北京版六年级上册UNIT THREE HOW DID YOU GO TO HANGZHOU -Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a001c).zip

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Unit 3 How did you go to Hangzhou? Lesson 10 PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: HowHow did they go there? did they go there? WhereWhere did they go? did they go? How did you go to school How did you go to school this morning?this morning? I went to school I went to school How did you go to the train station ?How did you go to the train station ? I went there I went there How did you go to the Spring Festival How did you go to the Spring Festival Fair?Fair? the Spring Festival Fairthe Spring Festival Fair I went there I went there Where? When ? How? What? Where? When ? How? What? What did they see in Hangzhou? green hillsblue water small bridgesmall bridges sold houseold houses s Lets read.Lets read. We visited many places and saw green hills,We visited many places and saw green hills, blue water, small bridges, and old houses.blue water, small bridges, and old houses. West LakeWest Lake Leifeng towerLeifeng tower specialspecial What did Mike do in the ? What did Mike do in the ? That soundsThat sounds . . We went around the lake by bike.We went around the lake by bike. silk dresssilk dresses es Did they do some shopping? What did they buy?Did they do some shopping? What did they buy? silk dresssilk dresses es green teagreen tea Mum Mum boughtbought and Dad and Dad boughtbought Mum bought some silk dresses and Mum bought some silk dresses and Dad bought some green tea.Dad bought some green tea. How was Mikes trip to Hangzhou? It was It was fantastic. *Lets listen and read! ShanghaiShanghai Do you want to know about my trip ? -Where ? -Who? -When? -What ? -How ? -Where did you go? I went -Who went there with you? I went there with my parents/ friends -How was your trip ? It was fantastic./It was great/exciting. -How did you go there? By air./By bus./By train./By subway -What did you see? I saw -When did you go there? I went there last year/in 2006. -What did you buy? We bought and . Where did you go? How was your trip ? How did you go to _? What did you do there? What did you see? What did you buy? Did you go to the _? Did you do some shopping? Lets know each other ! Lets introduce your trip! I went to _ with my _ _.I went to _ with my _ _. I went there by _. I visited _.I went there by _. I visited _. I bought _. It was _.I bought _. It was _. I like trip. I want to see more beautiful places. What about you? Lets enjoy the beautiful places together. The most beautiful places in the world The Grand Canyon, United States 美国美国 大峡谷大峡谷 A steep gorge by the Colorado River, Arizona in United States, this has the most enjoyable scenery. It is 277 miles in length, 4 to 18 miles in width and about a mile in depth. Scientists are of the opinion that the canyon has been created by the Colorado River over a six million year period. 位于美国亚利桑那州科罗拉位于美国亚利桑那州科罗拉 多河两侧深深的峡谷是最让多河两侧深深的峡谷是最让 人流连忘返的。该峡谷长人流连忘返的。该峡谷长 277英里,宽度在英里,宽度在4-18英里英里 之间,深之间,深1英里。科学家们英里。科学家们 认为这个峡谷是在六百万年认为这个峡谷是在六百万年 前是由科罗拉多河冲刷而成。前是由科罗拉多河冲刷而成。 The Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳大利亚澳大利亚 大堡礁大堡礁 One of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the worlds largest coral reef. It has the distinction of being placed in the World Heritage as well as the National Heritage lists. 世界上自然奇迹之一,大堡礁世界上自然奇迹之一,大堡礁 位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世位于澳大利亚的东海岸,是世 界上最大的珊瑚礁。大堡礁被界上最大的珊瑚礁。大堡礁被 列为世界遗产名录及国家遗产列为世界遗产名录及国家遗产 名录。名录。 Cape Town, South Africa 南非南非 开普敦开普敦 Aptly called “heaven on earth,” this beautiful town at the tip of the African continent, with small roads surrounded by huge mountains, makes a person feel small; showing how marvelous and dominating nature can actually be. 也称为也称为“人间天堂人间天堂”这是非这是非 洲最南端美丽的小镇。四面洲最南端美丽的小镇。四面 环山的小路让人觉得自身的环山的小路让人觉得自身的 渺小,让你感到自然的鬼斧渺小,让你感到自然的鬼斧 神工与威严。神工与威严。 Taj Mahal, India 印度印度 泰姬陵泰姬陵 The Taj Mahal in India is one of the wonders of the world and is one of the most beautiful mausoleums constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite queen, Mumtaz Mahal. Located in Agra, white marble is used in the creation of this symbol of love and is considered to be the pinnacle of the famous Mughal architecture. 印度的泰姬陵是世界奇迹之一也印度的泰姬陵是世界奇迹之一也 是最美丽的陵墓。该陵墓是由沙是最美丽的陵墓。该陵墓是由沙 贾汗印度蒙兀儿时期帝国皇帝贾汗印度蒙兀儿时期帝国皇帝 沙沙贾汉建造的,以纪念其最宠爱贾汉建造的,以纪念其最宠爱 的王妃的王妃-穆姆塔兹穆姆塔兹玛哈尔玛哈尔 。泰姬。泰姬 陵位于印度北部的阿格拉,选择陵位于印度北部的阿格拉,选择 白色的大理石建造是爱的象征。白色的大理石建造是爱的象征。 这座建筑被公认为蒙兀儿时期水这座建筑被公认为蒙兀儿时期水 平的最高峰。平的最高峰。 Canadian Rockies,Canada 加拿大 落基山脉 The majestic Canadian Rockies are the Canadian segment of the North American Rocky mountains. They are a visitors wonderland and the playground for western Canada. They are older than the American Rockies and are formed from over thrusting. 雄伟壮丽的落基山脉是北美落雄伟壮丽的落基山脉是北美落 基山的加拿大部分。这里是旅基山的加拿大部分。这里是旅 游者的仙境并成为加拿大西部游者的仙境并成为加拿大西部 的游乐场。这里的山脉形成比的游乐场。这里的山脉形成比 美国那边的落基山脉时间更早,美国那边的落基山脉时间更早, 其原因是由于板块的冲撞其原因是由于板块的冲撞。 Machu Picchu, Peru 秘鲁 马丘比丘 Machu Picchu in Peru, which means Old Peak,” is one of the most enigmatic ancient sites in the world. According to legend, Machu Picchu was a long time ago considered to be a sacred place. The credit for the creation of the extraordinary city goes to the Inca people who have erected many stone structures and turned the place into an art form. 马丘比丘在秘鲁是马丘比丘在秘鲁是“古老的顶峰古老的顶峰” 的意思。这是世界上最具神秘色彩的意思。这是世界上最具神秘色彩 的古老建筑。据传说,马丘比丘在的古老建筑。据传说,马丘比丘在 很久以前就被认为是一座神圣的城很久以前就被认为是一座神圣的城 市。人们把这座非凡城市的建设功市。人们把这座非凡城市的建设功 劳算在印加人民头上。印加人们在劳算在印加人民头上。印加人们在 这里竖立了许多的石头建筑并且把这里竖立了许多的石头建筑并且把 它们建成一种艺术形式。它们建成一种艺术形式。 Petra, Jordan 约旦 佩特拉 Described by the UNESCO as “one of the most precious cultural properties of mans cultural heritage, Petra is an archeological site on the slope of Mount Hor. It is one of the new wonders of the world and is famous for its rock cut architecture. 被联合国教科文组织称为被联合国教科文组织称为“人人 类文化遗产中最珍贵的文化财类文化遗产中最珍贵的文化财 产产”。佩特拉是在何珥山的斜。佩特拉是在何珥山的斜 坡上被考古学家发现的。这是坡上被考古学家发现的。这是 世界上新的一个奇迹,并以其世界上新的一个奇迹,并以其 岩石掘进的建筑而称著。岩石掘进的建筑而称著。 The Iguazu Waterfalls, Argentina- Brazil Border 阿根廷-巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布 Heralded as the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, the Iguazu Waterfalls are a true wonder of nature. They are located at the border of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. While the Argentinean side allows visitors to walk right around the water or explore the National Park; the Brazilian side is known for its panoramic views and splendor. 被公认为世界上最美丽的瀑布,伊被公认为世界上最美丽的瀑布,伊 瓜苏瀑布的确是自然的奇迹。瀑布瓜苏瀑布的确是自然的奇迹。瀑布 位于阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭三国的位于阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭三国的 边境。瀑布位于阿根廷的那边允许边境。瀑布位于阿根廷的那边允许 游客绕着水流走或者去探索国家公游客绕着水流走或者去探索国家公 园。而巴西的那边则以其全景式的园。而巴西的那边则以其全景式的 视野及其壮观闻名于世。视野及其壮观闻名于世。 The Pyramids, Egypt 埃及 金字塔 The Egyptian pyramids are massive monuments with a square base and four triangular sides rising up to a point. There was a lot of curiosity associated with the pyramids as to their formation, whether it was natural. 埃及金字塔是巨大的历史遗埃及金字塔是巨大的历史遗 迹,这是以正方形的为基底、迹,这是以正方形的为基底、 四面成三角形不断上升直到四面成三角形不断上升直到 汇聚到一点。关于其构造,汇聚到一点。关于其构造, 一直有引起人民的好奇,甚一直有引起人民的好奇,甚 至怀疑是自然之作。至怀疑是自然之作。 Great Wall of China, China 中国 长城 One of the seven wonders of the world, the Great Wall of China is a man-made structure that was constructed over two thousand years ago and took about 100 years to complete. The vastness of this project brings to light the immense capabilities of man. 作为世界的七大奇迹之一,作为世界的七大奇迹之一, 中国的长城是人造的建筑,中国的长城是人造的建筑, 建于建于2000年以前,耗时年以前,耗时100 多年才竣工。这一工程规模多年才竣工。这一工程规模 的巨大让人相信人类力量的的巨大让人相信人类力量的 伟大。伟大。 Homework: 1. Listen and read. 2. Try to make a dialogue about your trip and write it down. UNIT THREE Lesson 10 HOW DID YOU GO TO HANGZHOU? Lesson 10 教学内容:教学内容: 本节课是北京版六年级英语上册,第三单元的第二课时。 教材分析:教材分析: 第三单元是在前两个单元谈论过去发生的事情或者活动的基础上,聚焦出 行目的地和出行方式的话题。其中第二课时 Lesson10 聚焦在出行方式及出行活 动上,通过本课的学习,学生要学会能够用两种不同的方式对出行方式进行表 述,对他人出行方式进行简单而礼貌的询问。同时应注意关注旅游目的地的名 胜古迹、著名景点,以及当地的特产等文化信息。 学情分析:学情分析: 北京版知识量较大,学生在学习时比较吃力,尤其是进入六年级后课文句 子较长,很多单词读起来也比较难,因此上课时要注意基础较差的学生,要关 注他们是否理解及是否会读。 知识技能目标:知识技能目标: 1能够正确理解朗读本课主题课文,程度好的学生可以表演对话。 2 能够使用“How did you go to ?” “I went there by” 提问和回答出 行方式,能够用过去式把自己的旅行经历进行简单的描述。 3认读单词及短语 fantastic, special,the Spring Festival Fair 4.能够通过对话的学习,对杭州当地的名胜古迹和特产有所了解。 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 通过图片让学生感受杭州美景,对学生进行环境保护教育。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能用正确的语调模仿录音朗读对话。 2. 能听懂,会说关于去某地用怎样的交通方式的询问和回答。 教学难点:教学难点: 用过去时态描述乘坐交通工具 教学准备:教学准备: PPT 单词卡片 学生自备旅行照片 小奖品 教学过程教学过程 一、一、WarmWarm upup 1.Lets the students listen the songWhere do we go ,Dad? 设计意图:通过歌曲引入旅游的主题,并为后面学生展示家庭旅游照片的活动 做情感铺垫。 2.Review Lesson9. 设计意图:通过复习第九课带出目的地杭州,然后顺理成章的导入本课课文。 二、二、Presentation 1. Listen and think: What are they talking about? How was Mikes trip to Hangzhou? fantastic How did Mike go to ?by air What did they see in Hangzhou? Did they do some shopping? 设计意图:通过问题,引导学生给出相应回答,从而学习本课主要内容,并在 其中渗透环保教育。 2. Discuss in groups: According to the dialogue and the pictures on the blackbord: Can you ask questions to Mike? 设计意图:通过小组讨论,发挥学生主观能动性,帮助学生提取自己已知的信 息。 3. Retell Mikes trip to Hangzhou. Fill in the blanks. 4. Lets listen and repeat! 5. Lets role-play! 设计意图:通过跟读,及角色扮演,填空、熟悉课文,巩固句型。 三、三、Practice 1. Enjoy some beautiful pictures. 设计意图:通过欣赏世界各地美景,扩大学生眼界,激发他们热爱自然,保护 自然的情感,同时为后面学生去哪里旅行的活动提供一定的支撑。 2. Ask a question: “How do you go to?”I go toby” In the past tense , we can ask the question like ”How did you go to?” Practice the sentences with the pictures. Lett the students introduce photos about their trip. 设计意图:通过此环节,使课本与日常生活相联系,给学生创造出真实的交流 情境,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,同时,可以丰富本课内容,扩大学生的知识 面。 四、四、Homework 1. Listen and read the words, sentences and the dialogue. 2. According to your passage, try to make a dialogue about your trip and write it down. 设计意图:通过阅读、复述,做对话更加熟悉课文,巩固所学内容。 板书设计:板书设计: LessonLesson 1010 HowHow diddid youyou gogo toto Hangzhou?Hangzhou? FantasticFantasticbyby airair greengreen hillshills blueblue waterwater byby bikebike silksilk dress,dress, smallsmall bridgesbridges (special)(special) greengreen teatea oldold houseshouses
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