Module 3 Out and about-Project 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:c134b).zip

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Project 3 Shangdang Gate Its the symbol (标志) of Changzhi. Its near Changsheng Bus Stop. Laoding Mountain We can ski(滑雪 ) here in winter. There is a forest park on it. Renmin Park We can boat. We can see many kinds of animals. TownGodsTempl e Liufu Tower Wanda Plaza pl:z HOSPITA L Brown Street Green Street Green Street Brown Street GoodGood memory(memory(记忆力记忆力) ) TryTry (记住)(记住)toto rememberremember( 记住)记住) thethe placesplaces ofof thethe mapmap inin 1010 seconds(seconds(秒秒).). 109876543210 Brown Street Green Street 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Green Street Brown Street Brown Street Green Street Walk along Green Street. Turn left at Brown Street. Walk along Brown Street. A: Where is the post office? B: Its on Brown Street. A: How do I get to the post office? B: First, walk along Green Street. Then, turn left at Brown Street. Next, walk along Brown Street. You can see the post office on your right. Lets read BankBank First, Then, Next, Theis on your left / right. How do I get to the bank? HospitalHospital How do I get to the hospital? First, Then, Next, Theis on your left / right. 、 Zoo Park Hospital Supermarket Cinema Bookshop How do I get to the zoo? School Stop Zoo Stop I can take the bus. I get on the bus at School stop. And I get off the bus at Zoo Stop. 、 Park Hospital Supermarket Cinema Bookshop How do I get to the hospital? Sun Stop Moon Stop I I cancan taketake thethe I I getget onon theatStop.theatStop. AndAnd I I getget offoff thethe atat Q 1 Q 2 Q3 Q4 Lets write MyMy dreamdream citycity Whats around my city? Where do you want to go? Why? Where is it? How do you get there? By bus? On foot? There is a cinema, I want to go to the Its on Street/Road First, I Then, I Next, I The is on my left / right. Lets write This is my city. There is a school, a museum, a bank around our city. I want to go to the museum. Its big and nice. There are many old things in it. Its on Brown Street. Its far from my home. First, I walk along White Street. I Take Bus No.6 at Sun Stop. Then I get off the bus at Happy Stop. Next, I walk along Summer Street. The museum is on your left. MyMy dreamdream citycity Lets write This is my city. There is a school, a museum, a bank around our city. I want to go to the museum. Its big and nice. There are many old things in it. Its on Brown Street. Its far from my home. First, I walk along White Street. I Take Bus No.6 at Sun Stop. Then I get off the bus at Happy Stop. Next, I walk along Summer Street. The museum is on your left. MyMy dreamdream citycity Whats around our city? Where do you want to go? Why? Where is it? How do you get there? 1.Ask the way with the map of Changzhi.(用长治的地图写一组关于问路的对(用长治的地图写一组关于问路的对 话。)话。) 2.Collect more expressions of asking the way.(收集更多关于问路的方式。)(收集更多关于问路的方式。) Homework 沪教版牛津英语五(上) Unit 9 Around our city Step1. Warm-up 1. Greetings 2. Enjoy some pictures of good places in Changzhi. T: Which city do we live in? Ss: We live in Changzhi. T: There are many good places in Changzhi. Now lets enjoy some beautiful pictures of them. (以长治的标志性建筑“上党门”开始,向学生依次介绍老顶山、 人民公园、城隍庙、六府塔、万达广场等孩子们耳熟能详的地方, 并引导学生用英语简单描述。 ) 设计意图设计意图:通过欣赏自己城市的一些美丽风景的图片,激发学生 对自己城市的热爱;同时帮助学生复习有关城市建筑的名词。 Step 2.While-Task 1.Introduce more places around the city. T: Do you know any other places around our city? Ss: Post office, bank, (学生在教师 PPT 图片的提示下说出更多的有关城市建筑的 名词。) 2.Play a game “Good memory”. (1)Make a city T: Lets make a city with these places. This is Brown Street, and this is Green Street. There are many places in this city. (通过 PPT 动画效果,教师利用刚才提到的建筑名词图片设计 了一个地图。之后,建筑图片消失。) (1)Good memory: T: Try to remember the places of the map in 10 seconds. (学生在 10 秒中记住各个地方的位置,通过小组竞赛说出答 案。 ) 设计意图:通过这个活动学生复习了更多的城市建筑名词,心 中形成地图的印象;小组竞赛的方式激发了学生的记忆兴趣; 同时也为下一环节做好铺垫。 1. Ask the way . (1)T: Yesterday I wrote a letter to my friend. Now I want to send it to her . Where should I go? Ss: Post office. T: How do I get to the post office? Lets look at the map carefully. This is Brown Street. And this is Green Street. And Im here. First, I walk along Green Street. Turn left at Brown Street. Then walk along Brown Street. I can see the post office on my right. (在 PPT 的帮助下,教师帮助学生认识地图,并引出相关指路的 句型。) (2)Lets read. (整理刚才的路线,编成完整的对话并朗读,为下一环节打 好基础。) Step 3. Post-task (1)Pair work: Ask and answer A: How do I get to the bank / zoo / ? B: First , Then , Next , Theis on your left / right. (通过 PPT,设计更远的路线,需要坐公交车,对问路句型的 进一步巩固、拓展和提升。先给学生示范,帮助学生学会表达在 A: Where is the post office? B: Its on Brown Street. A: How do I get to the post office? B: First, walk along Green Street. Then, turn left at Brown Street. Next, walk along Brown Street. You can see the post office on your right. 某车站上下车;后给学生创设情境运用所学句型。这样层层递进 帮助学生打开思路,为后面的写作练习提供素材。) (2)Lets write. T: Do you want to have a dream city? Now design your dream city and write about it. You can write it in these four ways. 1. Whats around my city? There is a cinema, 2. Where do you want to go? Why? I want to go to the 3. Where is it? Its on Street/Road 4. How do you get there? By bus? On foot? First, I Then, I Next, I The is on my left / right. (学生根据问题提示,对梦想中的城市进行想象构思,教师 按照思路给出示范,学生写出自己的梦想城市,并展示。) 设计意图:本环节打开了学生的思路,提升了学习的难度。 通过创设自己的梦想城市综合运用了所学句型,在丰富情境的同 时,既活学活用了语言知识,又提升了学生的语言运用的兴趣。 Step4. Homework 1. Ask the way with the map of Changzhi.(用长治的地图写一组 关于问路的对话。) 2. Collect more expressions of asking the way.(收集更多关于问 路的方式。) 设计意图:设计意图:复习课作业的形式要多种多样,既要兼顾语言知 识的掌握和听说读写四项技能的训练,又要考虑到学生的学习兴趣 和后续的学习动力及潜力。所以,在语知训练的基础上设计一些具 有开放性和灵活性的作业,发展学生思维,为学生的可持续发展奠 定基础。)
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