(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 5 The value of money 词汇辨析精讲含答案.docx

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1、第 1 页 共 5 页高中必修三高中必修三 Unit 5 The value of money 词汇词汇精讲精讲一、一、 apologize 、apology1. apologize vi. 道歉;谢罪。常见搭配:apologize to somebody.向某人道歉apologize for (doing) something.因(做)某事而道歉apologize to somebody. for (doing) something.因(做)某事向某人道歉例如:Go and apologize to her.去给她赔不是。We apologize for the late departure

2、 of this flight.本航班起飞延误,谨致歉意。Apologize to your husband for anything you did wrong.为你所做错的一切向你的丈夫道歉。2. apology n.道歉,歉意,谢罪。常见搭配:make/offer an apology to somebody. for (doing) something.因(做)某事向某人道歉。例如:You must make an apology to everyone for making such a big mistake.你犯了这么大的错误,必须向大家道歉。二、二、judge 、judgeme

3、nt1. judge1). n. 法官,裁判员,鉴定家。例如:He has to fill up the High Courts Judge ship.他必须找到人选填补高等法院法官的空缺。A line judge shall indicate whether a shuttle is in or out.司线员判断球是在界内还是界外。2). v. 审判,判决;评判,评定;判断,断定,认为。例如:You shall judge a man by the company he keeps.你能够通过他的朋友来判断他的为人。We must judge whether he is guilty.我们

4、必须判定他是否有罪。常用搭配:judge. by/from .根据对下判断judge .(to be)+adj./n.判决为,判断为,认为是例如:We cant judge a person only by what he says.我们不能仅凭一个人所说的话去判断他。The court judged him (to be) guilty.法院判决他有罪。拓展:judging from/by 根据判断。现在分词短语,一般用于句首。例如:第 2 页 共 5 页Judging by the growth ring of the tree, it must have lived many years

5、.从年轮来看,这棵树肯定活了很多年了。Judging from the way he talks, Im sure hes a scholar.从他的谈吐上看, 我相信他是一位学者。2. judgement n. 意见;判断力;审判;评价。常用搭配:make a judgement about.对做出判断/评价;in ones judgement 在某人看来。例如:Ill act on my own judgement.我们要根据自己的意见行事。Its too soon to make a judgement about what the outcome will be.现在就判断结果会怎样还

6、为时过早。In my judgement, we should accept their apology.依我看,我们应该接受他们的道歉。三、三、spot n. & v.1. spot n. 斑点;污点;地点。例如:a white cat with brown spots 一个带褐色斑点的白猫There was a big damp spot on the wall.墙上有一大块湿印。I chose a spot far away from the road.我选择了一个远离马路的地点。常用固定搭配:on the spot 在现场;当场,立即。例如:We ought to find o

7、ut the views of the people on the spot.我们应当了解一下在现场的那些人的看法。He was fired on the spot for stealing.他因偷窃当场就被解雇了。2. spot Vt. 发现;认出。常用搭配:spot somebody. doing something.“看到某人在做某事”。例如:Meg spotted someone coming out of the building.Meg 看到有个人从大楼里走出来。Drug addicts are very easy to spot.瘾君子很容易辨认。3. spotless adj.

8、 一尘不染的,干干净净的;毫无瑕疵的。例如:After she finished cleaning, all the rooms were spotless.她打扫完之后,所有的房间都一尘不染。四、四、intend & intention 的基本词义及用法的基本词义及用法1. intend Vt.a. 打算做,计划做,想要做。常用搭配:intend to do/doing 打算做某事intend somebody./something. to do something.打算让某人做某事;想让某事第 3 页 共 5 页intend +(that)从句 计划I intend to spen

9、d/spending the night there. 我打算在那儿过夜。(不定式比动名词更常用)。We intended her to come with us. 我们打算让她和我们一起来。We intended that the new series would be live. 我们希望新的系列节目能够现场直播。b. 意欲,希望(某事物作为某种用途或为某人使用)。常用搭配:be intended for somebody. 是为某人/某事物而提供/设计的be intended to do something. 旨在做某某事These books are intended for chil

10、dren. 这些书是儿童设专用的。The film was intended to educate people. 这部影片旨在教育人们。2. intention n.a. C,U 打算,计划,意图,目的。常用搭配:the intention to do something.做某事的打算have no every intention of doing something. 没有做某事的打算have every intention of doing something.有做某事的打算with the intention of doing(作目的状语) 意图做某事I have no intenti

11、on of retiring just yet. 我现在还没退休的打算。We have every intention of continuing with this project =we intend to continuewith this project, whatever the cost.不管代价多大,我们都打算继续开展这个项目。They went into town with the intention of visiting the library. 他们进城的目的是参观图书馆。五、五、hesitate、 hesitation1. hesitate v. 犹豫;迟疑不决。常见搭

12、配:hesitate to do something.犹豫着不想做/勉强做某事,不愿意做某事例如:She hesitated before jumping into the water.跳水之前她犹豫了。I hesitate to tell you the whole truth.我犹豫着不想告诉你全部的真相。2. hesitation n.U 犹豫。常见搭配:without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing something.毫不犹豫地做某事例如:He agreed to help the boy without hesitation/

13、after some hesitation.他毫不犹豫地答应帮助那个男孩/在一番犹豫之后他答应帮助那个男孩。I would have no hesitation in recommending Philip for the position.我非常愿意推荐菲利普担任这一职务。第 4 页 共 5 页六、六、manner n.1)方式,方法。通常用单数形式,前面通常有形容词对其进行修饰。常见搭配:in this manner 以这种方式in a(n) . manner 以方式Do it in this manner.以这种方式来做它。We speak to each other in a frie

14、ndly manner now.我们现在以友好的方式与彼此说话。She answered in a businesslike manner.她回答时显出一副公事公办的样子。2)举止;行为方式;态度。通常用单数形式。常与介词 to/toward(s)连用。例如:She has an elegant manner.她举止优雅。His manner toward us was kind.他对我们态度和蔼。3)礼貌,礼仪;习俗;规矩。通常用复数形式 manners,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。常见搭配:例如:Manners are very important to harmonious relations among people.礼貌对人们之间的和睦关系很重要。It is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye.不辞而别是不礼貌的。第 5 页 共 5 页


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