry. ItIt makesmakes C C wantwant toto telltell themthem toto cleanclean upup thethe streets.streets. Remember: Read aloud! A saying: Plenary:How does this lesson make you feel ? Homework: Supermarket You must Write a short passage to show your feelings today. If you can Create a little poem according to the song Sunshine On My Shoulders SunshineSunshine onon mymy shouldersshoulders Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry Sunshine on the water looks so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me high starter Plenary Rule 2: make+sb.+do sth. Free talk scaredscared energeticenergetic sleepysleepy gladglad Think:What other things can affect our feelings? moonmoon festivalsfestivals healthhealth Choose the correct words 1. The loud music makes me nervous / nervously. 2. Money and fame dont always make people happily / happy. 3. Soft and quiet music makes me to relax / relax / relaxing. 4. She said that the sad movie made her cry / to cry / crying. 5. Sad movies always make her wants / want to cry. 6. Being late for school always makes the teacher angry / angrily. 听课反思及心得体会 今天在学校录播室听了来自邢台市第三中学初二年级主任胡继 娜的一节英语语法课,这是河北省名师工作室送课到县活动。听完 之后受益匪浅,下面谈谈我的心得体会。 胡老师让人感觉非常的亲切,英语脱口而出,让人听了非常的 舒服。整节课呢都是精心设计的,一开始就把我吸引住了,她首先 准备了一杯饮料,自己先品尝了一下,谈了自己的感受,然后让不 同的学生尝试谈感受,因为不一样,所以大家感到很困惑,由此引 入主题 make 的一个用法。这一点非常的吸引大家继续听下去。然 后的任务就是让大家写 emotion 单词,学生们也很积极,之后的任 务让大家听了三段音乐谈谈自己的感受,正好用 make 和 emotion words 来组成句子,一下子讲出了 make 的一个用法,学生们兴趣 高涨。接下来又给出图片和颜色,让学生来组成句子,又巩固了 make 的用法,make sb /sth+adj .下面的任务大家又很期待,胡老师 给出当下新闻比较热门的话题,让大家又熟悉了 make 的另一个用 法,make sb do sth. 大家也都积极发言说出句子,然后又让大家听 了一首非常好听的英语歌曲让大家填写歌词,又巩固了这个用法, 这些活动都为下面的课本的内容做好了铺垫。课本的处理也很巧妙, 胡老师画了水平线让大家来找出作者的情绪词并且画出来发展趋势, 学生们都完成的很好,这样这篇短文大家就完成很好。然后到了整 节课的输出部分,提出问题让大家来写句子什么让你感到生气,大 家写的都特别棒。最后又是亮点,写出自己的感受或者一首小诗, 两位学生们读了读自己写的,让我感觉真棒。结尾说了一句谚语来 鼓励大家,完美结束。听完了意犹未尽。我最大的感受就是胡老师 的课备的非常好,精心用心设计的,环环相扣,都为下一个环节埋 下了伏笔,而且让人特别期待下一步的活动。老师引导也很到位, 学习过程从单词到句子再到片段,水到渠成,顺其自然,学的很好。 还有一点胡老师非常注重新单词的拓展,整节课下来学生学了 5 个 新单词。而且开心的用红色,不开心的用蓝色表示,直到最后的作 业也让大家也学习了一个新单词灰色。这节课还涉及到了新课标要 求的对于学生的核心素养的培养,爱国主义精神的培养,使整节课 上升到了一个高度。因为语法课始终是我比较头疼的课,比较枯燥 无味,没有想到胡老师上的这么精彩,也非常的有创新和创意。所 以必须向胡老师学习,反思自己的不足之处,还有很多的需要学习 的地方。以后必须注重课前的设计和准备,课堂中也和学生互动交 流把握课堂,课后必须反思自己的不足之处。 听胡继娜老师公开课的心得体会 12 月 26 日上午,来自邢台市第三中学的胡继娜老师送课下乡, 来到我们南和县第三中学,给我校全体英语老师做了一节公开课。 胡老师上的是一节英语语法课,听了胡老师的课后,我感觉这节课 的亮点颇多,这些亮点就像一盏盏明灯,为我们的英语语法课教学 指明了一条光灿灿的道路。下面我简要的谈一谈听完这节课以后的 心得体会。 1.作为一名英语教师,我们一定要敢于创新,走前人未走过的 路。很多老师做英语公开课时喜欢做听说课或者阅读课,因为这些 类型的公开课容易出彩,容易成功;他们很少有人去做语法课的公 开课,因为语法课难上,难教,不容易出亮点。而胡继娜老师却敢 于走一般老师不敢走的路,敢于啃硬骨头,大胆创新,为我们奉献 上了一节精彩的英语课。作为一名英语教师,我们就应该向胡老师 那样勇于创新,走前人未走过的路,上好每一节英语课。胡老师的 这节课充分的说明了这样一个道理:只要我们大胆创新,精细设计, 坚持磨课,无论是哪一种英语课型都可以上得特别精彩。 2. 作为一名英语教师,我们一定要善于研读文本,挖掘文本并 能够跳出教材文本。通过这节课我们可以看出胡继娜老师对教材文 本的把握十分恰当到位,她能够根据新课标和学生实际学情出发, 设计出完美的课堂教学目标和教学步骤。正因为胡老师善于研读文 本,挖掘文本并能够对文本进行适当的拓展延伸,所以胡老师这节 课教学环节设计合理,衔接过渡自然,时间分配合理,教学方法多 样。由此可见对教材文本的研读、挖掘,及时跳出教材文本是多么 重要。 3. 作为一名英语教师,我们一定要像胡老师那样,敢于颠覆传 统的英语语法课模式,上出符合新课改要求的有自己特色的语法课。 传统的英语语法课老师只是单纯的讲授语法规则,学生只是被动地 听讲并且死记硬背语法规则,机械操练,整节课枯燥无味,学习效 果极差。而胡老师在上这节语法课的时候她能够给学生设置各种恰 当的情景,然后让学生在这些情景中通过各种活动去感知、体验、 观察并自己归纳总结出本节课的语法规则。由于是学生自己通过活 动来感知、体验、观察并自己归纳总结出本节课的语法规则的,所 以学生学习语法一点也不感到枯燥无味,反而充满了成就感,学习 效果自然特别明显。 4. 作为一名英语教师,我们一定要像胡老师那样,在每一节英 语课一定要全方位多角度地培养学生的英语综合语言运用能力。我 们应该摒弃这种观点:上听说课只培养学生听说能力,上阅读课只 培养学生阅读能力,上语法课只让学生学习语法规则。胡老师这节 语法课,以语法为切入点,从多种角度对学生进行听说读写全方位 的多种技能的训练,所以整节课容量大,节奏快,学生感到收获大。 总之,胡老师这节课敢于善于大胆创新,精细设计,坚持研课 磨课,所以才会有如此多的亮点和靓点,是值得我们英语老师细细 品味的一节好课。 1 课后反思 本课主要教授的是语法,动词 make 的用法。语法教学是英语教 学中不可缺少的一个重要环节,语法的学习为学生综合运用语言知 识,进行交流铺垫基础。 首先我以品尝 a cup of drink 导入新课,不但提起了孩子们的 学习兴趣,而且还借此机会让学生养成善于观察的习惯,并且引入词 汇 to start with 和 lemon,将词汇教学融入到课程中。其次运用 多媒体创设语境,利用课件提供大量的图片新闻,让学生练习 make 的用法,形象直观使学生身临其境,带入一些社会新闻,让同学们 了解社会中正在发生的事情,同时培养学生爱国主义情感价值观。 再次,讲练结合让学生在不断的练习中,对所学知识加以消化吸收, 及时巩固加强记忆。 本堂课注重引导学生,积极参与体验,通过亲身体验,让学生总 结语法规律,充分提高学生的学习兴趣和效率,增强他们参与课堂 教学活动的主动性和积极性。最终课程还是回归到课本,让同学们 通过听音乐填歌词,既练习了语法,又练习了听力,使课堂多样性, 趣味性。在课程结束的时候,我给同学们补充了一些名言名句, “你 不能改变环境,但是可以改变自己的心情”鼓励同学们做一个积极 乐观向上的人,再次使情感教育得到升华。并且在作业环节让同学 们用 make 写一首英语诗,让学生语音输出,巩固运用所学,使学英 语充满了诗情画意。 整堂课转变了学生的学习方式,推行自主探究合作,提高学生分 析问题和解决问题的能力,精心设计情景,充分发挥学生的主体作 用,使学生在生动活泼的交流中,不知不觉地进入良好的学习状态, 越过语法障碍,愉快的进行英语学习。 不足:follow up 活动时间太短,学生不能充分进行活动,意犹 未尽。 一、教材分析 本节教学内容选自人教九年级上 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 该单元的话题 目标是 talk about how things affect you; 语言目标是 make sb. + adj. / verb 的用法。 The main content of this unit is talking about how things affect you, and the topic of this lesson is grammar “make sb. /sth.+adj.” and “make sb. do sth.”. 本节课的教学内容 Grammar Focus 4b 课型设定为语法课。 二、教法分析 According to New Course Standard of English(新课标), combining with the language level (语言级别)of Ss, I use 3 methods in my lesson. There are task- based methods(任务教学法); Cognitive and communicative methods(交际教学法) ; Co-operation and competition methods (合作竞争教学法)。Student-centered, the teachers motivate, stimulate and guide the students. In the teaching process, I will apply pictures , materials, and multi-media computer to arouse(激起)the Ss interests in learning. Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry! Section A 4a4b 一、Learning Objectives: 1、knowledge objectives a. To know and use the patterns “make sb./sth. +adj.” and “make sb. do sth.” b. To enrich more words about emotions 2、ability objectives a. To improve the Ss ability of summarizing and analyzing by observing b. To be able to express ones emotions and describe ones reactions 3、emotional objectives a. To help Ss understand the importance of good-feelings b. To help Ss learn happily 二、Main points & different points 1. Main points a. To know and use the patterns “make sb./sth. +adj.” and “make sb. do sth.” b. To enrich more words about emotions 2. Different points To describe ones reactions 三、Procedure 1.Starter T: Good morning, everyone! My name is Jina, today we are going to have a lesson together. First lets look at the learning objectives. To start with our lesson, Ill give you sth. special. Look, I made a cup of drink for you .I think itll be very delicious. Let me try. Please look carefully!(With a smiling face) Ah! Its very tasty! It makes me happy. Do you want a go? One student comes to the front and taste. a.(With an uncomfortable face) T:Tell me your feeling. S1: It makes me angry/sad/uncomfortableT: Thank you! why? Because its made of lemon. Its sour. But why it made me happy? Because I put one finger into the lemon juice, but I taste another. So I think you should observe very carefully! Observation is the best teacher! And for todays lesson, I hope we always learn by observing and discovering! or b. (With a smiling face) T:How do you find out it? Ah, you are so clever! You observed so carefully! Observation is the best teacher! And for todays lesson, I hope we always learn by observing and discovering! Who wants to taste the drink? Ask one to tell us his feeling. And write down the sentence. Now use our tool and look at the two sentences on the Bb, what rule can you find? 2. Presentation Rule 1: make sb./sth. +adj. It makes me happy. It makes him/her uncomfortable. It makes you puzzled/confused. Can you find the rule of the three sentences? Lets recall some adjs about emotions. 3. Practice a.Task1: A game Lets play a game ,each of you write as many emotions on the paper as you can. Think: Can you categorize them into two groups? Positive and Negative. Look at the screen. b. Task 2: Match T: Now listen to some music, and match it with these words. Let the Ss listen to some types of music, and match it with the emotion words. What do they have in common? Music c. Task 3: Describe T: Using this words or phrases and describe the pictures. red, active green, energetic orange and yellow, What do they have in common? They are all about? d. Task 4:News T:Here are some news. Let the Ss look at the news on PPT. Can you say sth. about it? First talk in your group. Ill give you a sample. Give Ss some support-new words and a sample. Then ask the Ss to talk in their group, and 2 mins later, ask one to say sth. about the news. eg: When I heard the news Fan Bingbing evaded tax, it made me because S1:When I heard that China won the gold medal in the freestyle relay, it made mebecause. 4. Presentation a. We can also say It made her cry. It made me feel very angry. Our government made her pay an overdue tax. Please tell me the rule. b. Rule2: make+sb.+do sth. 5.Practice Task 5:A song T:You made me excited. You made me feel like listening to a song. Lets relax, listen to a song, Sunshine on my shoulders, and finish the lyrics. Play the song for the Ss, and make them finish it ,then tell us the rule. 6. Analyzing and summarizing a. A diary T:What can affect our emotions? Can you tell me from our tasks? music, colours, news. Lets read a diary kept by a schoolgirl. What affected her feelings? Using these words and phrases ,fill in the blanks. Then answer the question. Yes, weather, friendship, school result, and food. b. Emotion line T:Suppose this is her emotion line, can you finish it? Look,this is the horizon. Ask one to draw it on the Bb. Show the emotion line on PPT. 7.A survey Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.Then ask some to report in class. 8.Sum We cant change the weather, but we can change our emotions. We cant change our looks, but we can change our expressions. 9.A saying Honestly, Im glad I met everybody in my life. The good and the bad. The good make me thankful, the bad make me learn my lessons. I wish all of you be happy every day! 10.Plenary Plenary: How does this lesson make you feel today? Draw your face in the air like me. 11.Homework You must Write a short passage to show your feelings today. If you can Create a little poem according to the song Sunshine On My Shoulder 四.Bb design Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. make sb./sth.+adj. make sb. do sth. positive horizon negative Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 说课稿 Good morning, everyone! First, let me introduce myself. My name is Hu Jina ,an English teacher from Xingtai No.3 Junior High School. Today, its a pleasure for me to share some of my teaching ideas with you. My teaching topic is 4a4b,from Unit 11 Junior English Book,Grade9. I have decided to say the lesson from six parts: Theyre Analysis of Teaching material (教材分析),Analysis of the students(学情分 析), Teaching methods (教学方法), Learning methods ,Teaching procedures(教学 步骤)and Blackboard design.(板书设计) Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material(教材分析)教材分析) Well, firstly, Ill talk about Part 1, the analysis of teaching material. The main content of this unit is talking about how things affect you, and the topic of this lesson is grammar “make sb. /sth.+adj.” and “make sb. do sth.”. Then Ill talk about learning objectives. There are knowledge objectives, ability objectives and emotional objectives. 1、knowledge objectives a. To know some new words and phrases of this lesson. b.To know and use the patterns “make sb./sth. +adj.” and “make sb. do sth.” c. To enrich more words about emotions 2、ability objectives a. To improve the Ss ability of summarizing and analyzing by observing b. To be able to express ones emotions and describe ones reactions This is the teaching difficulty in this lesson. 3、emotional objectives a. To help Ss understand the importance of good-feelings b. To help Ss learn happily Part 2 Analysis of the students(学情分析)学情分析) Lets move on to another part: the analysis of the students. Now I ll talk about the Analysis of the students(学情分析) The stude
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