1、教材分析教学目标1. Know more about the three of the most important inventionsin history2.Develop the reading ability and speaking skills教学重点Let students know the importance of the three most importantinventions in history.教学难点Know the history and the importance of the three inventions教学关键Pay attention to th
2、e practical usage of the three inventions教法与学法指导Reading competition, cooperation, self-study.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一第一环节环节复习复习回顾回顾平移平移的基的基本性本性质,质,引入引入课题课题Step one: Free talk :Which invention do you use mostin your daily life?1.talk about theimportant inventionin daily life1.Showsomepicture
3、sofdifferentinventionsindaily life1.To arousethe interest andleadthemtogetintothetopicofthisunit.5第二第二环节环节观察观察操操作、作、探索探索归纳归纳平移平移的作的作法法Step two: Fast readingStep three: while-reading.Reading comprehension.2. Read the textquickly and answer thequestions2. Show thequestion:a. Where didpeople begin tous
4、e wheels?b. Why do thewriter saywheels isperhaps the mostimportantinvention in theworld ?c. Who inventedone of the firstpracticaltelephone in1876?d. When did2.Let thestudents get thegeneral idea ofthe text.25Step four: Discussion3. Read the text indetails and finish theblank fillingexercise in a she
5、et,then check theanswers ,after that ,try to designquestions accordingto the text and askyour classmates toanswer it .Then sum up the use ofcomputers in our dailylife.4. Talk in group : Ifthere is no lightbulbs, how will youlive ?Thomas Edisondevelop thefirst practicallight bulb ?3. hand out theshee
6、t and designthe blankaccording to theimportantinformation.Then check theanswers withstudents. Payattention tosome key wordsof this unit:The greatestinvention,since then ,millions of ,allow to do ,keep in touch4. Let somestudents to givea speech about“ If there is nolight bulbs ,how will youlive?3.To
7、 make themget familiarwith the detailsof the text andtrain theirability ofreading4.train thestudentsspeakingability andcooperationability.第三第三环节环节课堂课堂练习练习Step five: exercise5.Finishtheexercise in Part Cand D5.Help them tofind the detailsin the text.5. To train thestudentsreadingability .5第四第四环节环节课时课
8、时小结小结step Six: Sum up6 Sum up : Know moreabout computers andmake good use ofcomputers6. list out thebasic use ofcomputers6. Prepare forthe writing5第五第五环节环节课后课后作业作业Homework1. Read the textfluently2.Write a passage :How do light bulbshelp us in our dailylife?Hand out asheet whichcontain therequest ofwriting thepassageStrengthen thecomprehensionof the text.课堂教学流程Free talk - Preparation -Reading competition - Discussionexercisesum up-Homework .效果评价与反思