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1、Unit 2 Discovering Useful Structures语用训练语用训练I. 单句语法填空单句语法填空1The doctor shares his phone number with the patients in case they need medical_ (assist)吉林五地六市联盟 2019 高一期末2Rather than the standard working day of nine to five,employees are working more_ (flexible) to meet their home lives3He would move to

2、 a nursing home today,for his wife of 80 years old has recentlypassed_4The museum is built _ memory of the explorer who is believed to havediscovered the island5 Helen Keller was once _ deep despair in her childhood, but finally she decided toovercome her physical disabilities and live happily6As th

3、e report points out,some people waste _ great deal of food while othersdont have enough7He got up so late that he hurried to the school,_ (leave) the breakfastuntouched山西阳泉 2019 高一期末8When the employees were working busily in the building,heavy smoke wasseen_ (come) out湖北荆州中学 2019 高一月考9 After _ (bite

4、) twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chainedour dog10Lets get started _ we ended yesterday so that we wont miss anythingII. 完成句子完成句子1. _,I have learned many practical skills.随着时间的流逝,我学到了很多实用的技能。2. _,he is always helping others.作为一名共青团员,他经常帮助他人。3. I cant _in the classroom lik

5、e this.我不能让你像这样在教室里大声喧哗。4. _,they come to school early in the morning every day.虽然住得离学校很远,他们每天早上都很早来上学。5. The boy_ after he washed his hands.冲完手之后,男孩就让水一直流着。6. The students went out of the classroom,_.同学们小声地说着话走出了教室。7. _,I have a good command of English.学了大约十年英语,我对英语掌握很好。8. She came into the house,_

6、.她捧着许多书走进了房间。主题阅读主题阅读. 阅读理解阅读理解(2019 青岛高一检测)When we are kids,we dont know what we will overcome. At the age of thirteen,I fell ill.This illness lasted three years and I missed a lot of schooling. Doctors tried their best to help me asmuch as possible, but in the end this was something I just had to

7、be used to. I felt little hope in life.However,in my junior year of high school,I had a turning point. I discovered my gift for writingand then I realized if I continued to let this problem hold me back,my dream would never cometrue. So my state of mind changed. Going through the difficulty also gav

8、e me the strong desire towrite. Writing what mattered most to me helped me overcome what sickened me.During my freshman and sophomore (高中二年级的)year I did not learn much due toillness. So I became focused and determined and actually completed high school in two yearsinstead of four.At the close of my

9、junior year, I had straight As and became an honor roll student.Seeing what I had accomplished , I realized that having disadvantages doesnt mean it isimpossible to achieve success.By becoming a writer,Ive become a reader. While performing community service at thelibrary,I read to those who are less

10、 fortunate and unable to read. From pre-school children to theelderly , I enjoy my time reading to people of all ages. It is pleasing to see the awesomeexpressions on their faces as the words become a vision in their minds. Giving back is one of thegreatest gifts you could give in life. It inspires

11、me to write something people can learn from.1. How did the author feel when he got ill?A. Optimistic.B. Nervous.C. Hopeless.D. Calm.2. What led to the authors turning point in life?A. His efforts in study.B. His talent for writing.C. The change of his dream.D. The desire to read to others.3. Whats p

12、robably the authors disadvantage in his mind?A. Missing schooling due to illness.B. Becoming an honor roll student.C. Having a negative state of mind.D. Failing to take exercise regularly.4. What can we learn about the author?A. The author enjoys imagining things.B. The author encourages others to r

13、ead for life.C. The author wants to benefit others by writing.D. The author prefers to be a reader rather than a writer. 完形填空完形填空(2019 新乡高一检测)Today all kinds of interesting interactions occurred. First,at a soup kitchen (赈济处) ,oneof the gentlemen gave me several candies! Thats the first time that I

14、have ever 1 it! It was sosweet and I am happy to 2 his kindness.Another one is that a lady needed me to 3 her and asked me to pray for her husband. I huggedher and said of course I would. I always love hearing their 4 if they want to 5 So,so much love injust dissolving any barrier between “you” and

15、“me” and seeing all of us as family.Afterwards I went to a cafe to do some paper work and had a sandwich 6 heading off to oneof my friends party,I noticed there was an elderly lady who was looking for a(n)7table.Since there were no empty tables, I pushed my papers aside and 8 to her, She understood,

16、 and thencame to sit across from me. That then led me to getting to listen to her 9 World War Twosurvivors life story (She is 84 years old!). It was such a gift to share lunch with her! 10 I had toleave after a while,but it was so lovely to have lunch with a 11 and feel connected to her. As shesaid,

17、”The only things that 12 in life are health,family and 13 .As I was 14 to a friends party, I couldnt help but reflect on the beauty of the day in all of theinteractions I had and then I was just shocked by this full rainbow that I could see right next to mycar. like the universe saying “Yeah,you got

18、 it! ” I will smile to myself for the rest of my life. Somuch 15 in each day.1.A. looked forB. come acrossC. gone onD. struggled for2.A. expressB. believeC. receiveD. show3.A. stare atB. argue withC. search forD. listen to4.A. informationB. storiesC. soundsD. advice5.A. makeB. hideC. shareD. combine

19、6.A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. until7.A. fullB. movableC. completeD. empty8.A. returnedB. signedC. shoutedD. seemed9.A. puzzlingB. educationalC. importantD. discouraging10.A. LuckilyB. ExcitedlyC. SurprisinglyD. Sadly11.A. strangerB. relativeC. neighbourD. native12.A. matterB. ignoreC. rememberD. ben

20、efit13.A. braveryB. folksC. friendsD. air14.A. leavingB. drivingC. runningD. wandering15.A. patienceB. dutyC. kindnessD. confidence. 语法填空语法填空(2019 . 荆州高一检测)After eating a diet of bread,hamburgers and spaghetti for three 1. _(month) ,Ibegan to miss Chinese food. Luckily,in 2. _international city like

21、 New York,I havelittle difficulty 3. _(find) a Chinese restaurant. However,the Chinese food,whichthe locals consider 4. _ their favorite, is not exactly the Chinese food I enjoy in Beijing.I can always find such so-called “Chinese food” as honey chicken on the menu,5. _Iactually have never even hear

22、d of it before.One day,I went to a Chinese restaurant with my local friends. After the meal,each of us 6._(give) a dumpling-shaped cookie. Once I bit into it,I realized something not quiteright. I found a piece of paper with a message that read,“This fortunes no good,try another. ” Atfirst I 7. _(th

23、ink) it must be a trick of the restaurant. When I told this to my friends,they burst into 8. _(laugh) and asked,“Are you really from China?”But it doesnt mean there is no place in New York where I can satisfy my stomach. I alwayshead to China Town when I 9. _(extreme)miss the food of my homeland. 10

24、._ (follow)the hot and spicy smell, I can always find the most typical (典型的) Chinesefood that excites me in the city.参考答案参考答案语用训练语用训练. 1assistance解析:句意为:这名医生把他的电话号码告诉了病人,以防他们需要医疗帮助。设空处作动词 need 的宾语,其前有形容词 medical 修饰,应用名词。故填 assistance。2flexibly解析:句意为:员工们不必遵循朝九晚五的标准工作时间,他们可以更灵活地工作以满足他们的家庭生活需要。设空处修饰 ar

25、e working,应用副词形式。故填 flexibly。3away解析:句意为:他今天要搬到养老院去,因为他 80 岁的妻子最近去世了。pass away 为固定搭配,意为“去世”。故填 away。4in解析:句意为:这座博物馆是为了纪念一名被认为发现了这个岛的探险家而建造的。inmemory of 为固定短语,意为“作为对的纪念”。5in解析:句意为:海伦凯勒在童年时曾经陷入深深的绝望中,但最终她决定克服身体上的缺陷,幸福地生活。in despair 意为“绝望(地)”,为固定短语。故填 in。6a解析:句意为:正如该报告指出的那样,一些人浪费了大量的食物,而其他人却没有足够的食物。a g

26、reat deal of 意为“大量的”,为固定短语。7leaving解析:句意为:他起床很晚,所以匆匆赶到学校,早餐一动没动。句中已有谓语动词got,且设空处前无连词连接,因此,设空处应用非谓语形式;leave 与主语 He 之间是逻辑上的主动关系,所以应用现在分词作状语。故填 leaving。8coming解析:句意为:当这栋楼里的员工正忙于工作时,有人看到浓烟冒了出来。此处为“see+宾语+宾补”结构的被动式,设空处作主补,come 与逻辑主语 heavy smoke 之间是主动关系,且表示动作正在进行,应用现在分词形式。故填 coming。9being bitten解析:句意为:被咬了

27、两次之后,邮递员拒绝给我们送信,除非我们把狗拴起来。设空处作介词 After 的宾语, 应用动名词形式; 此处指的是被咬之后, 所以应用被动式。 故填 beingbitten。10where解析:句意为:让我们从昨天结束的地方开始,这样我们就不会错过任何东西。设空处引导状语从句,在从句中作地点状语,所以应用 where 引导该从句。.1. With time going on 2. Being a League member 3. have you speaking aloud4. Living far away from school 5. left the water running 6.

28、 talking in a low voice7. Having studied English for about ten years 8. carrying a lot of books主题阅读主题阅读1.【文章大意】文章主要讲述了作者为了实现梦想克服疾病,顺利完成学业,并成为了作家帮到了其他人。 用他自己的事情告诫人们不要因为残疾而退缩, 要努力回报生活所给予的。1.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的I little hope in life.(我感觉人生无望了)可知,他在知道自己的病时是绝望的。2.B解析: 细节理解题。 根据文章第一段中的However, in my junior

29、 year of high school,I hada turning point. I discovered my gift for writing(然而,高中时期是我人生的转折点,我发现了自己的写作天赋)可知,是发现自己擅长写作让作者振作起来。3.A解析:推理判断题。文章第二段的大意:高中一二年级因为生病作者缺了很多课,但是因为他的专注和决心他用两年时间完成了高中课程, 毕业时成了最佳学员, 所以他明白了劣势并不意味着不能成功。根据段落大意可知,作者当时的劣势就是高一高二缺的课。4.C解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的Giving back is one of the greatest

30、 gifts youcould give in life. It inspires me to write something people can learn frora(回报就是生命中你所拥有的最好天赋之一,它激励着我写一些能够影响他人的东西。)可知,作者想通过写作来帮助他人。.【文章大意】作者通过与陌生人的接触中所得到的快乐,觉得生活中唯一重要的是健康,家人和朋友。作者认为自己的余生都会对自己微笑,因为生活中有那么多的善意。1.B解析:句意:这是我第一次遇到它! looked for寻找;come across碰巧,偶然遇到;goneon继餐;struggled for为而努力。此处指“

31、偶遇”。2.C解析:句意:这是如此甜蜜,我很高兴收到他的好意。根据his kindness可知是“收到”好意。3.D解析:句意:另一个是一位女士需要我听她的话,让我为她的丈夫祈祷。stare at凝视;argue with 和辩论;search for 寻找;listen to听。此处指“听她的话”。4.B解析: 句意: 如果他们愿意分享, 我总是喜欢呢他们的故事。 此处指喜欢听他们分享“故事”。5.C解析: 句意: 如果他们愿意分享, 我总是喜欢听他们的故事。 make制造; hide躲藏; share分享;combine结合。此处指愿意“分享”故事。故选C。6.A解析:句意:后来我去了一家

32、咖啡馆做一些日常文书工作,吃了一个三明治,然后去参加一个朋友的聚会。此处指“去参加一个朋友的聚会之前”。7.D解析: 句意: 我注意到一位老妇人在找一张空桌子。 full满的; movable可移动的; complete完整的,完全的;empty空私。根据下句中的no empty tables可知,在找“空桌子”。8.B解析:句意:由于没有空桌子,我把文件推到一边,示意让她过来。returned归还,返回;signed打手势,示意;shouted大喊;seemed 似乎。9.B解析: 句意: 这让我开始听她讲述二战幸存1的有教育意义的故事 (她84岁了! ) puzzling令人迷惑的;edu

33、cationsl有教育意义的;important 重要的;discouraging 令人气馁的。此处指“有教育意义的”故事,故选B。10.D解析:根据 I had to leave after a while 可知,未得不离开这是很“遗憾地”故选D。11.A解析:根据上文 I noticed there was an elderly lady who was looking for a(n) table.可知,这位年疾的老人是“陌生人”,故选 a。12.A解析:句意:生活中唯一重要的是健康,家人和朋友。matter重要,关键;ignore忽视;remember记得;benefit有利手。根据h

34、ealth,family and.可知,在生活中健康、家人和是“重要的”,故选A。13.C解析:生活中唯一重要的是健康.家人和朋友(friends)。14.B解析:根据下文next to my car可知,是“开车”去的。故选B。15.C解析: 句意: 每天都有那么多的善意。 patience 耐心; duty 职责; kindness 善良; confidence信心。根据上文的I will smileto myself可知每天都有“善意”。故选C。.【文章大意】讲述了作者在无法忍受外国饭菜之后,寻找中国食物的历程和其中发生的趣事。1.解析:months。考查可数名词单复数。根据句意,三个月

35、是复数,应使用名词的复数形式。故填months。2.解析:an。考查不定冠词。此处泛指纽约这个城市,没有特指的意思,故使用不定冠词。又因后面的international为元音音素开头。故填an。3.解析:finding。考查非谓语动词。此句的谓语为 have,have difficulty (in) doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“做某事有困难”。使用动词-ing形式作宾语。故填finding。4.解析:as。考查固定搭配。句意:然而,中国菜,当地人认为是他们最喜欢的,并不是我在北京吃的中国菜。consider aS为固定搭配.意为“认为是”。故填as。5.解析:but。考査连词。根据句

36、意,前文作者提到这些所谓的中国菜,下文提到作者其实并没有见过,此处有转折对比的意思。故填but。6.解析:was given。考查动词的时态和语态。饼干是别人给我们的,故应使用被动语态,又因为此事发生在过去,故应使用一般过去时的被动语态,又因是我们中的每个人,应使结第二人称单数。政填was given。7.解析:thought。考查一般过去时。句意:开始我以为这一定是餐馆的把戏。整篇文章在讲述一个过去发生的经历,文章的时态基调是过去时,此处无特殊情况。故填 thought。8.解析: laughter。 考查固定搭配。 句意: 他们突然大笑起来.问道: “你真的是中国人吗?”此处的笑是与前面他们没笑作比较。且burst into laughter为固定搭配,意为“突然大笑”。故填laughter。9.解析:extremely。考查副食。句意:当我极度想念我家乡的食物时,我总是去中国城。此处extreme修饰miss,miss为动词,修饰动词使用副词,extreme的副词形式为extremely。故填 extremely。10.解析:Following。考查非谓语动词。follow与主语I是主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式作状语。


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