(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit 1 单元课时训练2 (含答案).zip

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新人教版(新人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一第一单元课时)高中英语选择性必修一第一单元课时训练训练 2 题组 A 基础巩固 单句语法填空 1.This is the room my grandma used to live. 2.This is the room my grandma used to live in. 3.Mr Green said that Suzhou was the first city he had visited in China. 4.is known to us all, the rare vase dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 5.The boy I thought to be honest lied to me. 6.The famous singer, is from Britain, has a number of devoted fans in China. 7.The old man has two daughters, both of work as doctors. 8.Opposite is St. Pauls Church, you can hear some lovely music. 9.He said he was busy, was untrue. 10.She has been absent again, is expected. 用定语从句合并成复合句 1.Here are the farmers. They discovered the underground city last month. _ 2.Hangzhou is a famous city in China. Many people come to buy tea in that country. _ 3.She got so angry. I dont know the reason. _ 4.The woman remembered the day. She saw Nazis burying something near her home. _ 5.Xian is one of the few cities with city walls. Its walls remain as good as before. _ 翻译句子 1.这儿所有的杂志都是他编写的,里面都有漂亮的图画。(which) _ 2.莫言的这部小说很感人,我已经读了三遍。(which) _ 3.我们班有 50 多名学生,大部分都被重点大学录取了。(most of whom; be admitted to) _ 4.我们都知道,吸烟有害健康。(as) _ 5.我从来没见过像你这样懒惰的人。(as) _ 参考答案: .单句语法填空 1 where2 that/which3 that 4 As 5 whom6 who 7 whom8 where9 which 10 as .用定语从句合并成复合句 1 Here are the farmers who discovered the underground city last month. 2 Hangzhou is a famous city in China,where many people come to buy tea. 3 I dont know the reason why she got so angry. 4 The woman remembered the day when she saw Nazis burying something near her home. 5 Xian is one of the few cities whose city walls remain as good as before. .翻译句子 1 All the magazines here,which had beautiful pictures in them,were edited by him. 2 This novel written by Mo Yan,which I have read three times,is very touching. 3 There are over fifty students in our class,most of whom are admitted to the key universities. 4 As we all know,smoking is harmful to our health. 5 I have never seen such a lazy man as you are. 题组 B 高考提升 完形填空 Bothell is considered one of the nicest places in America.Heres one of the 1. Will Tinkham, 32, was born 2 with developmental disabilities, but always loves people and finds 3 in the smallest things. Beca Nistrian, an owner of a coffee house, offered him an 4. If Tinkham showed up every day for an hour and 5with the customers at her drive-through window, shed give him a free drink. He did it well. Soon an hour turned into a whole day. Beca decided to make a 6.“Now Beca pays me money. She is so 7 and I have fun communicating with people here!” Tinkham said. However, not everybody 8 Tinkhams special brand of enthusiasm.“One customer was extremely disrespectful,”Beca said. She gave him his 9 for free and asked him never to come back. She was so 10 about it that she posted an article praising Tinkham on her community(社区) blog. She also 11 his approaching birthday. Without any more planning, neighbors showed up to 12 with Tinkham on his big day. 13 and delighted,he greeted everyone. Beca was so 14 by such spirit that she suggested that Bothell 15 every May 10, Tinkhams birthday, as Cup of Kindness Day. The city agreed, and 16 declared Tinkham to be“a perfect conversationalist with a nice, joyous soul”. On the first Cup of Kindness Day, Beca closed her 17 and delivered cookies to the police, firefighters and others “who 18 other people, but not for the money”. It didnt take long for others to join in the 19. You dont have to wait a year though to see folks being nice there, for that 20 every day, which best explains why Bothell is called the nicest city. 1.A.examples B.processes C.reasons D.results 2.A.unfortunatelyB.unavoidably C.unsuitably D.unstably 3.A.faith B.comprehension C.happiness D.hope 4.A.experiment B.entertainment C.admission D.arrangement 5.A.chatted B.competed C.played D.shared 6.A.compromiseB.commitment C.suggestion D.change 7.A.successful B.sweet C.wealthy D.curious 8.A.appreciated B.demanded C.believed D.noticed 9.A.chance B.position C.order D.ticket 10.A.nervous B.upset C.pleasant D.embarrassed 11.A.mentioned B.remembered C.acknowledged D.explained 12.A.plot B.meet C.communicate D.celebrate 13.A.Proud B.Sensitive C.Surprised D.Frightened 14.A.attracted B.inspired C.convinced D.shocked 15.A.treat B.describe C.simplify D.set 16.A.even B.just C.still D.only 17.A.window B.speech C.room D.shop 18.A.follow B.serve C.urge D.accompany 19.A.discussion B.kindness C.exploration D.challenge 20.A.catches on B.puts on C.comes up D.goes up 语法填空 Im not sure 1 is more frightened, me or the female gorilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere. Im walking on a path in the forest in the Central African Republic. Unexpectedly, Im face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at 2 top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears. He screams the 3(loud) of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me. I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid 4 (look) directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel 5 (challenge). My name is Mireya Mayor. Im a 6(science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching 7 these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing. No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried. When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find 8(they) alive. True to a gorillas unaggressive nature, the huge animal 9(mean) me no real harm. He was just saying:“Im king of this forest, and here is your reminder!”Once his message was delivered, he allowed me 10(stay) and watch. 1.2.3. 4.5. 6. 7.8.9. 10. 参考答案: .完形填空 本文属于记叙文。32 岁的 Tinkham 生来就有发育障碍,热心肠的 Beca 请他在她的咖啡店与顾客交流,他这 个工作做得很好。之后,他们居住的博塞尔市因为他们的故事成了一个充满善举的地方。 1 C【解析】本空前面谈到博塞尔(Bothell)被认为是美国最好的地方之一。下文谈的是这座城市是最好的 地方之一的一个原因(reasons),文章最后一句中的“which best explains why Bothell is called the nicest city”是 对此处的暗示,故选 C。 2 A【解析】根据下文的“with developmental disabilities”信息可知,Tinkham 生来就有发育障碍,这是不幸 的事情。 3 C【解析】根据“always loves people”“Tinkhams special brand of enthusiasm”“a perfect conversationalist with a nice,joyous soul”信息可知,Tinkham 热爱他人,具有独特的热情,能从最细微的事情中找到快乐 (happiness)。 4 D【解析】后面谈到如果 Tinkham 每天到 Beca 的免下车打包窗口待一个小时,她就让他免费喝饮料,这 是 Beca 和 Tinkham 的一个约定(arrangement)。 5 A【解析】根据下文的“I have fun communicating with people here”信息可知,此处指 Tinkham 在免下车 打包窗口与顾客交谈(chatted)。 6 D【解析】前面谈到他做得好,工作时长由一个小时变成了一天,后面提到 Beca 付给他钱,所以 Beca 作 出了改变(由免费饮品变成了发工资)。 7 B【解析】上文谈到 Beca 给 Tinkham 一个工作,下文又提及在他被别人不尊重对待后,她又发帖替他鸣 不平等信息,这说明 Beca 是一个好心的(sweet)人。 8 A【解析】根据下文“was extremely disrespectful”信息可知,有位顾客非常无礼,说明并不是所有的客人都 欣赏(appreciated)Tinkham 独特的热情。 9 C【解析】根据上文的“One customer was extremely disrespectful”和下文的“asked him never to come back”可知,这里指 Beca 给这个无礼的顾客免单(order)了。 10 B【解析】上文谈到一个顾客对 Tinkham 非常无礼,所以这里指 Beca 对此感到难过(upset)。 11 A【解析】下文谈到了邻居们来给 Tinkham 庆祝生日,所以这里指 Beca 在博客中提到(mentioned)了他 即将到来的生日。 12 D【解析】本空后面的“on his big day”指的就是 Tinkham 的生日,因此此处指的是邻居们自发来给他庆 祝(celebrate)生日。 13 C【解析】当 Tinkham 看到大家出现为他庆生时,他又惊(Surprised)又喜。 14 B【解析】根据下文的“she suggested that Bothell.Day”信息可知,Beca 被这种精神所激励(inspired),所 以她才提出建议。 15 D【解析】Beca 建议市政府将每年的五月十日,也就是 Tinkham 生日的这一天,设立成 Cup of Kindness Day。set.as.将设立为,符合语境。 16 A【解析】Beca 建议设立 Cup of Kindness Day,市政府同意了,甚至(even)宣布 Tinkham 是“一位有着善 良、快乐灵魂的杰出健谈者”。 17 D【解析】上文谈到了 Beca 是一家咖啡店的老板,所以这里指在第一个 Cup of Kindness Day,她关闭了 咖啡店,给警察、消防队员等人送饼干。 18 B【解析】根据本句中的“but not for the money”信息可知,这里指为他人服务(serve)但不是为了钱的人。 19 B【解析】Beca 给警察、消防队员等人送饼干是一种善意的行为,很快其他人也加入了行善举的行列。 Cup of Kindness Day 这一名称也是对本空的提示。 20 C【解析】然而你不必等待一年去看人们的友善行为,因为善行每天都在发生。catch on 受欢迎,流行起 来,变得时髦;put on 举办,上演,展出;come up 发生;go up(价格、温度等)上涨,上升。 .语法填空 “我”在中非共和国森林里偶遇大猩猩家庭以及由此引发的人猩交流。 1 who【解析】考查宾语从句。句意:我不确定谁受到了更大的惊吓,是我还是那只不知从何处突然蹦出来 的雌性大猩猩。根据句意和句子结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,在从句中做主语,表示“谁”。故填 who。 2 the【解析】考查冠词。at the top of 在顶端,此处表示“大声地”。 3 loudest【解析】考查副词的最高级。根据语境和空后的 of all 的修饰可知,空处应用副词的最高级。 4 looking【解析】考查非谓语动词。avoid 后接动名词做宾语,故空处填 looking。 5 challenged【解析】考查语态。此处表示“我迅速低下头避免和它直视,以便它不会感到受到挑战”,主语 he 和 challenge 构成被动关系,故填 challenged。 6 scientist【解析】考查名词。根据空前的 a 可知,空处应填名词,且意为“科学家”,故填 scientist。 7 for【解析】考查介词。search for 意为“寻找”,为固定搭配。 8 them【解析】考查代词。这里用 them 指代上文的 the gorillas。 9 meant【解析】考查时态。由于此处描述的动作已经发生,故用一般过去时。 10 to stay【解析】考查非谓语动词。allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事,为固定用法,故填 to stay。 新人教版(新人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修一第一单元课时)高中英语选择性必修一第一单元课时训练训练 2 题组 A 基础巩固 单句语法填空 1.This is the room my grandma used to live. 2.This is the room my grandma used to live in. 3.Mr Green said that Suzhou was the first city he had visited in China. 4.is known to us all, the rare vase dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 5.The boy I thought to be honest lied to me. 6.The famous singer, is from Britain, has a number of devoted fans in China. 7.The old man has two daughters, both of work as doctors. 8.Opposite is St. Pauls Church, you can hear some lovely music. 9.He said he was busy, was untrue. 10.She has been absent again, is expected. 用定语从句合并成复合句 1.Here are the farmers. They discovered the underground city last month. _ 2.Hangzhou is a famous city in China. Many people come to buy tea in that country. _ 3.She got so angry. I dont know the reason. _ 4.The woman remembered the day. She saw Nazis burying something near her home. _ 5.Xian is one of the few cities with city walls. Its walls remain as good as before. _ 翻译句子 1.这儿所有的杂志都是他编写的,里面都有漂亮的图画。(which) _ 2.莫言的这部小说很感人,我已经读了三遍。(which) _ 3.我们班有 50 多名学生,大部分都被重点大学录取了。(most of whom; be admitted to) _ 4.我们都知道,吸烟有害健康。(as) _ 5.我从来没见过像你这样懒惰的人。(as) _ 题组 B 高考提升 完形填空 Bothell is considered one of the nicest places in America.Heres one of the 1. Will Tinkham, 32, was born 2 with developmental disabilities, but always loves people and finds 3 in the smallest things. Beca Nistrian, an owner of a coffee house, offered him an 4. If Tinkham showed up every day for an hour and 5with the customers at her drive-through window, shed give him a free drink. He did it well. Soon an hour turned into a whole day. Beca decided to make a 6.“Now Beca pays me money. She is so 7 and I have fun communicating with people here!” Tinkham said. However, not everybody 8 Tinkhams special brand of enthusiasm.“One customer was extremely disrespectful,”Beca said. She gave him his 9 for free and asked him never to come back. She was so 10 about it that she posted an article praising Tinkham on her community(社区) blog. She also 11 his approaching birthday. Without any more planning, neighbors showed up to 12 with Tinkham on his big day. 13 and delighted,he greeted everyone. Beca was so 14 by such spirit that she suggested that Bothell 15 every May 10, Tinkhams birthday, as Cup of Kindness Day. The city agreed, and 16 declared Tinkham to be“a perfect conversationalist with a nice, joyous soul”. On the first Cup of Kindness Day, Beca closed her 17 and delivered cookies to the police, firefighters and others “who 18 other people, but not for the money”. It didnt take long for others to join in the 19. You dont have to wait a year though to see folks being nice there, for that 20 every day, which best explains why Bothell is called the nicest city. 1.A.examples B.processes C.reasons D.results 2.A.unfortunatelyB.unavoidably C.unsuitably D.unstably 3.A.faith B.comprehension C.happiness D.hope 4.A.experiment B.entertainment C.admission D.arrangement 5.A.chatted B.competed C.played D.shared 6.A.compromiseB.commitment C.suggestion D.change 7.A.successful B.sweet C.wealthy D.curious 8.A.appreciated B.demanded C.believed D.noticed 9.A.chance B.position C.order D.ticket 10.A.nervous B.upset C.pleasant D.embarrassed 11.A.mentioned B.remembered C.acknowledged D.explained 12.A.plot B.meet C.communicate D.celebrate 13.A.Proud B.Sensitive C.Surprised D.Frightened 14.A.attracted B.inspired C.convinced D.shocked 15.A.treat B.describe C.simplify D.set 16.A.even B.just C.still D.only 17.A.window B.speech C.room D.shop 18.A.follow B.serve C.urge D.accompany 19.A.discussion B.kindness C.exploration D.challenge 20.A.catches on B.puts on C.comes up D.goes up 语法填空 Im not sure 1 is more frightened, me or the female gorilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere. Im walking on a path in the forest in the Central African Republic. Unexpectedly, Im face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at 2 top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears. He screams the 3(loud) of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me. I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid 4 (look) directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel 5 (challenge). My name is Mireya Mayor. Im a 6(science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching 7 these three western lowland gorillas Id been observing. No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried. When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find 8(they) alive. True to a gorillas unaggressive nature, the huge animal 9(mean) me no real harm. He was just saying:“Im king of this forest, and here is your reminder!”Once his message was delivered, he allowed me 10(stay) and watch. 1.2.3. 4.5. 6. 7.8.9. 10.
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