(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit 5 Working the land 单元短语句讲义(含答案).docx

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1、1 选择性选择性 B1 Unit5 Working the land I. Expressions 1. work the land 耕种土地 (vt. 管理 经营(以获利) 2. fulfill ones dream 实现某人的梦想 3. care for 关心;喜欢;照顾,照料 4. devote oneself entirely to doing sth. 全身心献身于,致力于,专心于 = be devoted to doing sth. 5. convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 6. commit oneself to doing sth. 使自己致力于 7. t

2、ackle the current crisis 处理当前的危机 (解决 处理;捉住 扭倒) 8. political financial crisis 政治金融危机 9. overcome difficulties 克服困难 10. be comprised of 由组成 包括 包含 11. adapt to doing sth. 改编以适应 12. expand the output 扩大产出 13. far from the case 远非如此 (远非;几乎相反) 14. deep down 在内心深处;实际上;本质上 15. succeed in doing sth.成功做某事 16.

3、 fail to do sth. 失败做某事 不能做某事 17. boost yields 增加(提高)产量 (n.产量 出产 产生;v. 屈服 让步) 18. yield to sb.屈从于某人 19. make a donation 捐赠 20. at home and abroad 在国内外 21. dream up 凭空想出,虚构出 22. other than 除.以外;不同于 23. take on 呈现;承担(责任);决定做;雇用 24. generate electricity 发电 (产生 引起) 25. live a green life 过绿色的生活 26. raise

4、awareness 提升意识 27. be in widespread use 被广泛使用 28. in turn 轮流;相应地;转而 29. in return(for)作为回报 30. in reality 事实上 实际上 31. (be) free of 不受伤害(或影响等的) 32. for instance 例如,比如 33. nowhere near 完全没有 远不及 34. be preferable to 比更合适(更可取) 35. turn over 使翻转 36. be rooted in 植根于 37. complain about sth. 抱怨某事 38. make

5、up ones mind to do sth. 某人下定决心做 39. take advantage of 利用;占便宜 40. through intense effort 经过不懈的努力 (adj.热切的 十分强烈的 激烈的) 41. care for 关心 照顾 喜欢 尊重 42.care little for celebrity or money不注重名利 (名望 名誉;名人 名流) 43. make large donations 做出大量的捐款 44. a matter of.的问题 45.gross domestic product(GDP)国内生产总值 (国内的 家庭的 家用的

6、) 46. attain ones goal 达到某人的目标 47. overcome problemsdifficulties 克服困难 food shortage 食物的短缺 48. conventional approaches 传统的方法 49.the latest vision 最新的设想(想象 视野 影像) 50. the characteristics of hybrid 杂交水稻的特点 51. invaluable contributions 不可估量的贡献 (极有用宝贵的;valuelessworthless 没有价值的) 52.retire to a life of lei

7、sure退休享受闲适的生活 53. open up nearly one million square kilometers of salty land 开辟近 100 万平方千米的盐碱地 54. advanced ages 年迈 高龄 55. essential minerals 必要的矿物质 56. for instance 例如 比如 57. affect every aspect of life 影响了生活的每一方面 58. an electric power plant 发电厂 59. nowhere near 远没有 远不及 离很远 60. serve the high deman

8、d of 满足的高需求 (对有用,能满足的需求) 61.modern means of fertilization现代化施肥的方法 62.make an assumption about对做出假设 II. Important sentences 1.My lifelong pursuit is to keep all people away from hunger。我毕生的梦想就是让所有人远离饥饿。 2.Kindness is very much(非常 确实是)a part of her character. 善良是她性格中的一个重要部分。 3.Anegative attitude will

9、get you nowhere. 消极的态度会让你一无所成。 2 4.Whom we study for is an important problem. 我们为谁而学习是个很重要的问题。 (主语从句) 5.It is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuans hybrid strains。据估算,中国国内消费的大米有大约 60%来自袁隆平的杂 交水稻品种形成的作物。(it 形式主语,that 引导真正的主语从句

10、) 6.GivenConsidering that the population has increased rapidly, (it is) no wonder that there exists a food shortage. 鉴于人口在过去几年里增长快速,难怪会食物短缺。 7.Many parents hold the view that teenagers shouldnt spend too much time online. 很多父母持有这种观点:青少年不应该花太多时间上网。(同位语从句) 8.As an alternative, some farmers have turned

11、switched to organic farming, making farming more environmentally friendly.作为可供选择的方案,一些农民已经转向有机农业,这让农业耕作更加环保。 9.He tried to convince me of the truth of the news but he couldnt provide convincing proof. Therefore, it seemed that he didnt speak convincing 他尽力使我相信这个信息的真实性,但他无法 提供令人信服的证据,所以他的说法似乎没有说服力。 I

12、II. Compositions 假定你是李华,你的家乡将举行庆祝首个“中国农民丰收节”( the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival) 活动,请你写封邮件,邀请你的新西兰朋友 Eric 来参加,内容包括:1 时间和地点;2 活动内容(民俗文化表演、 美食品尝及观光活动等。注意:1 词数 80 左右2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Eric, How is everything going? I am writing to invite you to participate in the celebration of the first Chines

13、e FarmersHarvest Festival in my hometown. The details for it are as follows. The festival will be held on the square from September 22 to September 24 and it is expected to last from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.The local government will host various activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances

14、,tasty food tasting and sightseeing. If it is convenient for you, you are welcome to visit my hometown. You can have a better understanding of Chinese culture through the activities. I believe that you will spend an unforgettable time during the festival. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua IV. 话题词汇话题词汇 1. P

15、roduction: (1) plant栽种,种植,播种 (2)ploughv.犁(田),耕(地) n.犁 (3) irrigatev.灌溉 (4) sowv.播种,种 (5) harvest 收割(庄稼) (6) poor/ dry/fertile soil 贫瘠/干旱/肥沃的土壤 (7)artificial/ chemical fertilizers人工/化学肥料 (8) organic/chemical farming 有 机/化学耕作 (9) drip irrigation 滴灌 (10)control pests 防治害虫 (11)pest management 病虫害控制 (12)

16、crop production 农作物产量 (13)modern/conventional farming methods 现代/传统耕作方法 (14)boost the yield 增加产量 (15)increase/expand the output greatly 极大地提高产量 (16)attain a higher yield than conventional crops 获得比传 统农作物更高的产量 2. Problems and solutions: (1) soil pollution 土壤污染 (2)lead to loss of soil and water导致水土流失

17、(3) face food shortage 面临食物短缺 (4) improve soil productivity 提高土壤生产力 (5) sustainable farming 可持续耕种 (6) solve the problem of 解决的问题 (7) keep the ecological balance 保持生态平衡 (8) overcome enormous technical difficulties 克服巨大的技术难题 3.Crops: (1) grain 谷物,谷粒 (2) crop 庄稼,作物;收成,产量 (3) hybrid rice 杂交水稻 (4) wheat 小麦 (5) peanut 花生 (6) organic food 有机食品 (7) be rich in nutrition 富含营养 3


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