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1、第 1 页 共 19 页2022 年高考英语二轮复习:完形填空(说明文)专项练习题汇编A阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Gracie Hamlin is the type of woman who doesnt just hope for a better worldshe makes ithappen.She always has a(n) _1_for the underdog, hence, the name of her Atlanta nonprofit,W-Underdogs, which _2_ to keep kid

2、s off the street by having them work with _3_andneglected animals.Gracie moved to Atlanta from California with six dogs shed _4_after theyd beenabandoned in the desert, and had a hard time _5_housing where shed be allowed to keepthem all.She ended up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood.She was shocke

3、d by the prevalence (盛行) of young kids with no direction and the _6_of stray (流浪的) dogs.So she _7_anorganization to help _8_.W-Underdogs empowers at-risk kids by _9_ them in the rescue andcare of stray dogs and cats.“I want kids to be heroes,” Gracie says.The idea _10_ one day when Gracie was workin

4、g in her garden and a group of young boys,six to eight years old, walked by,_11_.They told her they had been attacked in the park.Theirparents werent around, and she was _12_ about them.She was also concerned about the _13_ of animal neglect and _14_ in theneighborhood.“I saw this as an opportunity

5、to help the dogs and the kids.” She knocked on doorsand asked parents if their kids could _15_ with her dogs.“I told them the dogs would keep thekids _16_.” said Gracie.Every morning Gracie and the kids _17_ and take care of the animals theyverescued.Gracie teaches the kids how to train the dogs and

6、 _18_ them humanely.Not only do theanimals become healthy,_19_ pets, but the kids also acquire life sills.They learn to be _20_and empathetic all while boosting their self-esteem.1A.handBheartCideaDgift2A.turnsBgoesChelpsDcomes3A.hopefulBuselessChelpfulDhomeless4A.bredBraisedCkeptDrescued5A.moving i

7、ntoBsetting upCliving inDlooking for6A.amountBcountCnumberDfigure7A.joinedBfounded第 2 页 共 19 页CstudiedDplanned8A.bothBeitherCneitherDeach9A.absorbingBinvolvingCincludingDforcing10A.took offBtook upCtook holdDtook over11A.laughingBjokingCwhistlingDcrying12A.worriedBcrazyCcuriousDparticular13A.problem

8、BquestionCsituationDcondition14A.absenceBabuseCbullyDattack15A.liveBstudyCworkDsleep16A.freeBuntidyCsafeDunsure17A.saveBplayCgreetDfeed18A.trickBtreatCtradeDtrap19A.adoptableBadorableCadaptableDacceptable20A.responsibleBrespectfulCrelevantDreasonableB阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ma

9、nny Abreu practices Benjamin Franklins famous saying, “If you want something done,ask a busy person.”Throughout his four_1_ at Kellenberg Memorial High School in the US, Abreu madecommunity service (a)an _2_ part of his life.“I dont know where he finds the _3_ to doeverything,” said Erin Ronan,Abreu

10、s math teacher.“He is truly a class _4_.”As an honors student, Abreu, 18, took part in different _5_ activities after school, duringweekends and summer holidays.These _6_ helping staff at the public library, doing landscape第 3 页 共 19 页work at Kellenberg, and _7_ customers at a local restaurant.But _

11、8_ a limited number of hours in a day,Abreu left his library job last summer to _9_working as an emergency medical techniciana role that _10_ his passion for making a _11_in other peoples lives.During his three years at high school, Abreu _12_ between 40 and 50 hours of his timeeach year to voluntee

12、r work.For all his _13_ work, Abreu was welcomed into a _14_ clubthat organizes fellow studentsvolunteer activities.Abreu thanked his parents for _15_ him to do the right thing, saying they are “the mostselfless people I know”He _16_when he was about 6 years old, and his mother invited adisadvantage

13、d neighborhood boy to have dinner. _17_ observing the boys happiness, Abreucame away with a _18_of how he wanted to live his own life“I will not _19_ on myown desires.Ill help as _20_ people as I can,” he said.1A.weeksBmonthsCyearsDdays2A.importantBcautiousChonestDconvenient3A.approachBgoalCadvantag

14、eDtime4A.actBnumberCwayDleader5A.delightingBvoluntaryCordinaryDpeaceful6A.suggestedBdemandedCenjoyedDincluded7A.interviewingBservingCconsideringDpraising8A.informed ofBfaced withCexposed toDtired of9A.startBadmitCkeepDfinish10A.fillsBprotectsCfitsDpredicts11A.friendBdifferenceClivingDsuggestion12A.k

15、illedBsavedCacceptedDdevoted13A.officialBequal第 4 页 共 19 页ChardDurgent14A.scholarshipBleadershipCspeechDtravel15A.inspiringBadmiringCrecommendingDcelebrating16A.understoodBbelievedCconcludedDremembered17A.AboutBBeyondCUponDAgainst18A.habitBsenseCmethodDscene19A.focusBcallChangDagree20A.longBmuchCgoo

16、dDmanyC阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Grace Brown leads a busy school life.Apart from the many_1_ subjects, the 14-year- oldalso sings in a choir and plays the piano.The school day _2_ from 8 a.m.to 4 p.m., but Grace has so many _3_ to attend that shehas no _4_ for PE.classes.Thats w

17、hy Grace has chosen to take PE.classes on her _5_time.Her school has allowed her to try “virtual” PE.For many subjects, tests and textbooks havebecome _6_ on computers.Now, new _7_ are also having an effect on PE.Grace wears afitness tracker called Fitbit on her arm while _8_.She usually has her PE.

18、classes three times aweek for 30 minutes each time.A program on her computer _9_ her activity.Grace needs to_10_ the data of her performance to her school every week.“Virtual” PE.is becoming more and more _11_ among people, especially teenagers._12_, PE.teachers dont guide their Fitbit-wearing stude

19、nts in real time.But they do lead thestudents work by _13_ goals.The students can choose their _14_ activities.Those who swimor dance all year round may easily _15_ the workout requirements.As for Grace, she has _16_ light running and cycling to her days.Some schools, however,do not support this _17

20、_.“Physical activity is different from physical _18_,”said a PEteacher.“Physical activity is great for the _19_.Everybody is moving.But in P E.classes,students are taught not only how to _20_ but also things like teamwork.”1A.reviewedBevaluatedCrequiredDrecommended第 5 页 共 19 页2A.lastsBbeginsChappens

21、Dbreaks3A.meetingsBceremoniesCpartiesDactivities4A.choiceBtimeCrestDgift5A.preciousBampleCspecificDown6A.availableBapparentCsuitableDfamiliar7A.approachesBdirectionsCtechnologiesDlessons8A.playingBexercisingCcyclingDstudying9A.recordsBcopiesCsearchesDspots10A.give awayBhand inCtake inDpick up11A.ple


23、A.knowledgeBabilityCbodyDleague第 6 页 共 19 页20A.moveBlearnCcompeteDbuild第 7 页 共 19 页2022 年高考英语二轮复习:完形填空(说明文)专项练习题汇编解析版A阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Gracie Hamlin is the type of woman who doesnt just hope for a better worldshe makes ithappen.She always has a(n) _1_for the underdog, h

24、ence, the name of her Atlanta nonprofit,W-Underdogs, which _2_ to keep kids off the street by having them work with _3_andneglected animals.Gracie moved to Atlanta from California with six dogs shed _4_after theyd beenabandoned in the desert, and had a hard time _5_housing where shed be allowed to k

25、eepthem all.She ended up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood.She was shocked by the prevalence (盛行) of young kids with no direction and the _6_of stray (流浪的) dogs.So she _7_anorganization to help _8_.W-Underdogs empowers at-risk kids by _9_ them in the rescue andcare of stray dogs and cats.“I want ki

26、ds to be heroes,” Gracie says.The idea _10_ one day when Gracie was working in her garden and a group of young boys,six to eight years old, walked by,_11_.They told her they had been attacked in the park.Theirparents werent around, and she was _12_ about them.She was also concerned about the _13_ of

27、 animal neglect and _14_ in theneighborhood.“I saw this as an opportunity to help the dogs and the kids.” She knocked on doorsand asked parents if their kids could _15_ with her dogs.“I told them the dogs would keep thekids _16_.” said Gracie.Every morning Gracie and the kids _17_ and take care of t

28、he animals theyverescued.Gracie teaches the kids how to train the dogs and _18_ them humanely.Not only do theanimals become healthy,_19_ pets, but the kids also acquire life sills.They learn to be _20_and empathetic all while boosting their self-esteem.1A.handBheartCideaDgift2A.turnsBgoesChelpsDcome

29、s3A.hopefulBuselessChelpfulDhomeless4A.bredBraisedCkeptDrescued5A.moving intoBsetting upCliving inDlooking for6A.amountBcountCnumberDfigure第 8 页 共 19 页7A.joinedBfoundedCstudiedDplanned8A.bothBeitherCneitherDeach9A.absorbingBinvolvingCincludingDforcing10A.took offBtook upCtook holdDtook over11A.laugh


31、tfulCrelevantDreasonable【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了同情弱者的 Gracie Hamlin 是如何建立了一个非营利组织 W-Underdogs,如何帮助孩子们远离街头,让他们帮助无家可归和被忽视的动物。1B考查名词辨析。句意:她总是有一颗同情弱者的心,因此,她在亚特兰大的名为 W-Underdogs 非营利组织,帮助孩子们远离街头,让他们帮助无家可归和被忽视的动物。A.hand 手;B.heart 心脏;C.idea 想法;D.gift 礼物,天赋。根据下文“which _2_ to keep kidsoff the street by having the

32、m work with _3_ and neglected animals”可知,Gracie Hamlin 建立了非营利组织帮助孩子们远离街头, 让他们帮助无家可归和被忽视的动物。 她有着一颗同情第 9 页 共 19 页弱者的心。故选 B。2C考查动词辨析。句意:她总是有一颗同情弱者的心,因此,她在亚特兰大的名为 W-Underdogs 非营利组织,帮助孩子们远离街头,让他们帮助无家可归和被忽视的动物。A.turns 转弯; B.goes 走, 到达; C.helps 帮助; D.comes 来自。 根据下文“keep kids off the streetby having them wo

33、rk with _3_ and neglected animals”可知, 该非营利组织的建立是来帮助孩子们远离街头,让他们帮助无家可归和被忽视的动物。故选 C。3D考查形容词辨析。句意:她总是有一颗同情弱者的心,因此,她在亚特兰大的名为 W-Underdogs 非营利组织,帮助孩子们远离街头,让他们帮助无家可归和被忽视的动物。A.hopeful 有希望的;B.useless 无效的;C.helpful 有帮助的;D.homeless 无家可归的。根据下文“and neglected animals”可知,该空的意义要与 “被忽视的”同类。故选 D。4D考查动词辨析。句意:格雷西带着六只被遗弃

34、在沙漠里、后被她拯救的狗从加利福尼亚搬到了亚特兰大, 她花了很长时间才找到可以收留它们的房子。 A.bred 繁殖, 培养;B.raised 提高, 举起; C.kept 保持; D.rescued 救援。 根据下文“after theyd been abandoned in thedesert”可知,六只狗被遗弃在沙漠里,被格雷西救了下来。故选 D。5D考查动词短语辨析。句意:格雷西带着六只被遗弃在沙漠里、后被她拯救的狗从加利福尼亚搬到了亚特兰大,她花了很长时间才找到可以收留它们的房子。A.moving into迁入; B.setting up 设立, 装置; C.living in 住在,

35、 居住; D.looking for 寻找。 根据后文“housingwhere shed be allowed to keep them all”可知,格雷西寻找可以收留它们的房子。故选 D。6C考查动词辨析。句意:她震惊于那些没有方向的小孩,还有那么多的流浪狗。A.amount 总额; B.count 总数, 数数; C.number 数字; D.figure 计算。 根据上文“She was shocked”可知,格雷西感到震惊是因为到处都是没有方向的孩子和流浪狗的数量。故选 C。7B考查动词辨析。句意:所以她成立了一个组织来帮助这两者。A.joined 加入;B.founded 建立;

36、C.studied 学习;D.planned 计划。根据下文“an organization”可知,格雷西建立一个组织帮助流浪的小孩和流浪狗。故选 B。8 A考查代词辨析。 句意: 所以她成立了一个组织来帮助这两者。 A.both 两者; B.either或者; C.neither 也不; D.each 每个。 根据上文“She was shocked by the prevalence of young kidswith no direction and the number of stray dogs.”可知,格雷西震惊于那些没有方向的小孩,还有那么多的流浪狗,于是建立了一个组织来帮助这两

37、者。故选 A。9B考查动词辨析。句意:W-Underdogs 组织让处于危险中的孩子们参与到救助和照顾流浪猫狗的工作中来。A.absorbing 吸收;B.involving 涉及;C.including 包括;D.forcing强迫。 根据下文“in the rescue and care of stray dogs and cats.I want kids to be heroes, ”可知,W-Underdogs 组织让处于危险中的孩子们参与到救助和照顾流浪猫狗的工作中来。 通过这些,格雷西让孩子们成为英雄。故选 B。10C考查动词短语辨析。句意:有一天,格雷西在花园里干活时,一群 6

38、到 8 岁的小男孩哭着走过,这个想法就产生了。A.took off 起飞,脱下;B.took up 拿起;C.took hold固定下来, 生根; D.took over 接管。 根据前文“The idea”以及后文“a group of young boys, six to第 10 页 共 19 页eight years old, walked by, crying”可知,当格雷西看到一群 6 到 8 岁的小男孩哭着走过,了解他们的情况后,萌生了这个想法。故选 C。11D考查动词辨析。句意:有一天,格雷西在花园里干活时,一群 6 到 8 岁的小男孩哭着走过, 这个想法就产生了。 A.laug

39、hing 笑; B.joking 开玩笑; C.whistling 鸣汽笛; D.crying哭泣。根据后文“They told her they had been attacked in the park.Their parents werent around.”可知,孩子们被欺负了,父母又不在身边,因此他们哭了起来。故选 D。12A考查形容词辨析。句意:他们的父母不在,她很担心他们。A.worried 担忧的;B.crazy 疯狂的;C.curious 好奇的;D.particular 特别的。根据上文“They told her they had beenattacked in the

40、park.Their parents werent around.”可知,孩子们告诉格蕾西他们被欺负了,父母又不在身边,因此格蕾西感到很担忧。故选 A。13A考查名词辨析。句意:她还担心附近的动物被忽视和虐待的问题。A.problem问题; B.question 问题; C.situation 情况; D.condition 条件。 根据后文“animal neglect and_14_in the neighborhood”可知,格雷西担忧动物被忽视和虐待的问题。故选 A。14B考查名词辨析。句意:她还担心附近的动物被忽视和虐待的问题。A.absence缺席;B.abuse 虐待,辱骂;C.

41、bully 欺凌弱小者;D.attack 攻击。根据前文 neglect“忽视”可知,该空应填一个与之同类的词,“abuse 虐待”符合句意。故选 B。15C考查动词辨析。句意:她挨家挨户敲门,询问父母是否可以让他们的孩子和她的狗一起工作。A.live 居住;B.study 学习;C.work 工作;D.sleep 睡觉。根据前文“I saw thisas an opportunity to help the dogs and the kids.”可知,格雷西认为这是一个帮助狗和孩子们的机会,于是她挨家挨户敲门,询问父母是否可以让他们的孩子和她的狗一起工作,以解决问题。故选 C。16C考查形容

42、词辨析。句意:我告诉他们这些狗会保护孩子们的安全。A.free 自由的; B.untidy 不整洁的; C.safe 安全的; D.unsure 不确定的。 根据上文“asked parents if their kidscould _15_ with her dogs”可知,格雷西询问父母是否让孩子和狗狗一起工作,是在狗狗不会伤害孩子、保证孩子安全的情况下的请求。故选 C。17D考查动词辨析。句意:每天早上格雷西和孩子们都要喂养和照顾他们救出的动物。A.save 节约;B.play 演奏;C.greet 欢迎;D.feed 喂养。根据下文“take care of”可知,该空应填与之类似的词

43、,“feed 喂养”符合句意。故选 D。18B考查动词辨析。句意:格雷西教孩子们如何训练狗狗,如何人道地对待它们。A.trick 恶作剧;B.treat 对待;C.trade 贸易;D.trap 陷阱。根据前文“how to train the dogs”可知,格雷西教孩子们如何训练狗狗,该空应填与“train 训练”类似的词,“treat 对待”符合句意。故选 B。19A考查形容词辨析。句意:不仅动物们变得健康,可以被收养,孩子们也获得了生存的基础。A.adoptable 可收养的;B.adorable 可敬重的;C.adaptable 合适的;D.acceptable可接受的。根据上文“a

44、nimals become healthy”动物变得健康,再结合文章讲解救助流浪狗可知,该空应填“adoptable 可收养的”。故选 A。第 11 页 共 19 页20A考查形容词辨析。句意:他们在提升自尊的同时,也会变得更有责任感和同理心。A.responsible 负责的;B.respectful 有礼貌的;C.relevant 相关的;D.reasonable 合理的。根据下文“empathetic all while boosting their self-esteem”以及上文“the kids feed and takecare of the animals”可知,孩子们喂养照顾

45、动物可以培养他们的同理心和责任感。故选 A。B阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Manny Abreu practices Benjamin Franklins famous saying, “If you want something done,ask a busy person.”Throughout his four_1_ at Kellenberg Memorial High School in the US, Abreu madecommunity service (a)an _2_ part of his life.“I

46、dont know where he finds the _3_ to doeverything,” said Erin Ronan,Abreus math teacher.“He is truly a class _4_.”As an honors student, Abreu, 18, took part in different _5_ activities after school, duringweekends and summer holidays.These _6_ helping staff at the public library, doing landscapework

47、at Kellenberg, and _7_ customers at a local restaurant.But _8_ a limited number of hours in a day,Abreu left his library job last summer to _9_working as an emergency medical techniciana role that _10_ his passion for making a _11_in other peoples lives.During his three years at high school, Abreu _

48、12_ between 40 and 50 hours of his timeeach year to volunteer work.For all his _13_ work, Abreu was welcomed into a _14_ clubthat organizes fellow studentsvolunteer activities.Abreu thanked his parents for _15_ him to do the right thing, saying they are “the mostselfless people I know”He _16_when he

49、 was about 6 years old, and his mother invited adisadvantaged neighborhood boy to have dinner. _17_ observing the boys happiness, Abreucame away with a _18_of how he wanted to live his own life“I will not _19_ on myown desires.Ill help as _20_ people as I can,” he said.1A.weeksBmonthsCyearsDdays2A.i

50、mportantBcautiousChonestDconvenient3A.approachBgoalCadvantageDtime4A.actBnumberCwayDleader5A.delightingBvoluntaryCordinaryDpeaceful6A.suggestedBdemandedCenjoyedDincluded第 12 页 共 19 页7A.interviewingBservingCconsideringDpraising8A.informed ofBfaced withCexposed toDtired of9A.startBadmitCkeepDfinish10A


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