(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第二册期末专题复习 轻松突破语法填空(下) (1)(含答案).docx

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1、专题课专题课轻松突破语法填空(下)轻松突破语法填空(下) (高考真题) The adobe dwellings(土坯房)1(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even2most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their3(able) to “air condition” a house wi

2、thout4(use) electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat5(slow)during cool nights,thus warning the house. When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough 6(cool) the house during the hot day;7the same time,

3、 they warm up again for the night This cycle8(go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures. As9(nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly10thick the adobe walls needed to be to make

4、the cycle work on most days. 1. built 【解析】考查过去分词用法。由于句子已经有了谓语动词 are admired,所以空格处只能 填非谓语动词;再根据 adobe dwellings 与 build 之间的被动关系,可知空格处应填过去分词 (用作后置定语)。 2. the 【解析】 考查冠词用法。 由于空格后的 most modern 为形容词的最高级, 故填定冠词 the。 3. ability 【解析】考查形容词与名词的变换。根据空格前的 their 可知,此处应填名词形式。 4. using 【解析】考查动名词用法。由空格前的介词 without 可

5、知空格处应该使用动名词形式。 5. slowly 【解析】考查副词用去。由于所填之词是用于修饰动词短语 give out that heat,故用副 词形式 slowly,指“慢慢地”释放白天吸收的热量。 6. to cool 【解析】考查动词不定式的用法。本句所涉及的动词句型为 be adj. enough to do sth., 其意为“足够能够做某事”。 7. at 【解析】考查介词在固定搭配中的用法。at the same time 是固定搭配,意思是“同时”。 8. goes 【解析】 考查时态的用去。 此处描述的是客观事实(指前面提到的循环不断地持续下去), 故用一般现在时。 9.

6、 natural 【解析】考查名词与形容词的转换。根据空格后的名词 architects 可知,空格处应填形 容词作定语,即 natural。 10. how 【解析】考查语境中连词的用法。根据空格后面的形容词 thick 可知,此处应填 how 来 引导宾语从句。 一、语篇分析一、语篇分析 本文是一篇说明文, 主要介绍了美国西南部的普韦布洛印第安人修建的土坯房, 这些房 子白天吸收热量,晚上释放热量,从而使得房间内的温度适宜。这些房子让现在的建筑师和 工程师都赞叹不已。 二、二、解题策略解题策略 不容忽视的不容忽视的介词和介词短语介词和介词短语 介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与实词或短

7、语共同构成介词短语,在句子中充 当一定的成分。 语法填空题中, 对于没有给出提示词的空, 要看是否存在动词与介词的搭配、 形容词与介词的搭配或相关介词等。 例如上一篇短文中的第 7 空, 根据空后面的 the same time 提示以及上下文语义, 可以猜 到,空处应填介词 at,组成 at the same time 固定搭配。 介词固定搭配是短文填空中不容忽视的一处重要考点。有些固定搭配需要熟记: 1. 介词与名词的常用搭配 at present 目前at the same time 同时at the age of 在岁时 at the beginning of 在的开始at the c

8、ost of 以的代价 at the end of 在的最后at the price of 以的价格 at the rate of 以的比例at the risk of 冒的危险 on a diet 在节食on business 因公出差on behalf of 代表 on the condition of 在的条件下by accident 偶然 in advance 提前in brief 简言之in conclusion 总之 in length 在长度上in common 共有in danger 处于危险中 in doubt 不确定in need 在危急中in case of 万一 in

9、addition to 除之外(还)in exchange for 作为交换 in no time 立刻 in no case 决不of importance 重要 out of balance 失去平衡under consideration 在考虑中out of control 失去控制 2. 形容词与介词的常用搭配 be certain about 对确定be optimistic about 对乐观 be shocked at 对震惊be active in 在方面积极be engaged in 忙于 be eager for 渴望be responsible for 为负责be dif

10、ferent from 不同于 be contrary to 违反;反对be devoted to 致力于be opposed to 反对 be used to 习惯于be aware of 意识到be short of 缺少 (答题时间:(答题时间:40 分钟)分钟) 语法填空 A Many patients who dont want to tell their doctor how much they really drink are often more honest with a computer. The computer 1._ (use) for this purpose is

11、 programmed to be friendly. For example, if a patient called Ann says that 2. _ her parents are dead, the computer will say, “Im sorry to hear that, Ann.” Apart from expressing sympathy, the computer 3. _ also question and remind. If a patient says he 4. _ drinks alcohol, the computer can ask him, “

12、Never? Not even at parties or at Christmas?” Does this direct contact 5. _ the patient and the computer mean that we do not need doctors any more? It depends. Computers are useful 6. _ they do not look shocked if you say you drink two bottles of whisky 7. _ Day.And they do not stop to talk on the ph

13、one as doctors often do. But 8. _ a doctor said, “We smile and we give a patient a handkerchief or put arm around her shoulder if she 9. _ (cry). That is 10. _ people will always want us.” B In order to know a foreign language thoroughly (完全地), four things are necessary. First, we must understand th

14、e language 1. _ we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it 2. _ (oneself), correctly with confidence (自信) and 3. _ hesitation (犹豫). 4. _, we must be able to write it. We must be able to 5. _ (make) sentences that are correct in grammar. There is no short way to succeed 6. _ language le

15、arning. A good memory (记忆) is a great help, but it is not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book. It is 7. _ much use learning by heart through long lists of words and their meanings, 8. _ (study) the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we are pleased with a

16、few rules we 9. _ (memorize), we are not really learning the language. We must “Learn through use. Practice is important. We must practice 10. _ (speak) and writing the language whenever we can. *C (Near the school gate, a woman driver was stopped by a traffic officer.) Officer: Madam, do you know h

17、ow fast you were going just now? Driver: (Looking at the record.) Uh, well, no! I didnt think I was going that fast. Officer: This is a 25 mph zone, madam. You see that school over there? You 1. _ (go) 35 mph. Driver: 2. _ today is Sunday, sir. There is no school today. Officer: Madam, there 3. _ (b

18、e) signs that say what the speed limit is. Besides, children often come to school on the weekend 4. _ (play) sports. You see all those kids over there? What 5. _ you hit one of them by accident? Driver: Im 6. _ (terrible) sorry, Officer. I wont do it again. Could you please let me off with 7. _ warn

19、ing? Officer: Im afraid I cant do that, madam. In school zones, Im required to give tickets to all drivers 8. _ Break the rules. Its the law in this county. Driver: Oh, dear! 9. _ is this going to cost me? Officer: I dont know, madam. Usually, these things can be taken care of for 10. _ (little) tha

20、n $ 100. Now please sign here at the bottom. Driver: OK. A 本文介绍计算机在患者就诊中的作用,同时也谈到医生的不可替代性。 1. used考查非谓语动词。use 与 the computer 之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词短语作定 语。 2. both考查代词。由 her parents 可知用 both,意为“(两者)都”。 3. can考查情态动词。主语 the computer 是第三人称单数,谓语动词却是原形,可知此 处填情态动词;由句意可知电脑也“能”提问和提醒。另外,从下一句中的 the computer can ask hi

21、m 也可得到提示。 4. never考查上下文语境的关系。由下文电脑的问话 Never?可知答案。 5. between考查固定搭配。between. and. 为固定搭配,意为“在与之间”, 此处指在病人和电脑这两者之间。 6. because考查状语从句。 由语境可知后一分句与前一分句之间是因果关系, 故填 because。 7. a考查冠词。a day 意为“一天”,此处为名词短语作时间状语。 8. as考查定语从句。此处用 as 引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如的”。 9. is crying考查时态。医生应当在病人“正在哭时”递给她手巾或拥抱她。 10. why考查表语从句。前面已讲

22、清了原因,此处要引出结果,故用 why 引导的表语从 句,表示结果。 B 英语学习无捷径可言。英语学习需要做好四件事。好的记忆力固然有帮助,但是远远不 够,还需要我们不断地练习,并且要学以致用。 1. when此处为时间状语从句, 句意为“首先, 当我们听到有人说外语时, 必须要听得懂”。 when 引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。 2. ourselves本句的主语为 we,反身代词要与之呼应,故用 ourselves。 3. without句意为“第二, 我们必须要能够自己开口说, 还要说得正确、 自信、 毫不犹豫”。 根据语境可知填 without。 4. Thirdly根据上文的 F

23、irst,Secondly 可以推断出答案,是另外一件事情,故用 Thirdly。 5. makebe able to do sth“能够做某事。”make sentences 意为“造句”。 6. insucceed in doing sth 为固定短语,意为“成功地做某事”。 7. no根据语境可知, 只是背诵单词及意思或者研究字典是没有什么用处的, 故此处表示 否定意思。 8. studyingIts no use doing sth 意为“做某事没有用”,且根据 learning 和设空处的并列关 系可知答案为 studying。 9. have memorized根据语境可知,此处应

24、该为现在完成时态,由主语 we 可知填 have。 10. speakingpractice doing sth 为固定结构,意为“练习做某事”。practice 后不可接不定式 结构。 C 这是一位女士和交警之间的一段对话,这位女士在学校附近超速。 1. were going考查过去进行时。根据语境可知,此处表示刚才女士驾车的速度已经达到 35 mph,故用过去进行时。 2. But考查连词。根据下文中的“There is no school today”可知,此处表示转折,意为“但 是今天是星期天”,故用 But。 3. are考查一般现在时和主谓一致。根据语境可知,此处是一般性的陈述,故

25、用一般现 在时;再根据空格后的 signs 可知,此处用复数形式,故填 are。 4. to play考查动词不定式。 根据语境可知, 此处表示“孩子们经常在周末到学校来运动”, 此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,即 to play。 5. if考查固定短语。此处表示“如果你意外撞倒他们中的一个怎么办”,故此处用 what if“如果怎么办”的固定结构。 6. terribly考查副词。此处用副词 terribly 修饰形容词 sorry,表示“十分抱歉”。 7. a考查冠词。此处表示“你能放过我,只给一个警告吗?”,故用不定冠词 a。 8. who/that考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知,“_Break the rules”是定语从句,修 饰先行词 drivers,指人,从句中缺少主语,故可用 who 或 that。 9. How much考查特殊疑问词。此处表示“需要罚多少钱”,故此处用 How much。 10. less考查比较级。根据空格后的 than 可知,此处用 little 的比较级 less。


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