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  • 新人教版高中英语选择性必修一第五单元重点句式讲解 学生版+解析版
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新人教版高中英语选择性必修一第五单元重点句型讲解 句式 1 Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.事实上,他瘦削但结实的身躯看起来和他为之奉献一生的千千万万的中国农民一样。 句式剖析 本句中“to whom he has devoted his life”是非限制性定语从句,关系代词 whom 指代“Chinese farmers”,在 从句中做宾语,介词 to 提前。 考点提炼 “介词+关系代词”引导定语从句 (1)关系代词的选取 在此结构中,先行词指人时关系代词用 whom,不能用 who/that;先行词指物时关系代词用 which,不能用 that。 This is the student for whom I bought a book.这就是我给他买书的那个学生。 This is the ship by which I went to Shanghai.这就是我去上海所乘的船。 (2)介词的选取 根据定语从句中的谓语动词与介词的习惯搭配确定介词。 Is this the car for which you paid a high price?这就是你花高价买的车吗? ( payfor sth.) In the dark street,there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help.在漆黑的街上,没有一个她 可以求助的人。(turn to sb.for help) 根据定语从句中的主要形容词与介词的习惯搭配来确定介词。 He brought the result with which the boss was satisfied.他带来了老板满意的结果。(be satisfied with) 根据先行词与介词的习惯搭配来确定介词。先行词往往是表示时间、地点、原因、方式等的词。 Do you sill remember the day on which we met for the first time?你还记得我们第一次见面的那天吗? (on the day) Do you sill remember the days during which we studied and laughed together?你还记得我们一起学习、 一起嬉笑的那些日子吗? (during the days) 根据句子的意思来确定介词。有些句子的先行词完全一样,定语从句中的谓语动词或主要形容词与 介词也不能构成固定搭配,这时,需要根据句子所要表达的意思选用不同的介词。 This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for ten years.这就是和我弟弟一起工作了十年的那位 飞行员。 This is the pilot by whom my son was saved.这就是救了我儿子的飞行员。 (3)“介词+关系代词”的特殊情况 介词可以后移,此时关系代词可以省略(省略时,介词必须后移)。 This is the book (which/that) you asked for.这是你要的那本书。 在“介词+关系代词”结构中,若介词短语表示位置,则定语从句往往用倒装语序。常见的这类短语有 at the foot of, at the back of, in front of, on the top of 等。 They stayed in a big hotel, in front of which was a garden.他们住在一家大旅馆里,旅馆前面是一个花园。 “名词/代词/数词+介词 of+关系代词”引导的定语从句通常是非限制性定语从句,该结构在定语从句 中一般做主语,其中“名词+介词 of+关系代词”有时可以用“whose+名词”替换。 The building had been repaired, the roof of which (=whose roof) was destroyed again in a big fire. 那幢楼房曾经被修过,但在一场大火中,楼顶又被烧毁了。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)He loved his parents deeply, both of are very kind to him. (2)I dont know the person whom you talked just now. (3)We questioned the pilot, from we learnt that no other planes had been seen. (4)The scientist whom I learned a lot never lost heart when he was in trouble. 2.翻译句子 (1)这就是我们引以为荣的英雄。 _ (2)他们就是和我一起上学的男孩子。 _ 特别提醒 有些固定的动词短语一般不能拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面。 Is this the book (which/that) she is looking for?这是她正在寻找的那本书吗? 句式 2 However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.然而,让他最关心的是农民经常收成不好,有时甚至食物严重短缺。 句式剖析 本句为主从复合句。“what concerned him most”是主语从句,其后“that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat”做句子的表语,故为表语从句。 考点提炼 what 引导的主语从句 what 引导主语从句时,从句为一个句意完整、语气确定的陈述句,在从句中充当主语或宾语等,不能省 略。 What struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son. 影片中最打动我的是父亲对儿子深深的爱。 What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是更多的时间。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)is surprising to us is that Tom can speak English fluently as though he were a native speaker. (2)In my opinion,matters is whether we can win together as a team instead of individuals. 2.单句写作 (1)(年轻人在媒体上看见和听见的内容) helps them to figure out how the world works. (2)(真正麻烦的) is that she wears a pair of white shoes. 句式 3 However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.然而,是否有可能培育出像水稻这样的自花授粉的植物,这是一个很有争议的问题。 句式剖析 本句为主从复合句。“whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice”是 主语从句,由 whether 引导。 考点提炼 whether 引导的主语从句 whether 引导主语从句时,从句的句意完整,但是语气不肯定,表示怀疑。whether 不能省略,意为“是否”, 在句首时不能用 if 替换。 Whether he is free now is uncertain.他现在是否有空还不确定。 Whether he would support us was a problem.他是否支持我们还是一个问题。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)well have the sports meeting has not been decided yet. (2)the girl comes or not doesnt concern you. 2.单句写作 It doesnt matter (你用现金或用信用卡支付) in this store. 句式 4 Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuans hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed Chinas farmers to produce around 200 million tonnes of rice per year.据估算,现在中国国内消费的大米约百分之六十来自袁隆平的杂交水 稻,他的杂交水稻品种让中国农民每年能够生产出大约两亿吨大米。 句式剖析 本句为复合句,句中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是从句“that about 60per year”。真正的主语太长,为避 免头重脚轻,使用 it 做形式主语,虽然 that 没有具体意义,但不能省略。 考点提炼 “It+be+过去分词+that”句型 (1)在此句型中,It 是形式主语,that 引导的从句是真正的主语,that 仅起连接作用,不做成分。 (2)常用于此句型的过去分词(短语)有 believed, said, reported, thought, hoped, suggested, known, estimated,proved,pointed out 等。 It is generally believed that a good education is beneficial to young people.(人们)通常认为一个良好的教育 对年轻人是有益的。 It is reported that the mayor will visit our school next week.据报道,市长下周要来参观我们学校。 (3)该句型可转换为“Sb./Sth.+be+过去分词+不定式”句型。 据说瑜伽对人们的健康有益。 It is said that yoga is of great benefit to peoples health. Yoga is said to be of great benefit to peoples health. 特别提醒 “Sb./Sth.+be+过去分词+不定式”句型中的不定式除了用一般式表示一般情况和将来情况之外,还可用 进行式和完成式表示动作正在进行和动作已经完成。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)It is (report) that a space station will be built on the moon in years to come. (2)He is thought (act) foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job. (3)Before your trip, it is strongly suggested he made some preparations. 2.一句多译 据说他已经通过了驾驶执照考试。 (1)_ (2)_ 句式 5 A vast underground shelter built during World War has been turned into an urban farm, supplying supermarkets and restaurants in London.在第二次世界大战期间建的巨大的防空洞已经被转变成为都市 农场,供给在伦敦的超市和餐厅。 句式剖析 本句为复合句,句中 built做 shelter 的后置定语,supplying在句中做状语。 考点提炼 1.过去分词做定语 过去分词做定语时,被修饰的词是该分词所表示行为的承受者。当过去分词做定语时,在语态上通常表 示“被动”和“完成”,单独的过去分词通常前置,过去分词短语通常后置。 Local people invited to attend the meeting are very pleased to share their experience.受邀请参加会议的当 地人非常乐意分享他们的经验。 The injured workers are now being taken good care of in the hospital.受伤的工人现正在医院受到良好的 照料。 2.现在分词做状语 现在分词做状语,其中的动词和主句的主语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。在句中可以充当成分。 Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Betty.玛丽站在学校门口等贝蒂。(伴随状语) Seeing Tom, I couldnt help thinking of his brother.看见汤姆,我不禁想到了他的哥哥。(时间状语) Being ill, he didnt go to school yesterday.因为生病,他昨天没有上学。(原因状语) 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)On the last day of our week-long stay, we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, (listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals. (2)Nervously (face) challenges, I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words “Be yourself”. (3)Earth Day,(mark) on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection. (4)Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially (design) to help them succeed academically and personally. (5)Larger amounts of caffeine can cause a problem (call) caffeinism. 句式 6 Many experts share a vision that this kind of urban farming could help not only in tackling the problem of population growth, but also in adapting to climate change.许多专家展望这种城市种植,不仅能 够解决人口增长问题,而且也能适应气候变化。 句式剖析 本句为复合句,句中 that 引导的是同位语从句,用来解释说明 vision。同位语从句中使用“not onlybut also”的并列结构,意为“不仅而且”。 考点提炼 “not onlybut (also)”结构 not onlybut (also)的意思是“不仅而且”。关于该句型的常见考点有以下三个: (1)该句型连接两个并列结构,可以连接两个名词、代词、动词(短语)、介词短语、句子等。 He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内 容。 The moving story gives me not only experience but also confidence.这个动人的故事不仅给了我经验,而且 给了我信心。 (2)主谓一致:not only A but also B 做主语时,谓语动词的人称和数遵循“就近一致”原则,即以 B 为准。 Not only Mr Lin but also his children like watching TV.林先生和他的孩子们都喜欢看电视。 Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.不但同学们反对这个计划,老师也反对。 (3)倒装:not onlybut (also)连接并列分句,且 not only位于句首时,not only 所在的分句要用部分倒 装结构,but (also)所在的分句不倒装。 Not only do I know her, but Im her good friend.我不仅认识她,我还是她的好朋友。 Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们提供了光还给了我们热。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)Not only I but also Jane and Mary (be)tired of having one exam after another. (2)Not only his parents but also his elder brother (go) to the Summer Palace.They havent come back yet. 2.单句改错 Not only Vitamin C provide us with the ability to fight against disease, but also it helps us build up our body.So, it is on my list of recommendation. 3.一句多译 他不仅向我们解释了他迟到的原因,还向我们道歉了。(explain) (1)He why he was late, but also apologized to us. (2)why he was late, but also apologized to us. 句式 7 Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready again for the next batch of crops.种不同作物的原因是因为它们把重要的矿物质返还到地 里,为下一批作物做准备。 句式剖析 本句是复合句。Why 引导的从句做句子的主语,即主语从句;because 后的从句做 is 的表语,故为表语从 句。 考点提炼 表语从句 在复合句中充当表语的句子被称为表语从句。 (1)that 引导表语从句无任何意义,也不充当任何句子成分,通常不省略。 My dream is that I will have my own company.我的梦想就是我将来有我自己的公司。 (2)whether 引导表语从句(此时通常不可用 if 代替 whether)。 The problem is whether we can get there on time.问题是我们是否能按时到达那里。 (3)where 可表示抽象意义,表示“的地方,点”。 You are saying everyone should be equal and this is where I disagree.你说每个人都应该是平等的,这就是 我不同意你的地方。 (4)几类常见的表语从句句型: It looks/seems as if好像;仿佛 This is because这是因为 The reason whyis that的原因是 That is why那是因为 The question/problem is whether/when/where问题是是否/何时/在哪里 His dream/suggestion/aim/purpose is that他的梦想/建议/目标/目的是 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)This is motivation or the lack of it can do. (2)And the other is I wanted to help people in need. (3)This is my father has taught meto always face difficulties and hope for the best. (4)Without his support, we wouldnt be we are now. (5)By boat is the only way to get here, which is we arrived. 新人教版高中英语选择性必修一第五单元重点句型讲解 句式 1 Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life.事实上,他瘦削但结实的身躯看起来和他为之奉献一生的千千万万的中国农民一样。 句式剖析 本句中“to whom he has devoted his life”是非限制性定语从句,关系代词 whom 指代“Chinese farmers”,在 从句中做宾语,介词 to 提前。 考点提炼 “介词+关系代词”引导定语从句 (1)关系代词的选取 在此结构中,先行词指人时关系代词用 whom,不能用 who/that;先行词指物时关系代词用 which,不能用 that。 This is the student for whom I bought a book.这就是我给他买书的那个学生。 This is the ship by which I went to Shanghai.这就是我去上海所乘的船。 (2)介词的选取 根据定语从句中的谓语动词与介词的习惯搭配确定介词。 Is this the car for which you paid a high price?这就是你花高价买的车吗? ( payfor sth.) In the dark street,there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help.在漆黑的街上,没有一个她 可以求助的人。(turn to sb.for help) 根据定语从句中的主要形容词与介词的习惯搭配来确定介词。 He brought the result with which the boss was satisfied.他带来了老板满意的结果。(be satisfied with) 根据先行词与介词的习惯搭配来确定介词。先行词往往是表示时间、地点、原因、方式等的词。 Do you sill remember the day on which we met for the first time?你还记得我们第一次见面的那天吗? (on the day) Do you sill remember the days during which we studied and laughed together?你还记得我们一起学习、 一起嬉笑的那些日子吗? (during the days) 根据句子的意思来确定介词。有些句子的先行词完全一样,定语从句中的谓语动词或主要形容词与 介词也不能构成固定搭配,这时,需要根据句子所要表达的意思选用不同的介词。 This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for ten years.这就是和我弟弟一起工作了十年的那位 飞行员。 This is the pilot by whom my son was saved.这就是救了我儿子的飞行员。 (3)“介词+关系代词”的特殊情况 介词可以后移,此时关系代词可以省略(省略时,介词必须后移)。 This is the book (which/that) you asked for.这是你要的那本书。 在“介词+关系代词”结构中,若介词短语表示位置,则定语从句往往用倒装语序。常见的这类短语有 at the foot of, at the back of, in front of, on the top of 等。 They stayed in a big hotel, in front of which was a garden.他们住在一家大旅馆里,旅馆前面是一个花园。 “名词/代词/数词+介词 of+关系代词”引导的定语从句通常是非限制性定语从句,该结构在定语从句 中一般做主语,其中“名词+介词 of+关系代词”有时可以用“whose+名词”替换。 The building had been repaired, the roof of which (=whose roof) was destroyed again in a big fire. 那幢楼房曾经被修过,但在一场大火中,楼顶又被烧毁了。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)He loved his parents deeply, both of are very kind to him. (2)I dont know the person whom you talked just now. (3)We questioned the pilot, from we learnt that no other planes had been seen. (4)The scientist whom I learned a lot never lost heart when he was in trouble. 2.翻译句子 (1)这就是我们引以为荣的英雄。 _ (2)他们就是和我一起上学的男孩子。 _ 特别提醒 有些固定的动词短语一般不能拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面。 Is this the book (which/that) she is looking for?这是她正在寻找的那本书吗? 句式 2 However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat.然而,让他最关心的是农民经常收成不好,有时甚至食物严重短缺。 句式剖析 本句为主从复合句。“what concerned him most”是主语从句,其后“that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat”做句子的表语,故为表语从句。 考点提炼 what 引导的主语从句 what 引导主语从句时,从句为一个句意完整、语气确定的陈述句,在从句中充当主语或宾语等,不能省 略。 What struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son. 影片中最打动我的是父亲对儿子深深的爱。 What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是更多的时间。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)is surprising to us is that Tom can speak English fluently as though he were a native speaker. (2)In my opinion,matters is whether we can win together as a team instead of individuals. 2.单句写作 (1)(年轻人在媒体上看见和听见的内容) helps them to figure out how the world works. (2)(真正麻烦的) is that she wears a pair of white shoes. 句式 3 However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.然而,是否有可能培育出像水稻这样的自花授粉的植物,这是一个很有争议的问题。 句式剖析 本句为主从复合句。“whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice”是 主语从句,由 whether 引导。 考点提炼 whether 引导的主语从句 whether 引导主语从句时,从句的句意完整,但是语气不肯定,表示怀疑。whether 不能省略,意为“是否”, 在句首时不能用 if 替换。 Whether he is free now is uncertain.他现在是否有空还不确定。 Whether he would support us was a problem.他是否支持我们还是一个问题。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)well have the sports meeting has not been decided yet. (2)the girl comes or not doesnt concern you. 2.单句写作 It doesnt matter (你用现金或用信用卡支付) in this store. 句式 4 Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuans hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed Chinas farmers to produce around 200 million tonnes of rice per year.据估算,现在中国国内消费的大米约百分之六十来自袁隆平的杂交水 稻,他的杂交水稻品种让中国农民每年能够生产出大约两亿吨大米。 句式剖析 本句为复合句,句中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是从句“that about 60per year”。真正的主语太长,为避 免头重脚轻,使用 it 做形式主语,虽然 that 没有具体意义,但不能省略。 考点提炼 “It+be+过去分词+that”句型 (1)在此句型中,It 是形式主语,that 引导的从句是真正的主语,that 仅起连接作用,不做成分。 (2)常用于此句型的过去分词(短语)有 believed, said, reported, thought, hoped, suggested, known, estimated,proved,pointed out 等。 It is generally believed that a good education is beneficial to young people.(人们)通常认为一个良好的教育 对年轻人是有益的。 It is reported that the mayor will visit our school next week.据报道,市长下周要来参观我们学校。 (3)该句型可转换为“Sb./Sth.+be+过去分词+不定式”句型。 据说瑜伽对人们的健康有益。 It is said that yoga is of great benefit to peoples health. Yoga is said to be of great benefit to peoples health. 特别提醒 “Sb./Sth.+be+过去分词+不定式”句型中的不定式除了用一般式表示一般情况和将来情况之外,还可用 进行式和完成式表示动作正在进行和动作已经完成。 经典例题 1.单句语法填空 (1)It is (report) that a space station will be built on the moon in years to come. (2)He is thought (act) foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job. (3)Before your trip, it is strongly suggested he made some preparations. 2.一句多译 据说他已经通过了驾驶执照考试。 (1)_ (2)_ 句式 5 A vast underground shelter built during World War has been turned into an urban farm, supplying supermarkets and restaurants in London.在第二次世界大战期间建的巨大的防空洞已经被转变成为都市 农场,供给在伦敦的超市和餐厅。 句式剖析 本句为复合句,句中 built做 shelter 的后置定语,supplying在句中做状语。 考点提炼 1.过去分词做定语 过去分词做定语时,被修饰的词是该分词所表示行为的承受者。当过去分词做定语时,在语态上通常表 示“被动”和“完成”,单独的过去分词通常前置,过去分词短语通常后置。 Local people invited to attend the meeting are very pleased to share their experience.受邀请参加会议的当 地人非常乐意分享他们的经验。 The injured workers are now being taken good care of in the hospital.受伤的工人现正在医院受到良好的 照料。 2.现在分词做状语 现在分词做状语,其中的动词和主句的主语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。在句中可以充当成分。 Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Betty.玛丽站在学校门口等贝蒂。(伴随状语) Seeing Tom, I couldnt help thinking of his brother.看见汤姆,我不禁想到了他的
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