Unit 5 Action!-Listening ﹠Speaking Visiting the TV station;Expressing praise and encouragement-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(编号:4053c).zip

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Speaking Express praise and encouragement. Do a survey about TV viewing habits.Read the conversations below. A A Expressing praise and encouragementpraiseencouragementRead the conversation below. Pay attention to the words in blue.Praise Youre amazing! Keep up the good work. Well done! You are getting better!Encouragement Dont worry! Just try/do your best. Youll do better next time.表表 扬:扬: Nice going!/You did a good job!/ Keep it up! 干得好!干得好! The food is delicious. 真好吃。真好吃。 Everything tastes great! 每样东西都很美味每样东西都很美味! Your son/daughter is so cute! 你的儿子你的儿子 / /女儿很可爱!女儿很可爱! I admire/respect your work! 我对你的工作表示敬意!我对你的工作表示敬意! You look nice in that colour! 你穿那种颜色很好看!你穿那种颜色很好看! Youre very professional! 你非常专业!你非常专业! Youre so smart! 你非常聪明!你非常聪明! Youre really talented! 你很有天赋!你很有天赋! You have good taste! 你很有品味!你很有品味!Tell more expressions of praise and encouragement.鼓鼓 励励: Come on! Be a man! 加油,表现得像个男子汉!加油,表现得像个男子汉! Thats better than I can do. 你比我做得好多了。你比我做得好多了。 I believe you can improve it. 我相信你能做得更好。我相信你能做得更好。 I think you should go ahead. 我认为你应该继续干下去。我认为你应该继续干下去。 You have my whole-hearted support. 我全心全意地支持我全心全意地支持你。你。 There is no reason to feel discouraged. 没有必要感到灰心没有必要感到灰心。 The longest road must have an end. 你总会有出头之日的你总会有出头之日的。 Ill always be there for you! 我永远支持你!我永远支持你! Cheer up! Dont give up! 加油!不要放弃!加油!不要放弃!In groups, use the questions about TV viewing habits to interview other students.B BDo a survey about TV viewing habits.As a group, discuss your survey results. Then the group leader should report the results to the class. Use the following plan to help you.H HHomeworkHomework1.Practise the expressions of praise and encouragement more and more.2.Write down your groups survey results. Unit 5 Action!I. Teaching Contents Oxford English 9A. The Speaking of Unit 5 (P74 and P75).II. Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge objectives Make the students master the important phrases and sentence patterns.2. Ability objectives1 Help Ss use these new phrases and patterns to express praise and encouragement.2 Learn to do a survey and report its result. 3 Enable Ss to improve the students speaking ability3. Affective objectives Make the Ss realize the importance and necessity of praise and encouragement in daily lives. III. Teaching Important Points 1. Master the new phrases and sentence patterns of the lesson. 2. Enable the Ss to improve their Spoken English. IV. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Use the following sentence exactly.A:-You were amazing today! Well done!-Thank you.B:-Dont worry! Youll do better next time. -Thats very kind of you.2. How to help the students finish a survey better.V. Teaching Methods1. Task-based method to make students interested in the contents.2. Question-and-answer activity teaching method.3. Free discussion method in groups.VI. Teaching Aids1. A blackboard. 2. A tape-recorder. 3. A projector and a computer for multimedia. VII. Teaching Procedures Step 1. Greeting Step 2. Leading Purposes: Lead in the topic and draw students attention. Listen to music to attract Ss attention. Send them a big smile on the screen for the second monthly examination. Praise some students who make progress and encourage others to get higher marks next time.Step 3. Expressing praise and encouragement Purpose: Develop Ss speaking skills.1. Describe the two pictures on P74. Find out these sentence patterns “You were amazing today! Well done!” “Dont worry! Youll do better next time.” to express some praise and encouragement. Practise the sentence patterns in pairs and act out in class. 2. Read three short conversations of A1Get students to read the dialogues from the textbook and ask them to pay attention to some new phrases. Then, offer some videos about playing basketball to help them understand their meanings. Read and speak in groups. Then choose some groups to act in class. Make Ss practise the new phrases and sentence patterns more often. 3. Offer more expressions of praise and encouragement Have a summary about these expressions that we often use in our daily lives.Step 4. Doing a survey about TV viewing habits Purpose: Develop the skills of speaking with the topic that Ss often talk about after class.Activity 1 Ask students to discuss the questions on P75 in groups.Activity 2 Finish the survey by filling in the writing plan on P75 and the group leaders report the results in class.Step 5. Homework 1. Read the expressions of praise and encouragement more after class.2. Copy the phrases and sentence patterns.3. Write down the survey results.VIII. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard The important phrases and sentence patterns. Phrases Sentence patternsnot score any points A: -You were amazing today! Well done!score a two-point basket -Thank you.score a three-point basket B: -Dont worry! Youll do better next time. -Thats very kind of you.
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