人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:d2cdd).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 5 What are the shirts made of _Section A 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:d2cdd)
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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 初中英语人教2011课标版九年级 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 1.Who invented paper first? Warming up 2.What was paper made of then ? 3.Was it easy for people to make paper then? 4.whats paper made of today? What are these things? Say the names in English. chopsticksbowl What are these things? Say the names in English. stamp window What are these things? Say the names in English. fork coin What are these things? Say the names in English. blouse ring What are these things? Say the names in English. gold glass gold bars What are these things? Say the names in English. steelsilver What are these things? Say the names in English. cotton wood What are these things? Say the names in English. silkpaper What are these things usually made of? It is made of / They are made of What are these things usually made of? It is made of / They are made of 1a What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible. 1. chopsticks 2. window 3. coin 4. stamp 5. fork 6. blouse a.wood b. gold c. silver e. paper f. silk g. glass ThingsMaterials Key points 1.be made of 表示“由制成”,一般指能 够看出原材料。 2.be made from 也表示“由制成”,但一 般指看不出原材料。 3.be made by sb. 由某人制成 4.be made in 在制造和生产 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 1.他的新手机是美国制造的。他的新手机是美国制造的。 His new mobile phone_ _ _America. 2.这台电视机是由工厂的工人们制造的。这台电视机是由工厂的工人们制造的。 The TV set is _ _ the workers in the factory. 3.这些瓶子是塑料做的。这些瓶子是塑料做的。 These bottles are _ _ plastic. 4.这种沙拉是用香蕉和苹果做的。这种沙拉是用香蕉和苹果做的。 The salad is_ _ bananas and apples. is made in made by made of made of 1b Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. Things Made of Made in shirts cotton Korea chopsticks silver Thailand ring steel America cotton bag AmericaWhats this called ? It is called Whats it made of? It is made of Where is it made? It is made in cotton dress Japan Whats this called ? It is called Whats it made of? It is made of Where is it made? It is made in chair wood China Whats this called ? It is called Whats it made of? It is made of Where is it made? It is made in ring silver Thailand Whats this called ? It is called Whats it made of? It is made of Where is it made? It is made in Guessing game Guessing game Is it used at school or at home? Is it popular with young men? What is it made of? What color is it? What is it used for? Can I see it here? Where is it made? 2a Listen and check ()the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation. _ the science museum _ the art and science fair _ environmental protection _ a model plane _ a beautiful painting _ grass and leaves 2b Listen again. Write short answers to the questions. 1.Where is the art and science fair? Outside the science museum. 2. Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go? No, they dont. 3. What is the model plane made of? Wood and glass. 4. What is the painting made from? Grass, leaves and flowers. 2d Role-play the conversation. Pam: China is famous for tea, right? Liu Jun: Yes, both in the past and now. Pam: Where is tea produced in China? Liu Jun: Well, in many different areas. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. Pam: How is tea produced? Liu Jun: Well, as far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. Pam: What happens next? Liu Jun: The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China. Pam: It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. Liu Jun: Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business! Fast reading Whats the topic of the conversation? Which places are known for their tea? Do only Chinese people drink tea? Finish the following sentences According to 2d Chinese is _ _ tea _ in the past _ now. _ _ _ I know, tea plants _ _ on the side of mountains. When the _ are ready, they _ _ by hand and then _ _ for processing. famous for both and As far as are grown leaves are picked are sent What is famous in your city? What is it made of? Make a conversation using 2d as a model. Unit 5What are the shirts made of ?导学案 (Section(Section A A 1a-2d)1a-2d) ( (听说课听说课) ) 学习目标 1. 能熟练掌握本单元的重点单词和短语;了解并运用一般现在时的被动语态结构。 2.正确运用 be made of, be made from, be made in 描述物品的制作材料、制作产地和制 作用途。 3.通过对中国产品远销各国及对中国民间艺术的描述,增强民族自豪感和爱国热情。 学习过程: Step1 ,感知 (一)、了解话题 划出重点单词和重点短语。 (二) 初听材料 听录音,完成 1b 相应练习 (三) 发现疑难 利用 1b 信息与同伴练习对话完成 1c,找出疑难。 Step2 , 内化 (一) 详听材料 听录音, 完成 2a 和 2b (二)、互动释疑 【疯狂背诵】 1.【辨析:bebe mademade of,of, bebe mademade from,from, bebe mademade inin , , bebe mademade by】by】 bebe mademade fromfrom “由制成的”,指从成品中看不见 原材料 Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。 bebe mademade ofof “由制成的”,指从成品中可以看 得见原材料 The bridge is made of stone 桥是石头造的。 bebe mademade inin “在制造的”,in 后常接表示地点 的名词 The computer is made in America 这台电视是在美国 制造的。 bebe mademade byby“由制造的”,by 用来强调动作的 执行者 The TV set is made by the workers in the factory. 这台电视是由这个工厂的工 人制造的。 即学即用:用适当的介词填空 (1).The desk is made wood . (2).Paper is made wood. (3).This kind of watch is made Shanghai. (4). His sweater was made his mother. 2.【2.【辨析辨析 bebe famousfamous for,for, bebe famousfamous as】as】 bebe famousfamous forfor表示人“以某种知识技能、作品或特征 而出名 He is famous for his great inventions.因为他的 伟大发明,他出名了。 bebe famousfamous asas be famous as 表示“以而出名”,或 确切地说,是“作为而出名”的意思, 主要是表示人“以某种身份或职业而出 名”。 Lun Xun was famous as a great writer.鲁迅是出了名 的伟大的作家。 即学即用:根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.这个地区以产绿茶而著称。 The area is its green tea. 2.周杰伦作为歌手而出名 。Jay is a singer. 3. 【asas farfar asas I I know】know】据我所知。 4. WhenWhen thethe leavesleaves areare ready,ready, theythey areare pickedpicked byby handhand andand thenthen areare sentsent forfor processing.processing.当树叶长好时,人们用手采摘他们,然后(他们)被送去加工。 【by【by hand】hand】意为“用手” Eg: The shoes are made byby hand.hand. 这鞋是手工制作的。 【辨析:by, with , in】 by: 表示使用某种方式或手段 with: 使用“表示使用“某种工具、手段” in: 表示使用“某种语言、材料等” 即学即用:用适当的介词填空。 I remember it heart. We always speak English. Cut it a knife. 5.【allall overover thethe world=aroundworld=around thethe world】world】 意为“全世界,世界各地”。 6. WhereWhere isis teatea producedproduced inin China?China? 茶在中国的哪里出产? 【produce】【produce】为动词,意为“生产;制造;出产”,近义词为 make。 Eg: The factory tried to produceproduce more cars.这家工厂尽力生产更多的汽车。 即学即练 根据汉语提示完成句子 The company (生产,制造)thousands of computers every month. Step3,拓展 (一) 汇报点拨 利用 2a,2b 信息与同伴练习对话完成 2c. (二) 内化训练 用适当的介词完成句子。 1. The fork is made steel. 2. Bread is made wheat. 3. The sweater was made China. 4. Yantai is famous its fine apples. 5. The Old Man and the Sea(老人与海)was written Hemingway. 单项选择 1. The windows of some buildings are steel and glass. A. make from B. make of C. made from D. made of 2. Mo Yan is famous his novels and us students. A. for; as B. as; to C. for; for D. for; to 3. I know, he was an honest boy and he never told lies. A. As long as B. As soon as B. As far as D. As often as . 4. I think arts is more valuable. A. in hand B. at hand C. by hand D. on hand 5. Basketball in our school every day. A. plays B. is played C. played D. was playing Step4 合作探究 Pam:Pam: ChinaChina isis famousfamous forfor tea,tea, right?right? LiuLiu Jun:Jun: Yes,Yes, bothboth inin thethe pastpast andand now.now. Pam:Pam: WhereWhere isis teatea producedproduced inin China?China? LiuLiu Jun:Jun: Well,Well, inin manymany differentdifferent areas.areas. ForFor example,example, AnxiAnxi andand HangzhouHangzhou areare widelywidely knownknown forfor theirtheir tea.tea. Pam:Pam: HowHow isis teatea produced?produced? LiuLiu Jun:Jun: Well,Well, asas farfar asas I I know,know, teatea plantsplants areare growngrown onon thethe sidessides ofof mountains.mountains. WhenWhen thethe leavesleaves areare ready,ready, theythey areare pickedpicked byby handhand andand thenthen areare sentsent forfor processing.processing. Pam:Pam: WhatWhat happenshappens next?next? LiuLiu Jun:Jun: TheThe teatea isis packedpacked andand sentsent toto manymany differentdifferent countriescountries andand placesplaces aroundaround China.China. Pam:Pam: ItIt seemsseems thatthat manymany peoplepeople allall overover thethe worldworld drinkdrink ChineseChinese tea.tea. LiuLiu Jun:Jun: Yes,Yes, peoplepeople saysay thatthat teatea isis goodgood forfor bothboth healthhealth andand business!business! 1.在对话中划出以下重点短语: 以闻名,为人知晓 be famous for 过去和现在 both in the past and now 很多不同的地区 in many different areas 据我所知 as far as I know 在山坡上 on the sides of mountains 用手工(制作) by hand 被送去加工 be sent for processing 中国周边的地区 places around China 2.课后作业:根据 2d 内容回答问题 1) Is tea produced in Anxi and Hangzhou?_ 2) Which city is well-known for its tea?_ 3) Where is tea grown?_ 4) Is tea grown in your hometown?_ 5) How are tea leaves picked?_ 6) Do tea leaves need to be processed?_ 7) What needs to be done after tea leaves are processed? _ 8) Where is tea sent?_ 9) Why is tea drunk all over the world?_ (三) 反馈拓展 我的收获: 我的疑惑: Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: chopsticks, coin, fork, blouse, silver, glass, cotton, steel, grass, leaf, produce, widely, be known for, process, pack 能掌握以下句型: This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver? Yes, and it was made in Thailand. What is it made of/from? China is famous for tea, right? Where is tea produced in China? 2) 能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料,正确理解被动语态的用法及句子 结构。 2.2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 了解一些日常用品的制成材料,增加生活常识,养成良好的生活习惯;了 解一些地方知名产品或传统艺术品的制作过程以及制作材料,培养学生的民族 自豪感及爱国主义精神。 二、教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词 2) 能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料 3)正确理解被动语态的用法及句子结构。 2. 教学难点: 理解被动语态的用法及句子结构。 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 被动语态句型是初中阶段一个较难的知识点,教师要力求在真实的情境中呈 现这一语法项目,九年级的学生虽然已有一定的英语基础,但还是要以加强学 生对这一新语法项目的感性认识为重,从而完成最基本的语言输出。 四四 教学过程教学过程 . Lead in 1. 播放动画片造纸过程的视频,让学生们了解这个中国传统发明的情况。 T: Who invented paper first? S1: Can Lun invented it in Han dynasty. T: What was paper made of then? S2: It was mainly made of bamboo. T: was it easy for people to make paper then? S1: No, it was very difficult then. T: What is paper made of now? S3: Its mainly made of wood, bamboo, and cotton. . Presentation 1. Present the sentence structure, using the pictures on the big screen: Whats the golden medal made of? Its made of gold. Is this table made of wood? No, it isnt. Its made of glass. Is Butter made from meat? No. Its made from cream? 让学生们学习掌握 be made of/from 句型的用法,及 be made of 与 be made from 的区别。 两词组都是“由制成的”之意。be made of 指从原料到制成品只发生了形状 变化,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化) be made from 指从原料到制成品发生了质的变化,已无法复原(属化学变化) 。 . Learning 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Try to learn the new words using “be made of” structure. Learn the new words: chopsticks, coin, fork, blouse, silver, glass, cotton, steel, grass, leaf e.g. This pair of chopsticks are made of bamboo. This coin is made of silver. Is this blouse made of cotton? No, it isnt. Its made of silk. Whats the fork made of? Its made of steel. These pigs like grass very much. a piece of leaf Kolas like leaves. 2. Ss discuss with their partner and try to learn the new words. 3. Give Ss five more minutes to remember the new words. Work on 1a: Let Ss read the things and materials in 1a. Discuss with their partners and match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible. What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible. 1. chopsticks 2. window 3. coin 4. stamp 5. fork 6. blouse a.wood b. gold c.silver d. paper e.silk f.glass Check the answers with the Ss. . Listening 1. T: Tell Ss they will hear a conversation about some things and material. Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. Things Made ofMade in shirtscottonKorea chopstickssilverThailand ringsteelAmerica 2. Let one student read the words in the box, Play the recording for the Ss to listen. 3. Ss try to listen and match the things with the material and here they were made. 4. Play the recording again. Let Ss check the facts they hear. 5. Check the answers . Guessing game 1. Introduce the rule of game. 2. Ss try to guess ”What is it?”. e.g. A: Is it made of cotton? B: No, it isnt. Its made of silk. 3. Let some pairs read out their conversations. . Listening Work on 2a: T: Lets listen to another conversation between Nick and Marcus. 1. What are they talking about? First, lets look at the pictures and the phrases in 1a. (Let one students read the phrases in 2a.) Listen and check ( ) the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation. _ the science museum _ the art and science fair _ environmental protection _ a model plane _ a beautiful painting _ grass and leaves 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check the phrases. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do. 2. Let Ss read the questions in 2b. Make sure they understand the meaning of each question. Play the recording for the Ss to answer the questions. (If necessary, using the pause button.) 1) Where is the art and science fair? _ 2) Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go? _ 3) What is the model plane made of? _ 4) What is the painting made from? _ 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. 4. Play the recording again. Let Ss fill in the blanks of the conversation. . Role-play 1. Watch the film and work on 2d Read the conversation and complete the blanks. 1) Chinese _ tea both in the past and now. 2) _ I know, tea plants _ on the sides of mountains. 3) When the leaves are ready, they _ by hand and then _ for processing. 4) The tea _ and sent to many different countries and places around China. 2. Read the conversations and Let Ss read after the teacher. 3. Explain some new words and main points in the conversation. 4. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation in groups. X. Homework 1. What is famous in your city? What is it made of? Make a conversation using 2d as a model. 2. Answer the question about 2d. 1) Is tea produced in Anxi and Hangzhou?_ 2) Which city is well-known for its tea?_ 3) Where is tea grown?_ 4) Is tea grown in your hometown?_ 5) How are tea leaves picked?_ 6) Do tea leaves need to be processed?_ 7) What needs to be done after tea leaves are processed? _ 8) Where is tea sent?_ 9) Why is tea drunk all over the world?_ Blackboard Design: Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? be made of be made from be made by be made in
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