Unit 2 Reading 说课课件ppt (2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上期).pptx

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1、 Teaching material analysisTeaching material analysis Students analysisStudents analysis Teaching aimsTeaching aims Teaching important andTeaching important and difficult points difficult points Students analysis The core competence Teaching important and difficult points Students are motivated to c

2、ultivate their unique thinking on parent-child tensions . Students learn more about how to deal with real-life parent-child tensions Students will be able to discover more about the meanings of the text behind the lines. Students will Students will overcome the reading barriers overcome the reading

3、barriers and master the general idea of the text.and master the general idea of the text. Teaching approachesTeaching approaches 02 01 03 04 Task- based approach Communicative approach Cooperative approach Situational approach Teaching aims Teaching Aids 学以立业 德以立身 5 M1U2 Reading 10 Strangers under t

4、he same roof? Step 1 Lead in - free talk 12 Step 2 Learning aims 13 2 2 1 Step 3 self study : Pre-reading How do you get along with your parents? What do you think “strangers under the same roof” means? 14 Step 4: Guidance and Exploration While-reading Read the whole passage and find out the topic s

5、entence of each paragraph. Fast reading 15 Para1Para2Para4Para5Para3 Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. Teenagers physical changes may result in such family tentions. It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too. Although someti

6、mes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to improve the situation. Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship. 16 Introduction(P

7、ara 1) It is common for teenagers to have difficult relationships with their parents. Cause1(Para 2)Cause2(Para3) physical changes mental needs Solution(Para4) regular and honest comunication Conclusion(Para5) Everything will turn out all right in the end. Structure 17 Questions 1.Does every dinner

8、with your parents seem to turn into a battle? 2.Have your once warm and open conversations become cold and guarded? 3.Do you feel that you just cannot see eye to eye with them? 1. arouse readers interest 2. stike a chord(引起共鸣) Read the paragraph 1 careful reading Read paragraph 2 1.What physical cha

9、nges might teenagers worry about? 18 Their changing voice,weight problem or spots(痘痘). 【设计意图:第二段内容较为简单,结构清晰,主要让学生联系自身实 际谈谈青春期的烦恼以及措施,深化对语言的灵活运用。】 19 Read the paragraph3 and then fill in the blanks Situations Teenagers feel ready to _ _ However, parents do not _ Teenagers who are But parents expect (

10、4) _. Mental needs Teenagers have a desire for independence. Teenagers have a continued need for their parents love and support. be more responsible and make decisions on their own always agree struggling to control their feelings them to act like adults 【设计意图:第三段内容和结构均较为复杂,主要通过梳理、分析、推断等高阶思维活动,提升学生思

11、维品 质。第一、第二两个设问可达到两个目的:一是让学生理解破折号的作用,二是通过追问,让学生在语境中 学到adolescence和adolescent这两个单词。第三、第四两个问题,让学生更好地把握段落结构。】 20 How to solve these problems? Read the paragragh 4 quickly. TeenagersParents Solutions 1.Calm down 2. Think through the situation from their point of view 3. Explain your actions and feelings

12、calmly,listen carefully and adress their concerns 1 1 21 TeenagersParents 1.Calm down 2. Think through the situation from parents point of view 3. Explain your actions and feelings calmly,listen carefully and adress parents concerns Solutions How to solve these problems?2 2 1. Calm down 2. Be patien

13、t 3. Know more about their children 4. show their concern for their children . 【设计意图:帮助学生梳理“交流四部曲”,为迁移创新阶段的活动做铺垫。同时在语境中归纳与呈现“empathy”和 “compromise”两个高级词汇。】 It is to struggle with the stress. You and parents can to improve the relationship. The stormy period will not . Everything will all right. Para

14、 5. Conclusion normal work together last turn out 23 Read paregrapg 5 and answer the question. What do you think “stormy period” means? Both teenagers and parents have difficulty in communicating with each other. This period is full of conflicts. . 【设计意图:让学生辨别作者的态度和写作目的,启发学生对“健康亲子关系”意义的思考, 鼓励学生创造性地表

15、达自己的观点,帮助了解“人与自我”“人与社会”的关系,从而建立健 康的人生观。】 24 Discuss in groups Could you find another ways to go through this stormy period? 25 1.express gratitude to parents 2.develop good character municate with parents like friends 4.keep a balance between relaxiation and study . 26 Step5 Summary What have we lea

16、rnt today ? 27 Step6 consolidation Have you ever had a conflict with your parents? How do you deal with it? Please write it down, you can write it from those aspects. 28 One conflict with my _ When it happened _ Where it happened _ What happened _ Why it happened _ How it was solved (If not, how wil

17、l you solve it now?) _ 【设计意图:这两个问题引导学生联系自身实际,反思并解决自己生活中的实际问题,属 于迁移创新活动,也是学科育人的具体表现。】 Write a short passage Write a short passage on parents contributions to a happy family and what we should do as a son/daughter. (Try to use questions to begin Paragraph 1 and topic sentences to start the following p

18、aragraphs.) 1.Polish up your passage. 2.Do something however small it is to show your love to your parents. Homework Blackboard Design 24/25 24/25 strangers under the same roof getting information and learning target language reading for the structure and details skimming, scanning, concluding, inferring, ect increasing interest in the topic “ ” Understanding how to deal with 33 Thank you!


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