1、19A(上上)unit 4ReadingA教学内容教学内容 :Reading A课课型型 :阅读课教学时间教学时间 :40 分钟教材分析教材分析:本单元是围绕着谈论“青少年生活”来展开听、说、读、写的训练。ReadingA 通过三位青少年对校园辅导员的书信描述,对自身遇到的问题,希望校园辅导员能给出建议和做法,帮助他们解决难题,帮助他们建立正确的是非观念。本单元 More Practice Part A 是 Ms Robbins 给予这三位学生的回信,切实帮助他们解决问题。学情分析学情分析:学生对“青少年生活”这个话题会比较感兴趣,学生在校园生活中会遇到各种各样的问题, 他们也很希望有人能帮助
2、他们解开心中的疑惑。 同时,学生也能从本节课的学习中通过作为旁观者的身份帮助他人,对身边事有正确的观念,从而提高自己的思想认识。本班学生的基础较差,有部分学生对英语没有学习兴趣,中等学生又不大胆,经常不敢举手回答问题。所以在设计问题时考虑了这些因素,从简到难。课件中插入了很多图片,希望能调动学生学习的积极性。教学目标教学目标:1 认知目标:课标词汇narrowly, question, seat, peaceful, checkout, unhelpful, note熟悉词组by accidentbe hurttootofeel guiltywhat to doget onget offdo
3、goodfeel sorry forhow to help sb.pay forbe busy doing by mistakesdecide to do sth.拓展词汇counsellor, bully, violence, queue句型了解下列句型的基本结构1. I feel guilty and dont know what to do.22. I feel sorry for the boy but I didnt know how to help him.2阅读技能目标:1) 通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,帮助学生理解课本。2) 指导学生运用一定的阅读理解学习策略,培养一些阅读微
4、技能,如:扫读,获取文章大意;推断,深层理解。3 能力发展目标:1) 能预习新单词,能在阅读中划出重要动词、短语及句型2) 能运用阅读策略去完成阅读任务。3) 能就课文内容进行问答。4) 能阅读和课文深浅相当的文章。5)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。3思想感情目标(1)本单元和学生的实际生活息息相关,尤其是 Reading A ,学生自己也会遇到类似的问题不知如何解决。所以学生学习起来的兴趣会很浓, 教师可利用这个良机在教学中渗透情感教学。(2)根据学生的具体实际情况创设情景教学,或分学习小组进行讨论或分享互相解决问题的最佳良方等真实语言活动,让学生在情景活动中学会解决在校园生活
5、或人与人相处所遇到的棘手问题,如校园暴力等。教学重点教学重点:根据学生的具体情况对教材进行合理整合,精讲多练,调动学生的学习兴趣,协助学生理解课文。教学难点教学难点:1通过形式多样的课堂活动与任务,帮助学生完成课文的阅读理解。2引导学生积极主动地探究学习。教学策略教学策略1 结合身边的例子, 使学生能融入到不同的真实情景中,帮助他们更好地理解和学习课文,并最大程度上让学生参入多形式的操练。2在阅读的过程中,指导学生培养阅读策略与技能。七媒体的选择与设计1充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如课本、图片、教师的肢体语言、板书的作用,指导学生要依纲靠本,把有效的输入转为高效的输出。2适时、合理地使用计算
6、机多媒体,增大课堂容量,更好地辅助课堂教学,让学生更投入地进行英语学习。教学流程教学流程:步骤目的教师活动与方法学生活动与学法手段1 leading-inAttract SsinterestShow two pictures to Ss,and ask them about theproblemsthattheymaymeet in their daily life.Answer questionsabout how to dealwith the problemsIn thepptP1-32 Pre-readingLearn topredictHave the Ss look at thet
7、itle ,the introduction andthe last sentence of theletters , then think over twoquestions.Go through threelettersquicklyandanswerthequestions.In thepptP4-533 Detailed-readingGettoknowthefirststudentsproblem.GettoknowthesecondstudentsproblemGettoknowthethirdstudentsproblemHave the Ss read the firstLet
8、terHavetheSsreadthesecond letterHave the Ss read the thirdletterGetsomeinformation aboutthelettersandanswer questions.LetSsgaindetailedinformationIn thepptP6-175 PracticeGettoknowmoreclearlyabouttheletters.HelpSsexpresstheproblemoftheSss.Guide the Ss to think andexpress the experience ofthe three Ss
9、s.Have the Ss to practice ingroupsLetSsdecidewhetherthestatements beloware T or F.Fill in the blankswith proper verbsand know clearlyaboutthethreeletters.In thepptP18-206DevelopmentLetSsknow howtodealwithproblemsintheright waysHave the Ss discuss threequestions:whatdoyouthink of the three students?D
10、escribe their personality.And try to give them someuseful advice.discussionIn thepptP21-227 RetellHelpSsexpressthe lettersin short.Make a conclusion:Everyonemaymeetproblem in our life, whatshould we do if we are introuble?Concludewhatthey learn today.In thepptP238 Homework1 retell these three letter
11、s again;2 give a situation to Ss to think it over:Writing: If you get introuble in your life, can you write aletter to your school counsellor to ask for help? How to writeIn thepptP244it?According to the situation , please have a try.一、一、课堂学案课堂学案一) 前置作业When you cant deal with your problem, what shou
12、ld you do?Will you find someone to help you?Who will you go to for help?二) 快速阅读1Why did the writers write these letters?()AThey wanted to argue with the counsellor.BThey had personal problems and needed help.CThey gave some advice to the counsellor to deal with their problems.2. What do the writers
13、want the school counsellor to do?()Ato give them some advice.Bto learn English wellCto get on well with them三) 熟悉下列黑体新单词:1 The flower pot broke on the ground and narrowly missed some children.2 The police had been to the flats and questioned everyone about the pot.3 They began to bully him.4 He move
14、d to another seat.5 I am a peaceful person and I hate violence.6 The checkout assistant at my local supermarket is always rude and unhelpful7 I gave her a one-hundred-yuan note to pay for a bottle of cola.8 I spotted her mistake and went back to the shop.9 “cant you see the queue?”四) First Reading阅读
15、策略:注意问题中的关键词,在文中找出相关信息,让你的答案有据可依。1Who knocked the flower pot, Kathy or her friend?_2Did the pot hurt anyone?_3Why didnt Kathys friend go to the police to tell them about the broken pot?_4When 3 tough boys got on the train, was the young boy beside them alone?_5Was the young boy frightened? What did
16、he do?_6Did James help the young boy? Why?_7Is the checkout assistant friendly?_8Did Tracy get the right change(零钱)?_59Did Tracy want to return the extra money?_10What did the assistant ask Tracy to do?_11did Tracy return the extra money at last?_五) Second Reading.T or F- views from letter AB C() 1
17、Kathys friend knocked a flower pot from her window when some children were below.() 2 The pot hit one of the children.() 3 The tough boys bullied the young boy on the train because they wanted him to givethem his seat.()4. James didnt try to help the young boy.()5 1. Tracy went back to the supermark
18、et to buy something else.()6. Tracy didnt feel guilty at all afterwards.六) Third ReadingKathyI feel _and dont know what to doJamesI feel_ _the boy. I didnt know how to help him.TracyI was _ and left the shop. I decided to keep the money.通过分析人物的心理活动,剖析人物性格特点七) 讨论 1 (小组活动)What do you think of Kathy? I
19、s she a brave girl?_What do you think of James? Is he a helpful boy?_What about Tracy? Do you agree with her final decision?What would you advise her to do?_八)八) Retell the letters.When: _Where :_Who : _ and _What happened: _The end :_Feeling :_九) 讨论 2昨天下午 6 点了,你留在课室忙于完成你的作业。突然,你的同学 Jack 跑进教室,摔倒了并弄伤
20、了脚。这时候课室里没有其他同学,医生和老师已经离开学校了。但是你又急于回家。如果回家晚了,妈妈会很生气。讨论一下,你应该如何处理,然后把小组讨论的意见报告给大家。_二、二、教学反思教学反思6本课为阅读课,设计为两个课时。第一个课时着重点在读,让学生读懂课文,透彻理解课文,能在理解课文的基础上完成各项任务。第二课时才是词句和语法的练习。本班是普通班,学生的英语基础参差不齐,所以课堂设计以适应不同层次学生的水平为根本,从易到难,慢慢把学生带进课文又能拓展到课外。引入部分,根据图片,采用了“提问题”的方式引入,让学生进行思考:如果我也有这样的问题,我该怎么办呢?引导学生对课文内容有进一步了解的欲望。小组活动部分有点难,由老师逐步引导。在这个环节上,我要求学生留意每封信的最后一句话,从而了解小作者的内心感受。整节课做得比较满意的部分是讨论 1, 学生能依据小作者的内心感受剖析人物的性格特点, 他们讨论得很到位。本堂课不足的地方是:1、 没有利用好图片充分调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛欠活跃;2、回答问题部分可以减少一些,把多点时间留给后面的讨论 2 就更好了。