Unit 1 综合词汇练习-(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上期)(含答案).docx

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Unit 1 综合词汇练习-(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上期)(含答案).docx_第1页
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1、必修必修 Book 1 Unit 1 综合提高综合提高(Welcome to the unit - Reading ) 一、根据汉语,写出单词的正确形式。 1. All people were free and_(平等的)(2014 山东) 2. Tom has a strong_(性格) and will try to solve any difficulties. 3. I kept practising until I became confident enough to _(向.挑战 ) the good players. 4. Because of our_(努力) . our da

2、ughter decided to contribute a large bag of toys to a little girl. (2018 全国改) 5. The_(小路 ) to the forest was covered with thirty feet of wet snow. ( 2018 IN 2) 二、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。 1. You can forward a message on your iphone in two ways. 2. The famous football star scored a goal in the second half.

3、 3. Every student wants to write beautiful Chinese characters. 4. After lunch, I have to attend a senior staff meeting which may last about two hours. 5. In rugby, the performance ( 表 现 ) of individual players is less dependent ( 依 靠 的 ) on teammates. 6. Fiction ( 小说 ) writers often imagine they are

4、 the characters in their books. 7. College is where you meet your friends, neighbours, and potential bosses. 8. We have advanced greatly in our knowledge of the universe . 三、在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility,_(independent) and confidence 2. In th

5、e near future, more advances_the robot technology will be made by scientists. 3. The left-hand total should be more than or equal_the right-hand total. 4. You will see a real_(improve) in my work from now on. 5. Last week, a young man ahead_me in the line at a petrol station didnt have enough money

6、to pay for his petrol. 6. In the coming three years, our school life will be_(challenge). 7. Thanks to the_(advance) technology, we live in an age of bettered communication. 四、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。 1. I can book tickets for you_(提前) 2. Everyone needs a hand when_(面对挑战) 3. How I _(对 感到更加积极乐观)my future

7、 and Im getting on better with my family than I ever have. 4. People who are working in long or _(短期目标)appear to do better. 5. I became one of the top students in my class, which greatly_强了我的 自信). 6. Ive got_(良好的平衡感)and learnt to ski(滑雪 )quite quickly. 7. Some say competition is_(良好品格的培养). 五,根据所给词块,

8、将下列句子译成英语。 1 态度决定一切。(depend on) 2. 你再设定一个目标,然后尽一切努力去实现。(make every effort to do sth) 3. 你学习去辛苦了,你最好在学习和放松之间保持平衡。(keep a balance between and ., relaxation) 4. 我们应该不遗余力保护环境。(spare no effort to do sth) 综合提高二综合提高二(Grammar and usage - Assessment ) 一、根据汉语,写出单词的正确形式。 1. Everybody wears the same_(款式)of clot

9、hes. (2019 浙江) 2. The ball is made of a special_(材料) (2013 湖南) 3. The school plans to get_(严厉的) with students who are late 二、写出下列句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。 1. Im working to remember names better. Yours is right on the tip of my tongue ( 舌头). 2. The dog drank water from a fresh river at the base of the mountain

10、. 3. The man raised his gun and took aim at the target. 4. She is too poor to satisfy her familys material needs 5. Experience is what matters. Age is of secondary importance 6. Today, I am going to talk about what you should do when a fire alarm goes off. ( 2014 57)|) 7. All contributions for the s

11、chool magazine must be received by August 1st. 8. The mayor of the host city hands the Olympic flag to the IOC President, who hands it on to the mayor of the next city to host the Games. 9. Many of todays sound professionals are sharing their knowledge and experience with professionals in other fiel

12、ds to create new products. 三,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. These kinds of jeans are_style now. 2. Twenty students want to attend the class that aims_(teach) how to read fast. 3. Worried all the time, I was unable to keep_(focus) for more than an hour at a time. 4. _(fortunate), after a short stay i

13、n hospital, Hen was well enough to be allowed to leave. 5. According to Professor Johnson, we dont have to read the book if we dont want to, as it is _(option). 四,根据所的汉语及提示,用适当的词块完成下列句子。 1. Wed better discuss everything_(详细地) before we work out the plan. 2. Much to the familys surprise, Dennis _(遵守了

14、他的诺言)! 3. I have offered to paint the house_(交換)a weeks accommodation(住宿) (exchange n) 4. The bridge, which has_(吸引了国际社会的关注】,is now a local landmark(地标). 5. _(专注于那个目标)helps me get through(然过)tough times . 6. The newsgroup (网 络 新 闻 组 ) allows you to ask questions, share information, or_(与 交流思想) other

15、s. 7. The photo will_(使我想起 ) the days when we were together. 五,根据所给语块,将下列句子译成英语。 1.这部电影以一个真实的故事为原型。(be based on) 2. 这项活动的目的是提高学生的听说能力。(be aimed at doing stb) 3. 如果他接下这项工作,除了迎接挑战,他别无选择。(have no option but to do sth) If he takes on this work, be will_ 4 老师提醒我们明天的活动不要迟到。(remind sb to do st) 综合提高一综合提高一(

16、Welcome to the unit - Reading)答案答案 一、1.equal equal 在课文中意为“相同的” “相等的”,在本句中意为“平等的” 2. character character 在课文中意为“(良好的)品性” “品格”,在本句中意为“性格” 3. challenge challenge 在课文中作名词,意为“挑战”;在本句中作动词,意为“向 挑 战”4. efforts 5. path 二、1. 转发forward 在课文中出现词块 look forward to,意为“期待” “期盼”;在本句中作动 词,意为“转发”;forward a message 转发信息

17、 2. 进球goal 在课文中意为“目标”,在本句中意为“射门” “进球得分” 3. 汉字 character 在课文中意为“(良好的)品性” “品格”, 在本句中意为“文字” 4. 高级的/级别高的 senior 在课文中意为“中学的”,在本句中意为“高级的” “级别高 的” 5. 单个的 individual 在课文中作名词,意为“个人”;在本句中作形容词,意为“单个的” 6. 人物/角色 character 在课文中意为“(良好的)品性” “品格”,在本句中意为“人物” “角 色” 7. 未来的/潜在的 potential 在课文中作名词,意为“潜能”;在本句中作形容词,意为“未来 的”

18、 “潜在的”1 8. 进步 / 发展 advance 在课文中作名词,意为“进步” “发展”;在本句中作动词,意为“进 步” “发展” 三、 1. independence independence n 独立 2. in make advances in 在 上取得进步 3. to be equal to 与 相等 4. improvement improvement n 提高/改进 5. of ahead of sb 在某人前面 6, challenging challenging adj 有挑战性的 7. advanced advanced adj 先进的 四. I. in advance

19、 / ahead of time 2. facing challenges / faced with challenges 3. feel more positive about 4. short-term goals 5. increased / built (up) my confidence 6, a good sense of balance 7, character building 五. 1. Everything depends on peoples attitude. 2. You have to set a goal and then make every effort to

20、 achieve / realise it. 3. You are studying too hard. Youd better keep a balance between study and relaxation. 4. We should spare no effort to protect our environment. 综合提高二(Grammar and usage Assessment )答案 一、1. style style 在课文中意为“(文学的)风格”,在本句中意为“(设计的)款式” 2. material 3. tough tough 在课文中意为“艰难的”,在本句中意为

21、“严厉的”;get tough with sb 对某 人严厉 二、1. 尖端tp 在课文中意为“建议”,在本句中意为“尖端”; on the tip of ones tongue 话 在嘴边上 (却一时想不起来) 2. 底部 base 在课文中出现回块 base on,意为“以 为基础/根据”;在本句中作名词, 意为 “底部”;the base of the mountain 山 3. 瞄准aim 在课文中意为“目标”,在本句中意为“瞄准” 4. 物质需求 material 在课文中作名词,意为 “材料” :在本句中作形容词,意为 “物质(上)的” 5. 次要的 secondary 在课文中意

22、为“中等的”,在本句中意为“次要的” 6. 火警警报(器)【 alarm 在课文中意为“闹钟”,在本句中意为“警报(器)”;go off 突然响起 7. 稿件/投稿contribution 在课文中意为“贡献”,在本句中意为“稿件” 8. 主办城市;主办 host 在课文中意为“主人”,在本句中作名词时意为“主办方”,作动词时 意为“主办”,是名词动词化 9. 专业人士/专家 【 professional 在课文中作形容词,意为“专业的”;在本句中作名词,意为 “专业人士” “专家” 三、1. in in style 流行 2. to teach aim to do sth 旨在做某事 3.

23、focus(s)ed focus(s)ed adj 注意力集中的 4. Fortunately 5. optional optional adj 可选择的 四. 1. in detail 2. stuck to his promise 3, in exchange for 4. attracted international attention 5. Focusing on that goal / aim 6. exchange ideas with 7. remind me of remind 在课文中意为“提醒”,在本句中意为“使想起”: remind sb of sth 使 某人想起某事 五. 1. The film / movie is based on a true story. 2. This activity is aimed at improving the students listening and speaking abilities. 3. have no option but to meet / rise to the challenge 4. The teacher reminds / reminded us not to be late for the activity tomorrow.


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