(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 1 Festival and celebrations Listening and Speaking 提升训练题含答案.doc

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1、第 1页(共 11页)Unit1 Festival and celebrationsSection A Listening and Speaking一、单句语法填空1.The girl marched overme and made an apology.2.I sent a card of congratulationthe newlymarried couple.3.These young girls are experts on(make-up).4.It took me more than a year(learn) to drawa beautiful horse in five m

2、inutes.5.They think people should take partactivesports,because they are not only for fun but for health.二、单句改错1.He sent her a note of congratulation to her election victory.2.The party has started and many students were found dressedup like clowns.3.We regret to tell you that we wont be able to joi

3、n yourwedding ceremony.第 2页(共 11页)4.In Maxico alone,they gave six performance last August and inMay this year.三、阅读理解AAre you planning to go to university? What do you think yourcollege life will be in the first few weeks? Perhaps you willbe choosing the classes you want to take.However, if you go to

4、university in Chile there is something extra you must do beforeyou can begin.An important part of starting university in Chile is themechoneo. The mechoneo is an ancient university traditionthere.Students beginning their first year at university are“welcomed” by the older university students. They a

5、re takento a place such as a swimming pool filled with terrible thingssuch as old fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. They have to dogames for a whole day, which may include some really revoltingthings like kissing a dead fish!The “queen mechona” and “king mechona” are chosen thatday. This will be bas

6、ed on how well the students do theactivities, and many students try hard to be the king or thequeen for the year.The older students then take away the younger studentsthings (their backpacks, money, phones, etc.) and tell themthey must go out onto the street and ask people for money. They第 3页(共 11页)

7、will need to bring back a certain amount of money (e.g.around20 dollars per person) in order to be given their things back.This money is then used to have a welcome party at nighttime.During the month of March it is common to see new universitystudents all around the town wearing dirty clothes and c

8、overedin paint and mess. But the mechoneo is increasingly a sourceof debate.Some students see it as an important tradition anda unique experience that can help new arrivals get to knoweveryone while others find it shameful. There have beencampaigns to ban (取缔) it and student organizations in someuni

9、versities have voted to end the mechoneo completely.1Why does the author ask two questions at the beginningof the text?ATo show some doubts.BTo introduce the topic.CTo present an argument.DTo explain his ideas.2What does the underlined word “revolting” in Para.2probably mean?AUnpleasant.BMeaningful.

10、CExciting.DDangerous.3Whats the college students special way of welcomingnew arrivals in Chile?AHolding a big party for them.BAsking them for money.第 4页(共 11页)CMaking a fool of them.DDebating with them.4What can be concluded from the last paragraph?AIts time to ban the mechoneo.BNot everyone likes t

11、he mechoneo.CThe mechoneo gets more popular.DThe mechoneo is an unusual tradition.BThe Bridegrooms Oak, a 500yearold tree just outside ofEutin, in Germany, has its own postal address and receivesaround 40 letters every day.Theyre sent by love seekers fromaround the world, in the hope that someone wi

12、ll read them andwrite back.With so many dating apps and services available nowadays,sending letters to a tree hardly sounds like the best way tofind love.However, theres something charming about sending aletter and allowing fate (命运) to work its magic, so theBridegrooms Oak remains popular even now.

13、In 1890, a local girl named Minna fell in love with a youngchocolate maker named Wilhelm, but her father didnt allow herto see the boy. Instead of giving up on each other, the twostarted exchanging love letters secretly, by leaving them ina knothole (节孔) of an oak tree.After about one year, Minnasfa

14、ther found out about their continued relationship, butinstead of punishing them, he gave them permission to marry.第 5页(共 11页)The two lovers got married on June 2, 1891, under the oak treethat helped keep their romance (罗曼史) alive.The couples story spread around Eutin, and soon, peopleunable to find

15、love started writing romantic letters andleaving them in the trees knothole.By 1927, it was alreadyknown as Bridegrooms Oak and was so popular that it had itsown address and postal code, allowing people from all overGermany and even abroad to send in their letters.Love seekers visiting the Bridegroo

16、ms Oak need respectonly one simple rule.They can check all the letters in itsknothole, and take with them the onethey wish to reply to,but they have to put the others back for other people to find.So far the Bridegrooms Oak has been responsible for atleast 100 marriages and many other romantic relat

17、ionships.5Whats the Bridegrooms Oak popular for?AIts long life.BIts rare species.CIts good position.DIts special function.6What is Para.3 mainly about?AThe best way to find love a century ago.BWhat sufferings the two lovers experienced.CThe love story behind the Bridegrooms Oak.DHow the two lovers k

18、ept their romance alive.7 What can love seekers do with the letters in the第 6页(共 11页)Bridegrooms Oak?ARead each letter in its knothole.BReply to all the letters in its knothole.CPut their name at the top of each letter.DTake as many letters away as they like.8What can be inferred from the text?AGerm

19、ans hold a firm belief in fate.BGermany needs dating apps and services.CWriting to the Bridegrooms Oak does work.DForeigners have little idea of the Bridegrooms Oak.四、书面表达阅读下面材料,根据内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。Dannis was waiting at the airline ticket counter when hefirst noticed the youn

20、g woman with shiny black hair pulledtightly into a knot.She wore black boots of soft leather.Dannisstruggled to see her faceshe was ahead of him in linebutit was not until she bought her ticket and turned to walk awaythat he realized her beauty, which was fairskinned and bigeyed.She seemed aware tha

21、t he was staring at her and loweredher gaze abruptly.His flight was leaving in an hour.To kill time, Dannisstepped into an airport bar and ordered a Scotch.While sippingit, he watched the flow of travelers through the terminal (航站楼)until he caught sight of the blackhaired girl inthe第 7页(共 11页)leathe

22、r coat again, deep in conversation with a blonde girl (金发女孩)“Invite her for a drink?”Dannis hesitated.In anotherinstant,the two women separated, neither of whose directionswas toward him.When next he saw her, Dannis was buying a magazine andbecame aware someone was pushing him.At first, he was start

23、led(受惊吓的)that anyone would be so close as to touch him, butwhen he saw who it was, he smiled.“Busy place, ” Dannis said.She looked up at him and blushed.Wordlessly, she moved awayand joined the crowds in the terminal.Dannis was at the counter with his magazine, but when hereached into his pocket for

24、 his wallet, the pocket wasempty.Where could I have left it? His mind was racing, thecredit cards, the cash, the identification card.His stomachstirred with something very like fear.“The girl who was so nearto me! ” he said to himself.All at once he understood she hadpicked his pocket.What shall he

25、do?First, find a policeman, tell him what has happened.Hewould probably never see his wallet again.Dannis gritted histeeth.When glancing around for the police, suddenly,he spottedthe blackhaired girl, seated against a front window of theterminal.She seemed absorbed in a book.第 8页(共 11页)一、单句语法填空1.to2

26、.to3.make-up4.to learn5.in二、单句改错1.toon2.likeas3.joinattend4.performanceperformances三、阅读理解1.B写作意图题。根据第一段中的“if you go to universityin Chile there is something extra you must do before you canbegin”以及第二段的内容可知,文章开头提出两个问题是为了引出新生周这个话题。2.A词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“like kissing a dead fish”可知,老生会让新生做一些令人作呕的事情,比如亲吻死鱼。3.

27、C细节理解题。根据第二段和第四段可知,在新生周新生常会被老生以各种方式捉弄。4.B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“But the mechoneo isincreasingly a source of debate.Some students see it as animportant tradition and a unique experience that can help new第 9页(共 11页)arrivals get to know everyone while others find it shameful”可知,对于新生周这个校园传统并非每个人都喜欢。5.D细节理解题。根据文

28、章内容可知,这棵橡树受人们欢迎主要是因为它独特的功能帮助人们找到真爱。6.C段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段主要介绍了这棵橡树背后的爱情故事。7.A细节理解题。根据第五段中的“They can check all theletters in its knothole”可知 A 项正确。8.C推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,迄今为止,这棵橡树已经促成了至少 100 桩婚姻和很多其他的恋爱关系。由此可以推断,给这棵橡树写信真的可以找到爱情。四、书面表达Paragraph 1:A seat beside her was empty, and Dannis occupied it.He felta wa

29、ve of anger swept over him.“Where is my wallet?” heyelled.The blackhaired girl glanced up from her reading, witha confused look on her face.Dannis stood up, glared at her andshouted, “You stole my wallet! ” The crowds began to gossip.Thegirl turned deadly pale, looking so restless that words failedh

30、er.A strange silence hung in the air.Abruptly, she leaped fromthe seat.Paragraph 2:The girl ran and Dannis ran after her.After a while, Dannisfinally grabbed her by the arm.At exactly that moment, apoliceman approached them and asked about what happened.Dannis第 10页(共 11页)hastened to explain it while the girl frowned with a shake ofher head.After further enquiries, the policeman took out awallet and handed it to Dannis, adding that someone had foundit in the toilet.What a mistake he had made! Overwhelmed byguilt, Dannis made an apology to the girl.第 11页(共 11页)


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