Unit 2 Great minds-Grammar:Infinitives after nouns;Infinitives as subjects;Infinitives after the verb to be-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:70df1).doc

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Unit 2 Great minds-Grammar:Infinitives after nouns;Infinitives as subjects;Infinitives after the verb to be-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:70df1).doc_第1页
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Unit 2 Great minds-Grammar:Infinitives after nouns;Infinitives as subjects;Infinitives after the verb to be-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:70df1).doc_第2页
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Unit 2 Great minds-Grammar:Infinitives after nouns;Infinitives as subjects;Infinitives after the verb to be-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(配套课件编号:70df1).doc_第3页
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1、三维教学目标1.Go over the systematic grammar knowledge of using infinitives.2.Train students skills of using infinitives in their own.3.Show the students abilities of cooperation and discussion.重点和难点Key:Understand the different grammar functions about infinitives.Difficulty:Use the different structure for

2、ms about infinitives.核心知识(知识体系)The basic conception about infinitivesThe grammar functions of infinitivesUse the different structures of infinitives教学设计(电子稿)暨 PPT: 13 pages任务型设计:Task One:Explain the basic conception about infinitives.(The students study independently)Task Two:Sum up the different fu

3、nctions about infinitives(work in groups. Summarize the grammar rules and use their ownexamples to explain the rules.)Task Three:Discuss the special grammar forms about infinitives(grope in groups. discuss the common special forms and list thestructures and give the examples.)教学主题The infinitives一、教材

4、分析The textbook provides us with some grammar rules, such as, use the infinitive aftera noun as an attributive, after the linking verb “be” as a predicative and use theinfinitive as a subject. At the same time it gives students some exercises to showthe grammar rules and consolidate them. There are p

5、iecemeal. So we need to havea brief and complete summary.二、学生分析As Grade 9 students, they have learnt a large quantity of sentences about theinfinitives, and they know some grammar rules, such as, use infinitives as objectsand complements. And they also master some structures, such as, ask somebody t

6、odo something, hear somebody do something, make somebody do something, andso on. But they do not have a systematic understanding and summary.三、学习目标1. Understand the grammar functions of infinitives and the different forms.2. Identify the different kinds of grammar structures in sentences.3. Learn to

7、 use the infinitives completely in their own sentences.四、教学环境交互式多媒体教学环境小组合作探究学习五、信息技术应用思路教学中,主要使用 PPT 图片,对语法规则的总结给予恰如其分的提示,使学生一目了然地理清相关不定式的语法功能。具体教学环节,运用任务教学法,学生完成的每一个学习任务及时的用 PPT 图片显示,同时也出示了学习方法指导。这样学生在课堂上目标明确,思路清晰。同时整节课学生学的轻松,有大量的时间充分展示自己。因此本节课信息技术的运用达到的预期效果是:课堂容量大大提高,教学流程更加顺畅,学生学习目标顺利完成。六、教学流程设计(

8、可加行)教学环节(如:导入、讲授、复习、训练、实验、研讨、探究、评价、建构)教师活动学生活动信息技术支持(资源、方法、手段等)Lead-inPresentsomestructures they havelearnt.Recallthesimilarstructures.Showthestructures.Task OnePresent the taskKnow the taskand studyShow the taskTask TwoGive the tipsStudyingroupsShowthegrammar rulesTask ThreeExplainthestudymethodsGr

9、ope the rulein groupsShow the tipsExercises in classPresenthowtocomplete exercisesCompletetheexercisesShowtheexercisesSummary in classAsk the class whatthey have learntReporttheiracquirementsShow the tips七、教学特色本节课贯穿的教学理念是充分发挥学生的自主、合作、探究的学习方法,因此教学过程中,在每一个学习任务中运用课件给予适当的提示,使学生的每一个步骤都心中有数,同时科学的安排和运用有限的教

10、学时间,让学生在有限课堂时间得到效益最大化。因此信息技术在本节课上的运用充分表现了其对学生能力发展的有效帮助。教学反思:本节课设计的基本思路是,充分发挥学生的自主、合作、探究的学习方式,运用任务型教学法,大容量、快节奏的完成课堂学习任务。具体教学中,在充分运用教学课件的条件下,基本上按照课前设想学生们很顺利的完成了学习目标,通过当堂检测 80%的学生得到了要求。但课堂上也暴露出一些问题:自主学习后,展示中主动参与的学生不够踊跃,还有几个学生展示时放不开,声音低,不能让全班学生听见。为了鼓励和纠正这些学生,老师在课堂上浪费了一些时间,因此造成后面的学习任务完成时,显得有所紧张。其次在学生小组合作

11、学习的展示中,全班 10 个小组中有 8 个组展示了,另外 2 个组没有参与展示,通过老师询问,他们说没有不同想法和意见, 这说明他们思考的不多, 更不能对其他组的交流结果提出质疑,这还需要今后对他们进行有效的辅导,让他们的思维得到拓展。其次在探究活动中,学生的课堂气氛非常高涨,以致出现一些意想不到的结果,比如:一个组交流的不定式的复合结构是 to be done-this question is difficult to be answered. 这也反映出学生们收集过一些资料上讲的东西,但又理解的不够透切,这就让教学内容进一步拓展了,老师及时的给学生补充了关于不定式的被动形式。总则,这节课是一节成功的课,是一节高效的课,真正体现了我们提出的“让每一个学生得到相当于他自己的最优化发展”的课堂理念。


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