
第四单元提升练习 d yi d lin yi lin 一、读 一 读,连 一 连。 nn hu lin chun xi shn 夏 闪 会 南 莲 船 d pn yn xi c y 二、读 拼 音,写 词 语。 z n k sh ki ku dng x yu r d rn l tou tin shn


1、第四单元提升练习 d yi d lin yi lin 一读 一 读,连 一 连. nn hu lin chun xi shn 夏 闪 会 南 莲 船 d pn yn xi c y 二读 拼 音,写 词 语. z n k sh ki ku d。

2、unit1:Teenage life 1.完形填空 My 13yearold son and I had quite an adventure this morning We1passed by the beautifully landsc。

3、unit1:A new start 1.完形填空 I used to be the shyest person in the world. I hid behind my older sister,whenever I had to spe。

4、unit3:Sports and fitness 1.完形填空 As a child,I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others. One d。

5、unit4:Narual disasters 1.语法填空 A brilliant,creative,and educated man with many experiences felt down after an accident,wh。

6、unit2:Travelingaround 1.完形填空 Snowboarding in the Mountains I will never forget the experience of seeing a part of Canada。

7、第 1页共 10页 Unit2Sports and Fitness Section B Rules of the Game 一用适当的介词填空 1.My mother reminded methe date of my birthday. 。

8、第 1页共 13页 Unit2Sports and Fitness Section ATopic Talk 一用适当的介词或副词填空 1.At last,all his efforts paidand he realised his dre。

9、第 1页共 11页 Unit1 Life Choices Section C Reading Club 一用适当的介词或副词填空 1.Thankshis timely help,I finished the work on time. 2。

10、unit1:A new start 1.完形填空 I used to be the shyest person in the world. I hid behind my older sister,whenever I had to spe。

11、第 1页共 11页 Unit1 Life Choices Section C Reading Club 一用适当的介词或副词填空 1.Thankshis timely help,I finished the work on time. 2。

12、第 1页共 13页 Unit2Sports and Fitness Section ATopic Talk 一用适当的介词或副词填空 1.At last,all his efforts paidand he realised his dre。

13、第 1页共 10页 Unit3Celebrations Section B Special Occasions 一完成句子 1.your success祝贺. 2.He graduated from that school which 附属。

14、第 1页共 10页 Unit2Sports and Fitness Section B Rules of the Game 一用适当的介词填空 1.My mother reminded methe date of my birthday. 。




18、金属材料1下列关于合金的叙述中正确的是A合金是由两种或多种金属熔合而成的B日常生活中用到的五角硬币属于铜合金C合金在任何情况下都比单一金属性能优良D钢不属于合金2纯铁的熔点为1535 ,而高炉中炼铁时生铁含碳量较高的铁的合金在1200 左右。

19、核素原子结构与元素的性质1下列描述中,不正确的是A14N与15N具有相同的质子数B18O和17O具有相同的电子数C18O和19F具有相同的中子数D12C与13C具有相同的质量数2下列对碱金属性质的叙述中,正确的是 都是银白色的柔软金属除铯外。

20、元素周期律1对于第2周期元素从左到右稀有气体元素除外,下列说法中不正确的是A原子半径逐渐减小B最外层电子数逐渐增多C最高正化合价逐渐升高D元素的非金属性逐渐增强2下列各组元素中按微粒半径递增顺序排列的是AKNaLi BNOFCCa2KCl 。

21、Unit6 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game一完成句子1.昨天,是我的爷爷在街上遛的狗.强调句 walked the dog in the street yesterday.2.他有一支用来写字的好钢笔.不定式作后。

22、Unit6 Lesson 1 From Page to Screen一用适当的介词或副词填空1.Jeans are not appropriate a formal party.2.There is no reason to be pess。

23、Unit4 Lesson 3 My Favourite Comedian一完成句子1. He didnt explain . 他没有解释为什么听讲座迟到.2. The old couple take care of the homeless。

24、Unit5 Lesson 2 The Objectives of Education一用适当的介词或副词填空1.We will continue to give high priority education.2.A successful 。

25、Unit5 Lesson 1 Enlightening a Mind一短语填空allow sb to do sth,adapt to,pass on,have great influence on,have great significa。

26、Unit1 Section C Developing ideas一单句语法填空1.The students feel that they belong a particular group.2.You go ahead, and Ill c。

27、Unit2 Section BUsing language一用情态动词have done完成句子1.马克本来不必要那么匆忙的.这么高速驾驶之后,他早半个小时到达了. .After driving at top speed,he arrive。

28、Unit3 Section C Developing ideas一单句语法填空1Many people have come to realize that they should keep a balance diet.2I wrote a。

29、Unit3 Section BUsing language一单句填空1.I think we are all grownups and we have the ability manage our own affairs.2.She too。

30、Unit5 Section A Starting out Understanding ideas一完成句子1.布朗先生每年花费三个月的时间环游世界.Mr Brown usually three months around the world。

31、Unit4 Section C Developing ideas一完成句子1.He realised unless he worked hard,he would 以结束 achieving nothing.2. 时常,when they 。

32、Unit3 Section A Starting out Understanding ideas一完成句子1.他惊讶地看见家乡已经发生了巨大的变化. He the great changes have taken place in his 。

33、Unit2 Section BUsing language一完成句子1.在我们实施这项计划之前,同学们提出了不同的想法.Before we carried out the plan,various ideas by my classmate。

34、Unit5 Section C Developing ideas一翻译句子1.和我们竞争者的产品比较起来,我们的产品质量更好,价格更低.compare with2.我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活.due to3.多亏你不。

35、Unit6 Section A Starting out Understanding ideas一完成句子1.只有当你每天练习几个小时的英语时,你才能够掌握英语.Only when you practise English a few ho。

36、Unit1 Section A Starting out Understanding ideas一完成句子1.您将与管理办公室签订初步租赁协议并支付押金.You will sign a preliminary rental agreemen。

37、Unit6 Section BUsing language一选词填空for an instant, approve of, be suitable for, a minimum of, grow up, have a say, in fac。

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