Unit 2 Travelingaround提升练习 (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).docx

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1、unit2:Travelingaround 1.完形填空 Snowboarding in the Mountains I will never forget the experience of seeing a part of Canada and snowboarding in the mountains. I got a little emotional on the1from Montreal to our first stop in Vancouver. Although I have to2that I watched a movie while we flew over the p

2、rairies (大草原), I did occasionally3out of the window to see what was what!4 most of the mountains in Alberta and B. C. were covered in clouds so I had to wait for our drive from Kelowna to Revelstoke to see those mountains! I5I d entered intoThe Lord of the Ringsterritory(领 地) as we took a lift to ge

3、t to the top of Mt. Mackenzie in Revelstoke. Before snowboarding I learned not to6coffee in the morning, which only added shaking to my nervousness during the first few descents (下坡) of the day. Snowboarding in power is quite7from riding the icy slopes (斜坡) in Quebec. At least when you8down several

4、meters, its like falling on pillows! My main issue, however, was getting stuck in the few9sections of the mountain, though a few10 skiers gave me a ride by letting me grab their ski poles and 11me to the next drop. Even though we could12really ski the top half of the mountain, it was still at least

5、twice the size of the mountain we usually13! Our phone pictures dont do justice to these mountains,14we have our own memories. When my husband and I asked each other what was our favorite part of the trip, other than spending time with each other, it was15the view. 1. A. trainB. shipC. planeD. car 2

6、. A. admitB. pretendC. recallD. regret 3. A. goB. lookC. walkD. stare 4. A. LuckilyB. Particularly C. PossiblyD. Unfortunately 5. A. feltB. dreamed C. imaginedD. agreed 6. A. sellB. drinkC. cookD. store 7. A. absentB. tiredC. safeD. different 8. A. fallB. slipC. skiD. look 9. A. downhillB. roughC. s

7、teepD. flat 10. A. helpfulB. young C. agedD. single 11. A. throwingB. dragging C. liftingD. deserting 12. A. evenB. almostC. onlyD. yet 13. A. stayB. visitC. climbD. ski 14. A. andB. soC. forD. but 15. A. hardlyB. normally C. certainlyD. strangely 2.阅读填句 Four Ways to Be a Great Roommate Having a roo

8、mmate can be one of the best experiences in college or, easily, one of the worst. 1Follow these tips to avoid the common mistakes that turn good roommate relationships sour. Talk things out Communication is a key. If something happens, sit downwithyourroommateandhaveaface-to-face conversation. Ive s

9、een roommate relationships fall apart because something happens and, instead of talking to each other, the two start complaining about their roommates behind backs.2 Dont expect to be best friends Some roommates become the best of friends, and some don t. Dont put pressure on yourself or your roomma

10、te, especially when you first meet.3And if your roommate doesnt end up being your best friend, dont worry. Ask before you take This applies to food, clothes and anything else. If you want to keep a relationship going, show your roommate that you have respect for what is his or hers by asking first.4

11、 Clean up after yourself This should go without saying. Dont be lazy. Or, at least, dont bury your roommate in your clothes and garbage. Most people Ive come across in college are messy.5But being considerate with where you put your stuff will help you avoid conflict. A. So you need to think twice b

12、efore you help your roommate out. B. This creates nothing but awkward situations and unhappiness. C. Even if you both agree to share everything, you should still ask. D. You dont have all the time to clean your room and keep it organized. E. It all starts with you to have a good relationship with yo

13、ur roommate. F. Sometimes you get stuck with someone who has tons of negative energy. G. Remember, youre trying to make a new friend, not to scare your roommate away. 3.阅读理解 A Whether youre taking a trip alone or with your family, its easier to get sick when youre in a new place because your body ha

14、snt had a chance to adjust to the food, water, and air there. Read the following tips on keeping your travel experience as healthy as possible. Safe foods and drinks What foods are safe to eat? Foods that have been boiled are generally safe, as well as fruit and vegetables that have to be peeled bef

15、ore eating. Avoid eating uncooked or undercooked meat. Stay away from foods that require a lot of handling before serving. Drink only bottled water when traveling. If you have to use the tap water, you should boil it first. You can take it with you When youre packing, taking some painkillers and dia

16、rrhea medicine is a good idea. Its also a good idea to pack some allergy (过敏) medicine even if you dont take it at home, becausepeoplesometimesunexpectedlydevelopallergic reactions in a new environment. Make a travel journal Before you leave your sweet home, create a medical history form that includ

17、es the following information:your name, address, and home phone number as well as a parents daytime phone number, your blood type;a list of any ongoing health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, or AIDS;a list of current medicines you are taking;a list of allergies to medicine, food, insects,

18、 and animals;the name, address, and phone number of a relative other than your parent. It also helps if you have some basic first-aid medical knowledge, not only for yourself but also for helping others you may be traveling with. A great way to prepare for your trip is to take a first-aid or basic l

19、ife support course before you go;if youre traveling with a group, you should know where the first-aid kit is and whats in it. 1. The underlined word in Para. 1 means _. A. 得到B. 适应C. 采用D. 纠正 2. According to the passage before you travel you d better write the phone number of the following EXCEPT _. A

20、. your ownB. one of your parents C. one of your relativesD. one of your friends 3. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? A. Taking a first-aid course. B. Writing down your blood type. C. Telling your parents your plan. D. Taking some necessary medicine. B Lima, the capital of Peru

21、(秘鲁), has countless museums that tourists cant afford to miss. Now start packing up and prepare for your perfect Peruvian history exploration at these wonderful museums. Larco Museum Stepping inside, visitors get to learn the 5,000-year history of Peru through an unbelievable collection of objects.

22、The best thing about the museum is that it keeps the door to the storeroom open to visitors so that they can admire its collection closely. Gold Museum of Peru If you like shiny objects or precious metals, then plan a trip to the Gold Museum of Peru. In ancient times, the Peruvian people were celebr

23、ated for their skills in metals. And the museum is aimed at preserving this heritage. Lima Art Museum Art experts are much pleased as the city is also home to the Lima Art Museum. Its permanent exhibit of over 1,200 pieces is merely a small part of its amazing collection of more than 17,000 artifact

24、s. The highlight of the museum is its collection of Carlos Baca-Flor s masterpieces, which is considered to be the most complete set in the world. Museum of Italian Art The only museum dedicated to European art in Peru, the Museum of Italian Art is a storehouse of classical and contemporary painting

25、s and sculptures belonging to the 20th century. The property is easily accessible by a short walk from the Lima Art Museum. Museum of Natural History Last but certainly not least is the Museum of Natural History. Giving a glimpse into the rich biodiversity in Peru, the museum has on display the skel

26、etons of a sperm whale and fossils of several mammals. 4. In which museum can visitors enter the storeroom? A. The Larco Museum. B. The Gold Museum of Peru. C. The Lima Art Museum. D. The Museum of Natural History. 5. What makes the Gold Museum of Peru different from other museums? A. Its large coll

27、ection of objects. B. Its display of Peruvian skills in metals. C. Its classical paintings and sculptures. D. Its exhibit of a diversity of animals. 6. Which museum is the closest to the Lima Art Museum? A. The Larco Museum. B. The Museum of Natural History. C. The Museum of Italian Art. D. The Gold

28、 Museum of Peru. 7. Where can we probably read the passage? A. In a science fiction. B. In a book review. C. In a traffic report. D. In a travel magazine. 参考答案: 1.完形填空 1.Ctrain 火车;ship 船;plane 飞机;car 汽车。由第二个空 后面的“while we flew over the prairies”可知,作者乘坐的是 飞机,故 C 选项正确。 2.Aadmit 承认;pretend 假装;recall 回想

29、起;regret 后悔, 遗憾。作者承认自己在飞越大草原的时候在看电影。A 选项正确。 3.B作者乘坐飞机,偶尔向窗外看。故 B 选项正确。look 和后面 的 see 呼应。 4.Dluckily 幸运地;particularly 尤其;possibly 可能地; unfortunately 不幸地。作者向窗外看,结果群山大部分都被云覆 盖住了,这是一件“不幸的”事。D 选项正确。 5.Afeel 感觉;dream 梦想;imagine 想象;agree 同意。当到 达 Mt. Mackenzie 顶部的时候,作者感觉自己好像进入了指环王 所描绘的领地。A 选项正确。 6.Bsell 卖;d

30、rink 喝;cook 烹饪;store 储存。在滑雪之前, 作者已经知道了早晨不要喝咖啡。B 选项正确。 7.Dabsent缺席的;tired疲惫的;safe安全的;different不 同的。滑雪和沿着斜坡下滑完全不同。D 选项正确。 8.Cfall 落下;slip 滑倒,溜走;ski 滑雪;look 看。 当你向 下滑雪时,你感觉好像落在了枕头上。C 选项正确。 9.Ddownhill向山下的;rough艰难的;steep陡峭的;flat平 坦的。作者在比较平坦的地方被卡住了。D 选项正确。 10.Ahelpful 有帮助的;young 年轻的;aged 上年纪的; single 单一的

31、。由下文其他的滑雪者捎了作者一程可知,这些滑雪 者是“乐于助人”的。A 选项正确。 11.Bthrow扔;drag拖,拽;lift举起;desert离弃,抛弃。 其他的滑雪者让作者拉着他们的滑雪杆,把作者拽到了下一个地方。 B 选项正确。 12.Ceven 甚至;almost 几乎;only 仅仅;yet 但是。尽管我 们只能滑到山的一半,但是这至少是我们通常滑的两倍的距离。C 选项切题。 13.Dstay 待;visit 参观;climb 爬;ski 滑雪。 由上题解析可 知,D 选项正确。 14.D我们的手机照片没有公平对待这些山脉(我们并没有把这些山 脉都拍摄下来),但是,我们有自己的记

32、忆。前后两句之间是转折 关系,故 D 选项正确。 15.Chardly 几乎不;normally 正常地;certainly 肯定地; strangely 奇怪地。由第一段内容以及文中对景象的赞美,可推断 出是 C。 2.阅读填句 1.E 。 根 据 上 文 Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences in college or,easily,one of the worst. 可知, 有个室友可能是大学最棒的经历,也可能是最坏的经历。 下文应是: 但这些的前提是和室友保持一种良好的关系。故选 E。 2.B。根据上文 Ive see

33、n roommate relationships fall apart because something happens and,instead of talking to each other,the two start complaining about their roommates behind backs. 可知,室友之间的相处应该是有什么说什么,不能在背后 议论他人。 下文应是:如果那么做只会造成尴尬以及不愉快的局面。 故选 B。 3.G。 根据上文的 Don t put pressure on yourself or your roommate, especially when

34、 you first meet. 可知,第一次见面时,不一定 就要成为好朋友,不要给双方太多压力,你是在交朋友,不要把 室友吓跑。故选 G。 4.C。根据上文的 If you want to keep a relationship going, show your roommate that you have respect for what is his or hers by asking first. 可知,一定要尊重对方,拿别人东西时一定要先 询问,故选 C。 5.D。 根据下文But being considerate with where you put your stuff wil

35、l help you avoid conflict. 可知,虽然不用一直收拾房间, 但是要把自己的东西放得有次序,以免与室友因此发生冲突,上 文应与收拾房间相关。故选 D。 3.阅读理解 1.B。词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句“当来到一个新地方,由于身 体不能适应那里的食物、水和空气, 你容易生病”,故选 B。 2.D。细节理解题。根据“. . . your name, address, and home phone number as well as a parents daytime phone number” 和“. . . and phone number of a relative o

36、ther than your parent”排除 D 项。 3.C。 细节理解题。 A 项在最后一段提及;B 项内容在 “Make a travel journal”提到;D 项在“You can take it with you”部分第一句 提到。故选 C。 4.A。 细节理解题。 根据 Larco Museum 部分中的 “The best thing about the museum is that it keeps the door to the storeroom open to visitors so that they can admire its collection clos

37、ely. ” 可知,在 Larco Museum 可进入储藏室。 5.B。细节理解题。根据 Gold Museum of Peru 部分中的“If you like shiny objects or precious metals, then plan a trip to the Gold Museum of Peru. In ancient times, the Peruvian people were celebrated for their skills in metals. And the museum is aimed at preserving this heritage. ”可知

38、,秘鲁的黄金博物馆展示了 秘鲁在金属方面的技能,这一点是其他博物馆没有的。 6.C。细节理解题。根据 Museum of Italian Art 部分中的最后一句 “The property is easily accessible by a short walk from the Lima Art Museum. ” 可知,从利马艺术博物馆走一小段路就可以 很容易地到达意大利艺术博物馆。 7.D。推理判断题。根据第一段“Lima, the capital of Peru,has countless museums that tourists cant afford to miss. Now start packing up and prepare for your perfect Peruvian history exploration at these wonderful museums. ”可知,本文介绍了 秘鲁首都利马有无数游客无法错过的博物馆。 作者建议大家收拾行装, 去这些美妙的博物馆里进行完美的秘鲁历史探索。 由此可知这是关于 旅游方面的,会出现在旅行杂志中。


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