(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上期)Unit 1 单词英汉互译及运用(答案不全).docx

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1、1 一、英译汉一、英译汉 1、potential_ 2、senior_ 3、path_ 4、challenge_ 5、positive_ 6、opportunity_ 7、lie in_ 8、rise to_ 9、acquire_ 10、effort_ 11、advance _ 12、amazing _ 13、confidence _ 14、make a difference_ 15、make the most of_ 16、resource _ 17、take advantage of_ 18、facility _ 19、equal _ 20、attitude_ 21、goal_ 22、ba

2、lance_ 23、improve_ 24、last but not least_ 25、well-rounded_ 26、individual_ 27、character_ 28、responsible_ 29、ahead_ 30、junior_ 31、forward_ 32、independent_ 33、focus_ 34、detail_ 35、as a result of_ 36、tip_ 37、base_ 38、remind_ 39、stick to_ 40、proposal_ 41、aim_ 42、style_ 43、technique_ 44、workshop_ 45、profe

3、ssional_ 46、material_ 47、poster_ 48、secondary_ 49、exchange_ 50、host_ 51、biology_ 52、tough_ 53、alarm_ 54、contribution_ 55、fortunately_ 56、over time_ 57、option_ 58、butter_ 59、pudding_ 60、attract_ 61、rugby_ 62、calligraphy_ 二、汉译英二、汉译英 2 1、潜力、潜能_ 2、中学的;级别高的;老年的_ 3、小路,道路_ 4、挑战,质疑_ 5、思维,思想,想法_ 6、 积极乐观的, 良好

4、正面的_ 7、机会,时机_ 8、 存在, 在于 (词组) _ 9、能够处理(词组_ 10、获得,得到_ 11、努力,费力的事;试图_ 12、进步,进展;前进_ 13、令人大为惊奇的,_ 14、信心_ 15、 有影响, 起作用, (词组) _ 16、充分利用(词组)_ 17、资源;资料;_ 18、利用(词组)_ 19、设备,设施;场所_ 20、平等的,能胜任的_ 21、态度,看法_ 22、目标;进球_ 23、保持平衡;_ 24、改进,改善_ 25、最后但同样重要的是(词组) _ 26、 全面发展的, 面面俱到的_ 27、个人_ 28、 品质, 人物, 角色, 文字_ 29、负责的_ 30、向前_

5、 31、初级的,年少的_ 32、 向前; 前进_ 33、期待(词组)_ 34、自主的,独立的;_ 35、焦点,重点_ 36、细节;具体情况_ 37、由于(词组)_ 38、指点,指示_ 39、以.为基础,根据_ 40、提醒,使想起_ 41、坚持(词组)_ 42、提议,建议_ 43、目的,目标_ 44、风格;方式;样式_ 45、 技巧, 技艺, 技能_ 46、研讨会,车间,作坊_ 47、 职业的, 专业的, _ 48、材料,素材_ 49、 海报, 网上发帖_ 50、 中学的, 次要的_ 51、交换;交流;兑换_ 52、主人;主持人_ 53、生物学_ 54、艰难的;严厉的;坚强的;_ 55、闹钟;恐

6、慌;警报;_ 56、贡献;捐赠,_ 57、幸运地_ 58、随着时间流逝(词组)_ 59、可选择的事物,选修课_ 60、黄油_ 61、布丁,甜点_ 62、吸引_ 63、橄榄球_ 3 根据句子内容和首字母提示写出所缺单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确,每根据句子内容和首字母提示写出所缺单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确,每 空一词空一词. 1. If you want to i_ your writing skills, you must first read a lot. 2. Part of his knowledge of the world is a _ from reading 3. It is

7、 a t_decision for the government to make as they have to balance our freedom against the security of the nation. 4.Although we are just ordinary students, it is still necessary for us to take full advantage of our p_ to rise to challenges. 5. As far as mathematics is concerned, Jack is without _(同等的

8、人) in our class. 6.The note beside my bed kept me _(提醒) of the mistakes I had made 7. _ (幸运) , my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me lots of encouragement. 8. O_ never knocks twice. This proverb advises people to take advantage of ever possible chance. 9. Funds (资金) given to pri

9、mary schools and middle schools in rural areas of China will be used to buy sports f_ , including basketballs and football. 10. It was her youth and beauty that a_him, so its no wonder he left when she lost both. 11. Many developing nations are using up earths natural r_ at an alarming pace, which h

10、as caused some severe damage to earth. 12.The art teacher teaches basic t_of drawing. 13.The courts must_our freedom against the security of the nation.(权衡) 14. Senior high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone are r_for realizing your great potential. 15. As we know, noise pollution an

11、d light pollution in big cities have_(导 致)to sleep problems. 16. There are strong_(争论) for and against online education. 17.He is good at his job but he is kind of lacking_(confident) 18.Papermakingisamongthefourgreatinventionsandoneofthe great_(贡献) that ancient Chinese people made to the world. 4 1

12、9. _ (研讨会) are often held in our class to discuss the short stories that club members read and write. 20 The full_(细节) of the accident havent been made public. 21.The boy had a face-to-face talk with the teacher, a_for failing to keep his promise. 22.Living away from your parents has made you have m

13、ore i_. 23.My grandma used to e_ hand-made clothes for money in the market. 24.Real friendship is when two _(个人)share the same soul. 25.They can acquire _(专业的) competence through this training. 26.Be_(积极乐观的)about your future and get on with living a normal life. 27.In recent years, a_in medical life

14、 can give you strength for people to live longer 28.We took full aof the hotel facility. 29.The whole village is up in arms about the(提议) to build an airport nearby. 30. Tom has a strong_(性格) and will try to solve any difficulties. 31. I kept practising until I became confident enough to _(向.挑战 ) th

15、e good players. 32. Because of our_(努力) . our daughter decided to contribute a large bag of toys to a little girl. 33. The_(小路 ) to the forest was covered with thirty feet of wet snow. 34.Experience is what matters. Age is of s_importance 35. Your _ (态度) determines how far you can go on this path, s

16、o be positive and hard-working. 36. The big company needs many more women in _(级别高的) jobs. 37.Our main _(焦点,重点) is on helping people get back to work. 38.There are a number of o_ available for you to choose from in famous university . 39. Cannes _(主办) the annual film festival. 40. Our policies are a

17、_ at encouraging hard work. 5 Answer: Improve;acquired;tough;potential;reminded;fortunately;Opportunity;facilities; attracted;resources;techniques;balance;responsible;contributed;arguments; Confidence;contributions;workshops;details;accounting;independence;exchange; individual;professional/positive/advantage/proposal/character/challenge/efforts/ path/secondary/attitude/senior/focus/options/hosts/aimed


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