Unit 7 How much -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:605cc).zip

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Task Listen and match four yuan nineteen yuan five yuan Exercise 联系上下文,选词填空。联系上下文,选词填空。 is it, Id, Theyre, I, Its, are they, A: Can I help you? B: Yes. _ like these socks. How much _? A: _ six yuan. Anything else? B: A fan, please. A: What about the blue one? B: OK. _ like it. How much _? A: _ three yuan. B: OK. Here you are. Unit7 How much? 译林版英语(四年级上册) (Story time) 学习目标 Story time 1. I can say the new words and try to talk about the prices. 我能说出新单词并试着谈论价钱。 2. I can understand, read and try to act out the story. 我能理解,正确朗读并试着演出故事。 1 Lets play Rules: When you see the numbers, say it and shoot it. (当你看到数字时说出数字并射击,看到地雷时把“枪”放下, 可不能射击哦!) charity sale 义卖 socksshoesT-shirtcap How much? Lets guess ?2 How much is it? Its twelve yuan. 12 Lets guess How much is it? Its ten yuan. ?01210 Lets guess How much are they? Theyre thirty yuan. 3?121030 Lets guess How much are they? Theyre two yuan. ?12 10302 Lets praise What do Su Hai and Su Yang sell(卖)? Look and say Charity sale shoes socks a fan an umbrella Charity sale What would they like? A B CD Watch and choose Watch and choose What would they like? What would they like? A B CD C A D Watch and choose 4 19 5 four yuan nineteen yuan five yuan How much money do and make? += How much? Listen and match only 仅仅;才 How much is it / are they? Its/Theyre yuan. How much money do and make? We have twenty-eight yuan,Miss Li . Well done. Think and answer 干得好! 1 Yes. Id like these shoes. How much are they? Good morning! Can I help you? Lets read! Five yuan, please. OK. 2 These socks are very nice. How much are they? Theyre four yuan. OK. Here you are. 3 Hi, Mike. Hi. This umbrella is cool. How much is it? Its only nineteen yuan. 4 We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. Well done. 六人为一组,读课文,注意语音语调。 Read in roles (分角色读) Read in roles Good morning! _? Yes. _. _? These socks are very nice. _? _. OK. Here you are. Hi, Mike. Hi. This umbrella is cool. _? _. We have _,Miss Li . _. 1 4 2 3 _. OK. Memory king Good morning! _ Yes. _ _ _ OK. Can I help you? Id like these shoes. How much are they? 1 Five yuan, please. Memory king _ _ _ OK. Here you are. How much are they? Theyre four yuan. 2 These socks are very nice. Hi, Mike. Hi. _ _ _ How much is it ? Its only nineteen yuan. 3 This umbrella is cool. 仅仅 We have _,Miss Li . _ twenty-eight yuan Well done. 4 1 2 3 4 小组内分角色演一演! Lets act! Exercise 联系上下文,选词填空。 A: Can I help you? B: Yes. _ like these socks. How much _? A: _ six yuan. Anything else? B: A fan, please. A: What about the blue one? B: OK. _ like it. How much _? A: _ three yuan. B: OK. Here you are. is it, Id, Theyre, I, Its, are they, Id are they Theyre Iis it Its 1.Read correctly and try to act the dialogue . 正确朗读并且尝试表演对话。 2. Make a new dialogue with your friends like Story time. 仿照Story time,跟朋友一起编一段对话。 Unit7 How much? (Story time) 教学内容:教学内容: 译林版小学英语 四年级上册 Unit7 How much? (Story time) 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:shoe, sock, fan, umbrella. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型:How much is it/are they? Its/They reyuan. 3. 能理解对话,能准确、流利朗读对话,并能尝试表演。 4. 能养成乐于助人的好习惯。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:shoe, sock, fan, umbrella. 2. 能理解对话,能准确、流利朗读对话,并能尝试表演。 教学难点:教学难点: 能理解对话,能准确、流利朗读对话,并能尝试表演。 教学准备:教学准备: 1. 人物头饰 2. 实物:扇子、鞋子、袜子、伞 3. PPT 课件 4. 学生任务单与课堂检测单 教学过程:教学过程: Step1: Play a game: Say and shoot the numbers(2 分钟) Rules: When you see the numbers, say it and shoot it. (设计意图:在游戏中复习数字,既有趣,又能为下面讨论价格做准备。(设计意图:在游戏中复习数字,既有趣,又能为下面讨论价格做准备。 ) Step2: Pre-reading(6 分钟) 1. Guess the price (1).Learn the new words: shoes, socks (2).Guess the price: How much is it/are they? Its/Theyreyuan. 2. Look and say: What do Su Yang and Su Hai sell? (Learn the new words: a fan, an umbrella) (设计意图:通过引出(设计意图:通过引出“义卖义卖”这个话题,来学习新单词,做到词汇教学不离情境。同时,这个话题,来学习新单词,做到词汇教学不离情境。同时, 通过猜物品的价格来让学生初步感知、理解重点句型。通过猜物品的价格来让学生初步感知、理解重点句型。 ) Step3: While-reading(18 分钟) 1. Watch and choose (设计意图:通过看动画,来了解刘涛、杨玲、迈克分别想要什么,初步感知课文大意。(设计意图:通过看动画,来了解刘涛、杨玲、迈克分别想要什么,初步感知课文大意。 ) 2. Listen and match (设计意图:了解了刘涛、杨玲、迈克分别想要什么后,通过让学生听录音连线,找出物(设计意图:了解了刘涛、杨玲、迈克分别想要什么后,通过让学生听录音连线,找出物 品的价格,任务具有层次性。品的价格,任务具有层次性。 ) 3. Read it after the recording 4. Read in roles (设计意图:通过跟录音读,模仿语音语调,分角色朗读增加了朗读的趣味性。(设计意图:通过跟录音读,模仿语音语调,分角色朗读增加了朗读的趣味性。 ) Step4: Post-reading(8 分钟) 1. Memory King (设计意图:根据提示,来复述课文,为下面的表演做准备。(设计意图:根据提示,来复述课文,为下面的表演做准备。 ) 2. Act it out (设计意图:通过用实物来表演对话,真正让学生走进生活,用英语来交流。(设计意图:通过用实物来表演对话,真正让学生走进生活,用英语来交流。 ) Step5: Do some exercise(5 分钟) Step6: Homework(1 分钟) 1. Read correctly and try to act the dialogue. 2. Make a new dialogue with your friends like Story time. 板书设计板书设计 Unit7 How much? How much is it/are they? Its/T heyreyuan. 5 9 (单词图片和单词板书) 14
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