Unit 6 Ancient stories-Reading The Trojan horse -教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(配套课件编号:a00d2).doc

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Unit 6 Ancient stories-Reading The Trojan horse -教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(配套课件编号:a00d2).doc_第1页
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Unit 6 Ancient stories-Reading The Trojan horse -教案、教学设计-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(配套课件编号:a00d2).doc_第5页
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1、TheThe analysisanalysis ofof thethe teachingteaching materialmaterialThisThis unitunit isis aboutabout ancientancientstories.stories. ThisThis isis thethe firstfirst lessonlesson forfor thethe ReadingReading Section.Section. ThisThis partpart ofoffersfers anan interestinginteresting andand amazingam

2、azing tale.tale. InIn thisthislesson,lesson, studentsstudents willwill learnlearn aboutabout thethe taletale -The-The TrojanTrojanWarWar andand willwill workwork togethertogether toto finishfinish somesome tasks.tasks.TheThe analysisanalysis ofof thethe studentsstudentsTheThe studentsstudents inin G

3、radeGrade 8 8 havehave abilityability toto completecomplete taskstasks byby cooperatingcooperating w withith oneone anotheranother .They.They havehave thethe enthusiasmenthusiasm andandinterestinterest toto learnlearn andand understandunderstand thethe taletale ,they,they willwill learnlearn thethe

4、magicmagic anand d amazingamazing knowledgeknowledge ,and,and thenthen enjoyenjoy English.English.L Learningearning objectives:objectives:a.a. KnbeKnbe ableable o o graspgrasp thethe usefuluseful phrases:phrases:1.1. putputintointo , , makemake j jowledgeowledge objectives:objectives:StudentsStudent

5、s willwill okesokes aboutabout, , exceptexcept forforbebe fullfull ofof, , succeedsucceed inin doingdoing sth.sth.b.b. StudentsStudents willwill bebe ableable toto havehave a a generalgeneral understandingunderstanding ofof thethestory.story.2.2. AbilityAbility objectives:objectives:a.a. StudentsStu

6、dents willwill bebe ableable toto findfind thethe mainmain ideasideas ofof thethe paragraphsparagraphsinin a a story.story.b.b. StudentsStudents willwill bebe ableable toto retellretell thethe storystory accordingaccording toto thethe mainmainideasideas ofof thethe paragraphsparagraphs onon thethe b

7、lackboard.blackboard.3.Moral3.Moral objective:objective:StudentsStudents willwill bebe ableable toto havehave moremore interestsinterests inin ancientancient storiesstories andandlearnlearn a a lessonlesson fromfrom thethe endingending ofof thethe story.story.TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures:I

8、.I. Warm-upWarm-upBeforeBefore class,class, studentsstudents willwill enjoyenjoy a a videovideo aboutabout thethe TrojanTrojan War.War.II.II. Lead-inLead-inPartPart A:A: AccordingAccording toto thethe videovideo ,students,students answeranswer thethe questionsquestions quickly.quickly.1.1. WhatWhats

9、 s thethe videovideo about?about?TheThe TrojanTrojan war.war.2.2. WhatWhat playedplayed anan importantimportant rolerole inin thethe TrojanTrojan War?War?TheThe woodenwooden horse.horse.3.3. WhichWhich countriescountries waswas thethe TrojanTrojan WarWar between?between?Troy&Troy& GreeceGree

10、ce4.4. WhichWhich characterscharacters dodo youyou rememberremember wellwell oror impressimpress youyou mostmost inin thethevideo/invideo/in thethe story?story?PartPart B:B:ListenListen toto thethe texttext , , skimskim thethe storystory andand putput thethe picturespictures inin thethe correctcorre

11、ctorder.order.III.III. PresentationPresentationPartPart A A1.1. AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions ofof eacheach paragraphparagraph . .2.2. PresentPresent thethe importantimportant phrasesphrases ofof eacheach paragraph.paragraph.3.Find3.Find outout thethe mainmain ideasideas ofof thethe sevense

12、ven paragraphs.paragraphs.Paragraphs121. Who stood on the high wall of the city of Troy?2. What have the Greeks left?The main idea :_Paragraph 33. What did the captain ask the soldier to do ?The main idea:_Paragraph 44. What did the Trojans do that night?5. What did they do after celebrating?The mai

13、n idea:_Paragraphs 566. What was in the main square?7. Who was inside the wooden horse?The main idea :_Paragraph 78. How long did the war last?9. How did the Greeks capture the city?10. Who were cleverer, the Greeks or the Trojans?The main idea:_PartPart B BFillFill inin thethe blankblank accordinga

14、ccording toto thethe questions.questions.T:1.TheT:1.The differencedifference betweenbetween thethe Trojans&Trojans& thethe Greeks&Greeks& time.time.2.What2.What diddid thethe Trojans/theTrojans/the GreeksGreeks dodo beforebefore thatthat night/thatnight/thatnight/atnight/at midnight?

15、midnight?The Trojan horseTimeTheGreeksTheTrojansBeforethatnight*The Greek army _.*Theyleft_outside the city.*The Trojan captain stood_.Hethought they had won the war.*The captain asked thesoldiersto_That night*TheGreekarmyreturnedinthedarkness.*AlltheTrojans_,andmade jokes about the stupidGreeks/the

16、ir enemies.*After the party, the Trojanslocked all the gates of the cityand then _.Atmidnight*The Greek soldiers inside the horseopened the secret door and _.*The Greek soldiers _.*The Greek army entered the city andcaptured it.*All the Trojans _.*The Trojans _.PartPart C C1.Ask1.Ask studentsstudent

17、s toto retellretell thethe storystory accordingaccording toto thethe table/thetable/the mainmainideas.ideas.BeforeBefore thatthat nightnight, ,thethe TrojansTrojans&the&the GreeksGreeks. .ThatThat nightnightAtAt midnightmidnight2.T:2.T: WhatWhat cancan youyou learnlearn fromfrom thethe story

18、?story?WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkthink ofof thethe captain/captain/ thethe soldier/Trojans?soldier/Trojans?PartPart D DRoleRole play.play.IV.IV. ThinkThink andand saysayQuestionsQuestions : :1.1. WhatWhat cancan wewe learnlearn fromfrom thethe Greeks?Greeks?2.What2.What lessonslessons cancan wewe le

19、arnlearn fromfrom Trojans?Trojans?IV.IV. SummarySummarySummarizeSummarize thethe mainmain ideasideas ofof thethe paragraphsparagraphs onon thethe blackboard.blackboard.V.V. Homework:Homework:1.Complete1.Complete thethe exercisesexercises P73-74P73-74 LevelLevel A&BA&B onon thethe book.book.2

20、.Try2.Try toto reciterecite thethe article.article.BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign:UnitUnit 6 6 TheThe TrojanTrojan horsehorsepullpullintointoTheThe TrojansTrojansTheThe captaincaptain orderedorderedmakemake jokesjokes aboutaboutthethe soldiersoldiercelebratedcelebratedexceptexcept forforpeoplepeople(proud,proud, silly,silly, carelesscareless)VSVSbebe fullfull ofofTheThe GreeksGreeks disappeareddisappeared andand leftleftsucceedsucceed inin doingdoing sth.sth.climbedclimbed outout ofof &opened&openedcapturedcaptured(clever,clever, brave,brave, wisewise)


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